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上海牛津新世纪八年级上英语知识点汇总复习U 4.docx

1、上海牛津新世纪八年级上英语知识点汇总复习U 4Notes for Grammar of Unit 4短语:1. Numbers(1) zero 零(2) odd numbers 奇数 e.g. 1, 3,13,99(3) even numbers 偶数 e.g. 2,8,22,302(4) numbers showing degrees 读法:数朗读 + degree(s) 度数 e.g. 100 one hundred degrees 38 thirty-eight degrees Celsius / centigrade(5) decimal numbers 小数 读法:小数点读成poin

2、t;小数点前 “整数”朗读;小数点后逐个数朗读。e.g. 37.52 thirty-seven point five two(6) percentages 百分数 读法:数朗读+ percent (percent不能够加s)e.g. 19% nineteen percent 19.21% nineteen point two one percent(7) fractions 分数读法:分子读成“基数词”,分母读成“序数词”;整数和分数之间朗读加and。书写:分子分母之间使用“连词符号hyphen -,分子大于1时分母加s。e.g. 2/3 two-thirds 61/2 six and a h

3、alf注意:百分数和分数的数量判断:可单的百分之几或几分之几,仍做可单;e.g. 60 percent / three-fifths of the railway has been built.可复的百分之几或几分之几,仍做复数;e.g. 60 percent / three-fifths of the students in our school have computers.不可数的百分之几或几分之几,仍做不可数。e.g. 60 percent / three-fifths of the water in the lake is from the mountain.(8) Cardinal

4、 numbers基数词和 Ordinal numbers序数词cardinalordinalcardinalordinalcardinalordinalonefirsttwosecondthreethirdfivefiftheighteighthnineninthtwelvetwelfthfourteenfourteenthtwenty-onetwenty-firstthirtythirtiethhundredhundredththousandthousandthmillionmillionth注意: (1) 序数词前面通常要有the / ones;(2) 序数词+Street等构成街名前不要

5、the,如:Ninth Street 九号街; (3) 基数词与序数词排序表达:首字母大写的名词+基数词 e.g.Lesson One=the +序数词+ 名词 the first lesson (4) 在表达动作的顺序(sequence)或步骤时,有时会使用到序数词+ly: 如: First(ly), Secondly, Thirdly, 2. 祈使句(Imperatives):没有主语只有动词原形的句子。功能:表示指示(instructions)命令(orders)建议(advice/suggestions)等。书写:(1) 肯定祈使句:动词原形开头。(2) 否定祈使句:dont + 动词

6、原形开头. (be开头的祈使句否定也是使用dont be )有时候为了表达较委婉或较礼貌,在句首加上“Please”或句末加上“, please” 。另外,祈使句句首或句末还可以出现人名或称呼语,往往都用“,”和祈使句隔开。各种情况的例子:(1) Turn left. (2) Dont be late.(3) Please open the door. / Open the door, please.(4) Jack, put on the coat. / Put on the coat, Jack.(5) Mike, please help me with my maths. / Mike,

7、 help me with my maths, please.注意比较以下两句书写的区别:(1) 祈使句: Ben, dont play in the street.(2) 陈述句: Ben doesnt play in the street.3. Imperatives给出计算InstructionsStatements表达计算过程与结果39 (=12)Add 3 and 9.3 plus 9 equals / is 12.93(=6)Subtract 3 from 9.9 minus 3 equals / is 6. 或者3 subtracted from 9 equals / is 6.

8、39(=27)Multiply 3 by 9.3 multiplied by 9 equals / is 27.或者 3 times 9 equals / is 27.93(=3)Divide 9 by 3.9 divided by 3 equals / is 3.Notes for Reading of Unit 41. Numbers: everyones language. How many languages do you know? Everyone knows at least two his or her own language and the international la

9、nguage of numbers.(1) Indefinite pronoun 不定代词 everyone(人人、大家、各位) =everybody everything(一切) everywhere(到处、处处) somebody(某人) = someone something(某事/某物) somewhere(某处) anybody = anyone anything anywhere (sb.否定和一疑中; 任何人) (sth.否定和一疑中; 任何事) (somewhere.否定和一疑中;任何地方) nobody = no one(没有人) nothing(没有事) nowhere(哪

10、里都不) 本文中另一句含不定代词的句子:No one had to program Shakuntala. 注意: 形容词修饰不定代词,形容词放在不定代词之后。e.g. something strange 某个奇怪的物体 “不定代词”没有复数,只看做单数。 everyone (只能指人) (不可以+ of ) 分开书写的 every one (既指人,又指事物) + of +n. (复) + 单v. e.g. Everyone is here. Every one of his books is very interesting. Every one of them is friendly.区

11、别every 与each(every 3 每个,强调整体概念)every (adj.) 一定要 + 单n. + 单v. (each 2 每一个,强调个体) each (作adj.) + 单n. + 单v. Each student is here.(作n.) + 单v. Each is singing a song. (作pron.) +of +复n.+单v. Each of us is a student.注: every + 数词 + 复数名词 e.g. every three hours 每隔三小时( 提问用:How often)(2) language (可数名词) 语言speak t

12、hree languages / speak an international language speak English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Indian, Arabic(3) at least + 数词 (至少) at most + 数词 (至多)(4) own (adj.) 自己的;(v.) 拥有 owner (n.) 主人(5) international (adj.) 国际的 nation (n.) 民族;国家 national (adj.) 民族的;国家的(6) know knew known 知道;认识; know about

13、 了解2. In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, as these pictures of the number 6 show.(1) ancient (adj.) 古时候的time 的用法: 时间,时刻(可数) e.g. Can you tell me the times of the trains?What is the time? 时光(不可数): e.g. free time 空闲时光次数(可数): e.g. I phone him three times a week. 时代,时候(常用复数):

14、e.g. in ancient times 在古代 times 乘(prep.) =multiplied by : e.g. Three times four is twelve.(2) write wrote written writing writer (n.) 作家(3) in many different ways 用不同的方式(4) show showed shownshow sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 将给某人看 show sb. around sp. = take sb. to visit sp. 带领某人参观某地(5) as 用法: (prep.介词

15、) 作为 (区别:介词like:像) e.g. As a student, 作为一名学生, work as = be 干工作 (conj.连词,可放在句首,也可放在句中。) () 当时侯 = when(U4: As we got off, we saw the two women tourists and four policemen standing around the man and looked worried.) () 正如(一样);如同(一样) (本句中用法) e.g. As we all know, China is an Asian country. () 因为 = since

16、 (常引导一般性的原因,而because引导必不可少的原因) e.g. My family has a pet dog as my grandma likes it.3. However, they nearly all counted in the same way in tens.(1) however (adv.) 然而,但是,可是 (在使用时,however后一定有“,”) But (adv.) 但是(放在句首时直接使用;放在句中时,前面加“,”和主句隔开。)(2) nearly (adv.) 几乎;差不多(近义)= almost nearly 和 almost 的区别: 肯定句中常可

17、以换用。 否定句中,常用 almost e.g. almost not = hardly 但是 not nearly 习语:远不及, 离很远(3) count (v.) 数 countable (adj.) 可数的 uncountable (adj.) 不可数的 counter (n.) 柜台 account (n.) 账单;账户 accountant (n.) 会计(4) in the same way 用同样的方式 in different ways 用不同的方式 in this way 用这种方式 on the way to sp.(地点名词) 在去/通往途中/路上 by the way

18、, 顺便说一下;顺便问一下 in the way 挡道(5) in tens 十个十个地;用十(计数);十进制4. 本课含有“with”的句子:Most of us use the system of numbers with numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 (zero). With these ten numbers, we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest. However, some had to first program the computer with instructions, and

19、 that took many hours.(1) 这三句中的 “with” 都是“用”,一般放在具体的东西或工具之前,e.g.with a pen; with a knife; with a tool 区别: by + 交通/运输方式名词 e.g. by car / bicycle / motorcycle / train / underground / plane / air / ship / sea in+语言 /服饰(或颜色) e.g. in English; in red / in a T-shirt in cash 用现金 in pencil 用铅笔 in a low / high

20、 voice 低声地/高声地(2) any number 任何数字any 用法: 一些 + 可复 / 不可数 (some 在“否定句 / 一般疑问句”中改写的形式) 任何(一个) + 可单 (本课句中用法) 短语:any other + 可单 别的/其他的任何一个 (使用在在同一个范畴内) e.g. China is bigger than any other country in Asia.= China is the biggest country in Asia. (中国在和亚洲这同一范畴内的其它国家在比,所以要加上other。)(3) 不得不去做某事 (否定) 不必去做某事 have

21、to do sth. (否定) dont have to do sth. = dont need to do has to do sth. (否定) doesnt have to do sth. = doesnt need to do had to do sth. (否定) didnt have to do sth. = didnt need to do 另外, 以上三个否定都可以 = neednt do sth.(4) program = programme (v.) 给编程 (n.) 程序;节目(可数名词)(5) instruction (n.) 指令;使用说明 instruction s

22、igns 说明(用法的)标志 instruct (v.) 命令;指导(6) system (n.)系统 the solar system 太阳系5. The Indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers. They then invented the zero. (1) Indian (n.) 印第安人;印度人 (pl.) Indians (n.) 印度语 (adj.) 印度的(国籍);印度人的;印度语的 India (n.) 印度(国家) (2) invent (v.) 发明 区别:discover (v.

23、) 发现 invention (n.) 发明 发明物(可数) (pl.) inventions inventor (n.) 发明家 短语:invent + the +具体的一项发明 (3) develop developed developed (v.) 发展;开发;壮大;冲洗(胶卷film) e.g. develop a taste of 培养鉴赏力 development (n.) 发展;壮大with the development of 随着的发展 developed (adj.) 发达的 developing (adj.) 发展中的6. This was a very importan

24、t invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate. (1) a very important invention 一项非常重要的发明 an important invention (注意不定冠词的正确使用) (2) 句中两个“it”: 前面一个“it”指“the invention zero”; 后面一个“it”是“形式宾语”, 真宾语是不定式“to write big numbers and to calculate”, 这里还是短语: “make + 宾语 + 形容词(宾补)”。 (同时复

25、习使役动词make sb. do sth.) 另外, “it”作“形式主语”的例子: It takes sb. some time to do sth. It + adj. + to do sth. (不定式to do st.作真主语。)7. One of the first calculating machines was an abacus. A modern electronic calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide. It can also calculate percentages and square roots. In

26、 a flash, a computer can do a calculation that you could not do in your whole lifetime. (1)以上四句话中将“计算”词汇形式全部包括: calculate (v.) 计算 calculation (可数n.) 计算 calculator (可数n.) 计算器 calculating (现在分词作形容词) 计算的;有心计的 (2) one of + 可复 (3) modern 拼写注意前面是o,不是or。modern more modern (the) most modern (4) electronic (

27、adj.) 电子的 an electronic dictionary 一本电子词典e-mail 中e = electronic electron 电子 比较: electricity (n.) 电 electric (adj.) (用)电的 an electric kettle 一个电水壶(5) 第四句中划线部分是“that引导的定语从句”修饰“calculation”. 这里的could不是过去式,而是表示“推测”,其可能性极其的小。 (6) whole (adj.&n.) 整个的;整体,常放在冠词或ones之后。 (特殊的副词形式) wholly 完全地;全部地 比较: all (adj.

28、 & pron. & adv.) 所有,做adj.常放在the/ones之前。 (7) lifetime (n.) 一生;终身 in ones lifetime 在某人一生中 = in ones life ; all ones life (8) in a flash = very quickly 立刻;一瞬间;非常非常快 (9) percentage (可数n.) 百分数;百分比;百分率 percent (n.&adj.) 百分之一;百分之20 % = 20 percent (10) the square root of 的平方根 the cubic root of 的立方根 8. Abacu

29、ses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today. (1) accurate (adj.) 精确的;准确的;精密的 (反义 inaccurate) accurately (adv.) (2) 结果状语从句:如此 以至于 so + adj. / adv. + that 从句 such + 中心词是名词(名词前可能有修饰词语) + that 从句 句型改写:e.g. Jack is so clever that he has solved that problem.= Jack is clever enough to sol

30、ve that problem. This box is so heavy that I cant carry it alone. = This box is too heavy for me to carry. This box is not light enough for me to carry.9. Computers are very powerful calculating machines. A computer can do a calculation that you couldnt do in your whole lifetime. (1) 这两句中“复数computers”和“a computer”都是表示“一类”,意思都是“电脑”。 (2) powerful (adj.) 很有效的;强而有力的;强大的 = very strong power (n.) 力量;能力;实力;动力;电力等等10. Bain against computer against (prep.) (1)(表示方向)与方向相反, 逆着, 迎着, 顶着 e.g. Tom is riding against the wind. (2)(表示方位)紧靠着, 倚靠着 e.g. Mr. Smith is standing against the blac

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