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1、北京市101中学学年高一下学期期末英语试题绝密启用前北京市101中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期末英语试题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、完形填空 I will never forget the year when I was about twelve years old. My mother told us that we would not be 1 Christmas gifts beca

2、use there was not enough money. I felt sad and thought, “What would I say when the other kids asked what Id 2 ? Just when I started to 3 that there would not be a Christmas that year, three women 4 at our house with gifts for all of us. For me they brought a doll. I felt such a sense of 5 that I wou

3、ld no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school. I wasnt 6 . Somebody had thought 7 of me to bring me a gift.Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my 8 Christmas there special and memorable, I 9 remembered the womens visit. I decided th

4、at I wanted to create that same feeling of 10 for as many children as I could possibly reach.So I 11 a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help. We gathered about 125 orphans(孤儿) at the Christmas party. For every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys, clothes, and school

5、 supplies, 12 with a childs name. We wanted all of them to know they were 13 . Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts, I 14 them that they couldnt open their presents 15 every child had come forward. Finally the 16 they had been waiting for came as I called out, “One, two, three

6、. Open your presents!” As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles 17 up the room. The 18 in the room was obvious, and 19 wasnt just about toys. It was a feelingthe feeling I knew 20 that Christmas so long ago when the women came to visit. I wasnt forgotten. Som

7、ebody thought of me. I matter.1Asending Breceiving Cmaking Dexchanging2Afound Bprepared Cgot Dexpected3Adoubt Bhope Csuggest Daccept4Abroke in Bsettled down Cturned up Dshowed off5Arelief Bloss Cachievement Djustice6Ablamed Bloved Cforgotten Daffected7Ahighly Blittle Cpoorly Denough8Apresent Bfirst

8、Crecent Dprevious9Ahardly Bimmediately Cregularly Doccasionally10Astrength Bindependence Cimportance Dsafety11Akept up with Bcaught up with Ccame up with Dput up with12Anone Bfew Csome Deach13Afine Bspecial Chelpful Dnormal14Areminded Bguaranteed Cpredicted Dpromised15Aafter Buntil Cwhen Dsince16Ach

9、ance Bgift Cmoment Dreward17Alit Btook Cburned Dcheered18Aatmosphere Bsympathy Ccalmness Djoy19Ait Bsuch Csomething Deverybody20Aby Btill Cfor Dfrom评卷人得分二、阅读理解 Ray Tokuda, a 54-year-old Japanese American, is proud of the title his school has given him. He is a Shifu, a Chinese word literally meaning

10、 a master, mentor or senior practioner of martial arts.Tokuda has reason to be proud. He has been involved with Chinese martial arts for almost four decades. After learning them at the martial arts school in New Mexico State, today he is among the most experienced kung fu teachers of the school.Prac

11、ticing martial arts two to three hours and helping students improve their skills have become Tokudas daily routine. He expects to practice and teach martial arts for the rest of his life. “Im still learning. Its worth more than a lifetime to learn Chinese martial arts,” he said. “Once I started, I j

12、ust couldnt stop. I think its also the magic of Chinese culture.”Tokuda was sent to the martial arts school when he was 10. He still remembers how unwilling he was when starting out. “My father had always wanted to learn Chinese martial arts but never got the chance, so he put his kid in,” he said.

13、“I was so afraid at that time because I thought kung fu was all about fighting.”But things changed after he learned that martial arts were more than punching and kicking.“One of the things martial arts teach me is overcoming adversity,” Tokuda said. “As a little kid, my first lesson was like, oh, lo

14、ok, this is a thing that I can get through by diligence, perseverance(毅力) and dedication, and that was priceless for my life.”Learning Chinese martial arts opened a gateway for him to better understand Chinese culture because he could hear a lot of ancient Chinese kung fu-related stories. “It is lik

15、e in America, where we hear stories about knights in shining armor and King Arthur and noble deeds done,” he said. “I feel martial arts preserve something of ancient China that cant be found in books. They are sort of an oral history.”Tokuda has also been invited to various events in his home state

16、to showcase traditional Chinese culture, including the dragon dance and lion dance, which he also learnt at the martial arts school. Because of this, he is now considered a cultural envoy (使者) in the eyes of the public.21Tokuda didnt want to learn kung fu because he had thought it was _.Apractical B

17、magicalCviolent Ddifficult22From the passage, what can we learn about Tokuda?AHe learnt martial arts from his father.BHe is the founder of the kung fu school.CHe learnt from martial arts how to deal with difficulties.DHe is the most experienced kung fu teacher of his state.23Which of the following w

18、ords can best describe Tokuda?AModest and friendly. BDevoted and persevering.CTalented and humorous. DMotivated and considerate.Dear Sir,There is a plan to build a new supermarket on the edge of the Whitefields housing estate(住宅区), on the land where the local library now is. I live at Whitefields, a

19、nd I would like to express my concern about this plan. It is not that I am completely against the idea of building a supermarketI just think that as a community we need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before committing ourselves.It is clear that the library is under-used and in poor con

20、dition. It is also clear that there are very few shops near here and a supermarket would be a good thing to have. But the people who want to build the supermarket seem to think that no one wants the library any more, and that it isnt a must because of the Internet and so on. Is this necessarily true

21、, especially for elderly people? What about young people who dont have the Internet at home and need to go to the library to do their homework? Where can they study if they have to share a room with a younger brother or sister?On the other hand, there is an argument that a new supermarket would not

22、only bring more choice of shopping and more convenience for local people, but it would also bring some much-needed jobs for younger people in the townand this is a good point. What we need to do is consider the effect a supermarket will have on our quality of life. Certainly local people, including

23、me, will find shopping a lot easier and more convenient. But there will also be extra traffic. In a few years from now, the roads in and around will be full of cars in the daytime and delivery lorries at night, and not only thatwe will have got used to it, too. Are more jobs and more convenience wor

24、th such an influence on our daily lives? Perhaps, but this is what we have to ask ourselves.I believe that all the people of Whitefields, and the authority, need to discuss this question in an open-minded wayand I hope that by the time a decision is taken, we will have had a full and fair discussion

25、 of the issues involved, and that the local authority will have really listened to everyones view. Is that too much to ask?Yours faithfully,Tom Watkins24The supporters of the supermarket probably think _.Athe library is no longer neededBthe library is too poor to be rebuiltCthe supermarket brings do

26、wn goods priceDsupermarket increases local workers income25What does the underlined “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AShopping convenience. BJob opportunity.CLife quality. DTraffic condition.26What is the authors attitude toward the plan?AApproving. BNeutral.CNegative. DConfident.27Why is the letter wri

27、tten?ATo promote effective public reading.BTo call for concern over an urban project.CTo discuss ways of improving life quality.DTo express dissatisfaction with public equipment.Young Americans Are Less Wealthy Than Their ParentsThe cost of living in the United States is going up, notes writer Aliss

28、a Quartz. As is reported in New York Post, Quartz points to “the costs of housing, education and health care in particular.” At the same time, a new study, the report of which is called “The Fading American Dream” found that half of Americans born in the 1980s are falling behind their parents econom

29、ically.These findings show that many younger adults are experiencing “downward mobility.” In other words, they are not doing as well economically as their parents were at the same age. The idea of downward mobility is especially troubling for Americans, writes Robert Samuelson in The Washington Post

30、. He says most U.S. citizens believe that, over time, the amount of money they earn will rise and life will get easier.Alissa Quartz wrote a book about the financial difficulties of Americans. In the book, Quartz tells about teachers who are struggling to pay for regular costs. One high school teach

31、er drives for ride sharing service Uber at night to earn more money. He corrects students papers between riders.A college professor turned to government assistance to feed her child and pay for a doctor. Quartz says even lawyers increasingly cannot earn an income that enables them to meet their needs. The problem of decreasing incomes in their field is made worse by debt they may have from law school. Quartz and the economists who studied these issues say many things have led to lower incomes and downward mobility. The economic recession(衰退) of 2007 to

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