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1、中考英语情景对话专项训练中考英语情景对话专项训练1、本节内容(presentation) 一、基本分类1、问候 2、介绍a. Good morning/afternoon/evening. a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Comrade. Hello/Hi. b. How do you do? How are you? Nice/Glad to see/meet you.b. Fine, thank you, And you? c. My name is. Very well, thank you. Im a student/worker etc.(here).3、告别 4、意愿

2、a. I think its time to leave now. Im going tob. Good-bye! (Bye-bye! Bye!) I will. See you later/tomorrow. (See you.) Id like to Good night. I want/hope to5、打电话 6、感谢和应答a. Hello ! May I speak to ? a. Thank you (very much). Is that (speaking)? Thanks a lot.This is (speaking)? Many thanks.b. Hold on, pl

3、ease. Thanks for He/She isnt here right now. b. Not at all./Its my pleasure. Can I take a message for you? Thats all right./Thats ok.c. I called to tell/ask you Youre welcome./Dont mention it. d. Good-bye. 批注:此处thanks 后跟for 7、道歉和应答 8、遗憾和同情a. Im sorry. (Sorry.) /Im sorry for/about What a pity!b. That

4、s all right./Thats ok. Im sorry to hear that It doesnt matter./Never mind./Not at all. What a shame! 9、邀请和应答 10、请求允许和应答a. Will you come to? a. May I? Would you like to? Can/Could I?b. Yes, Id love to b. Yes/Certainly. Yes, its very kind/nice of you. Yes, do please.c.Id love to, but Of course (you ma

5、y).d.Would you like me to? Thats Ok/all right.Its very nice of you. c. Im sorry, but11、提供(帮助等)和应答 12、表示同意和不同意a.Can I help you? a. Certainly/Sure/Of course. What can I do for you? Yes, please. Here, take this/my Yes, I think so. Let mefor you. b. Thats true/OK. Would you like some? Thats a good idea.

6、b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine. I agree (with you). Thank you for your help. I cant agree with you more. Yes, please. c. No, I dont think so.c. No, thanks/thank you. Im afraid not. Thats very kind of you, but I really cant agree with you. 13、喜好和厌恶 14、谈论天气 a. I like/love (very much). a. Whats the

7、 weather like today? I like/love to Hows the weather in?b. I dont like (to) b. Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy, etc. I hate (to) Its rather warm/cold/hot/etc. Today. 15、购物 16、问路和应答a. What can I do for you? a. Excuse me. Wheres the ? May/Can I help you? Can you tell me the way to?b. I want/Id like How ca

8、n I get to? How much is it? b. Go down this street. Thats too much/expensive, Im afraid. Turn right/left at the first.crossing. Thats fine. Ill take it. Its about metres from here. Let me havekilo/box, etc. I dont know the way.c. How many/much do you want? You can ask the police for help. What color

9、/size/kind do you want? 批注:注意搭配,way后跟介词tod. Do you have any other kind/size/color, etc.? 17、问时间或日期和应答 18、请求 a. What day is (it) today? a.Will/would you mind ? Whats the date today? May I have? What time is it? b. Please give/pass me Whats the time, please? Please wait (here/a moment).b. Its Monday/T

10、uesday, etc. Please wait for your turn. Its January 10th. Please stand in line/line up. Its five oclock/half past five/ Please hurry. a quarter to five/five thirty, etc. c. No noise, please. Its time for No smoking, please. 19、劝告和建议 20、禁止和警告a. Youd better a. You cant/mustnt You should If you, youll

11、You need (to) b.Be careful !b. Shall we?/Why not/why dont you.? Look out ! Lets/What /How about? Watch out! 21、表示感情 22、就餐a.喜悦 Pleasure, joy a. What would you like to have? Im glad/pleased/happy to Would you like something to? Thats nice. b. Id like Thats wonderful/great. Would you like some more?b.焦

12、虑 Anxiety Help yourself to some Whats wrong? c. Thank you. Ive full./Just a little, please. Whats the matter (with you)? 23、约会 Im/Hes/Shes worried. a. Are you free this afternoon/evening? Oh, what shall I/we do? How about tomorrow morning.? c.惊奇 Surprise Shall we meet at 4: 30 at? Really? b. Yes, th

13、ats all right./Yes, Ill be free then. Oh dear? c. No, I wont be free then./But Ill be free Is that so? d. All right. See you then. 24、看病 25、祝愿,祝贺和应答a. Theres something wrong with a.Good luck!/Best wishes to you. Ive got a cough./Ive got a pain here. Happy birthday to you.This place hurts. Congratula

14、tions! b. Take this medicine three times a day. b. Thank you. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. c. Happy New Year! /Merry Christmas! Its nothing serious. d. The same to you.26、传递信息 27、求救a. Will you please give this note/message to? a. Help!Fire!/My car was stolen./.b. Somebody asked me to

15、give you this note. b. Whats the matter?c. Thanks for the message. Whats going on?/Whats wrong? 28、语言困难 29、表示肯定和不肯定 Pardon. a. Im sure. Please say that again/more slowly. Im sure (that) What do you mean by? b. Im not sure. Im sorry I cant follow you. Im not sure whether/if Im sorry I know only a lit

16、tle English. c. Maybe/Perhaps 二、要点 :(一)常考情景交际项目:1. 表示情感态度: 表示祝福:Good luck/ Enjoy your time/Have a good trip/Have a good time 表示祝贺:Congratulations!/Good job!/Well done! 表示歉意:Sorry, I didnt notice it/ I am really sorry. 表示同情:what a pity!/What a shame!/Im sorry to hear that. 表示感谢:Thank you/ Thank you v

17、ery much/ All right! Thanks!表示建议:Lets./Shall we./Why dont you(Why not)./What(How) about./Youd better(not).2. 如何应答: 表示道歉: Thats all right /It doesnt matter/Thats ok./Never mind./Not at all. 表示认同: I agree/ Im afraid so./I cant agree more. 表示介意: Of course not./Not at all./Certainly not./Youd better not

18、. 表示观点: Its very beautiful./Sound good./Good idea. 表示提供帮助: No problem./Yes, please./With pleasure. 表示请求: Go ahead, please /Sure. 表示建议: Good idea /All right.表示感谢:Not at all./Thats all right./Youre welcome./Thats ok./Its my pleasure./ Dont mention it.表示提供帮助:Yes, please./Its very kind of you./Thanks fo

19、r your help./No, thanks. / I can manage it.(二)常考语言情境:1、打电话方面的交际用语。2、劝告和建议方面的交际用语。3、感谢与应答方面的交际用语。4、祝愿、祝贺及应答方面的交际用语。5、请求允许和应答方面的交际用语。6、邀请与应答方面的交际用语。7、提供帮助和应答方面的交际用语。8、就餐时的交际用语。二、练习(practice)1.日常交际应答:应答对方的感谢;1.Thank you for coming to see me off. _ A.Im fine. B.My duty. C.Nice to see you off. D.My pleas

20、ure.2. Thanks for helping me with my report. _A. All right. B. Thats right. C. Im OK. D. My pleasure.批注:Not at all的意思是“不用谢或不客气”,其它类似的表达方式:You are welcome./That is all right./ Thats ok./Dont mention it/Forget it. /It is a pleasure. /My pleasure.等。应答对方的道歉;1.-Im sorry that I forgot all about the meetin

21、g. - . A. Thats all right B. The same to you C.Youre welcome D. Of course not.2.A: We lost the basketball game against Class Two. B: _.A. Thats great! B. How foolish you are! C. What a pity! D. Its my pleasure!3.- Im terribly sorry for being late, David.- , but dont be late next time. A. Never mind

22、B. You are right C. Thats right D. Its a matter4.I like the party so much, but I have to go home. Its too late. _. A. What a pity! B. Have another try. C. Congratulations! D. Its a pleasure.5.Im terribly sorry. Ive forgotten to bring your notebook here. _ A. Its hard to say. B. Of course not. C. Tha

23、ts all right. D. Its my pleasure. 批注:常用来回答别人道歉的句子有:Thats all right. /never mind./It doesnt matter.应答对方的请求;1. Could I use your bike for a while, Sam? _ Im not using it. A. I have no idea B. Sure, go ahead C. No, you cant D. Never mind1. Jack, can I use your bike? Mine is not here. .A. Sorry, I have n

24、o idea. B. Of course. Here you are. C. No, I dont. D. Yes, youre welcome.2.Help me carry this box to my office, will you? _. A. Never mind. B. Ill do my best. C. No problem. D. Thats fine.3. Will you look after my dog while Im away?Yes,_. A. I have no time B. Id rather C. I have no idea D. Ill be ha

25、ppy to4.A: Could you give me a hand, please? B: Sure. _A. Here you are. B. What would you like to do? C. Here it is. D. What would you like me to do?应答对方的要求;1. The music is too loud. Could you turn it down, please? _. A. Sure, what time? B. Sorry, I didnt notice it. C. Well,me too. D. OK, go ahead.2

26、.Would you mind telling me your brothers e-mail address? _. A.Youre welcome. B. Certainly not. C. The same to you. D. Yes, please.3.Would you mind my using your printer for a while? Mine doesnt work now. _ . A. Never mind B. Certainly not C. take it easy D. I dont know4.A: It sounds interesting to g

27、o outing in such nice weather. Can I join you?B: _.A.Youre welcome. B. Thats all right. C. Well done! D. Thank you very much.应答对方的邀请;1. We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend. Would you like to come along? _ Its my favourite. A. Enjoy yourself. B. It doesnt matter. C. Youre welcome. D. That wou

28、ld be very nice.2.Were going to have a picnic tomorrow. Would you like to join us? A. Id love to. B. Thats right. C. Well done. D. Not at all.3.- We are going to fly kites in the park this afternoon. Would you like to join us, Tony?- _ ,but Im going to visit my grandparents. A.I think so. B.Id like

29、to. C.No, thanks. D.My pleasure.4.Would you like to have dinner with us, Maria? What time? A. Dont worry B. Please go ahead. C. Yes. Id love to. D. No. Thanks.应答对方观点1. I dont like Rock Music. Its too noisy. _. A. Thats all right. B. Me too. C. I think so, too. D. So do I.2.-Toms parents bought a new house with a swimming pool last month. -_.A.It must be very expensive. B.Its hard to say. C.Yes, Im not quite sure. D.Thats all right.3.-Pollution in 2020 will probably be worse than today.-_.A.I dont agree with you. Perhaps its nice news. B.Im sorry, but I think I wa

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