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Traveling 单元计划.docx

1、Traveling 单元计划PYP PlannerClass/grade班级:KB Age group年龄:4-5 years old School学校:JuRong Country Garden School Title单元题目: Lets Go Teacher(s)老师: Bee Jojo Yoyo Date日期:3.1-5.28Proposed duration建议期限:number of hours 16 小时 over number of week 8 周Planning the inquiry备课阶段1. What is our purpose? 我们的目的是什么?To inqui

2、re into the following Transdisciplinary theme 跨学科主题: Where we are in place and time 时空领域An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individual

3、s and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.探究我们在时空中的方位;个人的历史;家庭和旅程;人类的各种发现、探索与迁徙;从本地与全球的观点考察个人与文明之间千丝万缕的联系。 central idea 中心思想:(提示:中心思想应当用简明扼要的一句话来表述,它将帮助学生对跨学科主题形成自己的理解,并能挑战和扩展学生的已有知识。中心思想对于所有学生来说具有强制性。不同能力不同年龄层次的学生都可对中心思想进行不同深度的学习。)Traveling helps us know more about the world.旅游帮助我们更好地

4、认识世界各国文化。Summative assessment task(s) 总结性评价设计:What are the possible ways of assessing students understanding of the central idea? What evidence, including student initiated actions, will we look for? 大概用什么方法来评价学生对中心思想的理解?我们希望用什么形式(包括学生的自发行动)来进行评价?(提示:参考评价策略和评价工具)The students will have assessment exe

5、rcises after the discussions or activities. They will work together on a simple and realistic travel plan and after their trip they will talk about their trip and the fun they had experienced and the responsibilities that they had during the travel, and any souvenirs or mementos theyve acquired.在讨论和

6、活动之后,学生将会有一个评价练习。他们将在一起制定一个简单可行的旅游计划。在实地旅行后,学生将谈谈他们的旅程,说说旅行当中他们经历的乐趣,谈谈他们在旅行中应该承担的职责,甚至是他们获得的旅行纪念品等。2. What do we want to learn?我们想学些什么?What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry? 本次探究活动要强调的核心概念有哪些?(提示:只要选取2-3个核心概念,但要思考如何用概念推动探究) My experience about traveling (Form)我的旅游经历(形式) Pre

7、paration for traveling (Connection)旅游准备(联系) Why we travel (Perspective)为什么要旅游(观点)What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? 为推动探究,老师拟设计哪些问题?Question and Answer: either the teacher or the students will initiate the questioning. 问答:老师或学生开始着手的问题Which places did you go in winter hol

8、iday?寒假中你去了哪些地方旅游?(What do you know about traveling?)关于旅行你了解什么? (Where do you want to travel? Why?)你想去哪里旅游,为什么?(Whom do you want to travel with? Why?)你想和谁去旅游,为什么?(When do you want to travel? Why?)你想什么时候去旅游,为什么?3. How might we know what we have learned? 我们如何知道我们学到了什么?This column should be used in con

9、junction with “How best might we learn?” 此栏目应与“我们如何学得最好”结合使用。 What are the possible ways of assessing students prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we look for? 大概用什么方法来评价学生的已有知识与技能?我们希望用什么形式来评价? The students will be assessed through the different activities that they will take part in dur

10、ing the class. There will be discussions before and after each activity for them to be aware of the purpose of the class. Field trips will be organized in order to have a personal experience on the lessons. They will talk about their trip and the fun they had experienced and the responsibilities tha

11、t they had during the travel. 幼儿将参加课上的各种不同的活动,在活动中老师将对幼儿进行评价。每节课、每次活动前后让幼儿进行讨论,确保他们了解上课的目的。将组织一些户外活动,让幼儿增长个人经验。幼儿将讨论他们的旅行,分享他们在旅游中获得的快乐和旅游中所必须承担的责任。Go to the library and search for books and pictures about traveling. What pictures did they see? Share with the class.到图书馆寻找旅游的书籍和图片,和同学们分享看到的图片。Travel

12、to other classrooms to learn about different cities and countries. Share with the class.去别的教室交换学习不同的城市和国家。 Field trip to Windows of the World in Shenzhen. Allow the children to plan, experience, and reflect upon traveling and learning about the world.去深圳的世界之窗旅游,允许学生自己去计划,体验反思需学习到的东西。What are the pos

13、sible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for? 大概用什么方法来评价学生在探究活动过程中的学习情况?我们希望用什么形式来评价? (提示:这是过程性评价)Discussing traveling with everyone (teachers, students and parents)和所有人讨论旅游(教师,学生和父母)Where do you want to travel? (The students can tal

14、k about the places they love to go to.)你想什么时候去旅游?学生讨论他们喜欢去旅游的地方。The students will be asked to create their own simple and realistic travel plan. They will talk about this in class and the teacher will guide them through. 要求学生制订他们自己简单可行的旅游计划。幼儿在课堂中进行讨论,老师全程提供帮助。The kids will be asked of their respons

15、ibilities when traveling. After the activity, they will be asked if they were able to follow the guidelines.学生应该注意他们在旅游时的责任。在活动之后,询问学生是否遵守了旅游指引条例。4. How best might we learn? 我们如何学得最好?What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with t

16、he inquiries and address the driving questions? 可以设计哪些活动促进学生参与问题的探究? Travel to the other classrooms.参观阅览室 Field trip to Windows of the World在社区内进行短途旅行 Share pictures of places they have been and would like to go.分享他们想一起去旅游的人的照片 Preparing a travel plan using different resource material: videos, power

17、 point presentation of pictures (transport, places of interest), movies, sounds, books, maps (for directions)准备不同的资源材料: 视频,图片PPT(感兴趣的交通工具和地点),电影,声音,书籍,地图(用以指引方向Teacher provides the context for inquiry through making passports, visas, tickets, maps, and other travel documents.教师为探究提供环境What opportunit

18、ies will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learner profile? 可以设计哪些活动培养学生的跨学科技能及十种基本素质?Communication Skills the kids will develop their communication skills through the discussions and research that they will participate in regarding trave

19、l. They will also learn to communicate through body movements. Through the crafts, they can express their thoughts and imagination.交流技能-幼儿通过他们参与讨论和调查中发展交流技能。幼儿也学习通过身体动作来进行交流。他们还通过手工作品来展现思维能力和想象能力。Research The kids will develop their research skills by looking through Travel related books and interne

20、t sites and videos. This will make them realize that in order to find some facts, they have to make use of different resource materials. They will also be encouraged to share some materials that they have at home. The parents can participate in this way. 研究-孩子通过书籍、网站和视频来提高研究水平。这会让幼儿认识到如果想发现事实就要学会使用不

21、同的资源材料。鼓励幼儿分享家里有的资源,这样家长也能参与到活动中。Thinking The kids through all the activities, research, discussions and trips that they experienced will learn to think and ask questions and therefore, improve their inquiring skills.思想-幼儿通过活动、研究、讨论和他们经历过的旅行来学习思考和提问,以提高他们的探究能力。 Social and self-management skills the

22、kids will learn to accept responsibilities, learn to cooperate and organize themselves when they are given the opportunity through this unit.社会和自我管理能力-在这个单元中,给予机会让幼儿学习承担责任,学习合作和自我组织。5. What resources need to be gathered? 我们需要哪些资源?What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music

23、, art, computer software, etc, will be available? 哪些有关人、场所、视听资料、文学作品、音乐、美术、电脑等资源可以使用?Books about traveling and transportation社会学书籍-从图书馆借阅Internet travel sites helpful sites that can give information and ideas that can help in making the lesson interesting and informative. 互联网-一些信息量大的,能提供观点的有帮助的网站,把课

24、堂趣味化、信息化。Pictures and videos of places we have been and want to visit 图片和视频Parents provide media and souvenirs of places the students have traveled. 教师和家长-要想成功完成单元目标,每一个人都应该提供帮助。Materials for the handworks/crafts that will be made.制作手工艺作品需要的材料。Materials needed for the assessment activities (observat

25、ion form)评价活动需要的材料(声音,文字材料)Materials needed for P.E., Art and Dancing Class体育、艺术和舞蹈课需要的材料。How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry? 如何使用教室环境、学校环境、社区等公共资源来推动探究?The students and the teachers can bring some souvenirs and display them

26、in the classroom. There should also be books, videos and other resource materials available for the students to see inside the classroom. The classroom should be decorated with the crafts that the students made in order to show their appreciation for their work and also to remind them of what they a

27、re studying. 教师和学生可以带一些旅行的纪念品、书籍、和一些相关的视频、资源并展示在教室里,让学生可以通过视觉去观看。教室里可以用学生制作的手工作品来装饰,这样学生可以欣赏到他们自己的作品,还可以提醒他们正在学习的是哪一些内容。Reflecting on the inquiry反思阶段6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? 我们的目标达到了什么程度?Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students understanding of the cen

28、tral idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included. 围绕对中心思想的理解,请记述和反思师生参与探究活动的过程和结果。The students must be able to talk about popular places they can go for travel. They should be able to do the crafts as guided by the teacher. They shoul

29、d be able to ask and answer questions related to traveling and tourism. They should be able to share who their favorite traveling companions are and the state the reason why. They should be able to make their own simple but reasonable and realistic travel plan and know their responsibilities while t

30、raveling. 学生能够谈谈一些他们能去旅行的受欢迎的地点。他们能够在老师的指导下完成手工作品的制作,能够问答一些与旅行相关的问题,能够分享他们最喜欢的旅行伙伴和原因,能够制定一个简单、合理、可行的旅行计划,了解他们在旅行中所要承担的职责。How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate picture of each students understanding of the central idea. 为了让学生能更加正确地理解中心思想,请反思评价方式,并提出改进

31、措施。The teachers who are involved in the inquiry must set a time to share and develop a plan together and also, assess the students in order to ensure that the purposes of the inquiry are met. Every meeting, the lessons should be adjusted or modified according to the response of the students. This wi

32、ll also help the teachers develop other strategies to make the class more interesting and focused on the desired result. It would be most beneficial if our lessons could be planned out ahead, and then carried out as planned and not changed last minute by the head department, which seems to be a common occurrence.为了确保达到探究目标,与探究有关的教师将一起制定或分享探究单元计划,一起评价幼儿。每次教研会议,根据幼儿的反馈来调整和改进课程。这也能让教师找出其他更好的策略使得课程更加有趣,以达到预期的效果。What wa

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