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英译汉固定翻译 3.docx

1、英译汉固定翻译 3短语类as it appears to me依我看来 as it happens碰巧,偶然 as it stands照原样,听其自然 as is often the case通常如此 as is well known to all众所周知 as a consequence因而,从而 as far back as早在 as often as not常常 as the word goes照习惯讲if it were not for要不是,假使没有 if it had not been far若不是,若没有far from it差得多,决无那事 have it both way兼而

2、有之 have it out with与争分晓 for all that虽然如此 in that case因此,因这个理由 for that matter关于那点,讲到那事 at that rate如果那样,那种情况 to the effect that 大意说的是 2句型类: That is a bargain一言为定 It is necessary that有必要 It is available that是适用的,是有效的 It is likely that很可能 It is important that重要的是 It is clear that很清楚 It is questionable

3、 that成问题的是 It is conceivable that可以想象 It is worthwhile that值得,是值得的 It has been proved that已证明 It occurs to sbthat(某人)想到,想起 It is a question that是个问题 It is noteworthy that值得注意的是 It is a fact that事实是 It is reasonable that是合理的,是适当的 It is a mercy that幸而,幸亏 It is a common practice that通常是 It stands to re

4、ason that显然,有理 It is a good news that是个好消息 It is no matter that是无关重要的 It is demonstrated that据证实,有人证明 It is seldom the case that很少见 It is a common knowledge that众所周知 It goes without saying that不言而喻 It is considered that据估计,有人认为 It happens that碰巧 It must be admitted that必须承认 It has been illustrated t

5、hat据图示,据证明 It follows that由此可见 It may be safely said that可以有把握地说 It turned out that结果是 It should be borne in mind that必须记住 It makes no matter that无关紧要 1(1) . not so much. as (but) . 与其说还不如说(2) . might as well . as. 与其说还不如说例1:He is not so much a teacher as a scholar.例2:You might as well lend your mon

6、ey to him as throw your moneyinto the sea注意:more . than . 1) she is more beautiful than her sister. 她比她姐姐漂亮。2) George is more intelligent than aggressive. 与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。2几个不定代词的固定搭配:none but (=nothing but): 只有 (=only)None but the brave deserves the fair. 只有英雄才配得上美人。She chose none but the best.

7、她只选最好的。She is nothing but a child. 她只不过是个孩子。anything but: 除-之外什么都(此处的but等于except)决不(=not at all)I eat anything but (except) fish. 除了鱼,我什么都吃。She is anything but a good cook. 她决不是个好厨师。(即:除了好厨师,她什么都是。)anything of: (疑问句/条件句)一点点;(否定句)一点也(没有)Is he anything of a poet? 他有一点点诗人的样子吗?something of .: 多少有点,有几分像,

8、略懂have / be something to do with: 与有关I think Guy Fawkes had / was something to do with a plan to blow up the bridge.我想盖佛克跟图谋炸毁桥梁有关。nothing but (= none but = only): 仅仅,只不过We could see nothing but fog. 除了雾之外我们什么也看不见。for nothing: 免费的; 徒劳的; 无缘无故的She got the ticket for nothing. 她免费得到那张票。make nothing of:

9、(常和can一起用)不理解;不重视,轻视 (= think nothing of)I could make nothing of the passage. 我不理解这篇文章。He makes / thinks nothing of working ten hours a day. 他不在乎一天工作十小时。to say nothing of: 更不用说(= not to mention / without mentioning)Three people were badly hurt, to say nothing of damage to the building. 三个人受了重伤,建筑物的损

10、害更不用说了。have nothing to do with: 与无关be involved inI have nothing to do with the accident. 我与这场事故无关。nothing of: 无的部分;无的气质There was nothing of the lady in her behavior. 她的举止根本没有淑女的气质。3“名词+or+名词”结构中or后的名词是同位语,应译为“即;或者称”例1:Moreover, technology includes techniques, or ways to do things, as well as the mac

11、hines that may or may not be necessary to apply them.译文:再者,除机器外技术还包括技艺,即制作方法,而动用这些技艺并不一定都需要机器。 4“only + to do”意为“,结果却”,即表示与句子谓语动作的目的相反的结果。例1: They dont have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema or the opera, onlyto discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing. 译文:他们不必花钱去戏院、电影院或

12、歌剧院买价格很贵的票,(如果去了,)结果却可能发现,所演的节目令人失望。 例2: They hurried there only to find the meeting canceled. 译文:他们匆匆忙忙赶到那儿,结果却发现会议被取消了。5not more / -er than 与 no more / -er than 结构比较:John is not better than Tom.John is no better than Tom.前一句表示“约翰不比汤姆好”,属于普通的比较结构;后一例用了no 情况就不同了。no better than 相当于as bad as,含义是两人一样坏。

13、这里,“no + 形容词或副词比较级 + than”所表示的可以说是该形容词或副词的反意。例如: no richer than = as poor as 和一样穷no bigger than = as small as 和一样小no later than = as early as 和一样早6no more.than. (= not.any more than) 和样都不(表示前后都否定)例1:The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. 心脏和胃一样都

14、无智力可言,因为它们都是由大脑控制的。例2:There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink 译文:他们没有理由限制你服用多少维他命,就像他们不能限制你喝多少水一样。Jack is no more intelligent than John. (=Jack is not intelligent any more than John.)杰克与约翰一样都不聪明。7not nearly (=by no means,f

15、ar from) 远不例1: The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food. 译文:食品供应将远远赶不上人口的增长,这就意味着我们在粮食的生产和购销方面正面临危机。 注:1) this是指上面提到的“到21世纪初世界人口将增加到60亿或70亿”。2) 又如:There are not nearly enough people here

16、 to do the job(这里的人手远远不够承担这项工作。)8“更不用说”的表示法:much lessstill less以上两短语引导的词组或从句,表示一种追加的否定,less是由little的比较级,所以这两个词组只能用于否定句中,可译为“更不用说,更不必 1 with + 名词 + 现在分词或过去分词所构成的独立主格:2 more than等的比较级的译法3 as as , as much as , as many as , as well as , as 从句,not , as 的灵活译法4 what从句的译法 - what词义的引申译法:5 定语从句的前置合译法与后置分译法:6形

17、容词短语前置,用法相当于分词短语,表示各种隐含的状语意义:7 形容词短语后置,作定语,用法相当于分词短语,可合译,也可分译:(本句采用逆序法翻译)8 not + 谓语动词 + because 的否定转移译法:Individual manufacturers do not necessarily rely on their relatives because they cannot obtain financial support from commercial banks. They may actually avoid them because they assume that the ba

18、nks either cannot understand their special needs or charge unreasonably high interest rates. (41 words)译文:个体企业家并不是因为无法从商业银行借到金融贷款而必须依靠他们的亲属。他们可能实际上躲开银行,因为他们觉得这些银行要么不能理解少数民族企业的特殊需要,要么收取的利率太高。9 not that , but that 或强调形式:It is not that , but that 的汉译:10 It was not until that 与Not until 的译法:11 as 引导的特殊状语从句的译法:当作定语从句来翻译12 cannot too 的译法: 再也不过分,越越好,应该

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