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1、运营管理复习整理英文reviewChapter 1What Is Operations Management? Production is the creation of goods and services Operations management is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs Transformations Physical-manufacturing Locational-transport

2、ation Exchange-retailing Storage-warehousing Physiological-health care Informational-telecommunicationsE-commerce Ten Critical Decisions Service, product design Quality management Process, capacity design Location Layout design Human resources, job design Supply-chain management Inventory management

3、 Scheduling Maintenance New trends in Operations Management Emphasis on POM which is a gateway to corporate strategies Business process reengineering Lean production Supply chain management Agile management Virtual enterprise, win-win solution Mass customization Productivity Measure of process impro

4、vement Represents output relative to input Productivity = Units produced Input used Only through productivity increases can our standard of living improve Two Critical Notions: Productivity Learn Curve Learning Learning: Relatively permanent change in behavior due to repetition & rewards Types of le

5、arning Individual Organizational Results in learning curve effect First observed in 1936 in airplane industry 产品设计Chapter 2Research & Development (R&D) Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or product innovation & may involve: Basic Research advances knowledge about a subject without ne

6、ar-term expectations of commercial applications. Applied Research achieves commercial applications. Development converts results of applied research into commercial applications. Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering is the dismantling and inspecting of a competitors product to discover product im

7、provements. Lens reverse engineering Product Development Techniques Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Organizing for Product Development Manufacturability and Value Engineering Reverse Engineering Value Analysis/Value Engineering Focuses on design improvement during production Seeks improvements lea

8、ding either to a better product or a product which can be more economically produced. The Benefits of Manufacturability and Value Engineering reduced complexity of products additional standardization of products improved functional aspects of product improved job design and job safety improved maint

9、ainability of the product Mass Customization Mass customization: A strategy of producing standardized goods or services, but incorporating some degree degree of customization Delayed differentiation Modular design Facility Location and Layout Chapter 3 Major Methods of Solving Location Problems Weig

10、hted methods which: Assign weights and points to various factors Determine tangible costs Investigate intangible costs Center of Gravity Method Find best distribution center location Location breakeven methods Special case of breakeven analysis Transportation method A specialized linear programming

11、method Layout and Its Objectives Layout: Location or arrangement of everything within & around buildings Objectives are to maximize Customer satisfaction Utilization of space, equipment, & people Efficient flow of information, material, & people Employee morale & safety 导向布局:1. 以产品为导向的布局:(洋快餐)专用设备,对

12、材料要求高(挑剔),要求每一环节单位时间产出相当,种类小,效率高,不能产生瓶颈,个性化强。U型布局:占地小,空间大。2. 以工艺为导向的布局:(云大医院)要求相同设备集中摆放,达到少停留,用到通用设备,对原材料不挑剔,整体成品移动时间最短,效率低,个性化弱。Process, Capacity Planning and 6S Chapter 4 Some Basic Notions about Process Process is an organizations approach to transform inputs into outputs Inputs and outputs Netwo

13、rk of activities and buffers Information structure Flow time, Flow Rate andInventory Dynamics: Littles LawAverage Inventory (I) =Throughput (R) *Average Flow Time (T) Process analysis can be applied to many different context: Material flow Customer flow Job flow Cash flow Bottleneck Flexibility现场管理的

14、六大目标 Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Morale Safety 6S是什么? 5S是日文SEIRI(整理)、SEITON(整顿)、 SEISO(清扫)、SEIKETSU(清洁)、 SHITSUKE(修养)这五个单词,因为五个单 词前面发音都是S,所以统称为5S。后 来SAFTY(安全)被纳入,称为6S管理。 破窗实验与5S- 暗示性纵容 你知道张瑞敏接手海尔公司最初提出的口号吗? 你知道广州本田接手广州标致后做的第一件事吗? 安全安全 ( SAFTY) 航天发射五条安全标准 定位准确 机理清楚 故障复现 措施有效 举一反三 Project Manag

15、ement Chapter 5 Project DefinedProject A series of related jobs usually directed toward some major output and requiring a significant period of time to perform. Websters Dictionary:A large or important, often public undertaking Project Scheduling Techniques Gantt chart Critical Path Method (CPM) Pro

16、gram Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT) The Six Steps Common to PERT & CPM 1. Define the project and prepare the work breakdown structure, 2. Develop relationships among the activities. (Decide which activities must precede and which must follow others.) 3 . Draw the network connecting all of the

17、activities 4. Assign time and/or cost estimates to each activity 5. Compute the longest time path through the network. This is called the critical path 6. Use the network to help plan, schedule, monitor, and control the project 采用双代号网络图法(Activity-On-Arrow,AOA)左大 右小Variability in Activity Times ; CPM

18、 assumes we know a fixed time estimate for each activity and there is no variability in activity times ; PERT uses a probability distribution for activity times to allow for variability X=u+ZX代表存货量,u代表期望,是标准差,Z是服务率Limitations of PERT/CPM Assumes clearly defined, independent, & stable activities Spec

19、ified precedence relationships Activity times (PERT) follow beta distribution Subjective time estimates Over-emphasis on critical path Aggregate Planning Term Schedulingrm SchedulingChapter 6The Planning Process确定是否外包Scheduling Issues ; Scheduling deals with the timing of operations ; The task is th

20、e allocation and prioritization of demand iti ; Significant issues are ; The type of scheduling, forward or backward ; The criteria for priorities 6-23 Assignment Method ; A special class of linear programming models that assign tasks or jobs to resources ; Objective is to minimize cost or time ; On

21、ly one job (or worker) is assigned to one machine (or project) 若最少工序在第一道工序排第一位若最少工序在第一道工序排最后一位The Psychology of Waiting Lines Waiting is frustrating, demoralizing, agonizing, aggravating, annoying, time consuming and incredibly expensive FedExs AdvertisementAdvertisement Two laws about waiting: Occu

22、pied time feels shorter than unoccupied timee_ A watched pot never boiled. S=PS=P-EE Some Tips about Queuing ; Unoccupied time feel longer than occupied time ; Pre process e-process w aits feel longer than in process time ; Anxiety makes waits seem longer ; Uncertain waits are longerlonger than know

23、n, finite waits ; Unexplained waits are longer than explained waits ; Unfair waits are longer than equitable waits ; The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait ; Solo waits feel longer than group waits Inventory Management Chapter 7 Inventory and Inventory System Inventory is t

24、he stock of any item or resource used in an organization. These items or resources can include: raw materials, finished products, component parts, supplies, and work- in-process. An inventory system is the set of policies and controls that monitor levels of inventory and determines what levels shoul

25、d be maintained, when stock should be replenished, and how large orders should be. The Functions of Inventory To serve as a buffer to against variation in operations and to smooth production requirements To provide a stock of goods that will provide a selection for customers To protect against stock

26、out To take advantage of quantity discounts to hedge against price increases Inventory and Profit The average cost of inventory across all manufacturing in the United States is 30 to 35 percent of its value, while in retail cycle the inventory cost of an item can be equal to 25 percent of its value

27、annually, therefore, a reduction of inventory is an increase of profit. Types of Inventory Raw material & purchased parts Work-in-progress (Partially completed goods ) Maintenance/repair/operating supply Finished goods Goods-in-transit to warehouses or customers Run time: Job is at machine and being

28、 worked on setup time: Job is at work station, and the work station is being setup. Queue time: Job is where it should be, but is not being processed because other work precedes it. Move time: The time a job spends in transit Wait time: When one process is finished, but the job is waiting to be move

29、d to the next work area. Other: Just-in-case inventory. Cycle Counting Physically counting a sample of total inventory on a regular basis Used often with ABC classification A items counted most often (e.g., daily) Advantages of Cycle Counting Eliminates shutdown and interruption of production necess

30、ary for annual physical inventories Eliminates annual inventory adjustments Provides trained personnel to audit the accuracy of inventory Allows the cause of errors to be identified and remedial action to be taken Maintains accurate inventory records Independent versus Dependent Demand Independent demand - demand for item is independent of

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