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三Trajectory and driving factors for GHG emissions in the Chinese cement industry.docx

1、三Trajectory and driving factors for GHG emissions in the Chinese cement industryJournal of Cleaner Production 53 (2013) 252e260Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal of Cleaner Productionjournal homep age: www.elsevi Trajectory and driving factors for GHG emissions in the Chinese

2、cement industryYilei Wang a, Qinghua Zhu a, Yong Geng b, *a Institute of Eco-Planning and Development, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, PR Chinab Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology Research Group, Key Lab on Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Applied Ec

3、ology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110016, PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 30 October 2012 Received in revised form 1 April 2013Accepted 1 April 2013Available online 17 April 2013Keywords:GHG emissions inventory Driving factorsChinese cement industr

4、y LMDIa b s t r a c t Accounting for 7% of energy consumption from all industrial sectors and 15% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in China in 2009, the cement industry should be one of the main sectors to implement low carbon development. However, a detailed study on presenting its GHG emiss

5、ion trajectory and identifying the key driving factors has yet to be done. Under such a circumstance, this paper rst presents a GHG emission inventory of the cement industry in China and then identies the main driving factors that inuence changes of GHG emissions in the cement industry by adopting L

6、MDI method. Our results show that the total GHG emission in 2009 was 1095.1 Mt carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), of which592.8 Mt CO2e was process-related and 502.3 Mt CO2e was energy-related. The major factors responsiblefor the increase of GHG emissions during 2005e2009 include cement production a

7、ctivity effect and clinker production activity effect, while energy intensity effect played a positive role to offset total GHG emissions. Finally, we present our policy implications and provide possible technical solutions for reducing GHG emissions of the cement industry in China. 2013 Elsevier Lt

8、d. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionOver the past fty years, greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmo- sphere increased rapidly and resulted in climate change with negative impacts on natural system (IPCC, 2007). According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activ- ities are respo

9、nsible for about 90% of GHG emissions (Solomon et al., 2009), in which industrial sector is one of the main sourcesAbbreviations: CO2e, carbon dioxide equivalent; GHG, greenhouse gas; IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; CSI, Cement Sustainability Initiative; WBCSD, World Business Counci

10、l for Sustainable Development; CBCSD, China Business Council for Sustainable Development; UNCCC, United Nations Climate Change Conference; GDP, gross domestic product; CKD, recycled cement kiln dust; EFpro, the emission factor in industrial process; EFcl, the emission factor of calci- nation process

11、; CFckd, the emission correction factor for cement kiln dust; RM/CLi- ratio, raw meal to clinker ratio; fTOCRM, weight fraction of total organic carbon; EGHG-pro, the process-related emissions; EGHG-en, energy-related emissions; EFi, the emission factor for fuel i; CCA, China Cement Yearbook; RDF, R

12、efuse Derived Fuel; EGHG-ele, total indirect GHG emissions; EFj, the emission factor of each regional power grid; SDA, structural decomposition analysis; IDA, decomposition analysis; LMDI, logarithmic mean divisia index; CCS, carbon capture and storage; R&D, Research and Development.* Corresponding

13、author. Tel.: 86 24 83970372; fax: 86 24 83970371.E-mail address: gengyong (Y. Geng).of anthropogenic GHG emissions. As one of the most energy- intensive industrial sectors and signicant sources of anthropo- genic GHG emissions, the cement industry amounts for around 5e 7% of global GHG emissions (B

14、enhelal et al., 2012). Cement pro- duction generates carbon dioxide (CO2) directly during its clinker calcining process, and indirectly releases GHG emissions (including CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrogen oxide (N2O) due to its fossil fuel combustion and huge consumption of electricity (Gregg et al.,

15、2008).The cement manufacturing process involves three key steps, including preparing and grinding the raw materials, heating the newly formed clinker in a kiln, and nal production of cement through grinding. Fig. 1 lists the overall production and GHG emissions ow for cement production. For the rst

16、step, through the use of drilling, blasting, and crushing machines, mined lime- stone and other materials are converted to small pieces with an average size of 0.39 inch (about 1 cm) in diameter. These materials are grounded to very ne powders and blended with the correct proportions. The use of pur

17、chased electricity is the main source of GHG emissions during this step (embodies emissions). The second step (calcining process) takes place in a rotary kiln that is red by fossil fuels at a very high temperature (usually about 1400 Ce 1500 C) so that the raw meal can be converted into dried materi

18、al after the grinding process. The material formed in the kiln is named0959-6526/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.http:/ and homogenizeraw mealpre-heatcalcineclinker electricityLimestone, CaCO ,MgCOClay, shale, o

19、ther CaO, MgO, CaSifossil fuel electricitygrindgypsumGHG emissions from calcium carbonate breakdown GHG emissions from cement klin dust (CKD) material flowclinkercementGHG emissions from organic carbon in raw materials GHG emissions GHG emissions from fossil fuel combustionGHG emissions from purchas

20、ed electricitysubstitutionFig. 1. The overall owchart for cement production and related GHG “clinker” and is typically composed of rounded nodules between 1 mm and 25 mm. In this process calcium carbonate breakdown releases CO2 and at the same time a large amount of fossil fuels and ele

21、ctricity are consumed, generating GHG emissions. For the third step, the cooled clinker is grounded again in a rotating nishing mill. A combination of gypsum and clinker substitution is added to the heated cement during this step. The nal products are packed and distributed to nal consumers. GHG emi

22、ssions during this step come from purchased electricity consumed by grinding machines and packaging machines, as well as the fuel emissions for nal delivery.Due to complex material and energy ows for cement produc- tion, the investigation of GHG emissions inventory for cement in- dustry is also comp

23、licated. Research efforts have been made on establishing guidelines for GHG accounting of cement industry during the last two decades. For instance, IPCC developed CO2 ac- counting methods for cement production process in IPCC national GHG guidelines (IPCC, 2006). The Cement Sustainability Initiativ

24、e(CSI) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released “The Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol” (version 3) in 2011 (CSI, 2011), providing a detailed accounting method on GHG emissions for cement production. In 2008, China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) a

25、nd several other organiza- tions jointly developed a GHG emission calculation method for Chinese cement industry, which has been widely used by the Chi-nese cement sector (Wang, 2011).Due to the rapid economic growth and urbanization, China has overtaken the United States as the biggest emitter of G

26、HG emis- sions in the world (Guan et al., 2012), accounting for about 25% of global GHG emissions (EIA, 2011) and 20% of global primary energy consumption (BP, 2011). Within China, industrial sectors consumed 71.5% of total energy consumption in 2009 (NBS, 2011a), amongwhich the cement industry acco

27、unted for about 7.5% of industrial40e45%, using 2005 as the benchmark year, and to increase the percentage of non-fossil fuels in the primary energy consumption to approximately 15% by 2020 (Geng, 2011; Geng and Sarkis, 2012). Under such a circumstance, mitigation efforts by cement sector are partic

28、ularly important.Following the above protocols and methods, several studies have been conducted for accounting GHG emissions inventory in the Chinese cement industry. For example, Lei et al. (2011) esti- mated all direct emissions of air pollutants from Chinese cement industry, including GHG emissio

29、ns. Ke et al. (2012) analyzed GHG emissions from Chinese cement industry and predicted future emissions through scenario analysis. Boden et al. (2009) and Cui and Liu (2008) made their efforts to calculate GHG emissions of Chinese cement industry. While these studies made signicant contributions to

30、GHG emissions inventory for the Chinese cement industry, several limitations exist. First, fuel emission factors, including electricity emission factors used in their calculation processes, were not suitable for Chinas reality; second, some types of fuels were not considered in these studies, such a

31、s coke, gangue, refuse derived fuel; third, indirect emissions both from electricity consumption and its supply chain were missed. More importantly, the previous studies only considered GHG emissions accounting, but did not identify the key driving forces for rapid increase of GHG emissions from Chi

32、nas cement industry.Hence, our study aims to ll such a research gap so that a holisticpicture of GHG emissions from Chinese cement sector can beCement podution (Mt)35003000250057%energy consumption (NBS, 2011b). According to the national 12th Five-Year Plan (2011e2015) (State Council, 2011), urbanization will be vigorously and soundly promoted, indicating that the total GHG emissions of China will increa

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