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人教版七年级下册英语教案Unit 10 Where did you go on vacat.docx

1、人教版七年级下册英语教案Unit 10 Where did you go on vacatUnit 10 Where did you go on vacat.The First Period (Section A 1a1c)【学习目标】1 、掌握本节课单词 2、 能根据听力内容完成听力任务 3 、能运用所学知识进行口语交际 【学习重点】学习并掌握重点词汇【学习难点】学习一般过去时的句型(Where引导的特殊疑问句)【学法指导】1、能向小组成员用英语介绍生活中的日常活动,如:stay at home , go to the beach, do my homework, watch TV, vis

2、it my uncle, go to New York, etc.2、运用一般过去时谈论过去的一天或一次旅行。【学习过程】一、复习 学生一起复习Unit 9的单词二、预习检测(1)预习指导A、预习P59的单词 New York CityB、会读、会翻译la的短语C、你能说出一般过去式的变换规则吗?(2)预习检测A、试一试你能写出下列各词的过去式吗?stay_ do_ stop_play_ is_ like_visit_ are_ carry_B、快乐译一译stay at home go to summer camp go to New York city go to the mountains

3、 visit my uncle go to the beach 三、自主学习任务一 完成1a Match the activities with the pictures a-g.任务二 完成 1b Listen and number the people 1-5 in the picture. 任务三 1c Groupwork(小组合作活动) 练习下列对话A: Where did you Tina go on vacation ? B: She went to the mountains .四、合作探究(一) Task 1、学生两人一组展示活动,轮流介绍自己去过的一个地方,如:I went

4、to Beijing/ the Great wall /went to the park etc.Task 2、学生两人一组编对话讨论假期活动A:Where did you go on vacation? B:I went to the mountains.Task 3 运用la、lb内容编对话.(二)Where did ? 是一段过去时的特殊疑问句,did是助动词,在一般过去时的句子中,在主语之前加did可构成疑问句,在主语之后,动词之前加didnt可构成否定句,此时谓语动词用原形。Eg: What did you do yesterday? 昨天你做什么啊?五、课堂检测A、细心的你能找出下

5、列各句中的错误吗?1、Where do you go on vacation?2、She goes to the mountains last summer.3、Did she visited her uncle?B、单项选择。1. What did you do on vacation?I to New York City.A. go B. going C. went D. goes2. They helped me my books.A. finded B. find C. found D. finding3. What you last night?A. did, do B. do, d

6、o C. did, doing D. are, do4. Where did she go on vacation?She to the beach.A. go B. goes C. went D. going5. Did he go to Central Park?Yes, he .A. did B. didnt C. do D. doesC、句型转换1She went to the beach.(对划线部分问)_2They visited museums last Saturday.(改为否定句)_3Did you stay at home?(作否定的回答)_六、总结与反思:通过本节课的学

7、习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_ The Second Period (Section A 2aGrammar Focus)【学习目标】1、一般过去时的一般疑问句及答语。2、was/ were 结构3、How引导的特殊疑问句【学习重点】一般过去时的一般疑问句及答语。【学习难点】掌握规则动词的变换规则【学法指导】1、在谈论过去发生的事件时,动词应用 ,否则,要扣分了。2、一般问句记两点,一句首加 ,二动词变 。【学习过程】一、复习 翻译下列短语1、去度假 2、夏令营 3、呆在家里 4、去博物馆 二、预习检测(1)预习指导预习P60的单词,根据音标读单词,做到会读知意。2、比一比看谁读的

8、准,译的快。P60 2b and Grammar Focus.三、自主学习任务一 完成2a Listen to the tape , match the person with the place .任务二 完成2b Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart . 任务三 Groupwork(小组合作活动),练习下列句型A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to summer camp .A: Where did they go on vacation? B: They went to New Y

9、ork City .A: Where did he go on vacation? B: He stayed at home .A:Where did she go on vacation ? B:She visited her uncle .Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park ? Yes , I /he/she/they did . No , I /he/she/they didnt . 四、合作探究A、猜一猜 Where did I go on vacation? 请运用你学过的所有活动的名称。同学们可这样猜:Did you ?B、列下你去过的一些

10、地方,询问同伴是否去过完成下列表格。NameDid youYes, I didNo, I didntC、看以上信息,向同学们汇报同伴去过或没去过的地方。五、课堂检测(1)单项选择1. _ is it now? Its 7:00. A. Why B. What timeC. How 2. They go to school _ 6:40 _ the morning.A. in ; at B. on ; inC. at; in3. My watch is _ home.A. on B. atC. in 4. _. Whats the time, please?A. SorryB. Hello C.

11、 Excuse me 5. _. We have much time.A. Dont hurry B. Hurry up C. Hurry 6. Thank you. _.A. Youre welcome.B. OK C. All right(2)口语应用:从II栏找出与I栏对应的答句。 I II()1. Do you go to school every day? A. It doesnt matter.()2. What time is it now? B. At four p. m.()3. Where is the ball? C. Its his.()4. Can he go hom

12、e now? D. Thank you.()5. Whose Walkman is this? E. I can see a dog.()6. Im sorry Im late. F. Its seven thirty.()7. What time do you play the piano?G. No, I dont.()8. Take a seat, please. H. Sure.()9. Can I sit beside you? I. No, he cant. ()10. What can you see in the picture?J. Its under the bed.(3)

13、完成对话A: Hi, Ann! How 1 your weekend?B: It was 2 .A: Where did you 3 ?B: I 4 to Tokyo with my family.A: Really? Wow! What 5 you do there?B: Well, we went to a lot of museums.A: Oh , how were they?B: They 6 interesting. 7 8 you?Did you have a great weekend?A: No, I 9 , I 10 at home. It wasnt very good.

14、六、总结与反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_The Third Period (Section A 3a4)【学习目标】学会评价假日活动【学习重点】be 动词一般过去时【学习难点】Where 引导的特殊疑问句【学法指导】自主学习 交流合作 写作训练 【学习过程】一、复习 口语操练 二、预习检测 1、预习P61的单词2、复习动词一般过去式3、was/ were 结构三、自主学习任务一 3a 教句型、填空、朗读、练习 任务二 3b 两人练习。教师先示范,然后让学生根据图片自编对话。任务三 4 可课前让学生自制自己的假日相册,课内相互谈论假日生活。 四、合作探究 1、 学

15、生运用was/ were 来完成3a。并分角色朗读对话,进行评比。2、学生两人一组展开活动,谈论自己难忘的一次旅游经历。五、课堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. What did you do on vacation? I _(visit) my uncle.2. I watched the boys_(play) football just now(刚才).3. There _(be) some people here yesterday.4. Look! They _ (swim) in the river. 5. Hed like_ (have) rice for dinner.6.

16、Mr Green (tell) us an interesting story yesterday.7.I (see) him in the street last Monday.8.He (teach)English in this school last year.9.He (watch)TV last night ,Now he (watch).二、句型转换1He studied for maths. (改为一般疑问句) 2. She went to the beach. (对划线部分提问) 3.They visited the museums last Saturday.(改为否定句)

17、_4. Did you stay at home?(作否定的回答)_5. Did she go shopping yesterday morning? ( 作肯定的回答)_六、总结与反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_ The Fourth Period ( Section B 1a2c)【学习目标】1、学习掌握有关评价事物的形容词:delicious, expensive,inexpensive, crowded.2、能运用be+形容词来评价事物,如:The people were friendly.3、熟练地谈论表示过去发生的事件学习一般过去时的用法.【学习重点】

18、一般过去时的用法【学习难点】be+形容词【学习指导】1、联系刚过去的十一小长假,通过对话表演方式大胆张口,敢于用英语进行交际。2、听力策略:A、回忆在练习对话中所用到的形容词。B、必须在听力之前掌握一定量的形容词。【学习过程】一、复习 口语操练二、预习检测(1)预习指导A、预习P62的单词,根据音标的音节来识读单词,做到会读知意。B、知识点拨People是个复数名词,它的be动词用are,过去式用were.have fun doing sth干什么事很开心.find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事help sb do sth帮助某人做某事make sb do sth使某人做某事de

19、cide to do sth决定去做某事(2)检测:正确写出下列单词。美味的adj. 昂贵的adj. 不贵的adj. 人多的adj. 三、自主学习任务一 自学本节课单词并小组记忆单词任务二 1、完成1a , Match the words with the pictures below. 2、完成1b . 任务三、完成听力任务 2a and 2b .四、合作探究1、利用照片,引出新单词2、让拿照片的学生模仿老师进行介绍3、把所学过的形容词进行罗列并板书在黑板上并分成两大类4、听2a听力录音,根据所听到的内容完成2a答案5、再听录音,看2b,注意关键词,完成填空6、看听力2b答案,配2c问句,形

20、成对话A:Where did you go on vacation?B:I went to Tokyo.五、课堂检测(一)、单项选择1. How was your vacation?It pretty good.A. is B. are C. was D. were2.How the beaches?They were fantastic.A. is B. are C. was D. were3.How the weather?It is hot.A. is B. are C. was D. were4.Did you go to Central Park? .A. Yes, I didnt

21、B. Yes, I did C. No, I did5.What are you , Tina?Im homework.A. do; doing B. doing; did C. doing; doing D. did; doing(二)、用疑问词填空1、A: was the weather?B:It was sunny.2、A: did you go on vacation?B:I went to Beijing.3、A: did you do on vacation?B:I played tennis on vacation.4、A: did you go?B:I went there o

22、n Monday.(三)、单项选择1. Did Vera vacation?A. likes her B. like hers C. like her D. likes she2. Where did him vacation?A. go on B. go in C. go to D. went on3. Jim is a boy brown hair.A. with B. of C. has D. in4. These books are , Lets buy them.A. expensive B. inexpensive C. crowded D. delicious5. Yesterd

23、ay we kites.A. flying B. is flying C. flied D. flew六、总结与反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_The Fifth Period (Section B 3a-Self check)【学习目标】1) 写作训练:学会用日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感情2)学会调查询问并作调查问卷表。【学习重点】用简单的言语写日记【学习难点】学会调查询问【学法指导】自主学习 交流合作 写作训练 【学习过程】一、复习 口语操练 二、预习检测 1、预习3a的单词以及短文。2、分析写日记需要注意的一些事项。三、自主学习任务一 1、 3a 听录音

24、圈出描述Bob假日过得愉快的词,划出过得不愉快的词。 2、板书难点词语、讲解、跟读。 3、 听录音朗读短文。任务二 3b笔头练习:学会仿写日记。 任务三 Groupwork 任务四 Selfcheck 四、合作探究1、分小组朗读单词2、四人小组活动,并在全班以小组汇报的形式展示,比一比哪一组最好。 五、课堂检测1、选择填空1.Dont make_ loudly. .A. him shout B. him to shout C. he shout D. him shouting2. Id like to help_ _the box. A. she carry B. he to carry C.

25、 her carry D. her carrying 3. The girl has a lot of fun_ _English. A. to speak B. speak C. speaks D. speaking4. The teacher found the boy_ _a picture. in the classroom. A. to draw B. drew C. drawing D. draws5. He decided_. A. work hard B. to work hard C. working hard D. worked hard2、 汉译英1. 昨天我邻居家的小孩迷路了。 My neighbors child _ _yesterday. 2.你学习是为了谁? Who do you _ _?3.你们昨天玩得高兴吗? _you_ a good time yesterday? 4.假期你的朋友去了哪里? Where _your friend _on vacation? 5.昨天那里的天气怎样? How _the weather there yesterday? 六、总结与反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_

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