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雅思长难句分析范文模板 10页.docx

1、雅思长难句分析范文模板 10页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 雅思长难句分析篇一:雅思阅读长难句结构分析100句(十四)智课网IELTS备考资料雅思阅读长难句结构分析100句(十四)摘要: 小马 过河 雅思 频道为各位考生整理了 雅思阅读 长难句结构分析100句,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思阅读辅导请继续关注 小马过河 雅思频道。81. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological jou

2、rnals harder for a mateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century. 参考译文 这样一来总的结果便是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊卜发表文章就更难了,而被广泛使用的论文评审推荐制度又进一步强化了这一结果,该种制度先是出现在19世

3、纪的国家级刊物上,后又在20世纪被几家地方级地质学刊物所使用。 82. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.

4、参考译文 一个颇为相似的分化过程已经导致专业的地质学家走到一起组成一到两个全国性的专科学术社团,而业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么也以另一种方式组成全国性机构。 83. Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those r

5、eaders really want.参考译文 遗憾地讲,这次新闻机构可信度调查计划结果只获得了一些十分低层次的发现,比如 新闻报道 中的事实错误,拼写或语法错误(和这些低层次发现)交织在一起的还有许多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么。 84. I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&M wave are the same that underlie theglobalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lowe

6、r trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands.参考译文 我认为巨大的并购浪潮背后的最重要的推动力同时也就是促成全球化进程的那方基石:即降低交通运输成本,逐渐减少贸易投资壁垒,以及大幅度拓展市场,这些都要求更大规模的经营管理以满足消费者需求。 85. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prom

7、oted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming I wanted to spend more time with my family. 参考译文 一次侧面的不光明磊落的攻击伤害了我的自尊,阻碍了我事业的发展,使我不得不抛弃了那份引人注目的工作,尽管表面上我还要以一个蒙受屈辱的政府部长的姿态,通过声称我只不过是想多和家人呆在一起 来掩盖我的退出。 篇二:雅思长难

8、句分析从句1First it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed.结构: 全句有3个谓语动词:will pass,will tear和is。其中主句的是will pass。句子主干是it will pass through sharp metal bars。第一个which引导的定语从句修饰的是sharp metal bars。第二个which引导的定语从句修饰的是the plastic bags。这是大定语从句里面

9、还有一个小定语从句。句子可以拆分为: 1. First it will pass through sharp metal bars.2. The metal bars will tear open the plastic bags.3. Rubbish is usually packed in the bags.翻译:首先,垃圾要通过尖的金属棒,金属棒会把装垃圾的塑料袋弄破。2When we talk about someone?s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels t

10、hat make that individual different from others.结构:全句有4组谓语动词:talk,mean,acts/speaks/thinks/feels和make。其中主句谓语的是:mean。句首是When引导的时间状语从句。之后which引导的定语从句和that引导的定语从句都是修饰the ways的。句子可以拆分为: 1. We talk about someone?s personality.2. We mean the ways.3. He or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels in these ways.4.

11、These make that individual different from others.翻译:当我们谈到某个人的个性时,我们指的是他/她在行为,言谈和思考以及感觉等方面的方式。这些方式使这个人区别于他人。3Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected. 结构:全句有3个谓语动词:is, i

12、s和are protected。其中主句的是:is, is。全句由两个有递进关系的单句构成。其中,which引导的是定语从句,修饰the means。句子可被拆分为: 1. Competition is not only good in itself.2. It is the means.3. Other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected by these means.翻译:竞争不但本身就是好事,还是其他基本的美国价值观如个人

13、自由,机会平等和勤奋工作等得到保护的手段。4. The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.结构: 全句有3个谓语动词:hold,equals和reduce。其中主句的是reduces。句子主干为:The way actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness。The

14、 way 后面是省略了which/that的定语从句。在这个定语从句中,还有一个that引导的同位语从句,修饰the belief。句子可以拆分为: 1. This way actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.2. A fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness.3. People hold to this belief.翻译:人们信奉的充实又无忧无虑的生活就等于幸福的信念实际上降低了他们获得真正的幸福的可能性。5. Those who oppose the b

15、uilding of flats base their case primarily on the assumption that everyone prefers an individual home and garden and on the high cost per unit of accommodation.结构:全句有3个谓语动词:oppose,base和prefers。其中主句的是:base。句子主干为:Those base their case primarily on the assumption and on the high cost。其中who引导的是定语从句,修饰th

16、ose。that引导的同位语从句修饰the assumption。 翻译:那些反对建设公寓的人的理由主要是基于大家都喜欢单独的住宅和花园的假设以及每个居住单位的高成本。6. Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time, and the danger to the individual may depend on the sum of the exposure received throughout his lifetime.结构:全句有3个谓语动词:have pointed,are和may depend。其中主句的是have

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