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23Unity3dUsing the Scene View中文翻译.docx

1、23Unity3dUsing the Scene View中文翻译Unity Manual User Guide Building Scenes Using the Scene ViewUsing the Scene View(使用场景视图)The Scene View is your interactive sandbox. You will use the Scene View to select and position environments, the player, the camera, enemies, and all other GameObjects. Maneuverin

2、g and manipulating objects within the Scene View are some of the most important functions in Unity, so its important to be able to do them quickly. 场景视图是你的交互式沙箱(模具)。你可以用它选择和放置环境、播放器(玩家?)、相机、敌人、和所有其它游戏对象。在场景视图中调动和操作对象是Unity最重要的功能,因此,能够迅速使用它们是非常重要的。(该章节的好多内容在认识界面那一章都讲过) Scene View Navigation Positioni

3、ng GameObjects View Modes Scene View Navigation(场景视图导航)Navigate the Scene View quickly and efficiently with the Scene View controls. 利用场景视图控制器快速有效地操控场景视图。Arrow Movement(用箭头移动)Use Arrow Keys to move around the scene. Holding down Shift will make you move faster. 使用方向键四处移动场景,按下Shift会使你移动得更快。Focusing(聚

4、焦)Select any GameObject and press the F key. This will center the Scene View and pivot point on the selection. This is also known as Frame Selection. 选择任一游戏对象,然后按F键,场景视图将以所选对象为中心点,这就是通常所说的框选。Orbit, Move, and Zoom(旋转、移动、缩放)Orbiting, moving, and zooming is at the core of the Scene View navigation. In

5、order to to ensure that its easy and accessible regardless of the setup youre using, theres a few different ways to do it. These controls can be used regardless of which tool is selected. Holding down Shift will make you move and zoom faster. 旋转、移动和缩放是场景视图导航的核心功能。为了确保它是简单的、容易理解的而不管你所使用的设置,有几种不同的方式。无

6、论哪一种工具被选中这些控制器都是可用的,按下Shift,让你移动和缩放的速度更快。With a Three Button Mouse(使用三键鼠标) Orbit: Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. 旋转:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标将绕当前轴点旋转镜头。 Move: Hold Alt and middle click-drag to drag the camera around. 移动:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标中键来平移镜头。 Zoom: Hold Alt and right clic

7、k-drag to zoom the camera. 缩放:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标右键来缩放镜头。With No Middle Mouse Button(使用无中键鼠标) Orbit: Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. 旋转:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标将绕当前轴点旋转镜头。 Move: Hold Alt-Control (Alt-Command on Mac) and click-drag to drag the camera around. 移动:按住Alt+Ctrl(Mac系统

8、按住Alt+Command)并拖动鼠标来平移镜头。 Zoom: Hold Alt and right click-drag to zoom the camera. 缩放:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标右键来缩放镜头。Using a One-Button Mouse(使用一键鼠标应该没人用吧) Orbit: Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. 旋转:按住Alt键并拖动鼠标将绕当前轴点旋转镜头。 Move: Hold Alt-Command and click-drag to drag th

9、e camera around. 移动:按住Alt+Command并拖动鼠标来平移镜头。(没有Command键怎么办) Zoom: Hold Alt-Control and click-drag to zoom the camera. 缩放:按住Alt+Ctrl并拖动鼠标来缩放镜头。Using the Hand Tool(使用手形工具)You might also find use in the Hand Tool (shortcut: Q), especially if you are using a one-button mouse. With the Hand tool is selec

10、ted, 也许你已经发现了手形工具(快捷键:Q),尤其是当你使用单键鼠标时。手形工具被选中时:Click-drag to drag the camera around. 点击拖动镜头到各处。Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. ALT+鼠标左键拖动来旋转当前镜头。Hold Control (Command on Mac) and click-drag to zoom the camera. 按住Ctrl(Mac系统中为Command键)+拖动鼠标左键缩放镜头视野。Zooming w

11、ith the Mouse Wheel(使用鼠标滚轮缩放)You can always zoom the camera by scrolling using a mouse wheel or a track-pad. 你可以随时使用鼠标滚轮或轨迹球通过滚动来缩放镜头视野。Flythrough Mode (漫游模式)The Flythrough mode lets you navigate the Scene View by flying around in first person similar to how you would navigate in many games. 该模式可以让你

12、象许多第一人称视角游戏一样来浏览你的场景。 Click and hold the right mouse button. 按住鼠标右键。 Now you can move the view around using the mouse and use the WASD keys to move left/right forward/backward and the Q and E keys to move up and down. 现在你可以使用鼠标和键盘来移动观察视野,WASD键控制前后左右,Q和E键控制上下。 Holding down Shift will make you move fa

13、ster. 按下Shift移动得更快。Scene Gizmo(场景小工具后面称之为手柄工具)In the upper-right corner of the Scene View is the Scene Gizmo. This displays the Scene View Cameras current orientation, and allows you to quickly modify the viewing angle. 在场景视图右上角是手柄工具,显示了场景视图当前视角方向,你可以用它快速修改视角。You can click on any of the arms to snap

14、 the Scene View Camera to that direction and change it to Isometric Mode. While in Isometric Mode, you can right-click drag to orbit, and Alt-click drag to pan. To exit this mode, click the middle of the Scene Gizmo. You can also Shift-click the middle of the Scene Gizmo any time to toggle Isometric

15、 Mode. 你可以点击它的方向杆,更改场景成为该方向的等轴模式。在等轴模式中,你可以鼠标右键拖动来旋转,也可以按住Alt+鼠标左键拖动来平移。要退出此模式,按一下手柄工具的中间(小方块)。你也可以随时按住Shift并点击手柄工具中间小方块来切换等轴模式。Perspective mode.透视模式Isometric mode. Objects do not get smaller with distance here!等轴模式,对象不会因为距离远而变小Positioning GameObjects(放置游戏对象)When building your games, youll place lot

16、s of different objects in your game world. 当你建立了游戏,你就要放置许多不同的对象到你的游戏世界中。Focusing(聚焦)It can be useful to focus the Scene View Camera on an object before manipulating it. Select any GameObject and press the F key. This will center the Scene View and pivot point on the selection. This is also known as

17、Frame Selection. 在场景视图中聚焦一个对象然后操纵它是非常有用的。选择任何游戏对象,然后按F键,场景视图将以所选对象为中心点(并自动调整适当的视角大小),这也称为框选。Translate, Rotate, and Scale(移动、旋转、缩放)Use the Transform Tools in the Toolbar to Translate, Rotate, and Scale individual GameObjects. Each has a corresponding Gizmo that appears around the selected GameObject

18、in the Scene View. You can use the mouse and manipulate any Gizmo axis to alter the Transform Component of the GameObject, or you can type values directly into the number fields of the Transform Component in the Inspector. 使用工具栏的变换工具可以移动、旋转和缩放游戏对象。每个对象都有一个对应的手柄工具,它出现在场景视图中选定的游戏对象上。你可以使用鼠标操作手柄工具的轴来改变

19、游戏对象的Transform组件,也可以在检视视图中直接为Transform组件的数字字段输入一个值。移动工具快捷键“W” 旋转工具快捷键“E” 缩放工具快捷键“R” Click and drag in the center of the Gizmo to manipulate the object on all axes at once. 点击拖动手柄工具的中心,在所有轴向上操作一次对象。 If you have a three button mouse, you can click the middle button to adjust the last-adjusted axis (wh

20、ich turns yellow) without clicking directly on it. 如果你有一个三键鼠标,你可以点击鼠标中键来调整最后调整的轴(即黄色的轴),而不用点击(鼠标左键点击)该轴。 Be careful when using the scaling tool, as non-uniform scales (e.g. 1,2,1) can cause unusual scaling of child objects. 小心使用缩放工具,如果是非均匀的缩放比例(例如1,2,1)则会导致子对象的比例失衡。 For more information on transform

21、ing GameObjects, please view the Transform Component page. 如需变换游戏对象的更多信息,请查看Transform Component页面。Gizmo Display Toggles(手柄工具显示切换器)The Gizmo Display Toggles are used to define the location of any Transform Gizmo. 手柄工具的显示切换器用来限定Transform手柄工具的位置。Gizmo Display Toggles手柄显示切换器 Position: 位置:o Center will p

22、osition the Gizmo at the center of the objects rendered bounds. Center将在对象范围的中心位置提供手柄工具。o Pivot will position the Gizmo at the actual pivot point of a Mesh. Pivot将在一个网格的实际轴点位置放置手柄工具。 Rotation: 旋转:o Local will keep the Gizmos rotation relative to the objects. Local将相对于对象保持手柄工具的旋转。o Global will clamp

23、the Gizmo to world space orientation. Global将强制手柄工具为世界空间的方向。Unit Snapping(捕捉单位)While dragging any Gizmo Axis using the Translate Tool, you can hold the Control key (Command on Mac) to snap to increments defined in the Snap Settings. You can change the unit distance that is used for the unit snapping

24、 using the menu Edit-Snap Settings. 当你使用移动工具拖动手柄工具的方向轴时,你可以按住Ctrl键(Mac系统中为Command键),以捕捉在设置中定义的增量。(用过AutoCAD的朋友可能比较容易理解。它的意思是这样的,如果你设置X轴的捕捉间距为1米,那么你在X轴方向的拖动距离只能是整数,而不能拖动1.4米;如果你设置捕捉间距为0.2米,那么一次拖动的距离只能是0.2、0.6这样的整倍增量,而不能拖动0.5米。要注意的是,捕捉只适用于用鼠标拖动时的情况。比如你的捕捉间距设置为1米,而你在Transform组件中输入0.5米,那么该对象的实际移动距离是0.5米

25、;这时你再用鼠标拖动,则该对象的移动距离就是1.5、2.5、3.5)你可以更改该单位,使用菜单Edit-Snap Settings.Scene View Unit Snapping settings.捕捉增量设置视图Surface Snapping(表面对齐)While dragging in the center using the Translate Tool, you can hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) to snap the object to the intersection of any Collider. This makes

26、precise positioning of objects incredibly fast. 当你使用移动工具拖入中心(什么东西的中心?)时,你可以按住Shift和Ctrl(Mac系统中为Command键)来让对象与任何碰撞体的交叉点对齐。这使得对象的精确定位非常迅速。Look-At Rotation(查看旋转)While using the Rotate Tool, you can hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) to rotate the object towards a point on the surface of any Collid

27、er. This makes orientation of objects relative to one another simple. 使用旋转工具时,你可以按住Shift和Ctrl(Mac系统中为Command键)旋转对象朝向任何碰撞体表面的一个点。这使得一个对象相对于另一对象的定向变得简单。Vertex Snapping(顶点捕捉)You can assemble your worlds more easily with a feature called Vertex Snapping. This feature is a really simple but powerful tool

28、 in Unity. It lets you take any vertex from a given mesh and with your mouse place that vertex in the same position as any vertex from any other mesh you choose. 你可以使用一个称为顶点捕捉的特色功能的来组装你的游戏世界。此功能是Unity中一个非常简单而强大的工具。它可以让你把给定的网格顶点,利用鼠标放置到与你选择的其它网格的顶点相同的位置。(原话太长了,读起来有歧义,不知道是不是这个意思)With this you can asse

29、mble your worlds really fast. For example, you can place roads in a racing game with high precision and add power up items on the vertices of a mesh. 利用它你可以快速地组装你的游戏世界。例如,你可以放置赛道在高精度竞速游戏中,并添加动力物品(就是游戏中的各种道具)到一个网格的顶点上。Assembling roads with Vertex Snapping.使用顶点捕捉装配赛道Using vertex snapping in Unity is s

30、imple. Just follow these steps: 在Unity中使用顶点捕捉很简单,只需按照下面的步骤: Select the mesh you want to manipulate and make sure the Transform Tool is active. 选择你想要操作的网格,并确保变换工具处于活动状态。 Press and hold the V key to activate the vertex snapping mode. 按住V键激活顶点捕捉模式。 Move your cursor over the vertex on your mesh that you

31、 want to use as the pivot point. 移动你的光标到你想用作轴心的网格顶点上。 Hold down the left button once your cursor is over the desired vertex and drag your mesh next to any other vertex on another mesh. 只要你的光标到了想要的顶点上,按住鼠标左键,拖动你的网格紧贴于另一网格的其他任意顶点。 Release your mouse button and the V key when you are happy with the res

32、ults. 当你对结果满意时,松开鼠标按键和V键。 Shift-V acts as a toggle of this functionality. Shift- V作为这个功能的切换。 You can snap vertex to vertex, vertex to surface and pivot to vertex. 你可以捕捉顶点到顶点,顶点到表面和轴心到顶点。A video on how to use vertex snapping can be found here. 关于如何使用顶点捕捉的视频可以在这里找到。(不知是否被屏蔽了,我没打开该网站)View Modes(视图模式)The Scene View control bar lets you see the scene in various view modes

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