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New Words.docx

1、New Words Idioms about Love love at first sight: feel romantic love for sb. at the first meeting fall in love with sb.: start to feel romantic love for sb.make a pass at sb. : very clearly express/display ones physical attraction to sb. 向某人调情;讨好某人puppy love: a form of romantic love that other people

2、 consider naive, immature have a crush on sb.: feel puppy love for sb. flirt with sb.: behave as if one is physically attracted to sb. lovebirds: a couple who display romantic love for each other be head over heels in love: be very strongly /passionately in lovesweep sb. off his/her feet: behave in

3、a highly romantic manner toward sb. and thereby winning their love pulsory adj. a. required by law or a rule 义务的;强制的compulsory education /English composition is a compulsory course in American collegescompulsory / obligatory course optional/ elective course2. passionn. strong, deep, often uncontroll

4、able feeling热情;激情e.g. tender passion爱情, 柔情He argued with great passion. (充满激情地)She has a passion for/to do sth. (热爱) chocolate / to read detective stories etc. be in a passion fly/ get into a passion (=a rage/ fury)adj. passionate 多情的;热情的e.g. a passionate woman 热情的女人make a passionate speech做热情洋溢的演讲3

5、. gazevi. look fixedly at sth. often with admiration or pleasure(常与at,on连用) 注视;凝视e.g. The child gazed at the toys in the shop window. / He just sat gazing into space.n. long steady look凝视Under his intense ,she felt uncomfortable. (phr. )attract the gaze of people/escape public gaze4. prince n. 王子, 巨

6、子;名家;巨头Prince Edward is the Queens youngest son. a merchant prince 商业巨子,巨商白马王子? Prince White Horse? Mr. Right/ Prince Charming5.radiate vi. 发光;放热 e.g. A fire radiates heat. 火放出热。vt.流露,散发(热情)e.g. She radiates joy. n. radiation发散, 发光, 放射物6. schemev. make plans (for); plan in a deceitful way 计划;谋划schem

7、e for power 阴谋夺权Behind the scenes, a small group was scheming to remove the chairman from office.下台n.1). a formal, official or business plan 计划,规划He thought out a scheme to manufacture papers from straw. 2). a clever, dishonest plan 阴谋,诡计He took advantage of a for not paying tax to increase his inco

8、me.3). ordered system, arrangement 组合,配合 color scheme 色彩的调配 adj. scheming: often making devious schemes常搞阴谋诡计的7. hence adv.1. for this reason, therefore 因此,所以Jane was early, and hence she was first in line.2. from this time on 今后, 从此Many years hence, we will laugh about this silly mistake.8. seeker

9、n. seek vt./ vi.(常与for, after连用)搜寻,追求,寻觅Nothing seek, nothing find. 谚 无所寻则无所获。e.g. We are seeking for the truth. We sought an answer to the question, but couldnt find one.9.sigh n. the act or sound of sighing 叹息(声),叹气(声) breathe/ utter/ heave/give a sigh 发出一声叹息vi. take a long deep breath that can be

10、 heard expressing sadness, tiredness, relief etc. 叹气,叹息 He sighed with pleasure after the excellent meal. sigh for sth. : feel a deep longing for sth. that is lost, far away etc. (对失去的遥远的事物的)思念,渴望 sigh for ones country/ misspent youth sigh over/ about sth.?10.reliefn. feeling of comfort at the end o

11、f anxiety, fear, or pain (焦虑等的)解除;宽慰To my great relief, (使我大为欣喜/放心的是)I heard he was safe.vt. relieve 减少;减轻a drug that relieves headaches 缓解头痛的药 relieve sb. of /from sth.减轻;解除负担/痛苦/磨难/诱惑等relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的忧虑Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.把重包裹解下来11.casual adj.1). relaxed随便的, 漫不经心的

12、wear/attitude2) not formal 非正式的 remarks3) happening by chance 偶然的 encounter/meeting 4) part-time not permanent 临时的 laborer12. amazement n. amazed condition, great wonder, astonishment To my amazement, you came first in the exam. 令我吃惊的是vt. amaze使惊奇;使吃惊Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。adj. be amazed

13、at/ by I was amazed at/ by the news of her sudden marriage. adj. amazing惊人的,了不起的What an amazing film!13. frownvi. contract the brows, as in displeasure or deep thought皱 Dont frown at me like that. 不要那样对我皱眉(不高兴)The teacher frowned at/ on对皱 眉/不赞许the noisy class.She frowned with displeasure when she re

14、ad her sons school report.14.oriental adj. of, from or concerning Asia 东方的oriental civilization /art/countries /languages/ customsn. Oriental 亚洲人,东方人(尤指中国人和日本人)n. Orientalist 东方学学者 the Orient 东方国家 occidental 西方的 the Occident 西方国家15. gloriousadj.1). having or deserving glory; 荣耀的,光荣的 The battle was a

15、 glorious victory.2)very delightful and enjoyable;令人愉快的I had a glorious time at your party. Thanks for inviting me.3).beautiful, splendid, magnificent美丽的,灿烂的,瑰丽的 Glorious sunset/view/prospectn. glory1)high fame and honor won by great achievements 光荣,荣誉Win glory for our motherland! 为祖国争光!2) beauty an

16、d splendor 美丽,壮丽 the glory of the sunset go to glory ? 升天16. joyousadj . extremely happy and enthusiastic高兴的,快乐的Joyous is different from joyful in that the former is more likely to apply to something that is by its nature filled with joy or is a source of joy, while the latter usually suggests an em

17、otional reaction to a situation that calls forth a feeling of happiness and contentment.a joyous song /a joyous sense of freedomhear the news with a joyful heart17. romanticadj.1). (of sth.) beautiful in a way that strongly affects ones feelings有浪漫色彩的 The Lake District is a very area. romantic tales

18、/adventures/ 传奇式的故事/冒险/2). (of sb.) showing strong feeling of love多情的;浪漫的The romantic couple held hands as they watched the movie.3). being unrealistic or unpractical 不切实际的 plans Romantic (指音乐,文学)浪漫主义的 John Keats is one of the greatest Romantic poets.n. romance爱情故事;传奇,罗曼史;风流韵事eg. a romance between a

19、 king and a poor girl 18. relishvt. get pleasure out of, enjoy greatly从获得乐趣;很喜爱My grandmother has always relished life.The reporter seemed to relish asking all those personal questions.Relish is also used as a noun. If you do something with relish, you do it eagerly and with a lot of enjoyment.have

20、no relish for tragedy不喜欢看悲剧eat /read with relish津津有味地吃读19. appetite n.1). ones desire to eat and ones feeling about how much to eat胃口,食欲to lose ones appetite /He has a good/ healthy appetite. The childs appetite was ruined by too much candy.2). (for) a strong desire 欲望;爱好have an appetite for爱好He has

21、 an enormous appetite for classical music.n. appetizer 开胃品Small biscuits provide a simple appetizer.adj. appetizing :(of food) stimulating the appetite开胃的20.betrayVt. 1). be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖,背叛ones country/ principles 2). show sth. unintentionally, be a sigh of 无意中显露出,表现出 His accent ed t

22、hat he was foreign. betray oneself : show what or who one really is He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.21.consequencen. (usually plural) the result or effect of an action or condition 结果;后果We got stuck in traffic, and as a consequence/ in consequence, we missed the m

23、ovie.As a / In consequence of your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you.adj. consequent (常与on, upon连用)因而引起的;由所致的, 作为结果的Severe flooding was consequent on the heavy rain. 22.incentiven. encouragement to greater activity, motivating factor, stimulus 鼓励;刺激, 动机e.g. Money is still a major incentive in most occupations.give sb. an incentive to do sth. 激发某人去干某事adj. 刺激性的, 鼓励性质的, 诱发的eg. incentive wage(增产)奖励工资

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