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人教版英语九年级unit 5What are the shirts made of 同步测试.docx

1、人教版英语九年级unit 5What are the shirts made of 同步测试人教版英语九年级unit 5What are the shirts made of 同步测试市海淀实验中学吕颖 笔试部分 (共七大题,85分)一、选择填空(共15分,每题1分)( )1The ring looks very pretty, it_silver.A. made of B. is made of C. makes of D. was made of答案: B解析:考查一般现在时的被动语态,be made of意为“由 制成”,这里用一般现在时。( )2As we all know, Chin

2、a is_tea.A. famous for B. famous as C. famous in D. famous at答案:A解析:考察固定用法,be famous for意为“以而著名”, be famous as 意为“作为而著名”。( ) 3(2014广州中考)He is very surprised that all the houses in the village _ white. A. paint B. painted C. are painting D. are painted答案:D解析:考察一般现在时的被动语态, 房子不是自己刷上白色的,故选D。( ) 4Our roo

3、m must _ clean.A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep答案:B解析:考察含有情态动词的被动语态, must be done。( ) 5The beautiful camera _ in Japan.A. produces B. produced C. is produced D. was produced答案:D解析:考察一般过去时的被动语态,此题强调产地, was produced。A. will keep B. has kept C. will be kept D. has been kept答案:C解析:考察一般将来时的被动语

4、态,根据语境得知,此题为将来时,will be done。( ) 7(2009广东深圳)- Arthur is responsible _ the newspaper, isnt he?- _ , but Joyce is. Shes the chief editor.A. of; Yes, he isnt B. for; Yes, he is C. of; No, he is D. for; No, he isnt答案:D解析:考察固定用法及反义疑问句的回答,be responsible for 为固定搭配,回答显示Arthur不是主编,所以回答No, he isnt。A. cut down

5、 B. to cut down C. cutting down D. to cutting down答案:C解析:考察非谓语动词,stop doing 停止做,不做, stop to do 停下来去做,题意为停止砍伐树木。( ) 9Everyone should avoid _ loudly in public. Its impolite.A. speaking B. to speak C. not speaking D. not to speak答案:A解析:考察固定用法,avoid doing,避免做某事。( ) 10(2014昌平一模)The city walls _ forty yea

6、rs ago. What a pity!A. destroyed B. destroy C. are destroyed D. were destroyed答案:D解析:考察一般过去时的被动语,ago 是一般过去时的暗示词,此题为被动语态,was/were+ destroyed。( ) 11(2014海淀一模)I think We chatting makes us _ closer.A. feel B. felt C. feeling D. to feel答案:A解析:考查非谓语。make sb do sth是一个惯用法,表示让某人做某事。( ) 12(2014海淀一模)Be quiet!

7、Your little brother _ in the bedroom now.A. slept B. sleeps C. will sleep D. is sleeping答案:D解析:考查动词时态。根据祈使句be quiet得知你的弟弟正在卧室里休息。故选D。( ) 13(2014海淀一模) Gina_ a lot since she joined the art club.A. learns B. learned C. will learn D. has learned答案:D解析:考查动词时态。根据连词since引导时间点,且时态是一般过去时。主句里的动词用现在完成时。故选D。( )

8、14 _ to make Chinese clay? After shaping by hand, they are allowed to air-dry.A. What B. How C. Where D. When答案:B解析:考察疑问副词,回答显示的是 Chinese clay的制作方法,How意为如何,故选B( )15(2014昌平一模)I didnt know _ last year.A. where he lives B. where does he liveC. where he lived D. where did he live答案:C解析:考察宾语从句,题目的时间状语是la

9、st year, 应该是过去时,宾语从句要用陈述语序,故选C。二、完形填空(共15分,每题1分)Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I _16_ a newspaper and some chocolate and _17_ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to _18_ at.

10、 I put my heavy bag down on the floor, _19_ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee。When I came back with the coffee, There was someone _20_ in the next seat. _21_ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and _22_ bright red at the front. He had started

11、 to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didnt want to have any _23_. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in _24_.Then he took a _25_ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didnt say anything to

12、him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece。” And I got it。The boy gave me a strange look, then _26_ up. As he left, he shouted out, “Theres something _27_ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, _28_ I didnt want to quarrel with the

13、 boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had _29_ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to _30_. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boys!( )16. A. stole B. bought C. sold D. wrote( )17. A. went B.

14、sat C. seated D. looked( )18. A. sit B. seatC. lieD. laugh( )19. A. pushedB. tookC. putD. pulled( )20. A. jumpingB. playingC. sitting D. sleeping( )21. A. He B. It C. Who D. What( )22. A. cut B. washed C. covered D. colored( )23. A. coffee B. trouble C. chocolate D. matter( )24. A. carelessness B. a

15、nger C. surprise D. happiness( )25. A. first B. second C. very D. last( )26. A. stood B. took C. cried D. looked( )27. A. strange B. wrong C. OKD. funny( )28. A. andB. butC. so D. while( )29. A. spelt B. corrected C. made D. found( )30. A. finishB. leave C. jump D. shop答案:16. 答案:B解析: 为了消磨时间,“我”买了报纸和

16、巧克力,故选bought。17. 答案:A解析:由文章推理出,“我”走进了一家咖啡店,故应选went。18. 答案:A解析: to sit at 是作为tables的后置定语,意为“可以在旁边就坐的桌子”。19. 答案:C解析:按常理“我”应把报纸等放在桌子上,而不是推到或拉到桌子上故应选 put。20. 答案:C解析:由下文可知,回来时“我”发现他开始吃“我”的东西,说明他坐在桌旁,故选 sitting。21. 答案:A解析:由下文可知,对方是一个男子,故用he指代。22. 答案:D解析:头发应是被染成红色的,故应选colored。23. 答案:B解析:面对这样一个男子,“我”不想惹麻烦,t

17、rouble合乎文意为正确选项。24. 答案:C解析:由下文可知,“我”吃的是这个男子的巧克力,这引起了对方的某一反应,比较四个选项,再根据上文,用名词surprise比较合乎当时的情形。25. 答案:B解析:习惯用语“a second + 名词”,常用来表示“再一个,又一个”26. 答案:A解析:根据文意可知那个男孩起身要走,故选择stood。27. 答案:B解析:男孩生气了,必定说了发泄的话,比较四个选项wrong为最佳选择。28. 答案:B解析:男孩骂了“我”导致大家都朝“我”看,而“我”不想与他争吵,可见“我”的反应与上文描述的气氛恰恰相反,故选择but构成转折关系。29. 答案:C解

18、析:固定搭配make a mistake意为“犯了个错误”。30. 答案:B解析: “我” 在喝完咖啡准备离开时发现了自己的过错,故应选leave.三、阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)AWhat are intelligence tests? How are they useful? The score you make on an intelligence test is called your IQ.In most intelligence tests there are many questions, the questions test mainly two kinds of skill

19、s: one is words, or verbal (语言的) and the other is numbers, or mathematical ability. There are many other kinds of intelligence. It is difficult to test all of them. If you want to find out how intelligent an Eskino(爱斯基摩) child is, you will find it is difficult. This particular child has never been t

20、o school. He can neither read nor write, but he does have a lot of knowledge on how to catch fish. What kind of test could you give to test his intelligence, or mental ability? If you think about this, you will understand that most standard intelligence tests cannot test everyones mental ability. Th

21、ey are designed to test the mental abilities you use in school.The scores of an intelligence test are not final. A child may do poorly on such a test one year for many reasons. He may do better the next year. In fact, some people are the most creative. But they do not always get the highest scores o

22、n such tests.However, intelligence tests can be very useful as the same as other kinds of tests can. All such tests help teachers to see how they can help their pupils best. they show that a girl or boy is making a progress year by year.( )31. This article is mainly about _.A. intelligence quotient(

23、IQ) B. skill with words and numbersC. intelligence tests and their use D. stupid children and bright children答案:A解析:主旨归纳题。( )32. Which one seems NOT to be directly talked about in the passage, yet it can beinferred from the passage?A. Children who get poor scores on an intelligence test are hopeless

24、B. Intelligence tests help teachers to train studentsC. The Eskimo child in the article may get high grades if he goes to school. D. Intelligence tests are always reliable答案:C解析:推理判断题。短文第二段讲述爱斯基摩人的孩子如果用智力测试的方法测试他,得分会低,看对捕鱼却很擅长,暗示如果他们去上学,得分会很高。( )33. The word “they” in the last sentence of last parag

25、raph refers to_A. teachers B. pupilsC. tests D. the other kinds of tests except intelligence tests答案:C解析:细节理解题。最后一段第一,二句的主语都是 “tests”. 代词 they用来代替前文提到过的人或事。( )34. Intelligence tests can designed to test the mental abilities of everyone, can they?A. Yes. B. No. C. Yes, even old people. D. Not said.答案

26、:B。解析: 第二段第二句话,“If you think about this, you will understand that most standardintelligence tests cannot test everyones metal ability”.( )35. Which one of these sentences is NOT true?A. There are only two kinds of intelligence tests.B. Verbal ability refers to skill with words.C. It is hard to test

27、intelligence of an Eskimo boy who has never been to school.D. A students with a high IQ is likely to be a top student.答案:A。解析:第二段前几句话叙述的“In most intelligence tests there are many questions, the questions test mainly two kinds of skills: one is words, or verbal (语言的) and the other is numbers, or mathematical ability. There are many other kinds of intelligence.”BChuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to pe

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