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1、高中英语Unit1FriendshipPeriod3ImportantLanguagePoints教学设计新人教版必修1Unit 1 Friendship Period 3Important Language Points 整体设计从容说课This is the third teaching period of this unit. The teacher should first check the students homework and offer chances for the students to review what they learned in the second pe

2、riod.The emphasis in this period will be put on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns. In order to make the students understand these important points tho-roughly, the teacher can first get the students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations abo

3、ut them, and later offer some practices to let the students know their usages. At last make the students do more exercises for consolidation.The teacher should be expected to carefully design class activities to encourage the students to be active in class so as to enable the students to grasp and u

4、se these language points both orally and in written form. Make sure the students are willing to take part in the activities in class and get ready to cooperate with each other. In doing so, the students can learn, grasp and use these important language points well.教学重点Enable the students to grasp th

5、e usages of such important new words and expressions as share, crazy, dare, series, on purpose, in order to, and so on.教学难点How to enable the students to grasp the usages of dare and in order to and understand some difficult and long sentences.教学方法1. Discussing, summarizing and practicing2. Cooperati

6、ve learning教具准备The multimedia and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn and grasp some important new words and expressions:addignoreconcerncheatshareseriescrazydaresufferadvicecommunicateadd upcalm downhave got tobe concerned aboutgo throughhide awayset downa ser

7、ies ofon purposein order toface to faceaccording toget along withfall in love withjoin in2. Get the students to understand some useful sentence patterns:1)Your friend, who doesnt work hard, asks you to help him or her to cheat in the exam by looking at your paper, what will you do? (the Attributive

8、Clause)2)I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend. (as. . . )4)I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (I wonder if/whether. . .

9、; so. . . that. . . )5). . . I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. (stay+adj. ; in order to do)Ability aims:1. Enable the students to use some useful words and expressions correctly.2. Enable the students to learn ho

10、w to understand new words, expressions and difficult sentences according to the context.Emotional aims:Develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to talk about their friends and what qualities and behavior ma

11、ke good friends. Also may ask them to talk about Annes best friend, her diary.Step 2 Reading and exerciseGet the students to try to find out the words and expressions as quickly as possible in the related parts and let them learn some important new words and expressions by studying their contexts, c

12、lues and word-formation.The teacher shows the following on the screen.1. Find the words and expressions in Warming Up. Make sure that they have the same meanings given below.1)to join numbers, amount, etc. so as to find the total2)to act in a dishonest way in order to win; to take from (someone)in a

13、 dishonest way3)be worried about4)feeling unhappy about something; worried; anxious5)not to take notice of6)to make (of a living beings)calm7)must8)not fastened; tied up, shut up, etc. ; free from control2. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the Reading to complete the following se

14、ntences.1)Friends are just the people who_ your happiness and sorrow.2)You really dont know what we_ while working on the farm.3)I have_ everything that happened, as I remember it.4)She_ singing and dancing.5)Tom did something wrong to his brother, but he said he didnt do that_.6)_ catch the first b

15、us, she got up early this morning.7)The naughty boy_ and his parents didnt find him anywhere.8)A deep blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers and fresh air held me_ .Step 3 CheckingExplain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.Suggested answers:1. 1)add up2)cheat3)be

16、concerned about4)upset5)ignore6)calm down7)have (got) to8)loose2. 1)share2)went through3)set down4)is crazy about5)on purpose6)In order to7)hid away8)entirely in their powerStep 4 Language Points1. add vt. & vi. 1)to put something with something else or with a group of other things加;添;增加Do you want

17、to add your name to the list?你愿意把名字添到名单上吗?Whisk the egg and then add the flour.打好鸡蛋以后再加面粉。2)to put two or more numbers together in order to calculate the total加Add 6 and 6 to make 12.6加6得12。If you add 5 and 5 (together), you get 10.5加5得10。Add 9 to the total.在总数上再加9。3)to say some more that is related

18、 to what has already been said接着又说;补充说Thats all I want to say. Is there anything youd like to add?我要说的就这些,你还有什么要补充的吗?I have nothing to add to my earlier statement.我对我先前说的话,没有什么补充的。add to to make something larger and more noticeable增加Our explanation seemed only to add to his bewilderment.我们的解释似乎只是增加了

19、他的困惑。Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。add up to calculate the total of several numbers加起来;总计Add your scores up and well see who won.把你们的得分加起来,我们就会看出谁赢了。Add up all the money I owe you.把我应付你的钱都加在一起。add up to to have a particular result总计,共达His schooling added up to

20、no more than one year.他受的学校教育总计不超过一年。These numbers add up to 100.这些数目合计为100。addition n. 加;增加的人或事物additional adj. 附加的;另外的;外加的(1)What he did_ our difficulties.A. add toB. has added up C. has added toD. had added up to(2)The cost_ 100 million dollars.A. added up toB. has added toC. addedD. has added up

21、(3)All this_ a new concept of the universe.A. addsB. adds toC. adds up D. adds up to(4)It is very delicious, is it?Yes, I think you have had some salt_ the soup.A. added B. added into C. added to D. added up to答案:(1)C(2)A(3)D(4)C2. upset1)vt. &vi. (upset; upset)to make someone feel unhappy or worrie

22、d 使不安;使心烦Im sorry. I didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我本来并不想让你不高兴的。Her friends sudden death upset him very much.她朋友的突然去世使她很难过。2)adj. (not before noun)unhappy and worried 心烦意乱的;心情不舒适的She was still upset about the argument that she had had with Harry.对于她和Harry的争吵,她还感到心烦呢。She is really feeling upset about l

23、osing lots of money.丢掉了许多钱,她真的感到很沮丧。3. ignore vt.1)to behave as if you had not seen or heard someone or something不理睬;忽视Some drivers simply ignore speed limits.有些司机就是无视速度的限制。He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.他完全无视这一切,好像它们根本不存在似的。She saw him coming but she ignored him.

24、她看见他走过来,但装作没看到他。2)to pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about忽略(不计)The policeman ignored personal danger to save a little girl.为了救一个小女孩,那名警察不顾个人的安危。ignorance n. 无知ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的4. calm1)adj. quiet and without excitement, nervous activity or strong feel

25、ings平静的;镇静的,沉着的Keep calm, and try not to panic.保持镇静,不要慌张。She tried to keep calm about it.她努力对此保持镇静。2)vt. & vi. to make someone or something quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity (使)平静,(使)镇定;平息Charlie tried to calm the frightened children.查理努力使受到惊吓的孩子们平静下来。The crying child soon calmed down.哭

26、闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。calm down vt. &vi. to become quiet or make someone quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity(使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来When she heard the news, she was so excited that nothing could calm her down.当听到这个消息时,她激动得什么也不能使她平静下来。Calm down and tell me what happened.别激动,告诉我发生了什么事。Wait till you are more

27、_. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfied答案:B5. share1)vi & vt.(1)to have or use (sth. )with others; have (sth. )in common与别人共有或合用(某物);在(某方面)有共同之处The last bus had gone, so the three of us shared a taxi.最后一班公交车开走了,我们仨人打了一辆出租车。I shared a room with him at college.上

28、大学时,我和他同居一室。He shares my fears about a possible war.他和我一样害怕有可能发生战争。(2)have a share in sth. ; participate in sth. 分摊或分享某事物;参与某事物I will share (in) the cost with you.我愿与你分摊费用。She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys.她与我同甘共苦。(3)to tell sb. about sth. 将某事告诉某人She wont share her secret with us.她不肯把她的

29、秘密告诉我们。I want to share my news with you.我想把我得到的消息告诉你。2)n. part of something 一份;部分;份额I do my share of the housework.我做我该做的那份家务。Dont worryyoull get your fair share.别急,你会得到你应得的那份。Let Harry play with your toys as well, Glareyou must learn to_.A. support B. care C. spare D. share答案:D6. set down to put or

30、 lay down; to write down sth. so that you have a record of it 放下,搁下;记下,写下Set down your heavy bag and take a rest.放下你的包,休息一会。I want to set down my feelings on paper.我要记下我的感受。set apart to make someone or something different from other people or things 使突出,使与众不同set aside to keep some money or time for

31、a special purpose 存储,拨出set off to start to go somewhere; to cause an explosion 出发,动身;使爆炸set out to start a journey or to talk about something in an organized way 出发,开始;陈述,阐明set up to start an organization; to build something 设立,开办;竖起,建起1)They_ the experiment yesterday.A. set about to do B. set out doingC. set aside doing D.

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