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本文(石油人 第五届中石油职称英语网络培训《通用选读》 第4150课练习题.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

石油人 第五届中石油职称英语网络培训《通用选读》 第4150课练习题.docx

1、石油人 第五届中石油职称英语网络培训通用选读 第4150课练习题Lesson 411. The number of people_ actually returned the smile could be counted on one hand.A. whose B. which C. who D. what2. It seems Chinese people dont really like to smile and thats the _they convey to【把.传达给】 the world.A. depression沮丧 B. impression印象 C. discussion

2、讨论 D. commission 委托3. One of his Ministers【大臣】 gave the Emperor【皇帝】 a beautiful woman, whom the Emperor really liked,_ the fact that she would never smile.A. in order to B. in order that C. except that D. except for【除.之外】4. After trying countless different methods to get her to smile, a Minister _an

3、 idea.A. came up with【提出】 B. come out出来,出现C. come true实现 D. come up走近5. The saying, smiling _ten years to your life, sounds good, and is true if one gains a physical or mental benefit.A. addition增加 B. additional额外的 C. adds D. additive添加剂6. The director, Zhang Yimou, _10,000 smiling children from aro

4、und the world to feature【使.有特色】 in a program for the opening ceremony【仪式】 of the 2008 Olympics.A. looked for B. look at C. look up D. look throughLesson 421. I suggest you _the mind and body youve been given as a real asset【资产】.A. to think about B. thinking about C. have thought about D. think about

5、考虑2. Buffett told his audience you only get one shot at life and told about _ his first car at age 16.A. looking for寻找 B. heading for出发,前往 C. longing for渴望 D. making for前往3. Dr. Angelou is truly a _ woman.A. philosophy哲学 B. phenomenon现象C. phenomenal杰出的 D. physical物理学的,身体的4. Morgan was born and _in O

6、maha in an area that was served by Girls Inc.A. rised升起 B. arised出现,呈现C. reigned统治 D. raised养育,抚养5. Girls Inc.,whose board【董事会】 is headed by Buffetts daughter,Susie,who _ the auction idea.A.came up with提出 B.came up to 符合,达到 C.came up against碰到,遭遇 D.came up走近Lesson 431. Franz Halberg noticed that the

7、 number of white blood cells in laboratory mice _dramatically【戏剧性地】 higher and lower at different times of day.A. is B. are C. was D. were2. Your short-term memory is best during the morningin fact, about 15 percent more _ than at any other time of day.A. extreme极端的 B. efficient有效率的 C. enormous 巨大的

8、D. equal 平等的3. You should also try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, _ late at night.A. better than B. other than 除了C. less than D. rather than而不是4. What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, your _ is at its peak, and youre able to react【反应】 the quickest to an outside stimul

9、us【刺激因素】A. coordination【协调】 B. cooperation 合作C. conversion转变 D. correlation相关性5. Not only_ when youre having fun, but it also seems to fly even fester if you are having that fun in the late afternoon of early evening,A. time did seem to fly B. did time seem to flyC. time does seem to fly D. does tim

10、e seem to fly6. While all of us follow the same _ pattern【模式】 of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person.A. general大致的 B. generous 大方的C. global全球的 D. greedy 贪婪的Lesson 441.Dont _ about the snow on your neighbors roof, said Confucius【孔子】.A. conceive构想 B. complain抱怨 C. complaint抱怨

11、D. compile收集2.He not only _ but he wrote letters and poems ridiculing【嘲笑,戏弄】 people.A. criticized批评 B. recognized认出 C. initiated开始 D. organized组织3. What would Lincoln do if he _ in my shoes?A. is B. was C. are D. were 虚拟4. He was opposed to dueling, but he couldnt _ it and save his honor.A. think hi

12、ghly of高度评价 B. take charge of控制,掌管 C. get out of摆脱 D. get hold of抓住 5. I studied the life of Abraham Lincoln for ten years and _all of three years to writing and rewriting【改写】 a book.A. deposited存放,沉淀 B. derived源于 C. designed设计 D. devoted奉献,投身6.On the morning of April 15,1865,Abraham Lincoln lay【lie

13、】_in a hall bedroom of a cheap lodging house【招待所】.A. die B. dying C. died D. death7.One of these letters_ resentments【怨恨】 that burned for a lifetime.A. aroused【引起,激发】 B. around周围C. rose (rise)上升 D. raised(raise)举起,抚养8. Shields,_ and proud【骄傲的】,boiled with indignation【愤怒】.A. sensitive【敏感的】 B. sensibl

14、e明智的C. sense感觉 D. sensor传感器Lesson 451._ happiness, your spouse【配偶】if you have oneis worth $100,000 a year.A. In search of寻找 B. In spite of虽然 C. In place of代替 D. In terms of【就.而言】2.It _that the happiness value of a stable【稳定的】 marriage is incredibly【难以置信地】 high.A. bring out出版 B. find out发现 C. turns o

15、ut【结果是】 D. look out小心 3.The survey results include _characteristics【特征】 of those surveyed.A. detective侦探的 B. detailed【详细的】 C. destructive破坏性的 D. dependent依靠的4.Using that index, a lasting marriage is worth $100,000 per year being widowed【寡居的】 or divorced【离婚的】.A. come up with提出 B. put up with容忍 C. com

16、pared with【与.相比】 D. get along with相处 5.Perhaps,the authors suggest, people_ their circumstances【环境】.A. adopt to采用 B. adjust to调整 C. adapt to【适应于】 D. admit to承认 6.Being religious has a _effect.A. potential潜在的 B.possible可能的 C. politician政治家 D. positive【积极的】7.Overall the number of children and siblings

17、【兄弟姐们】 a person has doesnt_ their happiness.A. have an impact on【对.有影响】B. have got to do必须做C. have in mind 思念D. have an advantage over胜过,优于Lesson 461. The income of high school dropouts is about _ that of Americans with a high school diploma. A. two-third B. two-thirds C. second-third D. two-three2.

18、Being able to save and accumulate _ wealth is not automatic【自动的】.A. conscious有意识的 B. considerate 体贴的C. considerable相当多的 D. careful 仔细的3. Few people who _ of high school will be rich. A. check in登记,报道 B. drop out退出 C. check out检查,核对 D. run down耗尽4. We do not necessarily【必要地】 recommend【建议】 that all pe

19、ople _ a pure and joyless【不快乐】 life.A. would lead B. led C. should lead D. to lead 虚拟 5. From our_, becoming rich is really a matter of choice.A. personality个性 B. permission允许C. petroleum石油 D. perspective观点6.(20.)The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledgeand inf

20、ormation _ on CD-ROMs and the Internet.【2010年考题】A. preferable更好的 B. ready准备好的 C. available可用的 D. considerable相当多的7. From our_, becoming rich is really a matter of choice.A.personnel人员 B.personality个性,人格C.persuade 说服,劝告 D.perspective【观点】8. A professional【专业的】 degree【学位】 will _an average annual【每年的】 i

21、ncome of about twice that of college graduates【毕业生】.A.result from 由产生 B.rely on依赖,依靠C.refer to 提及 D.result in【导致】9. (13.) A professional degree will _ an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates.【2011考题】A. feel like想要 B. result in导致 C. hold on等一等,坚持 D. keep to遵守,坚持10.( 8.) The

22、suppliers undoubtedly will get rich at the _ of the customers.【2011年考题】A. expanse广阔的区域 B. spend度过,花费 v. C. warrant保证,担保 D. expense花费,消费 the expense of:以.为代价Lesson 471. The statement that oil originated in the sea is _ by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world.A. conformed遵守 B

23、. confirmed证实 C. confined限制 D. confessed承认 2. The oil under the surface of the earth _ in the distant past. A. manufactured制造 B. generated 产生 C. originated起源于 D. estimated估计3.The costs may be so high that no company will _ the work。 A. undergo经历,承受 B. underweight重量不足的C. understand理解,明白 D. undertake承

24、担4. The existence of oil wells _ for a long time. A. been known B. was known C. had been known D. has been known 5.It was necessary that they _imprisoned【密封】 between layers of rock for an enormous length of time.A. should be B. were C. have been D. had been 6. Some of the Indians of North America_ c

25、ollect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania.A. use to B. is used to C. is using to D. used to7. What was the origin【起源】 of the oil _ now drives our motor-cars and aircraft【飞机】?A. what B. where C. which D. when 8. In some places gas and oil _the surface of the sea from its bed.A. come up w

26、ith赶上,提出 B. come up to达到,接近 C. come true实现 D. come out出版,出来9. When all the present oilfields are_, it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity.A. exhibit展览 B. exhibitedC. exhausted【耗尽】 D. exhaust10.In that case the_ for oil will fall, the oilfields will gradually disapp

27、ear.A. depend依赖 v. B. definition定义C. design设计 D. demand11.(9.) When all the present oilfields are _ , it is possible that the North Pole may become the scene of oil activity.【2011年考题】A. exhibited陈列,展览 B. exhausted耗尽,用尽 C. exploited开采,开发 D. exposed暴露Lesson 481. Scientists have discovered plant life c

28、overing the surface【表面】of the worlds oceans is disappearing【消失】 at a dangerous_.A. race种族 B. rare罕见的C. rate D. raw为加工的2. Normally【通常地】, the ocean plants _ about half of all the Carbon dioxide.A. wake up醒来 B. take up【接收,占据】 C. turn up出现 D. tear up撕毁 3. These changes, _ , are having a major impact on

29、phytoplankton there.A. in turn【反过来】 B. or so大约 C. in order有秩序 D. by accident偶然的4. We estimate【估计】 from satellite _ that C-19 in the Ross Sea has covered 90 percent of all the phytoplankton there.A. organizations组织 B. occupations职业C. observations观察 D. reactions反应5. _ ,the C-19 iceberg is only the sec

30、ond-largest recorded in the Ross Sea region.A. Huge as it is B. Huge as is itC. Although huge it is D. Although huge is it6. Whales, seals and the _ shrimplike sea creatures called krill【磷虾】 are also threatened【威胁】.A. ten millions B. ten millions of C. million of D. millions ofLesson491. First, never raise your voice in order to【为了】 make yourself_.A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood2. Avoid【避开】 topics of conversation that you think may be_.A. positive积极的 B. objective客观的C. sensitive【敏感的】 D. massive大量的3. Keep in mind【记住】 that in many

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