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1、盘点电影中那些不按剧本出牌的神操作盘点电影中那些不按剧本出牌的神操作盘点电影中那些不按剧本出牌的“神操作”伟大的电影作品离不开优秀的剧本,也离不开演员的“临场发挥”。这些临场发挥有时是不得已而为之,有时是演员的意外导致的,有时是为了更逼真更震撼的效果。而我们熟知的一些经典电影镜头其实就是这样的“临场发挥”造就的。今天就给你介绍一打这样的“神操作”。The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) 四十岁的老处男While the safest choice for a scene like that is to use special effects and make-up, Ste

2、ve Carell thought that it would be much better if the waxing was real. The reaction the character is having is completely genuine. Carell said that his experience was so horrible that he promised to never do that for a movie ever again.像上图这种场景最安全的选择是用特效和化妆技术,但是史蒂夫卡瑞尔认为,如果是真的脱毛,效果会好得多。因此,片中该角色的反应是绝对真

3、实的。卡瑞尔表示,这次体验太可怕了,他发誓以后拍电影再也不玩真人脱毛了。The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 指环王:双塔奇兵During the scene where Eowyn stares into the distance, we can see a flag being ripped off a pole and flying away. While this scene may look intentional and metaphorical, the flag flew away by accident but it fit

4、 so well with the scene, that it was kept in the final cut.在伊欧玟凝视远方时,我们看见一面旗从旗杆上被刮落,飞走了。这一幕也许看上去是有意为之,还具有隐喻性,但实际上这面旗是意外飞走的,因为和剧情十分契合所以在最终剪辑版被保留下来了。Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) 窈窕奶爸The scene where Mrs. Doubtfire had to cover her face with icing didnt go as planned. When the icing started dripping down the a

5、ctors face because the heat from set lights made it melt, Robin Williams had to improvise. At the moment when the icing dripped into Mrs. Sellners tea, he decided to say, “There you go, youve got your cream and your sugar now.”道特菲太太往脸上抹糖霜的场景出了岔子。当时影视灯的高温导致糖霜融化,糖霜顺着演员的脸往下淌,罗宾威廉姆斯只好临场发挥。当糖霜滴进泽尔纳太太的茶杯中

6、时,罗宾就编出了这句台词:“好啦,你现在有奶油也有糖了。”Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 星球大战2:帝国反击战In the scene, when Princess Leia tells Han Solo that she loves him, he was supposed to respond by saying I love you too. However, Harrison Ford felt that this response wasnt suitable for his character, so i

7、nstead, he improvised and responded by saying I know.当莱娅公主告诉汉索罗她爱他时,按照剧本他本来应该回答说“我也爱你”。但是哈里森福特觉得这一反应不符合角色性格,于是他就临场发挥改成了“我知道”。Avengers 复仇者联盟The director could not stop Robert Downey Jr. from sneaking snacks into the set, so he had no other choice but to make his snacking habit a part of his character

8、. So all the scenes of Tony Stark eating are probably not scripted.导演无法阻止小罗伯特唐尼把零食偷偷带进片场,所以唐尼吃零食的习惯就不可避免地成了角色人设的一部分。因此,片中所有钢铁侠吃东西的情节应该都是剧本中没有的。The Princess Diaries (2001) 公主日记In this film, Anne Hathaway portrayed an awkward and geeky girl who finds out shes heir apparent to the throne of Genovia. Wh

9、ile filming a scene where the character was supposed to walk on bleachers with her friend, Anne took a pretty nasty tumble. However, it fitted so well with the clumsy character that this unscripted accident was left in the film.在这部电影中,安妮海瑟薇扮演的是一位笨拙木讷的女孩,她得知自己是吉诺维亚王位继承人。在拍摄某个场景时,原本这个角色应该在露天看台上和朋友一起走的

10、,但是安妮却不小心摔倒了,而且摔得很难看。但是因为摔的这一跤和角色完美契合,所以这个剧本外的事故就留在了电影中。Django Unchained (2012) 被解救的姜戈Leonardo DiCaprio is an excellent actor who doesnt break character even when he hurts himself. He proved that during an intense scene when he hurt his arm with a shard of glass and blood started gushing from his wo

11、und. This scene wasnt scripted and the blood was real, it was left in the final cut because of the amazing acting.莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥是个杰出的演员,即使受伤也不会中断对角色的演绎。这一点有事实可以证明。在本片的一个激烈场景中,他的胳膊被一块碎玻璃割破了,鲜血从伤口中涌了出来。剧本里没有流血这个情节,那些鲜血也都是真的,最后因为莱昂纳多精彩的表演而留在了最终剪辑版中。shardrd: 碎片Titanic (1997) 泰坦尼克号The famous line I am the kin

12、g of the world wasnt scripted, it was made up on the spot by the director. After trying several different lines, James Cameron realized that nothing was working and told Leo to just say I am the king of the world and really sell it. This scene became probably the most iconic part of the movie.那句著名的台

13、词“我是世界之王”不是剧本里的,而是导演现场编出来的。在尝试了几句不同的台词后,詹姆斯卡梅隆意识到这些台词都不行,于是他就让莱昂纳多说“我是世界之王”,结果效果好极了。这一场景后来成了这部电影中最经典的一部分。Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) 暖暖内含光During the scene where a character played by Kate Winslet disappears, the look on Jim Carreys face is genuine. He wasnt told that Kate will disap

14、pear, so he was really trying to find her.在一个场景中,凯特温斯莱特扮演的角色消失时,金凯瑞脸上的表情是真实的。没有人告诉他凯特会消失,所以他是真的在找她。Rain Man (1988) 雨人While filming, Dustin Hoffman accidentally passed gas, however, he and Tom Cruise made it look like it was part of the scene. Actors managed to stay in character and spontaneously cre

15、ated such a good scene that it became a fan favorite.有一次在拍摄过程中,达斯汀霍夫曼不小心放了个屁,但是他和汤姆克鲁斯却让这个屁成了这个场景的一部分。两个演员都努力不出戏,于是便很自然地创造出了这样杰出的一幕,后来还成了粉丝最喜爱的一个情节。Scent Of A Woman (1992) 闻香识女人Al Pacino prepared for his part by not allowing his eyes to focus on anything. He got so good at simulating blindness, that

16、 he could barely see anything. The scene on the street, where the actor fell over a garbage can, happened by accident because of his bad vision.阿尔帕西诺在准备饰演盲人角色时,一直不让自己的眼球聚焦。他模仿盲人模仿得太像了,导致他自己几乎什么也看不到。在拍摄街上的一个场景时,帕西诺被垃圾筒绊倒了,这其实是他“视力不佳”引发的事故。American Beauty (1999) 美国丽人The epic plate throwing scene in th

17、is movie was improvised. In the script, Lester Burnham throws the plate at the floor, however, Kevin Spacey decided to violently throw it into the wall right behind Thora Birchs back, landing genuine reactions from the actors in the scene.电影中摔盘子的经典一幕是临场发挥的结果。剧本中,莱斯特伯纳姆是把盘子扔到地上,但是凯文史派西决定把盘子很暴力地扔到索拉伯奇背后的墙上,由此引发在场其他演员的反应都是真实的。

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