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1、华西口外专英大纲Teaching Outline for Professional English for Oral Maxillofacial SurgeryDept. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔颌面外科教研室一、 教学目的及要求: Objective of the course is to train the students in reading, translating, apprehending and writi

2、ng of professional English in the field of oral maxillofacial surgery . The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students should be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related p

3、rofessional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.The teachers desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also the professional English skills as a tool of catching up international modern advances in the field of oral maxillofacial surgery for th

4、e students of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University. 二、教学内容(各章节主要内容、学时分配及重点、难点) The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours. The last 3 case reports are for self-study. Lesson 1. AnesthesiaTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will b

5、e able to:Understand concept ,category and contraindications of local anesthesia Recognize postinjection complications and how to avoid them. Be familiar with the objective of commonly used methods producing local anesthesia in oral surgery in relation to anatomy of the injection points and distribu

6、tions of the peripheral nerve endings for each methods. .Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ab

7、ility of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: hypodermic a. 皮下的,皮下注射的; instillation n. 滴注,注入,滴法; reversible a. 可逆的; coagulation n. 凝固,凝结; preanesthetic a. 前驱麻醉,准备麻醉; Drug terms: ethyl chloride 氯乙烷; Novocain, procaine n. 奴佛卡因, 普鲁卡因; barbitur

8、ate n. 巴比土酸盐;. epinephrine (suprarenin), n. 肾上腺素(商品名)ointment n. 软膏,油膏; . anodyne n. 镇痛剂; .Anatomy terms: periosteum n. (复periostea) 骨膜; periosteal a. 骨膜的; loop n. 环,圈; sheath n. 鞘; perineurium n. 神经束膜; ganglion n. (复ganglia) 神经节foramen n. (复foramina) 孔; maxilla n. (复maxillae) 上颌骨; infraorbital a. 眶

9、下的; tuberosity n. 结节;粗隆Disease terms: contraindication n. 禁忌症; neurasthenic a. 神经衰弱的; hematoma n. (复hematomata) 血肿; . trismus n. 牙关紧闭; paralyze v. 使麻痹,使瘫痪; pericementitis n. 牙周膜炎; . idiosyncrasy n. 特应性;特异性质; ecchymosis n. 瘀斑; dermatitis n. 皮炎Notes1).动词prevent 常与介词 from连用: Preventfrom(+动名词)使不致,阻止, Ex

10、ample:The storm prevented him from coming. 暴风雨使他不能来。2). from time to time 不时地,时时3) in the proportion of 按的比例4) by way of 通过,用方法5) takeinto consideration 考虑到,注意到。 For example:We must take their opinions into consideration. 我们必须考虑他们的意见。6) in a position to(+不定式)能够,有能力7) cope with 对付,克服Lesson 2. Extract

11、ion of Teeth Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand indications and contraindications and complications of extraction of teeth. Recognize etiology and diagnosis of pericoronitis caused by impacted teeth. Be familiar with disturbances caused by impacted

12、teeth.Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if th

13、e course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: General terms: extraction n. 拔出; access n. 进路,入口; impacted v. 阻生的(牙)succedaneous a. 替代的;代用的;. malposed a. 错位的;异位的; . orthodontic a. 正牙的; devise v. 设计;发明; density n. 密集(度);密度; cancellate a. 网眼状的,格子状的,松的 devitalization n. 失活;去生肌; detritus n. 腐质;碎屑

14、; dentistry n. 牙科学; erupt v. 长出,萌出; Drug and devices terms: appliance n. 矫正器; elevator n. 牙挺; mallet n. 槌; analgesic a. 止痛的; chisel n. 凿子; bur n. (牙科用)圆头锉.Anatomy terms: pericoronal a. (牙)冠周的; spine n. 刺;脊柱; subcutaneous 皮下的Disease terms: periodontoclasia n. 牙周溃坏; chorea n. 舞蹈病; . precox a. 早发的granu

15、lation n. 肉芽组织; supernumerary a. 多余的,额外的; traumatism n. 创伤病,外伤病; ankylosis n. 关节僵直; malposition n. 错位; neuralgia n. 神经痛; cellulitis n. 蜂窝织炎; epilepsy n. 癫痫,羊癫疯; dementia n. 痴呆病; ecchymosis n. 瘀斑;皮下溢血; Treatment terms: apicoectomy n. (牙)根尖切除术;Notes1) all but 除之外全部; 有时作“几乎”、“差点儿”解, for example: He was

16、 all but drowned. 他几乎溺死。2) bring about 导致,造成,引起, for example: The combination of traditional Chinese with Western medicine has brought about great improvements in the treatment of diseases. 中西医结合使治疗疾病有了很大改进。Lesson 3. Acute Infection and Inflammatory Process Arising about the TeethTeaching hours: 2.B

17、y the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, propagation and prognosis and treatment of acute dento-alveolar abscess. Recognize symptoms, clinical signs, propagation and prognosis and treatment of osteomyelitis of the maxillary bones. Be familiar with

18、Carres osteomyelitis and osteoradionectosis.Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comp

19、rehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: General terms: . inspection n. 检查; sequel n. 后果;结局; . dissemination n. 散播,传播; radiolucent a. 射线可透过的; morbidity n. 发病率;病态Drug and devices terms: dam n. 橡皮障; multivitamin n. 多种维生素;Anatomy terms: dento-alveolar

20、 a. 牙槽的; pericemental a. 牙根周的; vestibule n. 前庭;内耳腔; mylohyoid a. 下颌舌骨的; parapharyngeal a. 咽旁的; retrozygomatic a. 颧骨后的;. cavernous a. 海绵状的;多孔的; cortex n. 皮质;皮层; fascial a. 筋膜的; pterygomandibular a. 翼突下颌的; infratemporal a. 颞下的; intracranial a. 颅内的; ramus (复rami)n. 支;Disease terms: slough n. 腐肉;脱落; sep

21、sis (复sepses) n. 脓毒症;败血症; septicemia n. 败血病; osteomyelitis n. 骨髓炎; subacute a. 亚急性的; fistula(复fistulae)n. 瘘管; osteoradionecrosis n. 射线性骨坏死; dysplastic a. 发育异常的,发育不良的; . suppuration n. 化脓; angina n. 咽峡炎 Ludwigs路德维希氏咽峡炎(脓性性颌下炎); thrombophlebitis n. 血栓性静脉炎; periostitis n. 骨膜炎; hematogenous a. 血原性的; par

22、esthesia n. 感觉异常; sequestrum(复sequestra)n. 死骨(片). sarcoma (复sarcomata)n. 肉瘤;Treatment terms: curettement n. 刮除术; biopsy n. 活组织检查; chemotherapy n. 化学疗法; . sequestrectomy n. 死骨切除术;.Notes.1) in connection with,与相连,关于2) in spite of 尽管,虽然, for example: He kept on fighting in spite of his wounds. 他虽受伤仍继续作

23、战。3). one after another相继,挨次4) . at no time决不,从不Lesson 4 . Affections of the Salivary GlandsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of salivary stones(sialoithiasis).Recognize symptoms, clinical signs, pr

24、ognosis and treatment of sialadenitis and sialoductitis.Be familiar with salivary gland tumors.Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentenc

25、es chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: General terms: . roentgen n. 伦琴(X线量单位); staphylococcus(复staphylococci)n.葡萄球菌; streptococcus(复streptococci)n. 链球菌; .lacrimal a. 泪的;Drug and devices terms: bo

26、ugie n. 探针;Anatomy terms: parotid a. 腮腺的; epithelial a. 上皮的; periductal a. 导管周的; lumen n.(复lumina)(管)腔;Disease terms: sialadenitis n. 涎腺炎; stricture n. 狭窄; lymphoblastoma n. 成淋巴细胞瘤;淋巴母细胞瘤; sialoductitis n. 涎管炎; pyemia n. 脓毒症;脓血症; hyperemic a. 充血的; ectopic a. 异位的; . recur v. 复发; occlusion n. 闭塞,堵塞; d

27、ilation n. 膨胀,扩大;扩张(症); sialolithiasis n. 涎石形成; nodule n. 小结节,小瘤; sialolith n. 涎石; virulent a. 有毒的,毒性的;Diagnostic terms: . sialography n. 涎管X线造影术; sialogram n. 涎管X线(造影)片;Treatment terms: sialolithotomy n. 涎石切除术 excision n. 切除;Notes1). by means of 用,借助于for example: Cells multiply by means of cell div

28、ision. 细胞用细胞分裂来繁殖。2). in conjunction with 连同,和一起3). owing to 由于,因为for example: The patient cannot open his mouth owing to pain. 病人由于疼痛而不能张口。4). account for 说明;(总计)占Lesson 5. Fractures of the MandibleTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand how to diagnose

29、 fractures of the mandible? One can do it firstly according to the clinical symptoms and signs, such as history, deformity of the face, jaws and occlusion, abnormal mobility, pain, tenderness, crepitus, disability, trismus, laceration, discoloration of the gum tissue and numbness of the lower lip an

30、d mental process of the involved side, prognosis and treatment of salivary stones(sialoithiasis).Recognize importance of x-ray examination and treament principles for fractures of the mandible.Be familiar with deformity characteristics of fractures in those places of the mandible: symphysis, mental

31、forament region, molar region, angle, ascending ramus, neck of condyle and coronoid process. .Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentence

32、s chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: General terms: . correspond v. 符合,一致; restoration n. 恢复;修复; violence n. 暴力;猛烈; aggravate v. 加重,使更恶化; regeneration n. 再生,更新; Drug and devices terms: appliance n. 器具,器械;应用; splint n. 夹板,夹; 牙挺; pin n. 钉,针Anatomy terms: symphysis(复symphyses)n. 联合; mental n. 颏的;精神的; arch n. 弓; temporal n. 颞颥的; ptery

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