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1、聆听音乐中文讲义聆听音乐中文讲义22. Modernism and Mahler现代主义和马勒今天我们来谈谈印象派音乐Now today were going to be talking about musical impressionism下节课上现代主义Next time modernism, 这节课上印象主义but today musical impressionism.印象主义Impressionism, 一般来说 是指音乐史上generally speaking,is a period in the history of music 从年到年的这段时期running from to

2、.它主要发生在法国Its mostly a french phenomenon 尽管从某种程度而言although it did expand, as we will see, to england and to italy 它之后扩张到英国 意大利和美国and to the united states, even to some degree.比如说 美国有印象派艺术学院We have the american impressionist school of art, for example.我们来看看黑板Lets turn to the board here看一些熟悉的名字和面孔and v

3、isit some familiar names and faces.你们知道这些画家You know of the painters: 马奈 莫奈 雷诺阿 Manet, monet, renoir, 阿尔弗雷德西斯莱 alfred sisley, 卡米耶毕沙罗camille pissarro,还有一个美国女人 很有趣And the american-interesting enough-american woman, 玛丽卡萨特mary cassatt.每当一个艺术博物馆需要增加收入Any time an art museum needs to raise cash,他们会举办什么展览呢Wh

4、at sort of exhibition do they put on?举办印象派画作的重磅展览A blockbuster exhibition of impressionist painting.每个人都会买票参观Thats what brings everybody in.从某种程度上说 它是艺术的核心It is the locus, somehow, of what art is supposed to be.每个人都爱这些印象派画家展览Everybody loves these impressionist exhibitions不管是在波士顿 纽约 芝加哥whether its bo

5、ston, New york, chicago,无论在哪里wherever it might be.所以印象派包括这些美术家So we have those artists.还包括一些诗人 有趣的是We also have the poets-though interestingly enough他们没有被称为印象派诗人Theyre not called so much impressionist poets.而是被称为象征主义诗人Theyre called the symbolist poets,我相信在文学课和法语课中And Im sure in literature classes an

6、d and in French classes你们应该学过一些you have studied some of them: 查尔斯波德莱尔Charles Baudelaire, 保罗魏尔伦Paul Verlaine,阿尔蒂尔兰波Arthur Rimbaud,斯特芬马拉美NAnd Stephane Mallarm.现在回到作曲家Turning now to the composers,其中最重要的The most important of these,就是克劳德德彪西Really, is Claude Debussy.可以说他开创了这个法国作曲流派He sort of started this

7、school of french composition,开创了印象派音乐The impressionist style.这里列出了其他一些人We list others up there-莫里斯拉威尔maurice ravel.我们已经接触过他的波莱罗舞曲了Weve bumped into bolero of ravel;加布里埃尔弗雷NGabriel Faur创作了一些很美的印象派音乐wrote some beautiful Impressionist music.你们也许时不时听他的安魂曲NYou may have heard of parts of the Faur Requiemfr

8、om time to time;奥特里纳莱斯皮基 意大利人ottorino respighi, an italian,说明印象派同样发展到了意大利Suggesting that this also got to italy; 还有美国人查尔斯格里菲斯 and the american, Charles griffes, 他在纽约死于流感who died of the influenza in new york city创作了一些印象派钢琴和管弦乐作品But wrote some impressionist piano and orchestral music.就这些人的作品而言In terms

9、 of the works of these individuals,这里列出了的德彪西的作品比任何人都多Weve listed more over here for debussy than any one else月光曲 Clair de lune, 我们今天会学到 很重要that were going to be talking about today,thats important,牧神的午后前奏曲the Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.我们会听一小段Well be hearing some of that你们听力练习就是and you have

10、your listening exercise 牧神的午后前奏曲On prelude to the afternoon of a faun,还有其他一些管弦乐作品Other orchestral pieces,夜曲 一种夜晚的情绪作品Nocturnes-sort of night mood pieces,大海 是一部恢弘的管弦乐作品La mer, a big orchestral composition,意象 还有更多的管弦乐作品Images, more orchestral works, 然后是钢琴前奏曲and then preludes for piano.我们今天先预热一下这些钢琴前奏曲

11、And well be foregrounding those preludes for piano here today还有其他一些列在黑板上的曲子and a couple of pieces that we listed on the board:夜之幽灵中的水中精灵The ondine from gaspar de la nuit稍后我们会演奏这段That will be performed for us later in the hour today,还有我们之前提到的波莱罗舞曲And the bolero that we have mentioned before.就是这些So th

12、ose are the players.现在来看看这些音乐听起来怎么样Lets take a look now at what this music sounds like.我会先弹奏一些Im going to start with playing some of this piece你们都知道的曲子that you all know.我相信你们都听过Im sure youve heard this before:月光曲 作于年Clair de lune()我们一会儿再说它And well pick it up from there in just a moment.显然 我们以前提到过But

13、 obviously- weve talked a little about this before这种由下落的动机引发的缓和This general relaxation caused by the falling down motive只在这一点上升Only to rise up at this point.同样有趣的是But also of interest here is 这里没有清晰的拍子the absence of any kind of clear-cut meter.我想这是其中的重头戏Thats, I think, the big-ticket item here.很难用脚踩

14、出节拍Youd be hard pressed to tap your foot to this,很难进行指挥To conduct this in any way.它把我们带过了So that takes us through,这首曲子的第一个十五小节Oh, the first twelve, fifteen bars of this piece.现在是另一种音乐Now a different kind of music.我们在这里停一下Lets pause on this for a moment.今天我要强调一下平行进行现象Ill be emphasizing the phenomenon

15、 of parallel motion today平行Parallelism today-这儿就是这样的一小段and here is a moment of that.所有声部All the voices.它们可能有六个不同的音符They probably have six different notes 在这个和弦上in that chord,但在下一和弦上六个音符都朝着同一方向But the next one all six are going in the same direction而不是朝着相反的方向Rather than having-going in the opposite d

16、irection.接下来我们会详细说明Well continue to elaborate on that as we proceed.好了 这里还有另一个概念Okay. Now another idea comes in here,很美 很动人Lovely, really nice,可能是肖邦 没错Could be chopin, right,如此丰富的声音 几乎比得上吉他That kind of rich sound with the almost guitar像在底下伴奏Like accompaniment underneath it,但这儿很简洁利落But something real

17、ly neat happens here.这个和弦We have this chord再是这个和弦and then we have this chord惊人的 出人意料的和弦Kind of a surprising or shocking, unexpected chord.这就是印象派音乐的另一个特点So thats something else we get here with this impressionist style: 出人意料的和弦 新和弦Unexpected chords, new chords.先是正常的We might have normally .之后是Then we

18、could go 贝多芬式的音乐and that kind of beethoven-type sound,但在这里But here we get , 并不是四度或五度外的和弦going to, not chords a fourth or a fifth away,而是三度外的But chords just a third away.好了Okay.又是很有趣的一段Now thats another interesting moment.由这个声音开始Weve had-weve got this sound here to begin with .好的 这是Well, thats kind o

19、f-下一个和弦是And then the next chord is .以前没有出现过We havent had those chords before.以前有过大三和弦Weve had major triads,小三和弦 减三和弦Weve had minor triads, weve had diminished triads 现在是这种相对于减三和弦的and now weve got the kind of flip Side of the diminished triad-增三和弦the augmented triad.这是我们学的第四个三和弦This is the fourth of

20、our triads.大三和弦Major根音是大三度 三音是小三度Weve got a major third on the bottom and minor third on top.小三和弦 反过来Minor, changes those around,根音是小三度 三音是大三度A minor third on the bottom, major on top,大三和弦Major, 小三和弦minor.之后学了一个上升的尖锐的和弦Then we could have-we have got this sharp biting chord 如果只有两个小三度called the dimini

21、shed 就叫做减三和弦if we just two minor thirds.是范围最小的三和弦Its the most narrow of the triads,但如果有两个大三度But supposing we had two major thirds in this aggregate,就是这种声音Yeah, that kind of sound.听上去有点奇怪Well, its a little bit weird我们再听一个印象派新和弦So we get once again a new chord here with the impressionist增三和弦The augmen

22、ted triad,-我们可能把它们放在一起and we might kind of pile them up通过这种方式In this fashion.听上去很不同Its a different sound,有点奇怪 Kind of a strange sound.好了All right. 这就是德彪西月光曲的一段Well, thats a little bit of clair de lune of claude debussy让我们对印象派音乐有所认识And that introduces us to the impressionist style.我们现在继续来听Were going

23、to move on now to first德彪西的第一首管弦乐曲子The first orchestral piece of debussy 就是牧神的午后前奏曲and thats the Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun 在黑板上列出来了thats listed on the board there.年 In , 德彪西惋惜他从未创作过一首杰作debussy lamented that he had never created a masterpiece.那么 这首可以算得上杰作Well, he sort of did with this piece.

24、这是首很棒 很棒的曲子Its really a wonderful, wonderful composition.大概有十分钟It goes about ten minutes在你们的第五张CD上有整首曲子and youve got the full composition there on your cd no. .这首曲子有些什么What can we say about it?首先 牧神的午后前奏曲Well, first of all, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun: 曲子的灵感源于马拉美的一首诗NIts point of inspiration

25、was a poem by Stephane Mallarm.马拉美是德彪西的美学导师NMallarm was an aesthetic mentor of Debussy.他们是很亲密的朋友They were close friends.每周他们都会见面交谈美学的东西Once a week they would meet and talk about aesthetic issues在巴黎的蒙帕纳斯大街区In paris in the boulevard montparnasse area.马拉美写了一首诗NSo he-Mallarm-had written a poem名字是牧神的午后ca

26、lled The Afternoon of a Faun.这里Faun(牧神)不是f-a-w-nNow this faun here is not f-a-w-n,不是幼鹿的那个fawnThe little baby deer-type fawn,而是f-a-u-nBut f-a-u-n,是一种好色的森林之神 A sort of randy satyr, 半人半兽half man, half beast,用整个下午来追寻性满足Who spends his afternoon in pursuit of sexual gratification在正午阳光最热烈的时候In the heat of

27、the midday sun-比起小鹿斑比的故事 有更多的性的意味So its a bit more sexually supercharged than the story of bambi.现在来思考一下Lets go on and think about the type of music这种音乐的类型that were about to hear在这里here.这是一种不同的音乐Its a different kind of music,最好的做法也许就是融入它And maybe the best thing to do is just jump into it.对于我们来说 For

28、us, 也许很难感受到曲子的奇怪之处its difficult to appreciate how strange this must have sounded.我们可以说习惯了这种声音Were kind of used to this sound.也许你们已经听过Weve gotten-and maybe youve heard增三和弦Augmented triads 德彪西的音乐中有很多大七和弦and there are a lot of major seventh chords in debussy,听上去像是爵士和弦Sounds a bit like a jazz chord,没错 爵

29、士乐手很喜欢用这个Yeah, because jazz performers like that sound.他们在印象派音乐中听到这种声音They heard it in the impressionists然后把它用在爵士乐中and they drew it into their music.所以这是个奇怪的和弦So there are strange chords here,还有奇怪的管弦乐编曲But theres also strange orchestration,同时我们再次想到And once again we should remember在曲子问世的那个年代How unusu

30、al this must have sounded 它听上去有多不寻常at the time it was created.我们来听一小段So lets listen to a little bit of 牧神的午后前奏曲the Prelude to the Sfternoon of a Faun,它是三部曲式Picking it up about- its in ternary form.我们从第三部分开始听Were picking it up in returned a.看看你们能不能告诉我拍子是什么See if you can tell me what the meter is here

31、.好了 我们在这里停一下Okay. Lets just pause it there for a moment.有人知道拍子是什么吗Anybody know what the meter is?不 我也不知道No. I dont either.我必须要看一下总谱Id have to look at the score我从不为这门课看总谱and I never look at the score for this course.那感觉像在作弊一样That seems like cheating.我和你们应该公平竞争I shouldnt have any more advantage than you do.所以很难知道是什么拍子So its a little hard to know what it is there.我不得不去看总谱We-Id really have to go get the music看看拍子是什么and find out

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