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译林版牛津英语八年级下册Unit 4.docx

1、译林版牛津英语八年级下册Unit 4) 宝应县柳堡镇中心初级中学八年级英语(8下)教案 课 题 总 Unit 4 A good read 总课时 7 第1课时 题 课 Welcome to the unit 授 课 时 间 教学目标1. To be able to identify different types of reads 2. To learn to talk about our favourite reads 教学重、 难点To be able to identify different types of reads To learn to talk about our favou

2、rite reads 教学准备A tape recorder, pictures 课前预习 Preview the new words. 教学过程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 旁注 Step 1 Warming up Discuss some questions: Do you like reading? What type of book do you like? Step 2 Presentation Show some pictures to learn new words. Step 3 Comic strip 1. Show the flash. 2. Listen and an

3、swer. 1) Has Hobo decided what to do with the books? 2) What does Hobo want to use the books to do? 3. Act out the conversation. Step 4 Ask students to complete Part A on page 49. Step 5 Listen and answer following answer the to part B and Listen question. 1) What is Daniel reading? 2) Why does he l

4、ike reading history books? 3) Does Sandy like reading history books? spare in her to does Sandy like read What 4) time? in and practise the Step 6 Read after recorder pairs. A: What do you like to read in your spare time? B: I like reading. Discuss some questions. Look at some pictures and learn som

5、e words. Listen and answer. Complete part A. Listen and answer. Read and practice. )b) A: Why do you like reading. B: BecauseStep 7 Exercises I请根据首字母写出单词的正确形式。_.It c a 1. I am reading book about teaches me how to cook nice food. 2. Lu Xun is a famous w_ in China. He wrote many n_. 3. Have you d_ wha

6、t to do next. 4. We u_ pens to write. than important 5. In short, h_ is more wealth. 翻译短语。II. 1. 怎样处理这些书2. 给我一本小说 3. 用某物来做某事冰箱上的盒子 4. 5. 一本关于德国二战的书 感兴趣6. 对7. 提高某人的知识 法国作家8. Step 8 Homework words the learn new and text Read 1. the book and phrases by heart. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook. Do

7、 some exercises. Do some homework. 教后感 )b) 宝应县柳堡镇中心初级中学八年级英语(8下)教案 课 题 总Unit4 A good read 总课时 7 第2课时 课 题 Reading (1) 授 课 时 间 教学目标 1. To get some idea about Gullivers travel in Lilliput 2. To learn to describe Gullivers travel 3. To master the words and phrases in this text 教学重、 难点1. To get some idea

8、 about Gullivers travel in Lilliput. 2. To learn to describe Gullivers travel. 教学准备Small blackboards, A tape recorder 课前预习 Preview the new words 教学过程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 旁注 Step 1 Lead-in Talk about some books. (1)Are you interested in reading stories? (2) What stories have you read? (3) Why do you like

9、 them? Step 2 Presentation the to going read comes from The T: story were this you read Travels. English novel Gullivers Have book before? British famous was Travels written by the Gullivers s us Swift. writer Jonathan This novel tells Gulliversome countries, including adventures amazing in Lilliput

10、, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnnhnms. Step 3 Reading 1.Skimming and answer: (1) Which adventure does this extract belong to? C. Laputa A. Lilliput B. Brobdingnag “I”? (2) In this extract, who am A. Jonathan Swift C. Sandy. B. Gulliver (3) How many tiny people did “I” meet in the end? A. One B. A fe

11、w C. A large number. 2. Read the extract again and find the meanings of the words in Part B1. 3. Read the extract carefully and match the events with their causes in Part B2. Free talk Some introduction about the novel Skim and answer Finish Part B1 Finish Part B2 )b) for B3 and check Then read the

12、sentences in Part 4. mistakes. 5. Read after the tape. 6. Complete B4. 7. Check out the answers. 8. Read aloud the extract and answer some questions: when he woke (1) Did Gulliver know where he was (No, he did not.) up? (2) Why did the tiny people tie Gulliver to the ground? (Yes. At first he shoute

13、d at the tiny people, and then he tried to pull his hand free. Finally, he managed to break the ropes.) (3) Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out? to reactions those tony peoples were (4) What Gulliver when he tried to help himself out? by ( At first, they were shocked the loud noise that Gul

14、liver made and they all fell over, but they soon got his moving across left hand and up again continued of huge air, they began to shout and a army the into tiny people came straight towards Gulliver. Step 4 Activity their ship land came 1. T: Gulliver to a strange after Gulliver, crashed against th

15、e rocks. youre Suppose your strange how it was in own others you can tell words? 2. Make an interview. interview You are an want You to interviewer. at ask try in trip. about Gulliver his Work pairs; to least five questions about the trip. Step 5 Homework 1. Read aloud the article underline the diff

16、icult parts. 2. Remember the new words in this lesson. 课课练3. Do exercise. Finish Part B3 Complete Part B4 Read and answer Make an interview 教后感 )b) 宝应县柳堡镇中心初级中学八年级英语(8下)教案 总 课 题 Unit4 A good read 总课时 7 第3课时 课 题 Reading (2) 授 课 时 间 教学目标1. Learn the language points in this article. favorite books. 2.

17、Learn to talk about Ss教学重、 难点1. Learn the language points in this article. favorite books. 2. Learn to talk about Ss 教学准备Small blackboards 课前预习 Try to retell the text 教学过程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 旁注 Step 1 Revision 1. Ask and answer the following question: 1) What did he do after their ship crash against th

18、e rocks? 2) What did Gulliver find after he woke up? 3) How tall was the small man? 4) When he shouted to the small men, what happened? 5) Could Gulliver communicate with the small men? Step 2 Presentation Explain some language points: 1. as far as I could = as far as possible e.g. Its not as diffic

19、ult as I thought. 2. be tried out 筋疲力尽 e.g. I was dancing all the morning , I was tired out. 摔倒;倒塌 fall down 3. e.g. I fell down on the beach and went to sleep. 4. move up over ones stomach 意思是“与一样”。as 5. the same s. e.g. My school bag is the same colour as my sister ”“继续做6. continue doing something

20、,=continue to do something e.g. The rain continue falling/to fall all afternoon. ,的意思是“完成(困难的事)7. manage to do sth. 。勉力完成某事” e.g. How did you manage to get there? 8. an army of 意思是“一群” 一群蚂蚁e.g. an army of ants ”最常用的意思是“军队(尤指陆军)。army e.g. Her husband is in the army. Answer some questions Explain some

21、 language points and make some notes )b) Step 3 Practice communication a real Create a situation and have 1. with some new phrases: e.g. be tired out T: When are you usually tired out? m room, II S1: When have finished cleaning my tired out. m usually tired out. S2: After PE lessons, I2. Fill in the

22、 blanks with the phrases: continue be tried out A huge army be tied to the manage to start doing fall falling over same size as (1) My room is _ yours. (2) The train _ all afternoon. (3) The boy _ a chair by the robbers. (4) She_ pass a difficult exam last year? (5) When did the doctor_the operation

23、? (6)_soldiers marched across the bridge. (7) They pushed each other and then they both _. (8) She _ after running such a long way. Step 4 Activity T: At the end of the extract, Gulliver saw a huge army of tiny people coming towards him. What will the tiny people probably do? Can Gulliver get away?

24、s about more Gulliverknow want you Do to adventure? Use your imagination and tell the rest of the story. Make a communication. Step 5 Homework 1.Memorize all the new words and phrases. 2.Retell the text. 3.Continue writing the story. and a situation Create real have a with communication some new phr

25、ases with blanks in the Fill the phrases imagination Use your the of tell and the rest story 教后感 )b) 宝应县柳堡镇中心初级中学八年级英语(8下)教案 课 题 总Unit4 A good read 总课时 7 第 4 课时 课 题 Grammar 授 课 时 间 教学目标1. To 敬牡?桴?牰灯牥甠敳漠?獜牴捵畴敲漠?灳捥慩?湩整牲杯瑡癩?湩楦楮楴敶 2. To learn the proper use of must and have to 教学重、 难点The mastery of voca

26、bulary and key sentence patterns this lesson on grammar 教学准备A tape recorder, small blackboard 课前预习 Preview Pages 54-56 and try to understand the grammar. 教学过程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 旁注 Step1Revision We have read an extract from Gullivers travels, but 1.what story and we dont know a its not complete happene

27、d next. Im wondering about what happened next. Can you tell me? their of read students to 2.Choose different levels story. Step2Presentation Shows the Reading part of the sentence 1,Let the students to pay attention to the underlined part: (1)One of these small men began talking to me ,but i could n

28、ot understand him. I did not know what to say either. (2)I did not know how to get away. a 2,Tell question a word with use We Ss:can to-infinitive after a verb. Synonymous sentence conversion 3, see small Bb()Remind Ss: Besides the verbs in the exercise, we ,4can use other verbs in this structure. F

29、or example, ask, tell ,hear, learn, see, remember, explain and forget. Step3 Practice and 1,Amy Daniel about talking their Reading are and words correct the Use Week. question on page conversation their complete to to-infinitives 55. read some Ss to Choose the story Ss Reading ,ask Show the to to pa

30、y attention underlined part after Know: to-infinitive a verb the other verbs in Use structure their Complete conversation on P55 )b) the students read ,the answersThen let the 2,Check story complete dialogue. explain the new 3Writing on the blackboard and phrases or sentences.Step4 Presentation that feels the speaker Ss: We use must when Tell that say We use must not to necessary. something is when to have is something not allowed. and we usedo use the situation makes something necessary. we do necessarynot to say have to to that

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