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1、文化历史文化欢迎各位参加“对外汉语”学习班。我们很高兴地看到,近年来世界各地学汉语者与日俱增。对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多、文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了。从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。随着各位学习兴趣的提高,我将适时介绍汉语对中华民族的文化和思维所产生的影响。(参考答案)Welcome to the program of Chinese as a Foreign Language. We are glad to see that the number of Chinese language learners is increas

2、ing throughout the world. Considering the fact the Chinese language has the largest number of speakers in he world and the greatest time depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.In a sense, Chinese is termed a very old language. The earliest forms of Chinese in existence today date bac

3、k nearly 4,000 years.With the increase in your interest, I will focus in due time on the influence of Chinese on the cultural and intellectual development of the Chinese people.中国是一个多民族国家,具有经济发展不平衡的特点。在这块辽阔的土地上,人们使用多种语言和方言。几十年来,尽管政府一直号召推广普通话,作为标准汉语,但在相当多的人口中,普通话还未能成为日常使用的交流工具。这显然阻碍了经济发展与社会进步。毫无疑问,推广

4、和提倡普通话对加快中国改革开放的步伐是举足轻重的。这样做将有助于提高汉语信息管理技术,因此,符合全体中国人民的根本利益。(参考答案)China is a multi-ethnic country with an imbalanced development of economy. In this vast land, many languages and dialects are used.In the past several decades, although our government has encouraged the use of Putonghua as the Standar

5、d Chinese, yet Putonghua hasnt become a tool of daily communication among the majority of people. This has already hindered the social and economic development. With no doubt, to popularize and encourage Putonghua is more important to accelerate the pace of Chinas reform.This will help upgrade the C

6、hinese information management technology and serve the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people.中国的传统节庆膳食除了在数量和质量上与平时有所不同之外,一些历史悠久、具有象征意义的食物也是节日必不可缺的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃棕子。中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺

7、子、汤圆和年糕。(参考答案)In addition to the quantitative and qualitative differences in holiday meals, some special traditional foods with their symbolic significance are indispensable on traditional Chinese festivals.For example, on the Dragon Boat Day in China, people usually launch dragon boat races and eat

8、 Zongzi(pyramid-shaped dumpling)to commemorate Qu Yuan, an ancient poet. The Mid-autumn Festival which falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month is an occasion for reviewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness and family reunion. Then, the specialty of the day is the round-

9、shaped moon-cake.The Spring Festival is the Chinese Lunar New Year. Apart from he popular seafood, poultry and meat, some customary favorites in various regions should be prepared and consumed, such as jiaozi(boiled dumplings), tangyuan(small rice balls cooked with fillings) and niangao(New Year cak

10、e). 中国是一个有着13亿人口的发展中国家,因此,就人权而言,首先要考虑的是我国的实际情况。几十年来,中国一直在努力促进经济发展,使人民丰衣足食。在发展经济的同时,中国政府继续重视发扬民主与法制建设。由于采取了许多措施,中国人民的公民权和政治权得到了加强和保护。中国在加强和保障人民的经济、社会与文化权利等方面取得了显著的成就。(参考答案)China is a developing country with the population of 1.3 billion. Therefore, in terms of human right, what we consider first is t

11、he reality of our country.In the past a few decades, China has been trying to boost its economic development to provide enough food and clothing for its people. The government will continue to promote the progress of democracy and legal system while developing its economy.Thanks to the measures we h

12、ave adopted, the civil and political rights have been enhanced and protected.China has scored remarkable achievements in strengthening and ensuring peoples economic, social and cultural rights. 欢迎光临上海武术中心。在这里您可以健身、减肥、结交朋友,以及了解中国文化。我们的武术协会还为各位来宾准备了精彩的节目。除了武术表演,您还可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。倘若您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教

13、师进行团体或个别指导。我们的武术专卖店出售有关中华武术的图书资料和激光视盘。满足您的需要是本中心的服务宗旨。(参考答案)Welcome to Shanghai Wushu Centre. You can build up your body, reduce your weight, make new friends and learn about Chinese culture.Our wushu association also provides visitors with wonderful performancesnot only wushu in action but Peking O

14、pera and acrobatics show.If you want to get in on the action yourself, our centre has the best teaching team available any time upon request.Our wushu authorized shop sells wushu-related printed information and DVD. It is our ultimate goal to meet your need.上星期三,古文明研究中心举办了一次国际研讨会,一百多名中外学者会聚一堂,讨论古代中华

15、文明的发源和早期发展。 这次国际研讨会旨在追溯中国夏期之前的历史。夏朝被认为是中国历史上的第一个朝代。 学者们认为,中华文明持续发展五千年而从未中断,这样的古文明在世界上绝无仅有。 古中华文明的起源和发展过程是考古学家和历史学家探索的重要课题。同时,他们也对古中华文明的内容和机制予以极大的关注。(参考答案)Last Wednesday, the research centre for ancient civilization held an international symposium which attracted over 100 domestic and international s

16、cholars to discuss he origin and early development of ancient Chinese civilization.This symposium was aimed to trace back to pre-Xia history which was regarded as the 1st dynasty in Chinese history.Scholars believed that the uninterrupted 5000-year development of Chinese civilization was unparallele

17、d in the history of world civilization.The process of origin and development of ancient Chinese civilization is an important topic studied by archaeologists and historians. At the same time, they also show much concern about the content and mechanism of ancient Chinese civilization.北京有无数的“胡同”胡同的意思是小

18、巷子。平民百姓生活在那儿,给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力。北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。 通常,胡同内的一个大杂院,也叫做四合院,平均要住4到10家20余口人。所以,住在胡同里会感到友善和人情味儿。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,不少旧的胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代.但愿, 胡同可以保留下来。(参考答案) In Beijing, there are numerous Hutongs which means small lanes. The life of ordinary people in these lanes contributes grea

19、tly to the charm of this ancient capital Beijings. Hutong is the living environment of ordinary Beijing natives. It is also a kind of architecture It reflects the vicissitude of society. Often there is a courtyard complex inside Hutong, with rooms for an average of 4 to 10 families of about 20 peopl

20、e. So life at Hutong is that of a friendly and interpersonal communication / atmosphere. Nowadays, with the rapid social and economic development, quite a lot of traditional Hutongs have been replaced by high-rises. I wish Hutongs could be well-preserved. 要了解中国文化,就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解。中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代

21、表性的剧种。 作为一个独立的剧种,京剧的诞生大约是在1840年至1860年。京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的。 京剧有明确的角色分工;在念白上用北京方言;在音乐上以胡琴为主要伴秦乐器。 由于京剧是在融合各种地方戏之精华的基础上形成的,它不仅为北京观众所钟爱,也受到全国人民的喜爱。(参考答案) To understand better the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the opera culture in China. There are many kinds of local operas in our co

22、untry. Peking Opera is considered the representative type. As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was born between 1840 and 1860. It evolved / originated from / formed by absorbing the creams / essentials / essential elements of other local operas. In Peking Opera there is a clear division of ro

23、les; the language used is Beijing speech / dialect; and huqin, a two-stringed bower fiddle, is the major accompanying musical instrument. Because Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing residents / local residents in Beijing, but also by people

24、from all over the country. 武术在此国源远流长,是中华民族的瑰宝。同时,也正逐渐传播到世界,成为人类的共同财富。 为了正好的推广武术,使武术与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联做了大量艰苦卓绝的工作。 今天,武术的蓬勃发展,除得益于其项目本身的吸引力外,早期移居海外的一代武术大师们的努力也功不可没。 在新的时期,竞技武术在传统武术的基础上发展起来了,从而为武术的普及与提高提供了一个新的舞台.(参考答案) Wushu, or Chinese martial arts, can trace back to the ancient times. It is a gem of

25、the Chinese traditional culture. And it is now spreading to the rest of the world to be shared by mankind. The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize Wushu and move the Chinese martial arts closer to the Olympic Movement. The boo

26、ming of Wushu is attributed nor only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to (the efforts by ) whose early emigrant Chinese Wushu masters . In modern times, Competitive Wushu, which has developed on the basis of traditional Wushu, provides a new stage to popularize and improve the Chinese mar

27、tial arts. 我们中国人喜欢造墙。在农村,差不多每家住宅都有围墙。有些大的村庄或城镇,也会有村墙和城墙。 战国时期,北方的燕国和赵国筑起了抵御游牧部落入侵的墙,当时,也有各国之间互相防御的墙。 秦灭六国后,将延伸于北方大部分边界的长城连接起来,建成西起陇西,东至辽东的万里长城。 今天我们所说的万里长城,则是明代重建的。万里长城是世界上屈指可数的古代宏伟建筑,1987年,联合国有关机构将其列入了世界遗产名录。(参考答案)The Chinese like to build walls. In the rural areas, there are walls for nearly every

28、 residence. Some big villages and towns have walls of their own.During the Period of Warring States, the Yan State and Zao State in the North built walls to defend their territories against the nomadic peoples / tribes further north. There were walls of self-defense for every (northern) state of tha

29、t period, too. The Chin State, having annexed / conquered other six states, built the Great Wall extending from Rongxi in the west to Liaodong in the east, by linking together the long walls along the most of the northern borders. The Great Wall we talk about / refer to today was rebuilt during the

30、Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall is one of the few ancient architectural wonders in the world. In 1987, it was placed on the UN list of World Heritage Sites / listed by the UN organization concerned as one of the world heritage sites. 我国是一个统一的多民族国家,悠久的历史和灿烂的古代文明为中华民族留下了极其丰富的文化遗产。他们是中华民族智慧与文明的结晶,是中华文化的根基

31、和重要组成部分,是维系中华民族精神与情感的纽带和维系国家统一的重要基础,是传承中华文明的重要桥梁,体现着鲜活的民族精神。(参考答案)China is a unified multi-ethnic country with time-honored history and splendid ancient civilization which has endowed the Chinese nation with extremely rich cultural heritage. This rich and colorful cultural heritage is the crystalliz

32、ation of the wisdom and civilization of the Chinese people, the fundamental component of Chinese culture, the bond of affections between all ethnic groups, the foundation of national unity, the important bridge to transmit and inherit Chinese civilization and also the reflection of our aspiring national spirit. 非物质文化遗产涵盖范围包括在民间长期口耳相传的诗歌、神话、史诗、故事、传说、谣谚;传统的音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、曲艺、杂技、木偶、皮影等民间表演艺术;广大民众世代传承的人生礼仪、岁时活动、节日庆典、民间体育和竞技,以及有关生产、生活的其他习俗;有关自然界和宇宙的民间传统知识和实践;传统的手工艺技能;与上述文化表现形式相关的文化场所等。

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