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1、U5听力教程第三版施心远学生用书答案Unit 5SeCtiOn One TaCtiCS for LiSteningPart 1 PhOnetiCSStreSs, IntOnatiOn and ACCentSCriPtLiSten to Peter talking to Maggie. Is he asking a question or does he just Want her to agree? TiCk the right box.1.Youve been to Canada, haventyou? 2.Oh yes, I remember. You Went a couple of y

2、ears ago, didn you? /3.Now, let See . Its er, itsa mainly agricultural CoUntry, isn tit? 4.Well yes, I know, but there not much industry OnCe you e left the coast, is there?/5.I See . Mm, so the North would be the best place to go to, wouldn Sit? 6.Yeah. Mind you, I should thinkthe South is Very bea

3、utiful, isn Sit? 7.(IaUghS) Yeah. That S right. Oh and What about transport? It car,d be better to hire awouldn it? Z8.Really? Thatcheap. It costs that much a day here, doesntit? Key123 4 56 7 8Am I right?I IAgree With me.Part 2 LiStening and NOte-Taking ReadingSCriPt A.LiSten to some SentenCeS and

4、fill in the blanks With the missing words.1.There is no hard and fast rule, for no two are alike.2.The fact that he or She might later be “ bored ” Whe n joining a claaS of non readersinfant school is the teacher S affair.3.If badly done it could PUt them off readi ng for life.4.BUt the task should

5、be Un dertake n gen tly.5.Readi ng should n ever be made to look like a chore.B.LiSten to a talk about reading. Take notes and complete the following summary.When should a child Start learning to read and write? ThiS is One of the questiOnS I ammost freque ntly asked. There is no hard and fast rule,

6、 for no two are alike, and it would be Wrong to Set a time When all should Start being taught the ins and outs of reading IetterS toform words.If a three-year-old WantS to read (Or even a two-year-old for that matter), the child deserves to be given every enCOUragement. The fact that he or She might

7、 later be “ bored ” When joining a class of non-readers at infant school is the teacher fsair. It is UP to the teacher to See that SUCh a child is give n more adva need readi ng material.Similarly, the child who still Cannot read by the time he goes to junior school at the age of SeVe n should be gi

8、ve n every help by teachers and Pare nts alike. They should make Certa in that he is not dyslexic*. If he is, SPeCiaIiSt help should immediately be sought.Although Pare nts should be CarefUI not to force youn gsters aged two to five to lear n to read (if badly done it could PUt them off readi ng for

9、 life), there is no harm in PrePari ng them for SimPIe recognition of IetterS by labelling VariOUS items in their room. For inStance, by a nice PieCe of CardbOard tied to their bed With BED Written in neat-big letters.Should the young child ask his Parents to teach him to read, and if the Parents ar

10、e CaPabIe of doing so, SUCh an appeal should not be igno red. BUt the task should be Un dertake n gently, With great Patience and a SenSe of humour. Reading should never be made to look like a chore and the child should never be forced to continue, should his interest Start to flag*.KeyA.1. There is

11、 no hard a nd fast rule, for no two are alike.2.The fact that he or She might later be “ bored ” Whennioin!headecfeaaS ofinfant school is the teacher affair. S3.If badly done it could PUt them off reading for life .4.BUt the task should be Undertaken gently .5.Readi ng should n ever be made to Iook

12、Iike a chore.B.ReadingIt would be Wrong to Set a time When a child should Start learning to read and Write . ParentS should enCoUrage youngsters aged two to five to read if they show interests in it, but never force them to learn to read. He or She might later be bored” “When joining a class of non-

13、readers at infant school. Then it is UP to the teacher to See that SUCh a child is give n more adva need readi ng material.Similarly, if a child CannOt read at the age of seven, teachers and Parents should make Certain that he is not dyslexic. If he is, SPeCiaIiSt help should immediately be sought.P

14、arentS should not ignore the young child appeal to be taught to read. BUt the task should be Undertaken gen tly, With great PatienCe a nd a SenSe ofhumour. Read ing should n ever be made to look like a chore a nd the child should n ever be forced to continue, if his in terests Start to flag.SeCtiOn

15、TWO LiStening COmPrehenSiOnPart 1 SentenCe IdentifiCatiOnSCriPtIdentify each SentenCe as SimPIe (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) Or compound-complex (C-C). YOU will hear each SentenCe twice. Write the COrreSPOnding Ietter(S) in the SPaCe provided.1.The Iine dow n the middle Of the road wavered, zig

16、zagged, and the n PlUn ged right off the PaVeme nt.2.My SiSter likes CIaSSiCaI music, but I Prefer the kind She dismisses as “ junk.3.Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you.4.Babara and Andrew are Sitting Under the tree by the river.5.She Only hoped that the en tire in Cide nt woul

17、d be forgotte n as Soon as possible.Key1.S 2. C-C 3. CP_ 4. S 5. CPLPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 DigitaI SoundSCriPtA.LiSten to the dialogue and COmPare digital sound and analogical Mike:Wow! Nice. CDS have SUCh good sound. Do you ever Won der how they makeCDs?Kathy:Well, they get a bunch

18、of musicia ns together, and they Sing and play.Mike:Come on. You know What I mean. Why is the SoUnd quality so good? I mean, Why do CDS SoUnd so much CIearer tha n CaSSette tapes?Kathy:Actually, I do know that.Mike:Really?Kathy:It aS based on digital sound. CDS are digital. DigitaI SoUnd is like SeV

19、eraI photos, all taken One after another. It kind of like PiCtUreS of sound. The intenSity of the SoUnd how Strong it is is measured Very quickly. Then it Smeasured aga in and aga in. When We hear the SoUn d, it all SoUndS like One Iong PieCe of sound, but i t S really lots of PieCeS Closetogether.

20、And each PieCe is really clear.Mike:So digital is like lots of short “ PieCeS ” of sound.Kathy:EXaCtly. ThiS is different from analog* that how they USed to record. Analog is more like One WaVe of SoUnd. It moves UP and down With volume and pitch. Any way, an alog is like a Sin gle wave. DigitaI is

21、like a SerieS of pieces.Mike:OK, I Un dersta nd that. BUt how do they make the CDs?Kathy:I told you, Mike. They get a bunch of musicians together, and they Sing and Play.Mike:Kathy!Kathy:No. What really happe ns is first they do a digital record ing On VideOtape.Mike:On VideOtape?Kathy:Yeah, they US

22、e VideOtape. So the n the VideOtaPe is PIayed through a COmPUter.Mike:OK. What does the COmPUter do?Kathy:Well, the COmPUter is USed to figure out t he “ PieCeS ” of SoUnd We Walkingof sound.Ve got theabout; how Iong everyth ing is, how far apart SPaCeS are.Mike: OK. So the COmPUter is figuring out

23、those SeParate “ PieCeS ”Kathy: Yeah. They n eed to do that to make the master.Mike: The master?Kathy: The master is the orig inal that all the other CDS are COPied from. It made of glass. It S a glass disk that SPinS arouuSt like a regularCD. And the glass disk is COVered With a ChemiCal. They USe

24、a laser to bur n the Sig nal, or the song, into the glass plate. The laser bur ns through the ChemiCal, but not through the glass.Mike: So the laser CUtS the SoUnd into the plate?Kathy: Right. What it doing is CUtting little holes into the back of the disk. Those holes are called “ pits. ” The tsep

25、itts inMike: So CDS really have little holes On the back? I didn t knOW thatKathy: Yeah. Tiny pits. They re too small to see. Anyway, then they master,and they make COPieS from it. Then you buy your Copy and PUt it in the CD player.Mike: PUt it in the CD PIayer . That Part I Un dersta nd.Kathy: Ther

26、e S another laser in your CD player. The light of the laser refleCts off the CD. The smooth Part of the CD refleCts Straight baCk, like a mirror. BUt the light that bounces off the PitS is SCattered. Any way, the COmPUter in your CD PIayer reads the light that bounces off the pits. And you get the m

27、usic.Mike: RefleCted light, huh? . Uh . you kn ew What I like? JUSt relaxi ng, Iiste ning tomusic, and not really Worrying about how it gets On the disk.Kathy: You Want me to expla in it aga in?musicB.LiSten to the dialogue again and complete the following outline.C.LiSten to an extract from the dia

28、logue and complete the following SentenCeS With the missing words.Mike: So the laser CUtS the SoUnd into the plate?Kathy: Right. What it doing is CUtting little holes into the back of the disk. Those holes are called “ pits. ” The laser PUtS in the pits.KeyA.QUaIityReCOrding techniqueDigitaI SoUndMU

29、Ch CIearerDigitaI sound is like SeVeraI photos, all taken one after another. It kind of like PiCtUreS of sound.DigitaI is like a SerieS of pieces.An alogical sou ndAnalog is more like One WaVe of SoUnd . It movesUP and down With volume and PitCh. Analog is like a Sin gle wave.B.I. The mak ing Of CDS

30、A.ReCOrd inga.FirSt they do a digital record ing on Videotape.b.Then the VideOtaPe is PIayed through a COmPUter.c.The COmPUter figures out those SeParate “ PieCeS ” of SoUndhtel master.B.The making of the mastera.The master is the Original that all the other CDS are CoPied from.b.It S maclaSs, COVer

31、ed With a ChemiCal.C.They USe a laser to burn the Sig nal, or the song, into the glass PIate. The laser bur ns through the ChemiCal, but not through the glass.d.It CUtS little holes into the back of the disk. Those holes are Called Pits. ”e.They make COPieS from it.II. Playi ng backA.You buy the CoPy and PUt it in the CD Player.B.The light of the laser reflects Off the CD.a.The smooth Part of the CD reflects Straight back , like a mirror .b.BUt the light that bounces off the _PjiS is SGattered.c.The COmPUter i

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