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1、天津大学英语期末试题带答案及单词翻译ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMFOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTSTIANJIN UNIVERSITYJan. 6th, 2011PART 1: Vocabulary (20%)Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes th

2、e sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1.The population of the United Kingdom is _ to increase by over 4 million to 65.6 million in 2018. A. projected预计B. expanded扩大为;C. committed献身于,致力于;D. assigned归属于2.Its true that humanity has seen a _ of crises, wa

3、rs and atrocities, but this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchanges.A. lineB. quantityC. set D. succession3.Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances(物质), and men are up to twice as _ to develop alcoholism as women. A. subjectB. likelyC. susceptible易受影响的;

4、易受感染的;善感的; D. responsible承担责任;负有责任的; 4.Fires in homes and offices could be _ more efficiently using technology that predicts how a blaze will spread.A. manipulated熟练控制,操纵,影响;B. solvedC. tackled解决( tackle的过去式和过去分词 );应付;D. operated5.An exclusive(专用的;单独的;) focus on forests - _ the entire landscape - co

5、uld lead to inequitable(不公平的,不公正的) and destructive(破坏性的;毁灭性的;有害的;) outcomes for the poor in developing countries.A. in relation toB. as opposed toC. in case ofD. on behalf of6.Increasing variability in year-to-year rainfall and more frequent extreme events will change ecosystems and speed up the _ o

6、f soil and water resources. A. degradation退化; 堕落; 降级;B. recession经济衰退,不景气;后退,撤退;C. civilization文明,文化;开化,教化;修养;D. utilization利用,使用,效用;7.Sedentary behaviors(久坐行为) such as TV viewing and screen time involving computer use, videos and video games appear to _ elevated(升高的;高层的;高尚的;) blood pressure in chil

7、dren, independent of body composition.A. be associated with和联系在一起;与有关; B. come up with追赶上;比得上;想出;C. get involved in涉及;D. in charge of主管,负责;照料;8.While authors up all night to get their vision into words have been around for ages, computers and mobile phones have _ that lifestyle to others.A. led to导致

8、B. opened up打开C. paid off付清;D. drawn on硬背装订;9.The heat radiating off(辐射状,辐射) roadways has long been a factor in explaining why city temperatures are often _ warmer than nearby suburban or rural areas.A. adequately足够地; 适当的; B. immediatelyC. accurately正确无误地,准确地; 精确地;D. considerably相当,非常,颇; 10.Using wi

9、nd energy where the wind blows strongest makes perfect _ as long as the energy can be readily transported to where it is needed.A. sense有意义;B. reasonC. judgment作出判断D. conclusion作出结论11.A team of scientists from the University of Sheffield have developed an innovative device(创新设备) which will make the

10、production of alternative bio-fuels more energy_.A. diverse不同的,多种多样的; 变化多的;B. effectiveC. delicate精致的D. efficient高效节能12.A majority of American citizens are now becoming _ of the claim that our carbon footprints, resulting from our use of fossil fuels, are going to lead to climatic calamities. A. ske

11、ptical怀疑性的,好怀疑的B. doubtful难以预测的;怀疑的,拿不准的;C. indifferent漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的;D. innocent无辜的,无罪的; 清白的13.Robots are manmade machines intended to _ human and animal behavior.A. replicate复制,复写; 重复,反复;vtB. duplicate复制的,副本的; 成对的adjC. confirm确认,批准; 证实;vtD. identify识别,认出; 确定; 使参与;14.Today, people are drawing so

12、 much water from below that they are adding enough of it to the oceans (mainly by evaporation(蒸发,发散;), then precipitation((雨等)降落; ) to _ about 25 percent of the annual(每年的;一年的) sea level rise across the planet, the researchers find.A. sum up合计; 总结,概括;B. attribute to把某事归因于某人某事;C. bring about造成,引起导致;创

13、造;实现; D. account for导致,引起;15.New inventions, if handy and inexpensive, will _ be accepted by society.A. accidentally偶然地,意外地,非故意地;B. eventually终于,最后;C. incidentally顺便; 偶然地,不经意地;D. evidently明显地,显而易见;16.As primary caregivers, parents are often believed to have a strong influence on childrens eating beh

14、aviors. However, previous findings on parent-child _ in dietary intakes(膳食摄入量) are mixed.A. identity身份; 逻同一性; 个性;B. resemblance相似,形似;外观;相似物C. deviation背离,偏离; 离经叛道的行为D. alternation交替,轮流,间隔;交替工作;17.Employees who telecommute(远程办公) the majority of the work week are more satisfied with their jobs compare

15、d to those working mostly in the office because working remotely(遥远地; 偏僻地) _ more stress than it creates.A. alleviates减轻,缓解,缓和B. restrains抑制;控制C. incurs遭受,招致,引起D. involves表明;使参与;牵涉18.While the act of selecting an everyday writing utensil(器具,用具; 器皿) seems to be a simple enough task, scientists have f

16、ound that it actually could shed _ on complex(复杂的;合成的) cultural differences.A. shineB. pictureC. lightD. profile侧面,半面; 外形,轮廓19.Designers of robot pets are fighting a never-ending battle with consumers to provide entertaining and realistic gadgets(现实的小工具) that _ human interaction(一起活动; 合作;) in ever m

17、ore nuanced(有细微差别的) ways, mimicking(模仿;酷似;) the behavior of real pet animals or even people.A. respond to对作出反应回答;服从;响应B. interfere with干预;阻挠;擅自使用;摆弄C. ward off避开,挡住;架;抵挡D. give up20.The disposal(处置;清理;排列) of nuclear _ has always been a concern(关心;顾虑) of health-sensitive people.A. rubbish垃圾;无意义的东西;废话

18、B. waste废料,废品,废物C. trash垃圾,废物;断枝,碎块;废话D. litter杂物,垃圾;(一窝)幼崽;褥草PART 2: Cloze (15%)Directions: In this part of the test, youll read an incomplete passage with 15 blanks. Read the passage carefully, and choose the best answer from choices marked A, B, C and D. Then on your ANSWER SHEET, find the number

19、 of the question and mark your answer with a single line through the center.There are many individuals who would feel that they have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their daily life. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private life, property and correspondence. An employee is als

20、o _21_ the comfort and ordinary enjoyment of his or her private life without unreasonable _22_ by his or her employer. The notion of privacy derives from the assumption _23_ all information about a person is their own, for that person to communicate or retain as he or she sees fit. In the computeriz

21、ed workplace, _24_ that the most popular use of the internet is sending and receiving emails, many employees _25_ view use of their employers email system as akin to making a telephone call, and thus feel the email messages they send on their companys internal system should be _26_ intrusion.Often e

22、mployers will stress to their employees that _27_ leaving their desks, they should not leave their computers turned on as that may allow others to _28_ their files or emails. Such a comment may give them a wrong impression of some privacy or security over their email as there is _29_ their lockers a

23、nd desk drawers. They would feel they have a legitimate expectation of privacy in relation to their communications.Even having passwords can give employees a false _30_ of some privacy over their email, because many times they _31_ to safeguard their passwords and not give them to anyone. Many emplo

24、yees would naively _32_ that by using their password, they would have control and they could prevent any _ 33_ access to their online communications.Permanency of email is another concern. Most employees wrongly think that _34_ they delete their email it is gone forever. The fact is that emails are

25、hard to destroy as most electronic documents are backed up and _35_. The delete command does not make a message disappear; it can still be retrieved from back-up systems. Email messages can easily be intercepted and read by system managers, operators and employers.21.A. entitled to享有; 法有权要求;B. title

26、d to标题为C. entitled withD. titled with22A. disturbance打扰; 骚乱,变乱B. interruption中断; 打断; 障碍物C. interference干涉,干扰,冲突;D. disruption分裂,瓦解; 破裂23.A. whoseB. thatC. of whichD. which24.A. to considerB. consider25.C. having consideredA. greatlyC. partlyD. consideringB. wronglyD. rightly26.A. free fromB. similar

27、 toC. away fromD. close to27.A. asB. when28.C. uponA. accessible易接近的; 可理解的; 易相处的C. accessible toD. onceB. access入口,出口D. access to29.A. forB. fromC. withD. in30.A. assurance保证,担保B. insurance保险,保险业C. obscurity朦胧; 晦涩; 不分明D. security安全; 保证,担保31.A. have toldB. have been toldC. were toldD. told32.A. assum

28、e取得(权力);承担,担任B. maintain保持,维持; 保养,维护C. undertake承担,从事; 保证D. sustain维持; 支撑,支持33A. unauthorizedXX的,越权的; 未经许可的B. authorized权威认可的adj 授权,批准vC. pirated盗版D. forbidden34.A. asB. becauseC. ifD. even if35.A. recovered恢复C. recalled使想起;使想到B. recoverable可重获的D. recalling想起;使想到;勾起Part 3: Reading Comprehension (40%

29、)Directions: In this part of the test, there are 4 passages. After each passage there are 5 questions or unfinished statements followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that can best answer the question or complete the statement, and then on your ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the

30、 question and mark your answer with a single line through the center.Passage 1 We dont need to tell you how competitive todays job market is. You know that companies around the world are competing against one another to offer quality products and services at the lowest possible costs. Companies are

31、sending jobs overseas if they can cut costs by doing so. Alternatively, they are simply shedding jobs by the thousands in order to stay profitable.In many places, there are far fewer locally based businesses that are thriving or even surviving. Many have either been acquired by out-of-town owners or have be

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