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1、七八年级英语知识点湖南教育出版社版本unit 4 Topic 21. What/how doing sth ? Good idea / All rightWould you like to do sth? Id love to / Id like thatwould like to do sth=want to do sth= feel like doing sthI would like=Id like to watch(watch) a film with you.2. go for a picnic 去野餐 have a picnic3.我是 This is / 你是.? Is that

2、.? (打电话)4. tell sb about sth / tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 Talk with /to sb 与交谈5.forget to do sth(忘记要做某事) doing sth (忘记曾经做过某事)Dont forget_ (turn) off the light.6. 有空 be free / have time Do you have time?7. 去钓鱼 go fishing /shoping/hiking /swimming /sking8. 不得不 have to ; He has to leave now.9.放风筝 fly a kite 10

3、. 提水 carry water 11. 把带在身边 take sth with sb 12.在家 be at home be in13. 打电话回来 call sb back= ring sb back 14. 上演 be on put onunit 4 Topic31. Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 Let him _(leave) home.2. Lets have a rest, shall we?(好吗)3. 问时间 What time is it? / Whats the time ?Its时间表达方式:7:00 seven oclock 7:05 seven five

4、 Five minute past seven8:12 eight twelve 9:15 nine fifteen Twelve past eight a quartet past nine10:30 ten thirty 11:45 eleven forty-five half past ten a quarter to twelve12:50 twelve fifty 14:35 fourteen thirty-five Ten to one twenty-five to three4. 看见 see (结果) 看着 look at=have a look at5. 对某人友好 : be

5、 kind / friendly to sb 6. 该做某事了 : Its time to do sth / for sth7. on the way to in this way by the way8. 你真是太好了 Its very nice /kind of you(to do sth)9. 因为做了某事谢谢你 Thank you for (doing) sth Thank you for your help = Thank you for helping me10. 寻找 look for (动词) / 找到 find(结果)11. 在动物园 in the zoo Unit 5 To

6、pic 11. at the school gate 在学习大门口2. 你也一样 The same to you3. 看起来漂亮 look nice 4. 该做某事 Its time to do sth/for sth5. go to by bus = take a bus to by car= drive a car to on foot=walk to. by train=take a train by subway=take the subway/the underground by plane=take a plane=by air/airplane go to. by bike =

7、ride a bike go to by ship/boat= take a boat by water / sea 走水路6. I go to school by bus =How do you go to school? on a bus7.在星期一到星期五/在工作日: on weekdays 在周末 at weekends8.The early bird catches the worm9.看电影 see / watch a movie / film10.了解 know about 11. 休息 have /take a rest12. 在某人的业余时间 in ones spare/fr

8、ee time13. 等等 and so on14.很高兴看见你 Nice to see you / Nice seeing 15. 工作第一 Work must come first 一般现在时:表示经常性,习惯性的动作或状态结构: 主语 be(am/is/are)+ 动词原形+ 行为动词 动词用三单(he she It 单数)+关键词 sometimes,often,usually,seldom,every day,on Sundays1. Mr Green _(be) a doctor. He _(work) in a hospital.2. Some students often _(

9、make)mistakes in making sentences.3. Xiao Mei _(look) after the patient every day.4. Lucy _ always _ (not play)football on the playground. She sometimes _ (play) it indoor.5. _ they usually _(dance)after school?Yes,they do6. Does your brother_ (warch) TV in the evening? No,he doesnt否定句: 主语 A:am / is

10、 / are+not+ (We,You,They,复数)+dont+V原形 B: (He,She,It,三单)+doesnt+V原形一般疑问句: A: Am /Is / Are+主语+ B: Do / Does+主语+V原形+Unit 5 Topic 2现在进行时:表示现在正在做某事结构: am主语+be is are关键词: now,Listen,Look,at the moment, right now, Wheres.?1. Look! Two planes are _ (fly) in the sky.2. Listen! A bird is _ (sing) in t

11、he tree.3. He _ (run) after a cat now.现在分词( 去e+ing 双号+ing(一个元音+一个辅音)move-moving,dance-dancing,being,write-writing3 eat-eatingwait-waiting stop-stopping ,shop-shoppingplay-playing (V) play-plaiing 错 plaing 错study-studing(V)study-studing 错begin-beginning, travel travelling,cancelling,control

12、ling now The boy is playing football now.1. 在操场上 on the playground 2. 制作卡片 make cards3. 在图书馆 in the library 4.在健身房 in the gym5.老师办公室 teachers office 6. 借 How long keep borrow sth from sb / lend sth to sb7.在方面做得好 be good at /do well in/更好 do better in.8. 寻找 look for 找到 find 查明 find out9. 在书架上 on the

13、shelf 10. 准时 on time/及时 in time11.什么别的东西 What else=What other things12. 穿上 put on(your coat/your shoes/your hat)13.带某人参观某处 show sb around swh14.写信 write a letter15.在后面 behind/ at the back of There is a tree behind my house(外面的后面) There is a clock at the back of our classroom.(内部的后面)16. 画画 draw pictu

14、res 17.长城 the Great Wall1 问颜色 What color2 穿着衣服 in +颜色 in red/blue In+a+颜色+衣服 in a red coatThe woman in red is my mother.The woman in green is his mother. in green pants is his motherWhich woman is your mother?The man in a car is Mr.Green. Which man is Mr.Green?The boy under the tree is jim. Which bo

15、y is jim? 冠词 a 辅音 一个 an hour an orange an 元音 an old man an apple the 那个 an 8-year-old boy There is an “s” in the word “bus”.4 名次复数 可数名词 一个+单数 两个(以上)+复数 some/many/two/+He has 3 books .Their names(名字) are Lucy and Maria goes (go) home by bus every night否定句 Maria doesnt go home by bus疑问句 Does

16、Maria go home ? The mother _(do) homework every day.否定句 The mother doesnt do housework every day疑问句 Does the mother do housework ?Michacl _(not have) lessons on Sunday.结构:否定句:主语+dont /doesnt+V.原形+ 一般疑问句:Do / Does +主语+V.原形+?17 问职业 What does sb do? What does she do? Whats sbs job? Whats her job? What

17、is sb? What is she?18.请坐 :have a seat / take a seat / sit down19. 办公室工作人员 an office worker My parents are farmers(农民)20. 在医院 in a hospital 在农场 on a farm 在办公室 in an officeUnit 5 Topic 31. 问星期几? What day is it today? Its Sunday.2. 问日期 Whats the date today? Its December.25th.3. 上课 have a / an lesson(cl

18、ass)4. 问几点钟 What time is it? Whats the time?5. 开班会 have a class meeting 6.做课外活动 do outdoor activities7.演算算数题 work on math problem 算出 work out8.对友好 be friendly / kind to sb9.一些别的课目 some other subjects10. 一个3班的学生 a student of class 311. 一则新闻 a piece of news 看报纸 read a newspaper12.请注意 Attention,please!

19、/May I have your attention,please?13.Here is the news /Here are the flowers14.集邮 stamp collection 15.从.到.写一封信 write a letter (to sb)17.喜欢做某事 like doing/ to do18.向学习 learnfrom. 19.努力工作 hard work20.因为.而感谢ni Thank you for (doing) sth=Thanks for doing21. 在报纸上 in the newspaperUnit 6 Topic11.

20、There be 句型:在某地有某物There_ (be) a football on the floor.There _ (be) some flowers in the garden.There _(be) some water in the bottleThere _ (be) a pen and some pencils in the box There _(be) people swimming(swim) in the pool.There _ (be) an apple on the table just nowThere _ (be) many trees here 10 ye

21、ars ago.There _ (be) a football match tomorrow There are some flowers in the garden.There arent any flowers n the garden(否定句)Are there any flowers in? Yes, there are Whats+介词地点状语? 在某地有2. welcome to 欢迎到 3.在第四层 on the fourth floor4.在隔壁next to 5.在书房 in the study (studies)6.到楼上 go / come upstairs 7. 看一看

22、 have a look (at sth).8.那么多 so many books 那么多+不可数名词 so much work9.在架子上 on the shelf(shelves) 10.在.前面 in front of11.与玩 play with 12.谈论某事. talk about13.在墙上 on the wall 14. 把收拾好 put it/them many+可数名词 / how much + 不可数名词16.在河面上 on the river 在河里 in the river17.在.中间 in the center/middle of18.在背面

23、 at the back of. 19. 在左/右边on the left/right20.在图画中 in the picture 在第2幅画中 in the picture Two21. 全家福 a family photo 22. 收信 receive a letter from sb get a letter from sb hear from sbUnit 6 Topic 21.在农村 in the county 在城市in the city 在城镇at town2.寻找 look for find 找到3.有三床的房子 a house with 3 bedrooms4.三口之家 a

24、family of three5.把电话给某人 用号码 call sb at 6.每个月 per / a month 7.把租给 rent sth to sb 把借给lend sth to sb8.borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物9.在街道的拐角处 on the street corner 10.停车 park cars 11.存钱 keep money/make money/raise money12.寄信 mail letters 13.收到来信 get / receive a letter from sb hear from sb14.火车站 train station

25、 15.邮政局 post office16. 听到做了某事 hear sb do sth 听到还在做否是 hear sb doing sth17.怎么了 Whats the matter?/Whats wrong/up with you?18.为某事而难过 be sorry about sth / to do sth19.大声谈话 take loudly 20.在阅读室 in the reading room21.在尽头 at the end of 22.在左/右边 on the left / right23.在之间 betweenand 24.在隔壁 close to25.寻找帮助 call

26、 sb for help next to26. 离远 far away from27.There is something wrong with sth 某物有问题28.叫某人去做某事 ask / get sb to do sth 29.马上 right now / at once 30.从移到 move fromto交通拥挤 the traffic is heavy31.noise(名) noisy(形) noisily(副)32. 生活消费 the cost fo living (is high) 生活条件 living conditions 33.有花园的房子 a house with

27、a gardenUnit 6 Topic 31.到的路怎么走? Which is the way to? 问路? How can I get to? Could/can you tell me the way to? Is there a/an near here? Where is?2.指引道路 Go along/up/down this road Turn left / right at the second turn Take the second turning on the left / right3 Go across the bridge4 You need to take th

28、e No.3 bus.5 You should change to the No.8 bus at Anzhen Bridge.6 Its on the left.You cant miss it.7 Its on the left .You cant miss it.3. 在对面 across from 4.使安全 makesafe.5.受伤 get hurt 弄伤自己 hurt oneself 6.失去生命 lose ones lives 7. 在车祸中 in traffic accidents 8. 遵守交通规则 follow/obey the traffic rules9. 过马路 c

29、ross the road 10.在街上 on the street go across the road11.a ticket for speeding 超速罚款12. Dont drive too fast, will you(好吗)?Lets have a rest , shall we? (wont you)Let us have a rest, will you?13.wait for ones turn 等候某人的顺序14保持安静 keep quiet / silent 15.迟到 be late for 21.穿衣服 in+颜色/in + a/an+颜色+衣服 The man i

30、n red(穿着红衣服) is my brother in a red coat(穿着红外套) Which22.在沙发上 on the sofa 23. family tree 24.名词所有格(某人的)(s) my fathers name Lilys and Lucys bed Li leis and Wang lins fathersteachers office/students reading-room Childrens Day / Womens Day25在中学 in a high school26.照顾 look after care for take care of27.一张照片 a photo of Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be

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