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1、新视野大学英语辅导材料新视野大学英语辅导材料一Unit 1Part III.Complete eaeh of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.1. (eager) We knew by the boy to start that they were looking forward to an exciting ho1iday2. (frustrate) by his father in regard to his wish t0 become a doctor made the

2、 young man very unhappy.3. (correct) He slept in class,so he answered the teachers question .4. (communicate) Speech and writing are mans most important methods of .5. (forget) We went to a beautiful town and spent an day.6. (wonder) What a party it has been! Ive enjoyed every minute of it.7. (conti

3、nue) Language is a 1iving and changing thing.8. (1ike) This book is quite anything Ive ever read before9. (active) He has many that take up his time when hes not working.10. (instruct) When the visitor entered the classroom,the pupils were being in drawing.V. A. There are four pairs words below that

4、 are easy to use incorrectly. Fill in the blanks in Column A with these words with the help of the corresponding meanings given in column B. require request eager anxious continual continuous opportunity chance A B1. ( ) ask a po1ite way to do sth. ( ) demand that you must do sth.2. ( ) worrie

5、d or afraid( ) full of interest or desire3. ( ) Continuing without stop( ) repeated,ffequent (often annoying or undesirable actions)4. ( ) a fortunate or lucky time when you can do sth.( ) a suitable time to do sth.B. Fill in the sentences with the proper form 0f these words.1. She was tired of the

6、noise of the clock while she was trying to sleep.2. plays a big part in many board games.3. Now she was back,and she was to see her friends.4. We were in Pris for two days,so we took the of visiting the Louvre.5. Visitors are kindly not to touch the paintings when they are in the art museum.6. She i

7、s to know the results of the examination.7. After three days of travel,they arrived in Tibet.8. The police the traveler to unlock his case.Part III.Passage 2Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with students. If a long reading assignment is given,instructors expect student

8、s to be familiar with me information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.)The ideal student is considered to be one who is encouraged to learn for me purpose of learning,not the one interested only

9、 in getting high grades. Some students may be frustrated with teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade every assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with short written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given,students should learn the material assigned.When research

10、is assigned,the professor expects students to begin and to complete the assignment with minimum instruction. It is the students responsibility to find books and arficles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explajn how a university library works;they expect students,especially graduate

11、 students(研究生),to be able to find what they need in the library.Professors will help students who need it,but prefer that their students not depend on them too much. This is difierent from teacher-student relationships in other countries. In the United States,professors have other duties in addition

12、 to teaching. Often they do some administrative(行政的)work within their departments. In addition,they may be required to write articles and books. Therefore,the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is 1imited. If a student has problems with classroom work,me student should e

13、ither ask a professor for help during office hours or make an appointment(预约).1. What does che author mean by saying that “Courses are not designed merely fbr students to pass exams”? A.Students study hard only for exams. B.Teachers think it necessary for their students to fail exams. C.Teachers thi

14、nk tllat the only purpose of studying hard is to pass exams. D.The pupose of designing courses is not only for passing exams.2. According to the 2nd paragraph,students in the United States shonld .A.depend more on themselves than on professors B.plan meir time and sequence their work C.always follow

15、 me professors advice D.find a suitable place fbr studying3. If students need the advice of their teachers, they should . A.put forward their questions in class B.go to their teachers office C.find some excuses to see teachers at home D.turn to their teachers during me break4. Students who in me Uni

16、ted States are considered good ones. more attention to good scores B.have the desire to learn by themselves C.are good at learning words by heart D.know much about computers5. American professors may be required to spend more of their time . A.knowing what is on their students mind B.helping s

17、tudents finish their assignments C.writing articles D.instructing students researchPassage 3This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen,but they are following orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists,but at som

18、e point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions(超级发明).Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books,or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people;fear of the unknown,fea

19、r of what is not understood or,at least,fear of something that is not completely understood.The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our lives. Some factory jobs are now done by robots(机器人)and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts(账户,户头)a

20、re managed by computers. At the airport,our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made more efficient(高效率的)by computers,but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do the

21、se things,and we really dont know what they might do next.But we can find out how computers work,and once we understand them,we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards(奇才)who know exactly how computers set things done.These

22、 young men and women,usually university students,are happy to sit for hours,sometimes for days,designing programs,not eating,not sleeping,but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they have learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search

23、for new tasks for their machines.1. We can know that the scientists who designed the machines A.are careless in their daily 1ife B.are unkind and cruel C.are out of their mind D.have great abilities2. The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that A.they dont know anything about computer

24、s B.they havent really understood computers C.there are so many computer games D.computers are often down3. The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that A.computers can be controlled by man B.there should be more people devoted to computers C.only young people are interested in co

25、mputers D.more time and energy is required to control computers4. This passage is probably written to suggest that . A.some day computers can deal with all human problems B.computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobs C.people should not fear computers technology will not meet

26、peeples needs in various situations5. The authors attitude(态度)towards widely used computers is . A.positive B.anxious C.worried D.curiousUnit 2Part III. Complete each of the following senterices with the preper form of the word given in brackets.1.(thorough) The girl was praised for cleaning the roo

27、m .2.(music) Even great require continuous practice.3.(favor) One of my sentences is:There is no smoke without fire.4.(health) That book is not reading for children.5.(use) We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all .6.(power) When the jazz musicians played for outdoor dancing in the park, the

28、y were enough to attract all the dancers from another park.7.(wake) The children are still ,waiting for their mother to come back.8.(enter) into college was a great event in his life.9.(feel) She experiences a of quiet happiness.10.(usual) We go to Japan for our holidays,but this year we are staying

29、 at home.V. A. There are four pairs words below that are easy to use incorrectly, Fill in the blanks in Column A with these words with the help of the corresponding meanings given in column B. usual ordinary grab catch loud aloud alone lonely A B1.( ) that happens most often ( ) not different or spe

30、cial2.( ) take sth. quick1y and roughly,esp. for a selfish reason ( ) take sth. that is moving alld hold it witll the hands3.( ) in a voice that may be heard ( ) in a way producing much noise,easily heard4.( ) sad,unhappy because one 1acks friends or companions ( ) without othersB. Fill in the sente

31、nces with the proper form of these words.1. First I read me poem to myself and then to the class.2. We will meet at the tlme.3. I shall have a companion in the house because I feel so sometimes.4. Around the street corner, the thief just the bag from my hand and ran off.5. Do not talk so ;someone ma

32、y hear you.6. Simon was wearing a suit,but 1 was in my clothes.7. I am anxious about leaving the baby in the house.8. If you run after two fish,you will neither.Part IIIPassage 2How often one hears children wishing they were grown up,and old people wishing they wee young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains,and the happiest pers

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