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小学英语《Unit 1 Welcome back to school 》优质教案教学设计.docx

1、小学英语Unit 1 Welcome back to school 优质教案教学设计小学英语 PEP 三年级下册Unit 1 Welcome back to school !Part B Lets talk & Look and say教学设计一,Greeting +Warm up+ReviewT: Class begin! Hi, boys and girls! Ss: Hi , teacher!设计意图:用最简单的方法和同学们打招呼,拉近与学生们的距离,另外本课时的主要打招呼方式就是 Hi!这种打招呼方式更容易让学生学会新知。T: Im very happy to stand here.

2、Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Firstly, Lets have a chant. Boys and girls, stand up followme please.(老师放出 Chant 的视频,老师和学生们一起做着动作唱“Chant”)He and she , he and she Boy and girl, you and meHe and she,he and sheTeacher and students ,One two three.设计意图:和同学们一起带着动作唱“chant”既可以复习上节课所学的单词(尤其是he

3、 和 she 的区别),又跟三年级孩子好动爱动的年龄特点相结合,调动了孩子们的学习积极性。激发了孩子们学习英语的兴趣。T: Wow, you did a good job. Sit down please.Now lets do the review-bomb games, Click the bombs andread the words. Boys and girls, are you ready? Ss: Yes, ready.T: Ready, go.(老师点读炸弹,学生齐读单词, 复习前面课时所学单词。)T: Good, I love your good job.二, Present

4、ationT: Boys and girls, look at here, Which countrys?( 老师拿出一面英国的国旗) Ss: The UK.T: Yes, you are right. So you are the UK team. Here you are. S:Thank you!T: You are welcome.(老师分出 UK team 并把小旗交给小组长)T: UK team, follow me:”Im from the UK.( 同时老师写上板书“Im from the UK.”) Boys and girls, follow me, ”Im from th

5、e UK”S: Follow you, Im from the UK.设计意图:让学生们复习本单元第一,二课时的重点句型T: Boys and girls, look at this one! Which countrys?( 老师拿出一面美国的国旗) S: The USA.T: Yes, you are right. So this team, you are the UK team. hereyou are.S: Thank you.T: You are welcome. Where are you from?(老师第一次提出本课时重点句型,学生也许不知道什么意思,老师可以提示) You

6、should say” Im from the USA.”A: Im from the USA.T: Very good! Look at this one?(老师拿出一面中国的国旗)Ss: China.T: Yes, you are right. So you are the China team. Where areyou from?(老师第二次提出本节课的重点句型)Ss: Im from China. (通过前两个组的回答,China team 基本上能够回答出问题。)T:Look at the last one. Which countrys?(老师拿出一面加拿大的国旗)Ss: Can

7、ada.T:Yes, so you are the Canada team. Where are you from? Ss: Im from Canada .(继续让学生感知 Where are you from ?的意思)T:Wonderful ! Boys and girls. The UK team, The USA tam,China team, Canada team. You will have a PK. The better one will get a star, the last winner you will get this cup. So youshould come

8、 on!(老师在说明竞争机制的时候,可以把已准备好的教具星星和奖杯展示一下。以提高学生们的竞争意识。)T: Where are you from?(老师挨着再问每个小组这个问题,然后板书“Were are you from?”回答声音响亮整齐的即可获得星星,竞争机制开始运作。)设计意图:我根据本单元的重点单词,将全班分成了四组,分别是 the UK, the USA, China, Canada. 在分组时既复习了本单元一二课时所学的重点单词和句子,也引出了本课时的重点句型“ Where are you from?”三, PracticeT: Boys and girls, Follow me

9、. ere- /- /- /S:跟读Wh-/w/- /w/- /w/T:Where where Where are you from? S: 跟读。(设计意图:虽然这个句子在本课时是新授,但是除了 where 这个单词意外,其他的都学过,所以我就从 where 入手,where 这个单词会读理解了,整个句子基本上也就学会了。)T: Boys and girls lets play a game-ask and answer, team by team. Ok? S:Ok.T:From the UK team, Uk team stand up. Are you ready?S: Yes, re

10、ady. T:Ready, go!(设计意图:重点句型的问答练习。表现格外好的小组获得星星,增强学生们的集体意识。在这个游戏过程中,我多多留意学生们的发音。有问题便立即纠正。)T: Boys and girls, This is Amy, Where is she from?(老师拿出Amy 的头像询问, 从而引出本文的 Lets talk. ) Listen and readthe talk,and answer the question. Please open your books to page7.S:学生们听读。T: Ok, boys and girls, Look at the b

11、lackboard, She is Amy, she is from the UK, Yes or No? Who can try? You please.S:Yes.T:Lets check it. Yes, you are right. One star for your team. You know, Amy is from the UK, she is a new student. ButMr.Jones dont her. Who can help Mr.Jones? Lets listen itagain. Are you ready? Ss:Yes, ready.T:Ready

12、,go.(老师再次播放 Lets talk 对话。) OK,Who can help Mr. Jones? Who can try? SS: me me me.T: You, please. S:Wu Yifan.T: Yes, you are right. Wu Yifan help Mr. Jones.Now lets follow the talk again.(老师点读 lets talk 对话)S:学生跟读。设计意图:(通过教材对话已学内容提出问题,加速学生们对对话的理解。另外也锻炼了孩子们的听力。学生的学习有一种先入为主的特点,所以先让学生们自己听,自己跟读。能够让同学们学到更加地

13、道的英语。)T: Now I will give you three minutes to practice the talk team by team. One is Mr. Jones. One is Amy, One is Wu Yifan.Practice, go!(学生练习,老师巡视学生练习情况。) 3 分钟后T;OK, boys and girls, stop please. One two three. S:Three, two one.(让学生们能够从练习的氛围中走出来。) T:Who can come here-act out the talk.?S: Me,

14、老师请每个大组至少一小组上台戴着头饰表演,认真听孩子们的发音, 看孩子们的表现,并及时的给与鼓励和评价。掌握不好的句子老师再领 读强化。表现好的小组依然会得到星星。)T:Its time to have a free talk.( 展 示 PPT) One is A, One is B , One is C. A,B,C, is the name of yourself.OK? Give you threeminutes to practice it. Practice, go!(学生练习,老师巡视学生真实情境练习情况。) 3 分钟后T:Who can come here and have a

15、 free talk? S: Me me me.(老师请至少三个小组上台表演,认真观察孩子们的表现,并及时的给与鼓励和评价。)设计意图:在这个环节,我给孩子们练习和展现的机会比较多,俗话说, 老师只是课堂的引导者,学生才是课堂的主体。所以让孩子们充分的去 练习,去表演,有问题可以询问,老师在适当的时候给予解答,鼓励和 评价。 锻炼了孩子们的语言表达能力,既学会了本课对话,又能够在真实的情境中去运用交流。T: Boys and girls,lets see some animals.Where are they from?(老师打开 PPT,引出本课时 Look & say 环节。)The fi

16、rst oneis?S:China.T:Yes,follow me. ChinaChinaIm from China.S:学生跟读。(然后出示第二第三幅图片,第二幅第三幅可以尝试着让学生们自己说)T:The last one is?S:澳大利亚(Australia 这个单词还没有学,有些同学可能根据国旗或者动物袋鼠说出澳大利亚。老师要给予肯定。并回答 Yes, Its Australia)T: Yes , Its Australia. Boys and girls, follow me, AustraliaAustraliaSs: 跟读T:OK , lets play a game. Pape

17、r scissor stone. Lets say Australia,Australia,Australia, go!(设计意图:paper, scissor, stone 也就是剪子,包袱, 锤的游戏。这是单词操练环节孩子们特别喜欢的一个游戏。老师和同学们一起读着单词进行PK,谁赢了老师就可以获得一个星星,输了的同学就要站起 来读一遍单词,并翻译成汉语。Australia 本身就是一个比较难读的单词,又是在英语教材中第一次出现,所以可以玩着游戏加强记忆,既可以记住单词,又活跃了课堂气氛,激发了孩子们学习英语的兴趣,引发了学习英语的积极性。)T:Now I am the Zoom, I am

18、 from China.Where are you from?(老师戴上Zoom 的头饰,伸出手指,一个手指证明问的是第一个动物, 两个.)Ss: Im from China.T: You did a good job.Now who want to be Zoom? Ss: Me me me.T: You please.S:Hi, Im from China, Where are you from(伸出两个手指) Ss: Im from Canada.(老师让每组一位同学扮演 Zoom,提问题,全班同学一起问答问题。凡是上台表演的同学每人一个星星。)设计意图:本课时Look and say

19、环节, 就是让学生们自己去看,去说的。所以我设计了让学生们自己当老师,其他同学当学生,锻炼了孩子们上台表现自己的能力)四,SummaryT: You did a good job. Now lets have a summary. What did welearn today?(老师打开 PPT)S: The UK ,the USA, Canada, China. S:Where you from?Im from .设计意图:在 Summary 环节,让学生们自己去总结今天所学知识,提高了孩子们归纳总结的能力,也再次复习巩固了本课时所学重点单词和句型。(凡是回答问题进行总结发言的同学都可以获得

20、一个星星。)T: So many words and sentences we learn today. Now letscount the stars together.The UK team: one, two three. The USA team: one, two three.The China team:one, two three. The Canada team: one, two three.Wow, the .team , you are the winner. Congratulation! The . team, stand up. Here you are,Show

21、it please. Boys and girls,lets give the winner some applauds.(把奖杯颁发给获胜组,并让其他小组给予祝贺的掌声。要多多宣扬获胜的荣誉感)设计意图:将竞争机制和小组合作学习结合起来,更能发挥小组合作学 习的效用。小组之间的竞争可以有多种形式。以小组为单位,参与面更广, 竞争更激烈,获胜人数也更多,后进生也有获奖的机会,体会到成就感。而且,这种竞争能在小组间形成一股凝聚力,向心力,大家齐心协力为 小组荣誉而努力,更好的提高学生的团结协作精神和集体主义意识,有利于小组合作学习活动的开展。T : We are from different c

22、ountries, but we live in the same world. One world, one dream-the world peace. ( 为同学们放PPT 图片)Lets sing a song together-You and me.(为同学们播放刘欢在 2008 年奥林匹克运动会上演唱的我和你)设计意图:本节课按照教学大纲以及本单元所学的重点词汇将全班分成四个小组,英国队,美国队,中国队,加拿大队。从而把班里小队之间的竞争上升到国家与国家之间的竞争。最后再通过图片和歌曲的渲染, 激发了孩子们的爱国主义情感和合作意识。让他们明白了为了自己国家的荣誉,必须需要每个人的努

23、力。更好的提高学生的团结协作精神和集体主义意识。T:The song is so beautiful,right? Ss: Yes.五,HomeworkT: The homework is for you. (打开 PPT 图片) The first one is “Role-play the lets talk”.The second one is “ Make a new dialogue and we will sharenext time”.Clear? Ss:Clear.T:Happy time is short, its time to say “goodbye” 。 Goodbyeboys and girls. Ss:Goodbye teacher. T: Class is over.板书设计:

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