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1、一战美国高中历史Chapter 13The Great War1914-1918Section 1The Stage is Set for WarI.) An Uneasy Peace Grips Europe -forces that caused WWI: a.) nationalism b.) imperialism c.) militarism d.) alliance system A.) The Steady Rise of Nationalism -deep devotion to ones nation-rivalry among European nations (compe

2、tition and territorial disputes) B.) Imperialism -compete for colonies in Africa and Asia -sense of rivalry and mistrust grew C.) The Growth of Militarism -1890s arms race in Europe -need to have a powerful military -large standing armies a.) militarism-a policy of glorifying military power and keep

3、ing a standing army always prepared for warII.) Tangled Alliances -alliance system was designed to keep peace A.) Bismarck Forges Early Pacts -Otto von Bismarck=chancellor of Germany -first goal was to isolate France-1879=Dual Alliance-Germany and Austria-Hungary a.) Triple Alliance -1882 -Germany,

4、Austria-Hungary, Italy-1887=Germany became allies with Russia-very unstable alliances B.) Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace a.) Kaiser Wilhelm II -ruler of Germany -forced Bismarck to resign -1890-Russia no longer a German ally -1892-Russia and France form an alliance -1904-Britain alliances with Fr

5、ance a.) Triple Entente -1907 -Britain, France, and Russia-Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) vs. Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia)III.) Crisis in the Balkans A.) Europes Powder Keg -Balkans=powder keg -new nations formed out of Ottoman Empire -nationalism was powerful

6、-1908-Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina -1914-Serbia gained some territory-Austria-Hungary was afraid Serbia and the Slavic people would get too powerful B.) A Shot Rings Throughout Europe -June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie of Austria-Hungary were assassinate

7、d-Gavrilo Princip-19 years old/Black Hand/Serbian-Austria wanted to punish Serbia-Germany gave Austria support-July 23-Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum-Serbia counter-offered-July 28-Austria declared war on Serbia-Russia mobilized troops towards Austrian borderSection 2War Consumes EuropeI.) The All

8、iance System Collapses A.) A Chain Reaction-Russia mobilized on Austrias and Germanys borders-August 1-Germany declared war on Russia-August 3-Germany declared war on France B.) The Schlieffen Plan -General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen (German) -prepared for a 2-front war -attacking France first then

9、Russia-a large part of the Germany army would race west to defeat France, and then return to fight Russia in the east-speed was vital-Germany invaded Belgium (neutral) to get to France-August 4-Britain declared war on Germany C.) European Nations Take Sides a.) Central Powers -Germany -Austria-Hunga

10、ry -Italy -Bulgaria -Ottoman Empire b.) Allies -France -Great Britain -Russia-Italy (switched to Allies a year into the War)II.) A Bloody Stalemate Along the Western Front -stalemate=deadlock a.) Western Front -fighting area of northern France A.) The Conflict Grinds to a Halt -by Sept. 3, Germany w

11、as close to Paris-Sept. 5, Allies attacked Germany near the Marne River -4 days long, Germany retreated-First Battle of the Marne -most important event of the war B.) War in the Trenches -miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves a.) trench warfare-a form of warfare in which opposing armies f

12、ight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield -huge losses for small land gains -pure misery -terrain of death-new tools of war (machine guns, poison gas, armored tanks, artillery)III.) The Battle on the Eastern Front a.) Eastern Front-battlefield along the German and Russian border-more mobi

13、le war A.) Central Powers Gain the Advantage-Germany gained East Prussia and guns and horses-Austria pushed Russia out of Austria-Hungary B.) Russias War Effort Weakens -1916-near collapse for Russia -short on supplies -one asset was its numbers of people-prevented Germany from fully focusing on the

14、 Western Front-fighting spread from Europe unto Africa, Southwest Asia, and Southeast AsiaSection 3War Affects the WorldI.) A Truly Global Conflict -1915-U.S.A.=only neutral major country A.) Fighting Rages Beyond Europe -Gallipoli campaign -Feb. 1915 -Allies wanted the Dardanelle strait-gateway to

15、Ottoman empire -bloody stalemate-British helped Arab nationalists rise up against Ottoman Empire-Germany lost land in Asia and Africa B.) The United States Enters the War a.) unrestricted submarine warfare-the use of submarines to sink without warning any ship found in an enemys waters -May 7, 1915-

16、Lusitania was sunk -British ship had 128 U.S. citizens -many Americans wanted U.S. to enter war -Germany began to sink U.S. ships also -Feb. 1817-Zimmerman Note -Arthur Zimmermann (German)-said if Mexico entered WWI on Germanys side, the Germans would help Mexico regain land they lost to the U.S.A.-

17、Americans now called for war -economic ties were stronger to Allies-April 2, 1917, the U.S. declared war on the Central PowersII.) War Affects the Home Front -war affected soldiers and civilians A.) Governments Wage Total War a.) total war-a conflict in which the participating countries devote all t

18、heir resources to the war effort-government took control of the economy, factories, goods, censored news about the war b.) rationing-the limiting of the amounts of goods people can buy-often imposed by governments during wartime, when goods are in short supply c.) propaganda-information or material

19、spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponents cause B.) The Wars Impact on Women-women replaced men in offices, factories, and shops-most women left the work force when the war was over-changed peoples views of womenIII.) The Allies Win the War A.) Russia Withdraws from the War -1917-Russia wi

20、thdrew -Communist leader named Lenin-March 1918-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, official peace between Russia and Germany-harsh treaty on Russia-lost the following territories: -Finland -Poland -Ukraine -Estonia -Latvia -Lithuania B.) A Failed Final Push-Germany now sent all its forces to the Western Front

21、-May 1918-Germany was 40 miles from Paris-Allies led by U.S. troops defeated Germany-Second Battle of the Marne -July 1918 -Allied forces advanced towards Germany-Nov. 9, 1918-Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down-Germany became a republic a.) armistice -an agreement to stop fighting-Nov. 11, 1918-WWI ende

22、dSection 4A Flawed PeaceI.) The Allies Meet at Versailles -January 18, 1919 peace conference began -32 countries represented (no Russia, Germany) a.) Big Four 1.) Woodrow Wilson-U.S.A. 2.) Georges Clemenceau-France 3.) David Lloyd George-Great Britain 4.) Vittorio Orlando-Italy A.) Wilsons Plan for

23、Peace a.) Fourteen Points -Pres. Wilsons proposals-outlined a plan for achieving a just and lasting peace-end secret treaties, free trade, reduce armies and navies, organization to keep peace, etc. b.) self-determination-the freedom of a people to decide under what form of government they wish to li

24、ve B.) The Allies Dictate a Harsh Peace -Britain and France disagreed with Wilson -France wanted to punish Germany a.) Treaty of Versailles -June 28, 1919 -officially ended war-set up League of Nations, Germany lost territory, war guilt clause b.) League of Nations-international association whose go

25、al would be to keep peace among nations C.) The Creation of New Nations -Austria -Hungary -Czechoslovakia -Yugoslavia-Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan under British control-Syria and Lebanon under French control-Romania-Poland-Finland-Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania D.) A Peace Built on Quicksand -U.S. rej

26、ected the Treaty of Versailles-U.S. negotiated a separate treaty with Germany -bitterness and hatred felt by Germans -other countries felt cheated and betrayed -lasting peace was not builtIII.) The Legacy of the War -new kind of war: -global scale -new technology -death and destruction A.) The Wars Extreme Cost -8.5 million soldiers died -21 million wounded -$338 billion B.) A Lost Generation -disillusionment, insecurity, despair was felt

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