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本文(美国国务卿克里在美国驻古巴大使馆重开仪式英语演讲稿演讲稿.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、美国国务卿克里在美国驻古巴大使馆重开仪式英语演讲稿演讲稿美国国务卿克里在美国驻古巴大使馆重开仪式英语演讲稿 Please be seated, everybody. Thank you very, very much. Muchas gracias. Buenos dias. Im so sorry that we are a little bit late today, but what a beautiful ride in and how wonderful to be here. And I thank you for leaving my future transportation

2、out here in back of me. I love it. (Laughter.) Distinguished members of the Cuban delegation Josefina, thank you for your leadership andfor all your work of your delegation; excellencies from the diplomatic corps; my colleaguesfrom Washington, past and present; Ambassador DeLaurentis and all of the

3、embassy staff; andfriends watching around the world, thank you for joining us at this truly historic moment as weprepare to raise the United States flag here at our embassy in Havana, symbolizing the re-establishment of diplomatic relations after 54 years. This is also the first time that a UnitedSt

4、ates Secretary of State has been to Cuba since 1945. (Applause.) This morning I feel very much at home here, and Im grateful to those who have come to sharein this ceremony who are standing around outside of our facilities, and I feel at home herebecause this is truly a memorable occasion a day for

5、pushing aside old barriers and exploringnew possibilities. And it is in that spirit that I say on behalf of my country, Los Estados Unidos acogen conbeneplacito este nuevo comienzo de su relacion con el pueblo y el Gobierno de Cuba. Sabemosque el camino hacia unas relaciones plenamente normales es l

6、argo, pero es precisamente porello que tenemos que empezar en este mismo instante. No hay nada que temer, ya que seranmuchos los beneficios de los que gozaremos cuando permitamos a nuestros ciudadanosconocerse mejor, visitarse con mas frecuencia, realizar negocios de forma habitual,intercambiar idea

7、s y aprender los unos de los otros. My friends, we are gathered here today because our leaders President Obama and PresidentCastro made a courageous decision to stop being the prisoners of history and to focus onthe opportunities of today and tomorrow. This doesnt mean that we should or will forget

8、thepast; how could we, after all? At least for my generation, the images are indelible. In 1959, Fidel Castro came to the United States and was greeted by enthusiastic crowds.Returning the next year for the UN General Assembly, he was embraced by then-Soviet PremierNikita Khrushchev. In 1961, the Ba

9、y of Pigs tragedy unfolded with President Kennedy acceptingresponsibility. And in October 1962, the missile crisis arose 13 days that pushed us to thevery threshold of nuclear war. I was a student then, and I can still remember the taut faces ofour leaders, the grim map showing the movement of oppos

10、ing ships, the approachingdeadline, and that peculiar word quarantine. We were unsettled and uncertain about thefuture because we didnt know when closing our eyes at night what we would find when wewoke up. In that frozen environment, diplomatic ties between Washington and this capital city werestra

11、ined, then stretched thin, then severed. In late 1960, the U.S. ambassador left Havana.Early the following January, Cuba demanded a big cut in the size of our diplomatic mission,and President Eisenhower then decided he had no choice but to shut the embassy down. Most of the U.S. staff departed quick

12、ly, but a few stayed behind to hand the keys over to ourSwiss colleagues, who would serve diligently and honorably as our protecting power for morethan 50 years. I just met with the Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter, and were grateful toSwitzerland always for their service and their help. (Applause

13、.) Among those remaining at the embassy were three Marine guards: Larry Morris, Mike East, andJim Tracy. As they stepped outside, they were confronted by a large crowd standing betweenthem and the flagpole. Tensions were high. No one felt safe. But the Marines had a mission toaccomplish. And slowly,

14、 the crowd just parted in front of them as they made their way to theflagpole, lowered Old Glory, folded it, and returned to the building. Larry, Mike, and Jim had done their jobs, but they also made a bold promise that one day theywould return to Havana and raise the flag again. (Applause.) At the

15、time, no one could have imagined how distant that day would be. For more than half a century, U.S.-Cuban relations have been suspended in the amber of ColdWar politics. In the interim, a whole generation of Americans and Cubans have grown up andgrown old. The United States has had ten new presidents

16、. In a united Germany, the Berlin Wallis a fading memory. Freed from Soviet shackles, Central Europe is again home to thrivingdemocracies. And last week, I was in Hanoi to mark the 20th anniversary of normalization of relationsbetween the United States and Vietnam. Think about that. A long and terri

17、ble war that inflictedindelible scars on body and mind, followed by two decades of mutual healing, followed byanother two decades of diplomatic and commercial engagement. In this period, Vietnamevolved from a country torn apart by violence into a dynamic society with one of the worldsfastest growing

18、 economies. And all that time, through reconciliation, through normalization,Cuban-American relations remained locked in the past. Meanwhile, new technologies enabled people everywhere to benefit from shared projects acrossvast stretches of ocean and land. My friends, it doesnt take a GPS to realize

19、 that the road ofmutual isolation and estrangement that the United States and Cuba were traveling was notthe right one and that the time has come for us to move in a more promising direction. In the United States, that means recognizing that U.S. policy is not the anvil on which Cubasfuture will be

20、forged. Decades of good intentions aside, the policies of the past have not led to ademocratic transition in Cuba. It would be equally unrealistic to expect normalizing relationsto have, in a short term, a transformational impact. After all, Cubas future is for Cubans toshape. Responsibility for the

21、 nature and quality of governance and accountability rests, as itshould, not with any outside entity; but solely within the citizens of this country. But the leaders in Havana and the Cuban people should also know that the United Stateswill always remain a champion of democratic principles and refor

22、ms. Like many othergovernments in and outside this hemisphere, we will continue to urge the Cuban Governmentto fulfill its obligations under the UN and inter-American human rights covenants obligationsshared by the United States and every other country in the Americas. And indeed, we remain convince

23、d the people of Cuba would be best served by genuinedemocracy, where people are free to choose their leaders, express their ideas, practice theirfaith; where the commitment to economic and social justice is realized more fully; whereinstitutions are answerable to those they serve; and where civil so

24、ciety is independent andallowed to flourish. Let me be clear: The establishment of normal diplomatic relations is not something that onegovernment does as a favor to another; it is something that two countries do together when thecitizens of both will benefit. And in this case, the reopening of our

25、embassies is important ontwo levels: People-to-people and government-to-government. First, we believe its helpful for the people of our nations to learn more about each other, tomeet each other. That is why we are encouraged that travel from the United States to Cuba hasalready increased by 35 perce

26、nt since January and is continuing to go up. We are encouragedthat more and more U.S. companies are exploring commercial ventures here that would createopportunities for Cubas own rising number of entrepreneurs, and we are encouraged that U.S.firms are interested in helping Cuba expand its telecommu

27、nications and internet links, andthat the government here recently pledged to create dozens of new and more affordable Wi-Fihotspots. We also want to acknowledge the special role that the Cuban American community is playingin establishing a new relationship between our countries. And in fact, we hav

28、e with us thismorning representatives from that community, some of whom were born here and others whowere born in the United States. With their strong ties of culture and family, they cancontribute much to the spirit of bilateral cooperation and progress that we are seeking tocreate, just as they ha

29、ve contributed much to their communities in their adopted land. The restoration of diplomatic ties will also make it easier for our governments to engage.After all, we are neighbors, and neighbors will always have much to discuss in such areas as civilaviation, migration policy, disaster preparednes

30、s, protecting marine environment, globalclimate change, and other tougher and more complicated issues. Having normal relationsmakes it easier for us to talk, and talk can deepen understanding even when we know full wellwe will not see eye to eye on everything. We are all aware that notwithstanding P

31、resident Obamas new policy, the overall U.S.embargo on trade with Cuba remains in place and can only be lifted by congressional action a step that we strongly favor. For now (applause). For now, the President has taken steps toease restrictions on remittances, on exports and imports to help Cuban pr

32、ivate entrepreneurs,on telecommunications, on family travel, but we want to go further. The goal of all of thesechanges is to help Cubans connect to the world and to improve their lives. And just as we aredoing our part, we urge the Cuban Government to make it less difficult for their citizens tostart businesses, to engage in trade, access information online. The embargo has always beensomething of a two-way street both sides need to remove restrictions that have been holdingCubans back. Before closing, I want to sincerely thank leaders throughout the Americas who have long urgedthe Unite

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