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译林版6上 Unit1 交往互动式教学设计.docx

1、译林版6上 Unit1 交往互动式教学设计6A交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 The kings new clothes教时第一课时日期月 日一、教学目标:1、通过观察图片,阅读文本,初步感知文章内容,学生能初步朗读和复述课文。在阅读过程中培养学生查找、提炼有用信息并运用信息进行语段输出的能力。2、通过联系故事发生的年代,使学生初步感知动词过去式的意思。3、通过图片、上下文推测、体态语等方式,掌握long long ago, clever, foolish , magic ,point at, shout, wear, through4、通过理解文本意思,讨论人物的性格,体会到迫于面子迫

2、于权威而做有挬于客观事实的事,最终将受到大众的唾弃。重 点与难 点1、初步理解动词过去式的意思2、运用信息进行语段输出。Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &AimsStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言引导学生交流暑期生活以及是否喜欢童话故事Say sth about Summer Holiday and stories (Self think)师生交流全班互动指名口答核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构引导学生谈论是否喜欢文本呈现的故事以

3、及又是什么故事。Do you like this story?What story is it?Think ,watch and answer the teachers questions(Self think)教师多媒体呈现其中两幅图,学生根据勾起已知,想起故事Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构引导学生谈论该故事Can you say sth about it?Show the passages and the pictures about the story.Say sth about it?(pair work)Match the the passages and the

4、pictures about the story.(group work)学生两两谈论,小组展示,其他组评价。四人一组讨论,形成最终答案,指名展示Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构Ask the students to choose the passage they like to learn.Which is your favourite passage?P1What do they mean?man(呈现一个人)men(呈现若干人)visit visited(动作发生在过去,意思不变)P2How do you know?How are the new clothes?P3 Wha

5、ts is the king doing?Whats is the people doing?P4 What do they mean?How do you know?P1Read it quickly and find the new wordsLook ,think and understand the words(single work)P2Read it and find Learn new words: clever, foolish, magic(single work)P3 Read it and look at the pictureLearn the new words: t

6、hrough, shout (single work)P4 Read it and under the actions of the boy(pair work)学生根据教师提供图片或单词或提示语独立观察思考,并向全班分享自己的理解,其他学生补充。独立阅读思考指名回答独立阅读思考指名回答同伴两两交流,然后互纠。Step5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构1、Guide the students to think and discussCan you see the new clothes?Who can see the new clothes?Who s clever/foolish?What

7、 do you know from the story?Think, discuss and answerWork in pairsPair/single/group work.同伴两两交流,然后互纠。教师指名学生反馈其他学生发表不同意见Step6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构Ask the students to read the textGuide the students to finish the exercises on Page8Read after the tape(Class work)Act the text.(group work)finish the exerci

8、ses by themselves全班齐读小组角色读,个别组展示,其他组评价板书设计Unit1 The kings new clothes交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 The kings new clothes教时第二课时日期月 日一、教学目标: 1. 通过机械操练和有意义操练掌握单词和词组fit, fit well , make.for 。Who can makefor ? 2、通过合理的想象皇帝的新装这个故事,发展学生的扩散思维能力。3、通过查找资料,拓展学生的知识面,认识到世界各地各民族穿着打扮风格迥异,同时通过讨论,使学生明白穿着打扮适合的才是最好的。重 点与难 点1.想象皇帝

9、的新装这个故事,发展学生的扩散思维能力。2、明白穿着打扮适合的才是最好的。Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &AimsStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Ask the students to actthe text of story timeAct the text of story time group work.指名读全班交流指名个别组交流,其他组评价核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Guide the students to d

10、reamThe king like the new clothesWhat can he say?Ask the students to practiceI likeWho can make for me/sb?I/xxx can makefor me/sb?Dream and discussThe king like the new clothesWhat can he say?single Pair work.Make a dialoguePair work四人一组讨论指名组交流其它组补充和评价两两交流指名组交流其它组补充和评价Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Guide t

11、he students to dreamThe two men are 狡猾的What else can they say to the king for making the new clothes by them?Dream and discussPair work.两两交流指名组交流其它组补充和评价Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构Guide the students to dreamWhat else can the two men say to the king after finishing the new clothesDream and discussPair wor

12、k.两两交流指名组交流其它组补充和评价Step5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构Guide the students to dreamWhat else can we dream in the story except these?Dream and discussPair work.两两交流指名组交流其它组补充和评价Step6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构1. Guide the students to discussDo the new clothes fit the king?Do these clothes fit these people?Why?2. Ask the st

13、udents to show and discuss3. Ask the students to discussWhat clothes are good for us?Discuss and answer the teachers questionSingle work.Group workshow and discusspair workDiscuss and answer the teachers questionSingle work小组内同伴交流,指名某组向全班交流。小组看教师展示的图片内同伴交流,指名某组向全班交流。指名个别向全班交流课前收集的世界各地风格迥异的服装指名个别回答板书

14、设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesI /likeWho can make for me/sb?I/xxx can makefor me/sb?交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 The kings new clothes教时第三课时日期9月 日1.通过仔细阅读、讨论story time 部分,理解是句中的动词来体现过去某个时间发生的事。 2.通过比较和讨论,总结出动词过去式的构成规则。3.通过朗读和倾听,归纳出动词过去式的读音规则。4.通过再次复述故事这个机械操练从而培养学生读准过去式的能力。重 点与难 点1.掌握动词过去式的读音2.be动词和行为动词过去式的区分。

15、Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &AimsStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Use the key words to retell the textRead together.Single work.生生互动独立思考,个别交流。核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Show the text of the story timeGuide the students to find the parts mean the pastShow t

16、hese partsFind the parts mean the past single/ Pair work .Read them and think What words are they?Single work.独立思考再两两交流指名学生回答独立思考指名学生回答全班互动交流。两两合作、交流。Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Ask the students to discussHow do these words change?discussHow do these words change?Single /Group work.组内交流总结Step4Task 2呈现刺激

17、材料,活用结构Guide the students to discuss What does “ed” pronounce?朗读讨论并总结出ed的发音规则Single /Group work.Try to read the past forms of some verbsPair work.独立朗读思考师个活动作示范两两讨论,班内交流思考结果,教师适当评价。Step5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构Ask the students to try to use the simple past tense to retell the story try to use the simple pas

18、t tense to retell the story Work in pairs组内合作交流,互纠不正确过去式读音和表达,灵活运用所学的知识。Step6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构Show the exerciseLong long ago, there_ two men .They _ the king. They made the new clothes for the king. The king _ happy. He _ them.He _ very foolish. But the boy _clever. Because only he _ at and _ the

19、kingFinish the exercise独立思考完成小组内同伴交流展示,互帮互纠。指名某组向全班交流。其他学生评价板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesLong long ago, there_ two men .They _ the king. They made the new clothes for the king. The king _ happy. He _ them.He _ very foolish. But the boy _clever. Because only he _ at and _ the king交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit

20、1 The kings new clothes教时第四课时日期9月 日1. 通过据图猜测,发展学生的想象力。2.通过谈论图片,学习掌握单词tell, each, say, sentence, quick, next, turn, hard,培养学生图文结合的理解能力。3.通过拼读,总结出ar的发音,并培养学生以此规律拼读其他生词。重 点与难 点1.能运用一般过去时复述本部分内容。2.据ar发音规则拼读其它生词Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &AimsStep 1Wa

21、rming-up吸引注意,积累语言Talk about the part of the story timeCan the two men make the new clothes for the king?So the king got nothing.Think and answer some questions.Single work.师生互动独立思考,回答教师提问。核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Show the picture of the sound timeThe boy got nothing, right ?What sentence is on the

22、card?What else do you want to know about the party?Show the words of the sound timeLook at the picture of the sound timeAnswer some questions.Single work.Ask some questions.(Single work.)Read them think and find the sound of arTry to read the wordsCartoon hard(Singlepair work.)利用书上的图片,指名个别组进行全班交流教师和

23、学生适当评价。指名读,其它学生和教师评价Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Show the four pictures of the cartoonHow many people are there in this cartoon?Who are they?Guide the students to guess Whos clever/foolish?Watch, think and answer the teachers question(Single work.)指名个别组进行全班交流教师和学生适当评价。Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构1.Show Picture

24、1 of the cartoon, guide the students to guess What are they doing?guide the students to learn the word: tell play the tape of the cartoonHow do they tell the story?Show the sentence: Each student says one sentence.2.Show the other picture What can the student say?Show the sentences3.Who says first/s

25、econdly/ finally?guide the students to learn the words : quick, next, turn, think ,hardWatch and try to guess (Single work.)Read the word(Class work)Listen and think, then answer the teachers question(Single work.)Learn the words: Eachsay sentenceRead the sentences(Class work)Read the words(Class wo

26、rk)师个全班交流。齐读师个全班交流齐读指名读齐读Step5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构guide the students to think Whos clever/foolish?Why?Ask the students to read the cartoonthink, then answer the teachers question(Single work.)Read after the tapeAct the cartoon(pair work.)指名回答,其它学生和教师评价指名小组展示,其它学生和教师评价Step6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构guide the s

27、tudents to dream and tell this story by themselvesGroup work.六人一组,每人讲一句,哪组讲得多又对 组间交流,互评互纠板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesThey are telling a storyLong long ago, there.交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 The kings new clothes教时第五课时日期9月 日一、教学目标:1.通过复习cartoon time,使学生建构讲故事的通用结构Long long ago,there was/were2.通过整体粗略观看图片,了解

28、checkout time 大意3.通过选词填空,进一步领会故事内容,并掌握一般过去式的正确表达。4.通过运用讲故事的通用结构Long long ago, there was/were来巩固一般过去式的表达并发展学生的想象力。重 点与难 点1.用自己语言复述课文。2.在阅读中提高阅读技巧。Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &AimsStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Guide the students to talk about the story of Cartoon timeSingle work.Class work教师指名个别学生谈论,其他学生评价.核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Theres another storyShow the pictures of checkout timeWhos the story about?Can you say sth about it?Look at the pictures and answer the teachers questions. Single work .say sth about it?

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