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译林版英语7A unit 2 教案.docx

1、译林版英语7A unit 2 教案 宝应县柳堡镇中心初中英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7A教案 总 课 题7A Unit2 Lets play sports!总课时8第1课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标知识目标To know the other pronunciation of the five vowels能力目标To read the vowels correctly情感目标To read the new words using the pronunciation rules教学重点To read the vowels cor

2、rectly教学难点To read the new words using the pronunciation rules教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.课前预习Preview the Study Skills学情分析The students are sure to be interested in studying in this new school however, they may feel it difficult to introduce themselves in English.

3、教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Step1 Presentation Step2 Step3PracticeStep4.ConsolidationStep5PresentationStep6Homework1.Translate the following sentences(1)他经常放学后跟他的猫玩(cat)(2)Ken最喜欢的运动是网球(tennis)(3)他看起来很苗条(slim)(4)我想他周末逛街购物(shop)(5)读书是一种乐趣(fun)2.Pay attention to the vowel letters in these words.How to re

4、ad them?The sounds of the letters are different from the sounds of the letters themselves.They are also different from the sounds in unit 1 and each sound is short/i/ /e/ / /1.Open your books to page 27.Pay attention to the bold letters. How to read them? How to write the sounds? Listen to the tape

5、and try to summary 2.Read the words in part A.Can you read them and put them under the correct sound groups?1.(part B)Look at this word .Though it is new,I think you can read it according to the pronunciation rules.Have a try, please.2.Explain the meanings of the new words1.(part C)Look at the pictu

6、res and answer questions(1)Can you see a red bag in the picture?(2)What are these in the picture? They are some eggs (3)Do you like this picture?I think its nice.(4)There is a box in the picture. Do you want to open it?(5)Who is this girl? Its Kitty. She is in a music club2.Read the phrases of part

7、C3.Read more words and phrases4.Read the following rhyme and chant.通过回顾上一单元的内容,导入本单元话题与学生在真实语境下交流,加强对新知识的巩固启发学生有感情的朗读,从音色、节奏、速度等方面进行设计板书设计教后感宝应县柳堡镇中心初中英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7A教案 总 课 题7A Unit2 Lets play sports!总课时8第2课时课 题Reading 1课型New教学目标知识目标Vocabulary : favourite, member, enjoy, come true, look strong, mak

8、e him happy, etc能力目标To introduce your favourite star in English情感目标To let students know their favourite star and learn something from their star教学重点The same as the aims.教学难点Aim 2教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.课前预习Preview the new words.Listen to the tape.学情分析The stu

9、dents are sure to be interested in studying in this new school however, they may feel it difficult to introduce themselves in English.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Step1.RevisionStep2presentationStep3.PracticeStep4. PresentationStep5.ActivityStep6.HomeworkFree talk1.What sport do Sandy and Amy often pla

10、y?2.What sport does Kitty like?3.What about Simon and Millie?4.Whats your favourite sport? How do you play it?(Show a picture of Beckham)T:Who is this man? What sport is he good at? Who likes Beckham in our class? Do you want to be a football player like him?T:Oh,really?I hope your dream comes true.

11、Talk with your partner about your favourite player like this :S1:What sport do you like?S2:I likeS1:Who is your favourite player?S2:My favourite star isS1:What club is he/she in?S2:He/She is a member of1.Today,lets meet another football player.Whats his name?Please read the article on page 20 quickl

12、y and tell me.2.(part B1)I want you to know more about Li Hua. Here are my questions.In which paragraph can I find the answer?Please help me write the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks in part B1.3.Millie wants to make a card about Li Hua.Can you listen to the tape ?Then complete the informati

13、on on it(part B3)4.Millie has some questions about Li Hua .She needs your help.Please read after the tape and find the answers(part B2)5.Its the role-play time.Work in pairs and talk about Li Hua like Millie and SimonHere are some famous sports stars.Do you know them? Who is your favourite player?Wo

14、uld you please ,make a card about your favourite player? You can use the one in part B3 as a modelAnswer some questions.Answer the questionsTalk with partnerFinish part B1Finish part B3Finish part B2Work in pairsAsk and answer通过回答问题的方式,既复习了上节课内容又引导出了本课内容学生间的讨论,既丰富了课堂的形式,又活跃了课堂氛围合作学习既有利于学生用英语交谈,又培养了学

15、生的合作精神板书设计教后感宝应县柳堡镇中心初中英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7A教案 总 课 题7A Unit2 Lets play sports!总课时8第3课时课 题Reading 2课型New教学目标知识目标Vocabulary : favourite, member, enjoy, come true, look strong, make him happy, hope, come true,etc能力目标To use the language points correctly and fluently情感目标To introduce your favourite star to oth

16、ers教学重点The same as the aims.教学难点Aim 2教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.课前预习Preview the new words and the text学情分析The students are sure to be interested in studying in this new school however, they may feel it difficult to introduce themselves in English.教学过程教学环节教 师 活

17、动学 生 活 动设计意图Step1.RevisionStep2presentationStep3.ExerciseStep4. Homework1.Read the new words after teacher2.Review some key point about Reading.Answer me some questions:(1)Do you remember LiHua?(2)Who is LiHua?(3)How old is LiHua?(4)Where does he come from?(5)Where dose he live now?(6)What is he goo

18、d at?(板书:player, member, club, free, enjoy, dream, hope, true, come from,etc)Last class, I have ask you to preview the text by yourself and underline where you cant understand. Now, talk with your partner first. Then, lets solve the problem together.1.a new member of 翻译:她是英语俱乐部的一员。2.look strong (系动词

19、+形容词) 翻译:他看起来很健康。3.every day(adv短语) everyday(adj 单词) 翻译:我坚持每天跑步。 4.enjoy doing sth 翻译:我很喜欢游泳。5.make him happy make+宾语+宾语补足语 (宾语补足语:n, adj, do)6.want sth/sb; want to do sth; want sb to do sth 翻译:我想成为一名医生。7.hope that+从句 hope to do sth hope sb to do sth() 翻译:我希望你的梦想能够实现。1.Look at the small blackboard a

20、nd fill in the blanks using the knowledge we learn today.2.Translate the following sentences into English:(1)我希望我们梦想成真(2)高老师总是使她的课很深刻(3)你看起来很健康(4)你喜欢读书吗?(5)老师让我们每天读英语(6)我想要你帮我学英语Read words.Answer some questionsCheck the revision exerciseExplain the key pointsFill the blanksTranslation通过问学生问题的方式引导出本课

21、的语言知识点适当做笔记有利于提高学生的听课效率,也有利于学生课后的复习讲练结合便于检查当堂课的效率板书设计教后感宝应县柳堡镇中心初中英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7A教案 总 课 题7A Unit2 Lets play sports!总课时8第4课时课 题Grammar课型New教学目标知识目标To make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb to do能力目标To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things.情感目标To le

22、arn to help each other教学重点The Simple present tense.教学难点The same as the importance教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.课前预习Preview Simple present tense.学情分析The students are sure to be familiar about it, the teachers should teach them how to use them correctly in daily lif

23、e教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Step1 presentation Step 3Consolidation Step4 Homework1.When the subject is I, you, we,they, the main verb shouldnt be changed. Learn the table on page 23 and write down the sentences: (1)We have breakfast at 7 a.m.(2)I talk to my parents at lunchtime(3)They take the dog fo

24、r a wall every day.2.Ask the Ss to finish the exercise on page 24 part A and read aloud their names.Check whether their pronunciation is correct 3.Show 4 sentences and ask Ss to find out the rules of verbs;(1)We love dancing(2)She loves singing(3)They look after the dog every day(4)He takes the dog

25、for a walk every day4.Learn the third personal verbs on page 24When the subject is she/he/itwe need to add an s to the verb.Lets look at the table and find out the rules5.Learn the negative structure of to do(1)We dont love dancing(2)She doesnt love singing(3)They dont look after the dog every day(4

26、)He doesnt take the dog for a walk every day6.Show the sentences on the blackboard.Look,I have a football.T:Do you like playing football?S:Yes, I do./No, I dontT:Does she like playing football?S:Yes,she dose./No,she doesnt.Today,we have learnt the simple present tense.Look at the blackboard.There ar

27、e some important sentences on it. Read them together.1.Recite the phrases and words2.Finish the exercise on the supplementary books.Learn some sentencesFinish the exercisesFind out the rulesLearn and reciteLearn the structureLook and learnRead the important sentences用生活中一些熟悉的例子,有利于调动学生的学习积极性培养学生独立自主

28、解决问题的能力板书设计教后感宝应县柳堡镇中心初中英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7A教案 总 课 题7A Unit2 Lets play sports总课时8第5课时课 题Integrated skills 课型New教学目标知识目标1. To extract information from an article.2. To obtain information from listening能力目标Train integrated skills情感目标To communicate with others about one relative topic教学重点To obtain informat

29、ion from listening教学难点Complete a newsletter article.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures 课前预习1. Learn the new words.2. Read the article . 学情分析The students are sure to be taught how to listen to the tape with some questions in their minds教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Step1 RevisionStep2 Presentation(A1)Step 3Presentation(A2)Step 4Presentation(A3) Step 5Listening Step 5Practice Step6Homework 1. Free talkWhat sport do I like ? Can you guess? You can ask me some questions and try to g

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