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本文(南宁景点英语导游词 附汉语翻译 龙胜 龙脊梯田.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

南宁景点英语导游词 附汉语翻译 龙胜 龙脊梯田.docx

1、南宁景点英语导游词 附汉语翻译 龙胜 龙脊梯田Longji Rice TerracesRice terraces are slopes claimed from nature for cultivation in hilly or mountainous areas.Longji Rice Terraces are the most famous terraces in China which is well-know not only because of its agricultural sight but also the folk-customs and local life.梯田是山

2、区或丘陵地区由自然形成或人工开垦的斜坡。龙脊梯田是中国最有名的梯田。它不仅因农业景观闻名,更以丰富多彩的民间习俗和地方特色著称。LOCATION:The Longji Rice Terraces are located in Heping District, Longsheng County about two hours drive from Guilin so they are also called Longsheng Rice Terraces.They are at an altitude of3301,110 meters(1,0003,700 feet). The highest

3、 rice terraces located at 880 meters above sea leve while the lowest of it is about 380 meters. Their wonderful scenery attracts numerous photographers every year.龙脊梯田位于某某龙胜各族自治县和平乡,从某某驱车大概两小时到达,所以也叫龙胜梯田。海拔3301,110 m (1,0003,700 英尺)梯田最高的局部海拔880米,最低的局部约380米。其优美的景观每年都吸引无数摄影家前来拍摄。HISTORY:Work on the te

4、rraces began in the Yuan Dynasty(12711368)and pleted in the Qing Dynasty(16441911)by the Zhuang and Yao people. Well, the reason for Chinese people to cultivate rice in such difficult places is that they have no choice. China have too many hills in Guilin which is not suitable for the development of

5、 agriculture. “A largepopulation but not enough arableland is Chinasbasicnational condition so when farmers could not find the plain to grow rice they tend to the terraced field to get what they want. All those stepped fields were built without aid of machinery and people still use the method of sla

6、sh-and-burn cultivation . There for ,there is no doubt that The Longji Rice Terraces are embodiment of the wisom and diligence of the working people.梯田自元代开始由壮族瑶族居民开垦,清代开垦完成。中国人在这种贫瘠的地方种植水稻实在也是没有方法的事,中国某某山多地少,不适宜农业开展,人多地少是中国的根本国情。所以农民找不到地方多种水稻,就只能开垦梯田来得到他们想要的粮食。所有这些土地都是在没有机器辅助的情况下,用刀耕火种的原始方法开垦出来的。因此,

7、毫无疑问,龙脊梯田是劳动人民智慧和勤劳的结晶。FEATURES:Longji Rice Terraces are home to many ethnic people and there are numerousZhuangandYao and Dongvillages among the terraces.They built unique wooden houses here and woman there all wear their ethnic clothes.The woman like to wear embroidered headwear and an apron cover

8、ed with exquisite handwork. Zhuang ladies will also wear intricate handmade silver earrings, bracelets and nceklaces. For their homes, those are old black gray houses on stilts;the ground floor is used for storage of the raising of animals, while upper floor with rooms and a fire pit is the living a

9、rea.Those ethnic cultures and customs are also attracting features to visitors. Visitors can experience the Zhuang peoples original lifestyle and enjoy their traditional dances and special food.They may have an impression of entering another wonderfule land.Among the traditonal Zhuang-style house, t

10、here are excellent guest houses that can cater to all your practical needs.From a distance, the terraces look like contour lines on a topographical map, texturing the ridges, mountainsides and valleys.龙脊梯田使许多少数民族的居住地,这里有很多壮族瑶族侗族的村寨。他们见了独特的木质房屋,这里的女人都穿着民族服装。女人们喜欢绣花头饰和有着精美手工装饰的裙子。壮族的女人也穿着工艺复杂的手工银耳饰,手镯

11、和项链。他们的家,那些有着柱子的黑灰色的房屋,第一层是饲养牲畜的,第二层是人居住的地方。这些民族文化和风俗对游客也很有吸引力。游客们可以感受壮族原始的生活方式,感受他们传统的舞蹈和特别的美食。 那简直像是进入了梦境。在传统的壮族房屋里,有极好的客房,你所有的实际需求都可以在那里得到满足。从远处看,梯田像是地质图上的等高线,勾勒出了山脊,山地和谷地。BEST SPOT TO VISIT:The observation deck is the best spot to appreciate the beauty of Longji Rice Terraces. It is said that ov

12、er the centuries , there has been an unwritten rulie that every village has to volunteer for three days work repairing the road every year. Therefore we have well-paved road here today.Water is the lifeblood of the terraces and the terraces are lifeless without water. The water is diverted from near

13、by rivers and mountain streams and it flows continuously douwn through the successive rice fields. 观望台是观察龙脊梯田美景最好的地方。据说几个世纪以来有一条不成文的规定,就是每个村庄都要每年自愿修路三天,因此,我们才有了脚下这平整的道路。谁是梯田的血液,没有水,梯田就毫无生机。水是从附近的河流或者山溪引过来的,不断地滋润着连绵的梯田。BEST TIME TO VISIT:The fantastic scenery of Longji Terraced Fields is gorgeous and

14、 worthy visiting in different seasons. In spring, the fields are irrigated and lookes like silvery mirror;in summer, the terraces bee green and invigoratingwith fantastic green waves; in autum, the terraces turn to be golden as it is the harvest season;and in winter, if you are lucky enough to see t

15、he snow, then those magnificent scenery will be one of your most unforgetable memories.Whats more, The Rice Terraces are much more attracting after the rain as the rain has freshed the mountains and the morning fog disperses. Its a good chance to paint or photograph if you have this kind of habit.美丽

16、的龙胜梯田在不同季节都很值得参观。春天梯田浇灌过后就像银色的大镜子夏天梯田变绿,泛着生机勃勃的绿波秋天,梯田变成了金黄色,这是收获的季节。冬天那神奇的梯田景观将会是你难忘的记忆。而且,梯田在雨后更加迷人,晨雾中更加摄魂。如果你有机会画画或者在这里摄影,那绝对是绝妙体验。HOW TO GET THERE:First, take a bus from Guilin Bus Station to Heping county in Longsheng.Heping lies at the foot of the mountain where the terraces are situated. You

17、 can hike the worn trail to the Pingan entrance gate.The ride up can be a llittle terrifying but there is no need to be worry as the driver know the road well.在某某车站乘车去龙胜和平。和平在梯田的山脚下,你可以徒步走到和平入口。上行可能有点吓人但是不用担心,司机对路况很熟。You may need to pay around RMB 80 for a singlep room with shared bathroom and RMB 1

18、80-250 for a room with private bathroom and air-conditioning.Even though facilities can be pretty basic, this is breathtaking views available from many rooms and balconies, especially early in the day when morning mists formed in the valley and sweep up the mountainside and over the village .一个有公共浴室

19、的单间大概需要80元人民币。有独立卫生间和空调的要180-250元人民币即使设施简陋,阳台上迷人的景观,尤其是早上山谷里的晨雾慢慢爬上山地时的景象,更是美不胜收。A number of trails lead up to the summit from Pingan, from where you can see the mesmerizing patterns formed by the terraces while sipping on a cold beer purchased from a small shop perched at the top.theres even a small post office from which to send postcards to friends and family!有很多小路能够到和平的山顶,在哪里你可以看到由梯田组成的迷人景观。在山顶休息时可以在小店里买冰啤酒喝。这里还有小邮局,在邮局可以给家人朋友寄明信片。

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