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学年新课堂英语选修八人教版名师优质讲义Unit 5 Period 1 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年新课堂英语选修八人教版名师优质讲义Unit 5 Period 1 Word版含答案Period OneWarming Up,Pre-reading & Reading.单词检测1alternative n可能的选择;adj.供选择的;其他的2starvation n挨饿;饿死starve vi.& vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死3accuracy n精确;准确accurate adj.精确的;准确的4interrupt vt.& vi.打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止interruption n中断;阻断物5acute adj.有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的6assume vt.假定;设想a

2、ssumption n假定;假设7regardless adv.不管;不顾8sharpen vi.& vt.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰sharp adj.锋利的;尖锐的sharpener n磨具,削具9ample adj.足够的;充足的;富裕的10messy adj.凌乱的;脏的mess n凌乱;困境11primitive adj.原始的;远古的;简陋的12botany n植物学botanical adj.植物学的;与植物学有关的13analysis n(pl.analyses)分析14ripen vt.& vi.使成熟;成熟ripe adj.成熟的15category n种类;类别;范畴.短语检

3、测1come to a conclusion得出结论2regardless of不管;不顾3keep out关在门外;不准入内4at most至多;最多5cut up切碎.课文判断正(T)误(F)1The most dangerous enemies for the earliest people were tigers and bears.(T)2The earliest people wore clothes made from animal skins.(T)3The primitive necklace was made of animal bones and shells.(T)4T

4、here must be no trade between early peoples.(F)5The earliest people were called hunters or gathers.(T).课文阅读理解1Where do the caves lie?AIn the forest. BOn the seaside.CAt the foot of the hill. DHigher up the hill.答案D2What is the RIGHT order for the earliest people to prepare their clothes?aCut the ski

5、n.bSewed the pieces of skin together.cRubbed salt onto the skin to make it soft.dRemoved the fat and meat from the skin.eCut up animals and removed their skin.Ac,d,e,b,a Be,d,c,a,bCc,b,d,a,e De,a,b,c,d答案B3Which of the following shows us the early people and the modern people have something in common

6、?APeople hung animal skins to keep out the cold.BPeople never grew their own crops.CPeople use science.DPeople care about their appearance.答案D4What will the group of students most probably do next?AThey will go into the caves to have a close look.BThey will say goodbye to the archaeologist.CThey wil

7、l have an immediate discussion.DThey will continue questions about the earliest people.答案A5Evidence has shown that the earliest people in the caves used _ to make clothes according to the passage.Aleaves Btree skinsCanimal skins Dcotton答案C6From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people

8、in the caves were very_.Abusy and rich Bidle and lazyCclever and hard-working Dstupid and cruel答案C.难句分析You must be aware that its here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.句式分析:这是一个较为复杂的句子。be aware后跟一个that引导的宾语从句,且that从句也为复合句,包含一个who引导的定语从句,修饰peop

9、le;其中its here that.为强调句式。自主翻译:你们肯定都很清楚,正是在这个地方,我们找到了居住在这个地方最早人类的证据。1alternative 语境感悟(1)(教材P37)Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?你能想出今天我们使用的已改进的代替品吗? (2)We have no alternative/choice but to go on.除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。(3)Do you have an alternative solution?你有没有别的解决办法?归纳拓展(1)alternative

10、n可能的选择;adj.供选择的;其他的have the alternative of doing sth有做的选择;可以做have no alternative but to do sth除之外别无选择(2)表示“别无选择只好做”的几种表达方式:have no choice but to do sthhave nothing to do sth but do sthcan do nothing but do sthcannot but do sth即时跟踪(1)用所给词的正确形式填空Now we have no choice/alternative but to cancel (cancel)

11、 this contract.He cant but stop(stop) his work.(2)完成句子你可以结婚也可以仍做单身汉。You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a single man.你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题?Do you have an alternative solution to the problem?2interrupt语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Im sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?对不起,打断了你的讲话,但他们怎么会住在这儿呢

12、?(2)He interrupted his teacher with a question.他提了一个问题打断了老师。(3)Any small interruption is likely to throw me off in my calculations.一点小小的干扰都有可能使我在计算上出错。归纳拓展(1)interrupt vt.& vi.打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止interrupt sb/sth(with sth)(因某事)打断某人/某事(2)interruption n中断;阻断物without interruption不间断地易混辨析interrupt,disturb(1)

13、interrupt突然中断、打断他人的言语或行为,使其不能继续。(2)disturb指人心、睡眠、安静等被“打扰,扰乱”。即时跟踪(1)用interrupt,disturb的正确形式填空Heavy traffic disturbed the neighborhood.Im sorry to interrupt,but you are wanted on the phone.TV Ears helps you listen to TV without disturbing others.(2)完成句子我们去找个说话不受打扰的地方吧?Lets go somewhere where we can t

14、alk without interruption.不断提问打断演讲者是不礼貌的。Its not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions.3assume语境感悟(1)(教材P38)So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。(2)Assuming (that) that our plan is turned down,what shall we d

15、o?假定我们的计划被拒绝,我们该怎么办?(3)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.一般认为,紧张是工作过重所致。归纳拓展(1)assume vt.假定;设想;认为assume sb/sth to be.认为某人(事)assuming (that).假设(引导条件状语从句)It is assumed that.人们认为(2)assumption n假定;假设make the assumption that.假设on the assumption that.假定温馨提示部分分词可以转化为连词,引导条件状语从句

16、,表示“如果,假定”。常见的还有:supposing(suppose),providing(provided),given,considering等。即时跟踪(1)用assume的正确形式填空Assuming it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?It is assumed that there is a direct link between smoking and lung cancer.This project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.(2)据我所知,许

17、多人认为他是正确的。As far as I know,a great many people assume him to be right.4sharpen语境感悟(1)(教材P38)It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin.看样子他们是用磨尖的石器切割野兽并剥皮。(2)My pencil doesnt write well.I must sharpen it.我的铅笔不好用,我得把它削尖。(3)Be careful with that knifeits v

18、ery sharp.当心那把刀子它很锋利。归纳拓展(1)sharpen vi.& vt.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰;使(某种感觉)增强sharpen sth up使达到标准;使符合质量要求(2)sharp adj.锋利的;急剧的;敏锐的;尖刻的;adv.(置于时间之后)点整(3)sharpener n磨具;削具即时跟踪(1)用所给词的正确形式填空A pencil sharpener(sharp) is a device that can be used to sharpen(sharpen) a pencil.(2)我昨晚11点半准时上床睡觉。I went to bed at 11:30 shar

19、p last night.1regardless of语境感悟(1)(教材P38)So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。(2)I regard reading as a form of recreation.我把看书当作一种消遣的形式。归纳拓展regardless of不管;不顾把当作as regards prep.关于;至于regarding prep.关于,至于即时跟踪(1)用reg

20、ard的正确形式填空Our club is open to everyone regardless of age,sex or educational background.He set up a new opinion regarding the project.As regards this journey,we can now decide nothing.(2)她不顾一切后果,决定这样做。She is determined to do this regardless of all consequences.2at (the) most语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Its at most

21、three centimetres long.它最多有3厘米长。(2)Shes completely homelessat least I have my parents to fall back on.她才是无家可归,而我至少有父母可依靠。(3)He has the occasional cigarette,but mostly he smokes a pipe.他偶尔抽香烟,但通常是抽烟斗。归纳拓展(1)at (the) most不多于,最多,至多at (the) least至少,不低于;无论如何not in the leastnot at all一点也不(2)mostly adv.主要地

22、,大多即时跟踪(1)The repairs to your car will cost 35 at (the) most.修理你的汽车充其量花35英镑。(2)他一点也不生我的气。He was not in the least angry with me.3cut up语境感悟(1)(教材P38)It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin.看样子他们是用磨尖的石器切割野兽并剥皮。(2)She was really cut up when all har frie

23、nds refused to help her.当所有的朋友都拒绝帮助她时,她真的很难过。(3)This article is too long,you have to cut it down to 1,000 words.这篇文章太长,你得把它压缩到1 000字才行。归纳拓展cut up切碎;使悲痛cut away切除;剪去;砍掉cut down减少;砍倒cut off切断(气、电、水等的)供应;隔断cut in插嘴,打断别人即时跟踪(1)要做水果沙拉,首先要把水果切碎。To make fruit salad,you need to cut up the fruit first.(2)别人说

24、话时他总爱插嘴。He always cuts in while other people are talking.(3)他们未付电话费,被停机了。They were cut off for not paying their phone call.1do/does/did表强调语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins.我们有证据表明,他们的确穿的是用兽皮制作的衣服。(2)I do get up early every morning.我每天早上的确起床很早。(3)Th

25、e professor stared at her in amazement and did hesitate to accept her invitation.教授惊异地盯着她,确实有些犹豫是否接受她的邀请。归纳拓展强调句型“It is/was.that.”不能强调谓语。需要强调谓语时,在谓语动词前用助动词do,does或did,此时谓语动词用原形。do,does,did意为“的确,确实”。即时跟踪(1)昨天他的确来拜访你了。He did come to see you yesterday.(2)为平息这场争论,他们的确决定妥协。To stop the argument,they did d

26、ecide on a compromise.(3)如果你有一份工作,务必要全力以赴地去做,最终你就会成功的。If you have a job,do devote yourself to it and finally youll succeed.2as引导的非限制性定语从句语境感悟(1) (教材P39)Yes,indeed,as the botanical analyses have shown us,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.很对,正如植物学的分析结果告诉我们的,这儿四周曾经是一个很大

27、的浅水湖。(2)As is shown above,laws may be classified in terms of function.正如上面所示,法律可以根据功能分类。(3)Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他只是个孩子,他懂得很多。(4)Tom suddenly fell ill,which made us sad.汤姆突然病倒,这使得我们很伤心。归纳拓展(1)教材原句中as引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作宾语,as代替主句的内容。其位置可放在句首、句中或句末。(2)as还可引导状语从句:as引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候;一边一边;随着”。as引导原

28、因状语从句,意为“因为;由于”,相当于since。as引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然” (需用倒装结构)。易混辨析as/whichas与which在引导非限制性定语从句时的区别(1)as的用法在从句中通常作主语指代整个主句;表示的意思是“正如,正像”;其引导的非限制性定语从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。(2)which的用法关系代词,在从句中作主语或宾语,指代人或物。当指代整个主句时,表示的意思是主句和从句之间是并列或因果关系。主从句之间通常用逗号隔开,且从句一般位于主句之后。在从句中作定语或介词的宾语时,用which。即时跟踪(1)用as,which填空He passed th

29、e exam,which surprised us a lot.He passed the exam,as we had expected.The number of smokers,as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.He has to work on Sunday,which he doesnt like.Lily might possibly come,in which case Ill ask her.(2)完成句子尽管他已经很累了,他还是主动提出帮助我。Tired as he is,he offers t

30、o help me.他说以前从没见过她,这不是真的。He said that he had never seen her before,which was not true.单句语法填空1Knives can be sharpened(sharp) by grinding(磨) them against a rough stone.2The branches bent low with ripe(ripen) fruits.3The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight.4As we all know,it is impolite to interrupt anyone who is speaking.5I have been cleaning(clean) the house but I still have

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