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Unit 5The power of nature导学案.docx

1、Unit 5 The power of nature导学案Unit 5 The power of nature(自然的力量)Period 1 Vocabulary【学习目标】知识与能力 :利用构词法背诵单词,掌握重点单词的用法 过程与方法:兴趣记忆法、形义联想法、利用词根词缀法、最佳时间记忆法等,师生互动情感态度价值观:让学生领略自然界的伟大并掌握与火山相关的专业用语【课前预习】 查字典,了解词汇的词性变化,并写出正确形式。1. 爆发 v._ n._ (同义短语) _2. 评估 v._ n. _ 3. 3. 绝对的 adj._ adv._4. 实际的 adj._ adv._ (同义短语)_/_

2、5. 贵重的adj._ 同义词_ /_6. 不舒服的 adj._ 反义词_ v._ 反义词_ 7. 摇晃,颤抖 v._ adj._ /_8. 多种多样的adj._ n._ 9.失去直觉的 adj. _ 反_10. 欣赏n._ v._ 11. 11. 说服n._ v._【课堂检测】1. My _ (感激)is more than words that I can say!2. The old vase made in Tang Dynasty in the store is very p_.3. He a_ Williams as his representative in the city o

3、f York.4. They g _delivery within one week .5. The teacher _(评估)the performance of each student.6. He got into a p _when he found the house broken into.7. “How long am I going to stay?” she whispered _(焦虑地).8.The building is supplied with modern office e_.9. I am still amazed at their beauty as well

4、 as their p_ to cause great damage .10. Wild forests is home to a great _ (多样性)of plants and animals .Unit 5 The power of nature(自然的力量)Period 2 Reading 【学习目标】知识与能力:学习本单元重点单词短语.过程与方法:阅读获取知识信息为主,提前预习,小组讨论解决问题。情感态度价值观:了解关于火山的知识,培养探索大自然的兴趣。【词汇回顾】1. 在旁边_ 2 任命 _ 3 波浪,挥手 _ 4 绝对的_ 5 一套外衣_ 6 潜在的 _ 7实际的 _ 8 前

5、往 _【问题展示】Fast reading The text can be divided into four parts. Choose the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Para.1-2) _Part 2 (Para3) . _Part3 (Para4). _Part4 (Para5). _A. I am still enthusiastic about my job as the very beginning.B. What harm the eruption of the volcano can cause.C. My job as a volcan

6、ologist.D. How I had a closer look at the crater after the eruption.走进课文Scan and skim the whole text and then finish the multiple-choices.1. Which of the following statements about the authors job are TRUE?a. I travel to unusual places and meet interesting people from all over the world.b. Sometimes

7、 I use scientific instruments in my work.c. Sometimes I meet with local people and tourists.d. Sometimes I save people when the volcano erupts.A. a, b, d B. b, c, d C. a, c, d D. a, b, c2. The white protective suits that covered the authors whole body include_a. helmets b. big boots c. special glove

8、s d. ordinary glassesA. a, b, d B. a, b, c C. b, c, d D. a, c, d3.Whats the main idea of para.3 ?A. Boiling rock which erupts from the volcano and crashes back to earth causes less damage.B. The lava that flows slowly down the mountain causes far more damage.C. The eruption is much more exciting to

9、watch.D. There had been an eruption in the side of the mountain.4. The writer doesnt mind the occasional danger of his job because _.A. He travels to unusual places and meets interesting people from all over the worldB. He likes the different ways of workingC. He thinks his job the most importantD.

10、He is excited about dangers and feels alive5.As a result of the glaciologists work, _.A. other scientists predict the progress of lava from the volcanoB. many people have been warned to leave their homes C. the eruption causes less damageD. the eruption may be prevented breaking out6.Why did the vol

11、canologists run out of the house into the back garden?A. Because his bed began shaking. B. Because his bedroom suddenly became as bright as day.C. Because he thought there was an earthquake in Hawaii.D. Because he wanted to collect information about the eruption7. What does the word “alive” mean in

12、the sentence “. danger excites me and makes me feel alive”?A.Living or not dead. B. Active or lively. C. Continuing. D. Healthy.8. Why did the writer put on special clothes to look at the crater?A.Because he wanted to take some special photos.B. Because he was concerned about his safety.C. Because t

13、he other two scientists asked him to.D. Because he wanted to climb down into the crater【课堂检测】单词拼写1. That is an active (火山).2. We wanted each student to realize their full (潜力).3. We need to (评估)how well the policy is working.4. Have you ever experienced a (飓风).5. Dont be so sure. We dont know with (

14、绝对的)certainty that the project will succeed.6. He w a hand in the air to attract her attention.7. A computer is the most important piece of e you will buy.8. He often e into laughter for no reason.9. The teacher is b and most of the students are not interested in his lectures.10. The young man worke

15、d very hard and was soon a as head of the department. 11. He is e_ about helping others .(他热心助人)。Unit 5 The power of nature(自然的力量)Period 3 Words study【学习目标】 1知识与能力:熟练掌握文中重点单词与词组及句型2过程与方法:课前预习-小组讨论-合作探究-分组展示-巩固练习3情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观:了解关于火山的知识,培养探索大自然的兴趣。【知识梳理】1.volcano n. pl. volcanoes 活火山 an active volc

16、ano 死火山 an extinct volcano 休眠火山a dormant volcano 火山学volcanology 火山学家volcanologist 2. erupt v.1)(火山)爆发,喷发维苏威火山已经多年没有爆发了。Mount Vesuvius _ _ for a good many years。2)(搏斗,暴力事件,噪音等)突然发生,爆发街头暴力可以在没有明显原因的情况下爆发。Violence in street can erupt for no apparent reason.erupt into laughter/shouting/crying, etc.突然大笑/

17、叫喊/大哭他毫无理由地大笑起来。He _ _ _ without any n. 设备, 装备 (不可数名词)a piece of equipment 一台设备equip v. 配备: 装备equip sb/sth with sth 用。装备起来/ 使具备。The boy _ _ _ food and water and then set off.孩子们配备好食物和水就出发了。4 appoint v 任命,委派, 安排, 确定(时间,地点) appointment n. 约会,委派appoint sb as/to be. 任命某人为。appoint sb to

18、 do sth 委派某人做某事appoint a time/place for sth./to do sth 确定时间,地点做某事He _ _ _chairman. 他被任命为主席Miss wang _ _ _in the library. 王小姐被委派到图书馆工作。Please _ _ _ the meeting. 请安排开会时间。5. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and

19、 how fast it will flow。(翻译)1) evaluate 评估,评价没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。I cannot _ without seeing his work.2) evaluation n. C,U评估,评价,评估报告They made an intensive evaluation of the health care program.(翻译) 6. warn sb. (of /against sth.) sb. to do sb. that 1)I wont warn you again.2) The people _ _ _ the danger of

20、 flooding.(warn)3) The doctor _me not_ drink.(warn)(=The doctor _me _ drinking.)4) I _ you that it is dangerous to go out alone at night.(warn)7. burn to the ground 完全(楼房等)烧毁他无处栖身因为他的房子被烧掉了.He has no place to live in because his house has been _ _ _ .burn away烧掉,烧光 burn down(建筑物)全部被烧毁burn off烧掉 burn

21、 out (由于过热而)烧坏 burn up 烧毁烧尽木头已烧成灰烬.The wood had _ _ _nothing.电影院去年被烧伤了.The cinema _ _ last year他在事故中严重受伤,头发也被烧掉了.He was badly injured in the accident, and all his hair _ _ _引擎被烧坏了.The engine had _ _他往火上加木材想让它烧得更旺.He put more wood on the fire to make it burn up.8. absolute adj. 完全的,真实的Its an absolute

22、 fact.absolutely adv.完全地,无条件地,完全对absolutely right 十分对,对极了,当然-Do you agree with me.-_A. Very absolutely B Rather absolutelyC Nearly absolutely D No absolutely9. make ones way向某地走去, 有出息她犹豫了一下,但向前走去.She hesitated, but _.她快速离开房间,朝她床边走去.She hastily left the room , and _ _.你若想要有出息,趁年轻的时候要学会发奋If you want t

23、o _, you must learn to work hard while you are still young.10. make way (for)让路,让位所有的车辆都得给救火车让路.All the traffic has to _ _.我将把职务让给更年轻的人.I shall _ feel one way 摸索前进push ones way 挤过find ones way 找到路,设法到达go ones way 走自己的路,我行我素fight ones way 奋勇前进wind ones /its way 蜿蜒前进lose ones way 迷路If you want to _you

24、 must learn to work hard while you are still young.A make you way B make its wayC make a way D make the wayHer parents told her not to _when she picked up mushrooms in the forest.A find her way B go her wayC lose her way D feel her way 【巩固自测】1. She has no place to live in because her house _(已经被全部焚毁

25、)。(burn)2. With the help of the telescope, you can see the ruins _(远处).(distance)3. After admiring the beautiful view, she _(前往)the next destination. (make)4. We want each student _(展示出他们的全部潜力). (show)5. They huddled together to _(免受)the wind. (protect)6. I kept complaining but nobody _(注意). (notice

26、)7. The room _(装备)modern facilities, so it is convenient to contact with others. (equip)8. He _(委派)work for the United Nations. (appoint)9. I had better hurry, for I _(约定) him at 10:00a.m. (appointment)10. They _(做评估)the system and found it of great use. (evaluation)Unit 5 The power of nature(自然的力量)

27、Period 4 Using language【学习目标】 1知识与能力:(1)熟练掌握文中重点单词与词组及句型 (2)运用略读迅速获取信息,了解文章大意。2过程与方法:课前预习-小组讨论-合作探究-分组展示-巩固练习3情感态度价值观:通过了解长白山的风貌激起学生热爱祖国的大好河山,培养学生的爱国热情。【课前自学】Answer the questions:1. In what province is Changbaishan?2. What is a nature reserve? Why is Changbaishan a famous nature reserve? 3. What is the most popular tourist attraction in the reserve?4. What does Tianchi mean? How was Tianchi formed ? 5. What is the connection between the Manchu people and Tianchi?【问题展示】翻译以下短语:1处于天然状态_ 2. 从到的变化_3多种多样_ 4. 在自然保护区_

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