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1、第 周 第 课时 执教者 Unit3 How many?Period1 Story time 教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have? I have/Can I?3. 熟练朗读并能初步表演对话内容。教学重难点:1. 能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, sevente

2、en, eighteen, nineteen。2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have? I have/Can I?教学过程:Step1 Greeting and warming up1. GreetingT: I have a book. Do you have a book? S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: What do you have? S: I have2. Say a rhymes看图提示说Rhyme。例如,出示1、2、3,学生就说Numbers 出示rice, 学生就说

3、I like rice.3. Enjoy a song-Numbers songStep2 Presentation1. Story time导入教师出示一辆玩具小汽车T: Hey, look. Whats this in English? S: Its a toy car.T: Do you like this toy car? S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: Do you have a toy car? S: 教师出示课文图片T: Here are many toy cars. How many toy cars?Lets learn Unit 3 How man

4、y? (出示课题)2. Watch the cartoon and try to find the answers to the questions:How many toy cars does Mike have?Thirteen Fourteen FifteenHow many stickers does Helen have?Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Learning tips:three-thirteen four -fourteenfive -fifteen让学生看这三组单词的共同点是什么,发现“十几”的规律。出示另几个单词,让学生试着读读看,猜是什么意思。

5、sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen除了13、15、18,剩下的四个单词都有相同的规律,让学生努力在上课的时候记住这些单词。3. Read and try to match让学生分成小组一起阅读课文,完成连线的练习题。Im I have fifteen nice stickers thirteen beautiful toy cars完整的句子:Im Mike. I have thirteen nice toy cars.Im Helen. I have fifteen beautiful stickers.让学生试着读句子。4. 出示课文中的两句How ma

6、ny 的句子,让学生读。5. 听录音,完成对话填空。6. Learning tips:(1) have a look 看一看 have a look at sth. 看一看(2) Can I? 我能?(3) very 非常,很Step3 Practice1. Read Story timea. 播放录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。T:Lets read after the tape.b. 学生齐读。T:Lets read it together.c. 学生自读。d. 角色扮演。2. Complete the dialogueLook at toy cars.They are nice. cars

7、 do you have, Mike? Do you have toy cars,Helen? No, I . do you have?I have stickers. Can I a look? Yes. They are very beautiful. stickers do you have? I have stickers. I have one? Sure.Step4 Summary让学生说说这节课学了什么,让学生自己来总结。A 复习单词(1) 数字类的单词知道十几的数字表达规律。B 复习句型What do you have?How manydo you have?Can I hav

8、e a look?Can I have one?C 复习课文。Step5 Homework1. Copy the new words four times.2. Recite Story time after class.板书设计:Unit 3 How many?three-thirteen What do you have? I havefour fourteen How manydo you have?five -fifteen Can I have a look? six sixteen Can I have one? Yes./Sure. seven-seventeeneight-ei

9、ghteennine-nineteenPeriod2 Fun time & Cartoon time教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have? I have/Can I?3. 复习数字1-19。教学重难点:1. 能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,

10、 eighteen, nineteen。2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have? I have /Can I?教学过程:Step1 Warm up1. Dictation.2. Happy timePlay a game-Lucky box3. Brain storm(1) 快速闪现上节课所学数字单词,还可以加入词组。(2) 闪现加法题目,让学生能注意力集中。快速地复习数字1-19。Step2 Revision.Story time1. 跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)2. 自读(任选一种方式读)a.

11、自己单独读b. 跟伙伴扮演角色读c. 跟伙伴齐读 3. 比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。Step3 Presentation.1. Fun time- Do a survey.教师出示Fun time 的光盘内容- Do a survey.A: What do you have? B: I have some stickers.A: How many stickers do you have? B: I have eighteen stickers.2. Cartoon timeT: Now, lets have a rest. Lets watch a cartoon. Watch th

12、e cartoon and choose the best answers.(1) Sam has two balls. (2) Bobbys balls are in the box. (3) Bobby has eighteen balls. (4) Bobby cant play table tennis. 让学生说说这个故事的幽默之处:Bobby得意地向Sam展示自己的12个乒乓球。Sam 问Bobby是否会打乒乓球的时候,Bobby说不会,却表演起了小丑接抛求的把戏。Step4 Practice1. Read the sentences让学生先自己读一读,感受一下对话的幽默。2. 逐

13、图跟读,注意语音语调。3. 多种方式朗读,让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。a. 自己单独读b. .跟伙伴扮演角色读c. 跟伙伴齐读Step4 Consolidation.让学生根据老师提供的一个道具编一个对话。例如足球:S1: I have a football. How many footballs do you have?S2: I haveS1: I can play football. Can you play football?S2: No, but I can do this. (展示另外球的玩法,例如转球)Step5 Homework1. 准备默写单词表单词和划线句子。2. Recite Cartoon time after class.板书设计Unit3 How many?How manydo you have? I havePeriod3 Sound time & Checkout time教学目标:1. 能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2. 能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型: How manydo you

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