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1、商务翻译授课案例集Reference books: 商务英语言语修辞艺术李太志 著,国防工业出版社商贸汉英翻译评论 刘法公 著,外语教学与研究出版社非文学翻译理论与实践李长栓 编著,中国对外翻译出版公司工商企业翻译实务许建忠 编著,中国对外翻译出版公司汉英-英汉经贸口译教程胡修浩 编著,上海财经大学出版社 Lecture One Fundamentals of Translation1International business is business conducted in more than one country, including buying and selling goods

2、and services. 国际商务是在两国或更多的国家之间进行的商务活动,包括买卖货物和服务。 2I was 54 years old. I had already accomplished a great deal. I was financially secure. I could afford to play golf for the rest of my life. 译一: 我54岁了。我已经取得了很大的成就。我在财务上很有保障。我在余下的生命里可 以玩得起高尔夫球。 译二: 我那年54岁,已是功成名就、吃穿不愁,满可以打打高尔夫球以度余年。 Lecture Two1. The us

3、e of interpreters slows substantially the pace of negotiations. 译一: 译员的使用减慢大大谈判的进度。 译二: 使用译员会大大减慢谈判进度2. The UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflicts on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israels right to exist.联合国文件呼吁以色列撤出所占

4、土地,阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权,在此基础上解决中东冲突。 3. They believe that the normalization of relations between the two countries is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the relaxation of tension in Asia and the world. 双方相信,两国关系正常化不仅符合中美两国人民的利益,也有助于缓和亚洲及世界紧张局势。 4. From $6.1

5、billion in 1981, the U.S. deficit with Asias four tigers last year reached $37 billion, or 22% of the total U.S. trade deficit. 美国与亚洲四小虎的贸易逆差在1981年为61亿美元,去年却高达370亿美元,占美国贸易逆差总量的22%。 5. Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only the question of currency in L/C remains to be considere

6、d. 大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下信用证使用的币种问题有待讨论。 6. Machinery for the just settlement of international differences must be founded. 必须建立公正解决国际分歧的机构。7. Egypt has entered the league of the most promising emerging markets. 埃及已经成为最具前途的新兴市场之一。8. Between sessions of the Contracting Parties, the Council of Representatives

7、 is authorized to act on both routine and urgent matters. 缔约方大会休会期间,由代表理事会全权处理日常及紧急事务。9. Their basic fear is of the slack up of protectionism, and above all, American capital outflow which to them means job outflows. 他们最害怕的是放松贸易保护主义的做法,尤其害怕美国资本外流,因为对他们来说,这等于工作机会外流。10. The problems were particularly

8、acute in the companys top ten major metro sales markets, where it had been five years since the company had received local media support. 在该公司的十大城市销售市场上,问题尤其严重,因为当地的新闻媒体已经五年没有为该公司做宣传了。Lecture Three1. Sino-British links have multiplied - political, commercial, educational, cultural, defense, science

9、and technology. 中英两国在政治、商业、教育、文化、国防和科技等领域的交往成倍地增加。2. He comes with a rough mandate to cool inflation, cut back Big Government and stand up to the Russian, with no clear consensus as to how. 他肩负着降低通货膨胀、精简庞大的政府机构和迎接俄国人的挑战等艰巨的使命,然而,至于怎样完成这些使命,大家的看法却不一致。3. It was only when Sadat introduced his “Open Pol

10、icy” (enshrined in the famous Law of 1974) that the climate began to change. 直到萨达特实行了“开放政策”(这项政策被郑重地写进著名的“1974年法律”中),投资环境才开始改变。4. Often, however, tariffs are protective and are designed to carry out a particular economic policy. 然而,关税经常具有保护性质,并且被用来贯彻具体的经济政策。5. We will negotiate for peace, sacrifice

11、for it; we ill not surrender for it - now or ever. 我们将为和平而谈判,为和平作出让步;但我们决不会为和平而投降,现在不会,将来也永远不会。6. We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. 我方()保证()立即处理此事。7. However, such change is not easy and can be accomplished only when leaders of both sides have no illusions, talk candor, and meet

12、differences head-on. 然而,要实现这种改变并非轻而易举,只有()双方领导人不抱幻想、开诚布公、正视分歧,才能做到这一点。8. The Seller guarantees that the goods supplied under the present contract are currently manufactured in the Sellers country, the quality and performances of the contracted goods are in conformity with the current technical speci

13、fications laid down by the ABC Industries Corporation. 卖方保证本合同所供货物均系卖方所在国新近生产,其()质量及各项性能均符合ABC工业公司()现行技术规定。9. It was a hope which reflected the conviction expressed some years earlier by the then British Prime Minister. 译一:这是一个反映了若干年前当时在任的英国首相表达过的信念的希望。 译二:这个希望反映了当时的英国首相在几年前表达过的信念。 Lecture Four1. Sa

14、ddam can not single-handedly cause shortages and gasoline lines. 萨达姆一个人不可能造成石油短缺,使加油站前排起长队。 2. In April, there was the ping heard around the world. In July, the ping panged. 四月,全世界听到中国“乒”的一声把球打了过去,到了七月,美国“乓”的一声又把球打了回来。3. Joint ventures, in a number of cases, dont work out because the people relation

15、ships become unglued and/or the business cant be made profitable. 在不少情况下,合资企业之所以不成功,不是因为“人际”关系不和,就是因为企业不盈利,或是两者兼而有之。4. The pay hikes promised by the Left could price French products out of European markets. 左派做出的提高工资的许诺会使法国产品价格过高,从而失去欧洲市场。5. The car is due for a new name before American introduction

16、. 这种汽车在向美国出口之前,必须起一个新名字。6. While recognizing that China alone must determine its fate, I urge China to open itself to the rich rewards of full participation in the community of trading nations. 我固然懂得,中国的命运必须由她自己来决定,但我仍然敦促中国全面加入到世界贸易共同体中来,此举必将给它带来丰厚的回报。7. The Secretary-General has received the follow

17、ing communication which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV). 秘书长已收到以下来函,现按经济及社会理事会第1296(XLIV)号决议予以散发。8. It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discussion, the ne

18、gotiations were completed which had started on March 24, 1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part of the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade. 日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地,1984年3月24日在哈瓦那发起的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈判的主题是,是否有必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责监管国际贸易的机构。25. He w

19、rote in his syndicated column that an unchecked Saddam would be able to cause a worldwide economic crisis. 他在那篇多家报纸同时发表的专栏文章里写道,对萨达姆若不加遏制,他会“制造一场波及全球的经济危机”。Lecture Five1. Japans exports are expected to exceed her imports by about 14 to 15 billion dollars this year, making one of only a handful of ma

20、jor industrial countries whose trade will be in black. 今年,日本的出超预计达到140至150亿美元左右,这将使它成为屈指可数的有贸易顺差的主要工业国家之一。2. He has passed fifty winters. 译一:他已经五十岁了。 译二:他已经度过了五十个春秋 。3. If the greenhouse theory is correct, the earths temperature will rise until the amount of radiation emitted from the planet is equa

21、l to the solar energy it absorbs. 如果温室效应理论成立,那么,地球的温度将会不断升高,直到其辐射的热量与它所吸收的太阳能量相等为止。4. Before the war, your President and Mrs. Roosevelt came here on a vacation. 译一:战前,你们的总统和罗斯福夫人来这里度过假。 译二:战前,你们的罗斯福总统偕夫人来这儿度过假。5. Its nothing than take honest mens bread out of their mouth. 译一:这就像抢老实人嘴里的面包一样。 译二:这简直是在

22、抢老实人的饭碗。6. Chinas vast size and resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years, have made her an increasingly important player in the modern international economy. 中国地大物博,近年来经济发展速度惊人,已经成为当代国际经济中一支日益重要的力量。7. Our instruments are the product of the finest materials and the highest cra

23、ftsmanship and are second to none in design and durability. 本公司生产的仪器原料上乘、工艺精良、美观耐用、无以伦比。8. For Madeline Henry, clearly, these were all happenings in the land of Oz. 译一:对梅德琳亨利来说,这一切显然都是发生在西游记里的事。 译二:对梅德琳亨利来说,这一切显然都是发生在童话世界里的事。(原译:绿野仙踪) Lecture Six terminology translation Conventional: 1. Historic fig

24、ures and sinologists: John Leighton Stuart(former US ambassador to China)司徒雷登,not约翰莱顿斯图尔特 Adam Smith (author of Wealth of Nations) 亚当斯密,not 亚当史密斯 Joseph Needham(British science historian) 李约瑟,not 约瑟夫尼达姆 2. Places: San Francisco 旧金山,not 圣弗朗西斯科 Mt. Everest 珠穆朗玛峰,not 埃佛勒斯山 3. Names that may have two Ch

25、inese versions: Cambridge 剑桥(UK) 坎布里奇(USA) Sidney 西德尼(male) 西德妮(female) 4. Names of persons with modifiers: transliteration + literal translation James Baker III 詹姆斯贝克第三 Henry V 亨利五世 Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 小库尔特冯尼格 5. Names translated literally: Oxford 牛津 Little Rock City 小石城 Iceland 冰岛 Translating names

26、of organizations1. Translating national and international organizations: - useful tools: 各国国家机构手册(中国对外翻译出版公司出版), 国际组织手册(中国对外翻译出版公司出版) Note: attaching the original in brackets after the Chinese version.2. Translating abbreviations: - full translation WHO ( World Health Organization)世界卫生组织 - abbreviat

27、ed ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 东盟(东南亚国家联盟) WTO (World Trade Organization) 世贸组织(世界贸易组织) - transliteration OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克(石油输出国组织) Translating names of enterprises1. Literal translation names composed of general words: General Motors Corpora

28、tion 通用汽车公司 Sun Microsystems 太阳微系统公司 2. Transliteration + literal translation: Bell Telephone Co. 贝尔电话设备制造公司 Sears Home Service 西尔斯家庭服务公司 3. Transliteration, sometimes with implications: Hewlett-Packard Company 惠普公司 Proctor & Gamble Co. 宝洁公司4. Transliteration with explanation: Squibb Co. 施贵宝制药公司 Mer

29、rill Lynch Co. 美林财务管理公司 5. Adoption: IBM(International Business Machines Co. , 国际商务机器公司) AT&T(American Telephone & Telegraph Company, 美国电话电报公司) Yahoo(雅虎) Google(谷歌) Amazon (亚马逊网上书店) Translating titles1. Names of newspapers & magazines Fortune 财富 Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 2. Titles of books and artic

30、les See also Lecture Six “Translating journals” 3. Titles of persons/positions - conventional CEO 首席执行官 CFO 首席财务官/财务总监 VP (Vice-president) 副总裁(主管某部门、业务) managing director 总经理/执行董事 Translating neologism1. Transliteration: quark 夸克(带电核粒子) clone 克隆(无性繁殖技术) 2. Literal translation: eyebank 眼库 advertistic

31、s(advertising + statistics) 广告统计 showbiz (show business) 娱乐业 hi-tech (high technology) 高科技 CAD (computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计 FAS (free alongside ship) 启运地船边交货 3. Adoption: MTV,iPod,Windows XP, etcLecture Seven Translating business correspondencesWarming-up Exercises:1.We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for

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