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1、英语口译课程教学大纲三号加黑英语口译课程教学大纲(三号加黑)一、课程名称:英语口译 E-C and C-E Interpretation二、课程编码: 11031010三、学时与学分: 68学时/4学分四、考核方式:考试五、先修课程:基础英语(14)、英语听力(13)、英语口语(13)六、适用学科专业:英语专业七、课程总体教学目的(以上标题小四加黑;单倍行距,每个条目之间空一行;以下文本除了标题以外,均不加黑,1.5倍行距,小四号字体; 全文均为宋体)1 掌握口译的概念、历史、性质、特点、标准、过程、类型及译员必备的素质。2 了解口译与笔译的相同点和不同点,把笔译技能灵活地应用到口译中去。3

2、理解培养短时记忆的重要性并自觉地训练自己的短时记忆能力,达到一次性精确地记忆30-50个汉字或英文单词所构成的文本意义的水平。4 能听懂每分钟150个词的英文材料,相当于VOA标准英语或BBC广播节目的新闻播音速度。能精确地听懂英语国家人士的会议发言或学术讲座。5 掌握口译笔记的基本原则和技巧,能用常见的符号和中英两种文字一次性记下600-800个汉字或英语单词的文本的程度。6 通过训练,能听懂常见的非标准英语,如非洲英语、阿拉伯英语、日本英语、印度英语等等。7 掌握口译的基本原则和技巧,如旅游文本口译的原则与技巧、对外宣传资料口译的原则与技巧、国际关系和国际政治文本口译的原则与技巧、饮食文化

3、文本口译的原则与技巧等。8 初步了解同声传译的核心技巧和常用技巧。八、总体教学要求:(第一句话写明该课程的性质,如专业必修课或选修课、公共必修课、任意选修课等;第二句话可说明使用的教材)英语口译是英语专业的专业必修课,使用的主体教材为梅德明编著的高级口译教程和中级口译教程,由上海外语教育出版社出版。该课旨在培养熟练掌握口译技巧、能较好地承担生活接待、导游、一般性会议和商务洽谈等口译任务的英语人才。要胜任口译工作,译员必须在听说读写译五个方面全面发展,五种能力缺一不可。只有这五项技能平衡发展、达到较高水准,才能成为合格的口译工作者。考虑到英语专业高年级同学的具体情况,口译课主要通过训练学生的短时



6、第5 和第6个学期。教学进度安排如下:第5学期:Unit 1: A brief introduction to interpretation(教学目标和教学要求在每个章节或单元的开头;重点难点和习题在每个章节或单元的末尾)Teaching objective: let ss grasp definition of interpretation, differences between interpretation and translation, types of interpretation and qualities of an interpreter and essence of int

7、erpretation; make it clear to ss about requirements of this courseTeaching requirements: T must demonstrate the essence of interpretationdeverbalization, i.e., convey the information instead of words or expressions.1. Definition of interpretation2. Differences between interpretation and translation3

8、. Types of interpretation4. Qualities of an interpreter5. RequirementsWhat is interpretation?1. Teachers demonstration: what is interpretation?2. SS demonstration: what is interpretation?3. Ts summary: essence of interpretationThe main points: Differences between interpretation and translationHomewo

9、rk: Read p3p15; p27p28; Unit 2: How to listen in interpretation?Teaching objective: let ss differentiate active listening and passive listening and know about the difference of active listening in interpretation.Teaching requirements: T must demonstrate how to prompt active listening1. Active listen

10、ing and passive listening2. Do exercise: key words givenguesslisten to the original text and compare ss guesswork and the original textPrompting passive memory1. Ts demonstration: how to prompt passive memorySS demonstration: how to prompt passive memoryThe main points: transferrence from passive li

11、stening to active listeningHomework: pair work: student A chooses an English text about 300 words and select the key words of the text. Student A asks student B to form the whole text on the basis of guesswork. Student B listens to the text and find out how good his guesswork is. Unit 3: Interpretin

12、g ceremonial speechesTeaching objective: let ss know why memory is so important in interpretation; let ss grasp the components of a toast, a welcoming address, an address for thanks, goodwill and congratulation and learn to interpret themTeaching requirements: T must introduce to ss the methods of m

13、emorizing in interpretation1. how to interpret a toast: components of a toast, a welcoming address, an address for thanks, goodwill and congratulation2. ss interpret groups of sentences on expressing ones welcome, thanks, goodwill and proposing a toast3. ss interprets ceremonial speechesthe main poi

14、nts: components of a toast, a welcoming address, an address for thanks, goodwill and congratulationhomework: Listen to the four passages in unit 3 sentence by sentence and do interpretation. Pay attention to those idiomatic expressions of extending welcome, thanks and congratulations. Unit 4: note-t

15、aking principles and skills (I)Teaching objective: let ss have a rough idea about the overall principles of note-takingTeaching requirement: T must explain clearly about the principles of note-taking.1. the overall note-taking principles and skills 2. introduce the use of Chinese characters and Engl

16、ish abbreviations3. demonstration of note-taking4. what is decent interpretation manner? the main points: the overall note-taking principles and skills / decent interpretation mannerhomework: 1. Study the possible uses of Chinese characters and English capital letters in interpretation note-taking b

17、y using Chinese dictionary and group discussion. Report to the class next time.2. Listen to the four passages of unit 4 of your textbook paragraph by paragraph. Take notes by using common symbols and signals. Do interpretation. Unit 5: note-taking principles and skills (II)Teaching objective: equip

18、ss with the common symbols and signals used in interpretation note-taking; let ss be familiar with the usual symbols and signals used in interpretation note-taking and learn to invent their own signal and symbols by pair work or group workTeaching requirement: T must remind ss that if they want to c

19、atch up with the speed of the original text, they must work hard to practise note-taking; T must remind ss that note-taking in interpretation is quite individual and the most important thing is that ss must use appropriate means to represent logical relations in the ST.1. introduce the use of short-

20、hand signals, punctuation in interpretation note-taking2. ss demonstration of note-taking3. check ss homework. Ask ss to do impromptu interpretation on ceremonial speeches4. practice listening and memory: contrastive analysisT divides the class into two groups: one group of ss listen to a short text

21、 with note-taking. Another group of ss listen to it with memory. Ss write the message theyve got from listening. T compares their writing.The main points: use of symbols and signals in note-takingHomework: SS are asked to work in groups and write a ceremonial speech in E or in C and interpret it int

22、o C or E. T selects one from one group and asks the students of another group to do impromptu interpretation. Unit 6: principles and skills of interpreting tourist text and publicizing texts (I)Teaching objective: let ss grasp the basic principles and skills of interpreting tourist textsTeaching req

23、uirement: T must emphasis on the differences of the stylistic features between C and E tourist texts and lead ss to thinking why we need to make great adjustments when we do C-E interpretation on tourist texts.1. introduce the use of Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, signals taken from other systems

24、or languages2. introduce self-taught methods of note-taking3. practice note-taking: the second passage of unit 54. principles and skills of interpreting tourist text and publicizing texts (I)5. listen and memorize: contrastive analysis: questions before listening and questions after listening and no

25、 questions the main points: principles and skills of interpreting tourist text and publicizing texts (I)homework: 1. search articles on tranlation or interpretation of tourist texts and publicizing texts and report to the class next time.2. Listen to the third and the fourth passage of unit 5. Take

26、notes. Do intepretation. T will check whether ss have done the homework. Unit 7: Principles and skills of interpreting tourist texts and pulicizing texts (II)Teaching objective: let ss be more farmiliar with the principles and skills of interpreting tourist texts and let ss know about the qualificat

27、ions of a guide interpreterTeaching requirement: T must emphasis on the cultural differences influence on C-E tourist texts interpretation1. T goes on introducing principles and skills of interpreting tourist text2. SS are asked to do interpretation on reception3. T explains the qualities of being a

28、 guide interpreter4. SS are asked to demonstrate note-taking on tourist text.The main points: Principles and skills of interpreting tourist texts and pulicizing texts/ note-taking speedHomework: 1. Listen to the four passages of unit 6. Take notes and do interpretation.2. SS are divided into groups

29、and write tourist text to introduce a scenic spot or a historical interest and interpret it into TT. Next time, T chooses one text to ask ss from another group to do impromptu interpretation. Unit 8: Note-taking intensive training and interpretation accessment Teaching objective: let ss know about h

30、ow interpretation is evaluated and learn to regulate their interpretation by keeping them in mindTeaching requirements: T must evaluate ss interpretation according to the sheet in the classroom and ask ss to comment on their own interpretation.1. Simulation 2: ss are asked to do impromptu interpreta

31、tion on tourist text. T cameras it and play it and comment on it.2. Manner of interpreting3. Evaluation sheet of interpreting4. SS are asked to have model test and T gives them evaluation according to the evaluation sheet5. T explains the principles and skills of interpreting texts on catering6. T i

32、ntroduces the skills of interpreting Chinese food menu7. Listening strategy: Listen and memorize: listen to get the first sentence and the last sentence of a short text. 8. T explains what is summary interpretation?9. Note-taking exercise: lengthen the unit of listening from 1 minute to 2 minute, take notes and do interpretation of unit 3 and unit 7homework: Listen to the 8 passages in unit 11 a

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