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1、Equivalence,Roger T.Bell:translation is the expression in another language(or target language)of what has been expressed in another,source language,preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.,Equivalence Theory The concept of equivalence is quite controversial.Scholars have different exploration

2、s about translation equivalence.Among these explorations,i will explain the equivalence theories of Nida and Jin Di.,一、Equivalence theory of NidaNida is known for dynamic equivalence.Dynamic equivalence derives from“the principle of equivalence effect”.,In a translation that try to produce dynamic e

3、quivalence,the translator is supposed to change his focus from matching the receptor-language message with the source language message to a dynamic relationship,Nida:“the relationship between receptor message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and t

4、he message”.,“one way of defining a DE(Dynamic equivalence)translation is to describe it as the closest natural equivalence to the source-language message”,This type of definition contains three terms:(1)Equivalent,which points to the source-language message(2)Natural,which points to the receptor la

5、nguage(3)Closest,which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation,(1)The term equivalence focus on the source-language message.The content of source language message is important.The message of source language is the starting point and the checking standa

6、rd of translation.,For example:灭火器=fire extinguisher The Chinese 灭火器 and the English Fire extinguisher refer to the same object,and both of them are in accordance with their language respectively.,(2)The term“natural”is the key point of DE.Nida thinks the word natural is applicable to three areas of

7、 the communicative process.For a natural rendering must fit the receptor language and culture as a whole is an essential ingredient in any stylistically acceptable rendering.Language and culture are closely related to each other.,A language is always a part of culture and the meaning of any text ref

8、ers directly or indirectly to the corresponding culture.Finally,words only have meaning in terms of the corresponding culture.,Nida:“Bilingual competence has almost always been regarded as an essential requirement for translators For truly successful translating,biculturalism is even more important

9、than bilingualism,since words only have meanings in term of cultures in which they function”.,So the need to overcome the cultural barriers in translation is greater than that to overcome language barriers.It is necessary for a dynamic equivalence translation to make sure to adjust the message to th

10、e TL context.,(3)The term“closest”is the combination of the above two elements.As Nida claims,it binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation.The equivalence between the source language and the target language is not always possible.Thus what a translator c

11、an do is to balance the two to a possible highest degree of approximation.,Nida offers three fundamental criteria which are basic to the evaluation of all translating,and in different ways help to determine the relative merit of particular translations.These are(1)general efficiency of the communica

12、tion process.(2)comprehension of the intent(3)equivalence of response.,二、Equivalence Theory of Jin DiThere are three important theories in Jin Dis theory:,1、The concept of the receptor.The theory stresses the receptor of the translated text,but it does not necessarily mean that the receptor is more

13、important than the author.Instead of focusing on the comparison of the SL text and the TL text,the theory of equivalent effect stresses the comparison between the two communicating process.,The translating process is accomplished only when the translated text is accepted by the readers.Otherwise,the

14、 translation is in vain.All communication is two way.,2、The concept of the effect.It means that the receptor is accepted by the transferred information in the translated text,from understanding to the experience and then to feelings,the same or almost the same as those of the source text readers.In

15、the communicative translation of vocative texts,equivalent effect is not only desirable,but also essential.,It is the criterion by which the effectiveness,and therefore the value,of the translation of notices,instructions,publicityis to be assessed.Effect is the basic element of a vocative text,3、Th

16、e concept of the equivalence.Equivalence is a more scientific term than faithfulness.The former is more objective and impartial,referring to the quality of the translated text,while the latter is more subjective,referring to the translators attitude.,The equivalent effects contain many aspects,including lexical,semantic,pragmatic level,subtleties and overtones which are implied in culture and thought.It is an overall equivalent between two languages and cultures.,Pragmatic equivalence:To underst

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