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1、初中英语试讲真题才士网校教师资格证面试全国教师资格考试面试 一一初中英语试讲真题1.题目:听力教学试讲2内容:Ann: So, tell me about your trip to EgyPt HOW high are the Pyramids?Steve: They are huge! One of them-the Great Pyramid of KhUfu is 137 meters high.Ann: How far are the PyramidS from Cairo?Steve: They are Very close. JUSt a few kilometers to the

2、 WeSt of Cairo.Ann: And how old is the Great SPhinx?Steve: It is more tha n 4500 years old.Ann: Wow! How high is it?Steve: It is more than 20 meters high!Ann: How 1ong is the Nile River?Steve: Is 6671 kilometers long.3基本要求:(1)朗读所给对话。配合教学内容适当板书。(3)针对所给材料内容,设计记录关于数字的信息。(4)用英文试讲。(5)试讲时间:10分钟。1.题目:NeW s

3、chool life2.内容:How about your school life in NeW York? I thi nk I did nt feel Very well in Beiji ng.Im tired and did nt enjoy the school life because I have too much headaches .Im StreSSed out because my PUt on ghua isnt impro ving.l StUdy late every ni ght,but it is still not impro ving.l did nt fe

4、el well because I have got a cold.Oh,by the way,my host family is Very ni ce!3.基本要求:(1)请完整的朗读这篇听力材料(2)全英语试讲适当配以板书1.题目:Charity2内容:Im talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.Here,students are Skating to raise money for Charity.For every hour they skate,each StUde nt raises ten yua n fo

5、r Charity.The Skati ng maratho n has been going for five hours now,and SeVeraI SkaterS are still Skating.Alison WaS the first one to Start and has been Skating for the whole five hours. NeXt is Sam,and he has been Skating for four hours.Lu Ning has bee n Skat ing for four hours too.A nd Li Chen just

6、 Started an hour ago.3.基本要求:(1)朗读一遍材料;(2)适当的设计板书;(3)听说课。1.题目: How much are these socks2.内容:Mleh the -u rd wi! the n Ibt pi2.内容:When people Say culture, We think Of art and history.But one Very famous symbol in AmeriCan CUItUre is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse With two large round ea

7、rs Mickey Mouse.Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the carto on SteambOat Willies this Carto on Came out in NeW York on NOVember 18. 1928,lt WaS the first carto on With sound and music.The man beh ind MiCkey WaS Walt DiSn ey.He became Very rich and SUCCeSSfU l.ln the 1930s, he made 87 carto ons

8、With Mickey.3.基本要求:(1) 用视频导入;(2) 全英授课;(3) 教学过程中要有相应的板书。1.题目:HOW to get to the bookstore?2内容:A: EXCuSe me,could you PleaSe tell me how to get to the bookstore?B: Sure,just go along Main Street Un til you PaSS Cen ter Street.The bookstore is on your right,beside the bank.A:Tha nks.Do you know Whe n th

9、e bookstore closes today?B: It closes at 7:00要求:朗读一遍;(2)全英授课;(3)按阅读课型讲解。1.试讲题目:语篇教学试讲2.内容I get UP at 6o clock every day. I often ride the bicycle to school. Winter is too cold and SUmmer is too hot, but I never mind. And our school has Uniforms, butsome boys don t like UnifOrnbst some girls like it Very much.3.基本要求(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对该段落的划线词,设计相应的讲解及应用活动(4)试讲时间:约10分钟(5)用英文试讲1.题目:What are you going to be When you

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