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推荐the six chapters of a floating life 精品.docx

1、推荐the six chapters of a floating life 精品Six Chapters of a Floating Life(中英文)(1)20XX-09-22 12:32:20|分类:|字号订阅Six Chapters of a Floating Life(1)浮生六记-沈复著,林语堂译浮生六记序文-林语堂(中英文)浮生六记(沈复著,林语堂译)PrefaceYun. I think, is one of the loveliest women in Chinese literature.芸,我想,是中国文学中最可爱的女人。She is not the most beauti

2、ful,for the author, her husband, does not make that claim, and yet who can deny that she is the loveliest?她并非最美丽,因为这书的作者,她的丈夫,并没有这样推崇。She is just think one of those charming women one sometimes sees in the homes of ones friends, so happy with their husbands that one cannot fall in love with them .但是

3、谁能否认她是一个可爱的女人?她只是在我们朋友家中有时遇见有风韵的丽人,因与其夫伉俪情笃,令人尽绝倾慕之念。One is glad merely to know that such a woman exists in the world and to know her as a friend s wife,我们只觉得世上有这样的女人是一件可喜的事,只愿认她是朋友之妻,to be able to e uninvited to her home for lunch, or to have her put a blanket around ones legs when one falls asleep

4、 while she is discussing painting and literature and cucumbers in her womanish manner with her husband,可以出入其家,可以不邀自来和她夫妇吃中饭,或者当她与丈夫促膝畅谈书画文学乳腐卤瓜之时,你打瞌睡,她可以来放一条毛毯把你的脚腿盖上?I dare say there are a number of such woman in every generation,也许古今各代都有这种女人,expect that in Yun I seem to feel the quails of a culti

5、vated and gentle wife bined to a greater degree of perfection than falls within our mon experience.不过在芸身上,我们似乎看见这样贤达的美德特别齐全,一生中不可多得。For who would not like to go out secretly with her against her parents wish to the TAIHU LAKE and see her elated at the sight of the wide expanse of water,你想谁不愿意和她夫妇,背着

6、翁姑,偷往太湖,看她观玩洋洋万顷的湖水,而叹天地之宽,or watch the moon with her by the bridge of the thousand years?或者同她在万年桥去赏月?and who would not like to go with her, if she were living in England, and visit the British Museum ,where she would see the medieval illuminated manuscripts with tears of delight?而且假使她生在英国,谁不愿意陪她去参观

7、伦敦博物院,看她狂喜坠泪玩摩中世纪的彩金钞本?therefore ,when I say that she is one of the loveliest woman in Chinese literature and Chinese history-for she was a real person-I do not think I have exaggerated.因此,我说她是中国文学及中国历史上(因为确有其人)一个最可爱的女人,并非故甚其辞。浮生六记序文-林语堂(2)Here life, in the words of Su Tungpo, “was like a spring dre

8、am which vanished without a trace.”她的一生,“事如春梦了无痕”,如东坡所云。Had it not been for a literary accident, we might not have known that a woman lived, loved and suffered.要不是这书得偶然保存,我们今日还不知有这样一个女人生在世上,饱尝过闺房之乐与坎坷之愁。I am translating her story just because it a story that should be told the world; on the one hand

9、, to propagate her name,我现在把她的故事翻译出来,不过因为这故事应该叫世人知道,一方面以流传她的芳名;and on the other, because in this simple story of two guileless creatures in their search for beauty, living a life of poverty and privations, decidedly outwitted by life by life an their cleverer fellowmen, yet determined to snatch ever

10、y moment of happiness an always fearful of the jealousy of lived the gods,又一方面,因为我在这两位无猜的夫妇的简朴的生活中,看他们追求美丽,看他们穷困潦倒,遭不如意事的磨折,受狡佞小人的欺侮,同时一意享求浮生半日闲的清福,却又怕遭神明的忌。I seem to see the essence of a Chinese way of life as really lived by two artistic persons who did not acplish any thing particularly noteworth

11、y in the world,在这故事中,我仿佛看到中国处世哲学的精华,在两位恰巧成为夫妇的生平上表现出来。两位平常的雅人,在世上并没有特殊的建树,but merely loved the beautiful things in life, lived their quiet life with some good friends after their own heartostensibly failures, and happy in their failure.只是欣爱宇宙间的良辰美景,山林泉石,同几位知心友过他们恬淡自适的生活蹭蹬不遂,而仍不改其乐。They were too good

12、 to be successful, for they were retiring, cultivated souls, and the face that they were disowned by their elders could not be counted against them, but was all to their credit.他们太驯良了,所以不会成功,因为他们两位胸怀旷达,澹泊名利,与世无争。而他们的遭父母放逐,也不能算他们的错,反而值得我们的同情。浮生六记英译自序-林语堂(3)The cause of the tragedy lay simply in the f

13、act that she knew how to read and write and that she loved beauty too much to know what loving beauty was wrong.这悲剧之原因,不过因为芸知书识字,因为她太爱美,至于不懂得爱美有什么罪过。As a daughter-in-law who wanted to marry a concubine, and she got so excited over a sing-song girl that she secretly arranged to have her husband take

14、her as his concubine, and fell seriously ill because a more powerful young man snatched her away.因她是识字的媳妇,所以她得替她的婆婆写信给在外想要娶妾的公公,而且她见了一位歌伎简直发痴,暗中替她的丈夫撮合娶为簉室,后来为强者所夺,因而生起大病。There we see an elementary, though entirely innocent, conflict between her artistic temperament and the world of reality, a confl

15、ict further seen in her disguising herself as a man in order to see the “illuminated flowers” on a gods birthday. Was it morally wrong for a woman to disguise herself as a man or to take a passionate interest in a beautiful sing-song girl? If so, she could not have been conscious of it.在这地方,我们看见她的爱美

16、的天性与这现实的冲突一种根本的,虽然是出于天真的冲突。这冲突在她于神诞之际,化扮男装,赴会观“花照”,也可看出,一个女人打扮男装或是倾心于一个歌伎是不道德吗?如果是,她全不晓得,She merely yearned to see and know the beautiful things in life, beautiful things which lay not within the reach of moral women in ancient china to see.她只思慕要看见,要知道人生世上的美丽景物,那些中国古代守礼的妇人向来所看不到的景物。It was the same a

17、rtistically innocent, but morally indecorous, urge that made her wish to travel like a man to all the famous mountains in China which, since she could not do as a moral young woman, she was willing to look forward to in her old age.也是由于这艺术上本无罪而道德上犯礼的衷怀,使她想要游遍天下名山那些年青守礼妇女不便访游,而她愿意留待“鬓斑”之时去访游的名山。But s

18、he did not see the mountains, for she had already seen a beautiful sing-song girl, and that was indecorous enough for her parents to disown her as a sentimental young fool, and the rest of her life had to be spent in a struggle with poverty, with too little leisure and money for such delights as cli

19、mbing famous mountains.但是这些山她没看到,因为她已经看见一位风流蕴藉的歌伎,而这已十分犯礼,足使她的公公认为她是情痴少妇,把她驱出家庭,而她从此半生须颠倒于穷困之中,没有清闲也没有钱可以享游山之乐了。Did Shen Fu, her husband, perhaps idealize her? I hardly think so. The reader will be convinced of this when he reads the story itself.是否沈复,她的丈夫,把她描写过实?我觉得不然,读者读本书后必与我同意。浮生六记英译自序-林语堂(4)He

20、made no effort to whitewash her or himself. In him, too, lived the spirit of truth and beauty and the genius for resignation and contentment so characteristic of Chinese culture. I cannot help wondering what this monplace scholar must have been like to inspire such a pure and loyal love in his wife,

21、 and to be able to appreciate it so much as to write for us one of the tenderest accounts of wedded love we have ever e across in literature.他不曾存意粉饰芸或他自己的缺点。我们看见这书的作者自身也表示那种爱美爱真的精神,和那中国文化最特色的知足常乐恬淡自适的天性。我不免暗想,这位平常的寒士是怎样一个人,能引起他太太这样纯洁的爱,而且能不负此爱,把他写成古今中外文学中最温柔细腻闺房之乐的记载。Peace be to his soul! His ancest

22、ral tomb is on the Hill of Good Fortune and Longevity in the neighborhood of Soochow, and if we are lucky, we may still be able and fruits and say some prayers on our knees to these two sweet souls. If I were there, I would whistle the melodies of Mauricc Ravels “Pavane”,sad as death, yet smiling, o

23、r perhaps Massenets “Melodie”,tender and resigned and beautiful and purged of all exciting passions.三白,三白,魂无恙否?他的祖坟在苏州郊外福寿山,倘使我们有幸,或者尚可找到。果能如愿,我想备点香花鲜果,供奉跪拜祷祝于这两位清魂之前,也没什么罪过。在他们坟前,我要低吟 Mauricc Ravel的“Pavane”,哀思凄楚,缠绵悱恻,而归于和美静娴,或是长啸Massenet的“Melodie”,如怨如慕,如泣如诉,悠扬而不流于激越。For in the presence of these sou

24、ls, ones spirit also bees humble, not before the great, but before the small, things of life, for I truly believe that a humble life happily lived is the most beautiful thing in the universe.因为在他们之前,我们的心气也谦和了,不是对伟大者,是对卑弱者,起谦恭畏敬,因为我相信淳朴恬适自甘的生活,如芸所说“布衣菜饭,可乐终身”的生活,是宇宙最美丽的东西。Inevitably, while reading an

25、d rereading and going over this little booklet, my thoughts are led to the question of happiness.在我翻阅重读这本小册子之时,每每不期然而然想到这安乐的问题。For those who bo not know it, happiness is a problem, and for those who do know it, happiness is a mystery. The reading o Shen Fus story gives one this sense of the mystery

26、of happiness, which transcends all bodily sorrows and actual hardships-life-long sentence with the consciousness of having done no wrong, the same happiness that is so subtly depicted for us in Tolstoys “Resurrection”in which the spirit conquers the body. For this reason, I think the life of this co

27、uple is one of the saddest and yet at the same time “gayest lives, the type of gaiety that bears sorrow so well.Lin Yutang在未得安乐的人,求之而不可得;在已得安乐之人,又不知其来之所自。读了沈复的书,每使我感到这安乐的奥妙,远超乎尘俗之压迫与人身之苦痛这安乐,我想,很像一个无罪下狱的人心地之泰然,也就是托尔斯泰在复活中所微妙表出的一种,是心灵已战胜肉身了。因为这个缘故,我想这对伉俪的生活是最悲惨而同时是最活泼快乐的生活那种善处忧患的活泼快乐。 廿四(1935)年五月廿四日龙

28、溪林语堂序于上海Chapter OneWEDDED BLISS I was born in 1763, under the reign of Ch ienlung, on the twenty-second day of the eleventh moon.余生乾隆癸未冬卜一月二十有二日,(我生于乾隆癸壬(1763年)未冬十一月二十二日。)The country was then in the heyday of peace and, moreover, I was born in a scholars family, living by the side of the Tsanglang P

29、avilion in Soochow. So altogether I may say the gods have been unusually kind to me.正值太平盛世,且在衣冠之家,后苏州沧浪亭畔,天之厚我可谓至矣。(当时正值太平盛世,而且生在衣冠世家,居住于苏州沧浪亭畔。苍天对我的厚爱真可谓应有尽至啊!)Su Tungpo said, Life is like a spring dream which vanishes without a trace. I should be ungrateful to the gods if I did not try to put my l

30、ife down on record.东坡云:事如春梦了无痕,苟不记之笔墨,未免有辜彼苍之厚。(苏东坡曾云:“事如春梦了无痕”,对自己的经历如果不记之以笔墨,未免有辜负于苍天的厚恩。)Since the Book of Poems begins with a poem on wedded love, I thought I would begin this book by speaking of my marital relations and then let other matters follow.因思关鸠冠三百篇之首,被列夫妇于首卷,余以次递及焉。(如今,思考关雎是描写青年男女互相倾恋

31、之诗篇,而且冠诗经三百篇之首,所以特意将本人夫妻生活的“闺房记乐”列于首卷,其余篇目则以次递及下去。)My only regret is that I was not properly educated in childhood; all I know is a simple language and I shall try only to record the real facts and real sentiments. I hope the reader will be kind enough not to scrutinize my grammar, which would be like looking for brilliance in a tarnished mirror.所愧少年失学,稍识之无,不过记其实情实事而已,若必考订其文法,是责明于垢鉴矣。(所惭愧的是自己少年失学,稍有学识而无深知,以下描写不过是纪录一些实情实事而已。若必考究文法修辞,则要借助明亮于污垢的镜子了。)Six Chapters of a Floating Life(2)浮生六记-沈复著,林语堂译Chapter OneWEDDED BLISS(闺

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