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1、小升初英语辅导教案语法专项之Therebe句型小升初辅导教案年 级:学员编号:课时数:3课 题There be句型复习教学目标1.能够正确理解并运用there be句型2.了解谓语动词遵循就近原则学员姓名:YYY辅导科目:英语学科教师:XX教学内容学习目标1.there be句型常用来表示 存在”即 在某处或某时有某物”女口: There are three sofas in my sitting room.我的客厅里有三个沙发。 There is on ly one class on Friday morni ng.星期五上午只上一节课。2.There be句型用来描述某处有某物,但是必须注

2、意 be要随着物品的特点和数量作出变化,女口: There is一般与不可数名词或可数名词单数连用,There is some milk in the glass. There is a cup on the table.而 There are与可数名词复 数连用,There are two boards on the wall. There are many students i our school.3若要表述某处有两种以上的物品时,我们一般遵守 就近原则”即be必须与there be后面第一件事物的单复数形式匹配。女口: There is only one pen but many bo

3、oks on his desk他的桌子上只有一 支钢笔却有许多书。There are many books but only one pen on his desk.他的桌子上有许多书却只有一支钢笔。难点突破there be句型与have/has(got表示的 有”的区别1.there be句型表示何处或何时 存在”某物女口: There was a gas station, but now there is a store这里原来有一家加油站,现在变成了一家商店。2.have/has表示 占有”或拥有”的意思,因此常与有生命的事物联用女口: He has two elder sisters.

4、他有两个姐姐。3.have/has可强调整体与部分的关系,这时也常与无生命的事物联用女口: The desk has only three legs.这张桌子只有三条腿。自我测评Part 1口头练习1.看一看,你的教室里有什么?用there be句型造句来描述它,至少五句2读读下列句子,想一想中文意思,并体会 be动词的时态和单复数的用法(1)There is a pen cil-box on my desk.(2)There are many balls, two hoops and a tennis racket in the room.(3)There will be an import

5、a nt meeti ng in the after noon.(4)There used to be a post box, but there is only a lamp post now.(5)There is an umbrella and some coats on the shelf.Keys:1.略。2.(1)课桌上有一个文具盒。(2)房间里有许多球、两个呼啦圈和一个网球拍。(3)今天下午有个重要的会议。(4)这里原来有个邮箱的,但现在只有一盏路灯了(5)架子上有一把雨伞和几件外套。听力训练1.听问题,选出最佳回答()(1) A. Yes, there is some.B.No

6、, there is any.C. There is some.D.There isnt any.()(2) A. Yes, there is a box.B.There are only pens.C. Therere any pens.D.No, therere only pen cils.()(3) A. Y es, there is a sock.B.No, there arent socks.C. Theres a sock.D.A sock is on the bed.()(4) A. Y es, there are nt.B.No, there are.C. There are

7、many books.D.Y es, there are.()(5) A. Four classes.B.In Class Four.C. Class Four.D.Thirty-five.2.判断下列句子与所听到的内容意思是否致,致的,用 “ T”示,不一致的用“表示( )(1) There is only a swing on the playground.( )(2) There are two little girls and a boy in the picture.( )(3) It will be rai ny tomorrow after noon.( )(4) There i

8、s someth ing stra nge on the sofa.( )(5) You cant find anything to drink in the fridge.Keys:1.(1) A (2) B2.(1)T (2)T(3) C(3)TD(4)F(5) D(5) F书面训练1.连词成句(1) in, some, there, cup, is, the, tea(2)any, on, flowers, are, counter, the, there?(3)floor, some, on, a, there, the, is, bag, books, and(4)many, in,

9、 sofa, are, sitt in g-room, a, there, my, cushi ons, and2.用there be的正确形式填空(1)many people in the swim ming pool.(2)any eggs in the fridge?(3)plenty milk and biscuits in the cupboard. Whatin the box? A watch?(5) How much water in the teapot?(6)How many subjects in that school?any pears left. We n eed

10、to buy some.(8)eno ugh time? Sorry, I dont know.3.按要求改写句子(1)There is a bench under the tree.(改写成复数)(2)There are many ducks on the river.(改写成否定句)(3)There are a great many eggs in the large basket,(改写成一般疑问句 )(4)There is a cup of coffee on my desk.(对划线部分提问)(5)A re there any snacks and drinks in the sup

11、ermarket一句拆成两句 )4.将下列中文句译成英语。注意 有”的翻译,想一想应该用there be句型 还是 have/has?(1)一个星期有七天。(2)琼有一个幸福的家庭。(3)我们学校有三百多个学生。(4)这只小白兔有两只红眼睛。(5)我家有五间卧室。趣味阅读读一读下面的谚语,看看它与后面的解释意思是否一致。一致的,用 “ T 表示;不一致的,用“表示1.Where there is a will, there is a way.( )If you try, you can always achieve someth ing.2.There are two sides to eve

12、ry questio n.( )Every thi ng has a front the side and a back one.3.There is no smoke without a fire.( )If you can see smoke, there must be a fire.4.Walls have ears.( )There are ears on the walls.Keys:1.(1) There is some tea in the cup.(2)Are there any flowers on the coun ter?(3)There is a bag and so

13、me books on the floor.(4)There are many cushi ons and a sofa in my sitt in g-room.2.(1)There are (2) Are there (3) There is (4) is(5)is there (6) are there (7) There arent (8) Is there3.(1)There are ben ches un der the tree.(2)There arent any ducks on the river.(3)Are there a great many eggs in the

14、large basket?(4)How much coffee is there on your desk?(5)Are there any sn acks in the supermarket?Are there any drinks in the supermarket?4.(1)There are seve n days in a week.(2)Ja ne has a happy family.(3)There are over three hun dred pupils in our school.(4)This small white rabbit has two red eyes

15、.(5)There are five bedrooms in our flat. / My flat has (got) five bedrooms. 趣味阅读:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F听力原文1.(1)Is there any juice in the glass?(2)Are there pens or pen cils in the box?(3)Whats there un der the desk?(4)There are a lot of books in the library, are nt there?(5)How many pupils are there i

16、n your class?2.(1) There is no thi ng on the playgro und except a swing.(2)There is a boy and two little girls in the picture.(3)There will be some rain tomorrow after noon.(4)1 can see no thi ng on the sofa.(5)There is something to drink in the refrigerator.Part 2I.Fill in the blanks.(用 there is, t

17、here are的适当形式填空)1. a rubber in your pencil-box.2. two books on the desk.3. an apple and some oranges on the table.4. any lions in the zoo?5.any colour kites in the sky?6. an ink bottle on the desk.7. much ink in the bottle?8.How many people in your family? three.9. a packet of chocolates in my bag.1

18、0. some apple jam in the bottle.Keys: 1. There is2. There are3. There is4. Are there5. Are there 6. There is7. Is there8. are there,There are 9. There is10. There isII .Fill in the blanks with have, has, there is, there are.(用 have, has, there is, there are的适当形式填空)1.1 a good father and a good mother

19、.2. a radio on my desk.3.Martin an old coat.4. a basketball in the playgro und.5.Marys sisters many dresses.6.My grandma a nice garden.7.What do you ?8. any apple juice in the glass?9. any books in the bookcase?10. a bed and two sofas in my room.11. many flowers in the vase.12.Amys friends some toys

20、.13.How many fish in the river?14.My parents a lot of nice photos.15. a map of China on the wall.16.We some picture books.17. you got any model pla nes?18. some white clouds in the sky.Keys: 1. have2. There is3. has4.There is5.have 6. has7. have8. Is there9. Are there10. There is11.There are12.have

21、13.are there 14.have15. There is16. have17. Have18. There arein . Choose the best answer.( )1. Are there any maps on the wall?A. Y es, there is. B. Y es, there is one. C. No, there are.( )2. How many _ are there in the picture?A. cow B. people C. milk( )3. There arent _ trees n ear the house. There

22、is only one.A. some B. many C. much( )4. There wo bowls of rice on the table.( )11. There some furniture in the room yesterday.A. are B. were C.( )12. There some orange juice bottles on the table.wasbeA. is B. are C.Keys: 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A9. B 10. A 11. C 12.Bf There is a book

23、on the desk.IV. Make some sentences. 例:a book/desk1.a TV/sitting room2.a computer/ study3.two violins/music room4.some tea/cup5.a desk and three chairs/an ofice2. There is a4. There is some teaKeys: 1. There is a TV in the sitting room. computer in the study.3.There are two violi ns in the music roo

24、 the cup.2.There is a desk and three chairs in an ofice.V. Rewrite the followi ng senten ces.1.There is a man n ear the house 复数句) near the house.2.There is a giraffe over there.对划线部分提问)How many there over there?3.There are some apples on the tree单数句)There apple on the tree.4.Is there a baby in

25、the room?肯定回答)5.There are some biscuits in the supermarket对戈U线部分提问)6.He has got some sweets in his hand改写句子, 句意不变) some sweets in his hand.3. is anKeys: 1. There are some men 2. giraffes are4.Y es, there is. 5. Whats in the supermarket?3.There areW. Readi ng comprehe nsion.(A)This is my room. Near t

26、he window there is a desk. I often do my homework here. You can see many books, some flowers, a rubber and some pen cils. On the wall n ear the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I ofte n put my football un der my bed. Of course 当 然),there is a chair in front

27、 of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.B.Above the end of the bed.C.On the desk.( )4. Are there any trees in the room?A.No, there arent.B.Y es, there are.C.Y es, they are.Keys: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A(B)Our classroom is bright and clean, but it is not big. There are twenty d

28、esks and chairs in it. They are new. Theres a big desk in the front of the classroom. Its for our teachers. There are five pictures on the right wall. Theres a map of the world (世界地图)and a map of China on the left wall. Beside the window theres a bookshelf. There are many books on it. They are story

29、-books. Our classroom is very ni ce. We have our less ons here. We like our classroom.A.Read and judge.阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示)( )1. Our classroom is bright, clea n and big.( )2. There are twelve chairs in it.( )3. Theres a big teachers desk in the front of the classroom.( )4. There are five pictures on th

30、e left wall.( )5. Beside the pictures theres a bookshelf.( )6. There are many story-books on the bookshelf.B.Answer the questions.(根据短文,回答问题)1.How many desks are there in your classroom?2.Whose is the big desk?3.How many pictures are there on the right wall?4.Whats on the left wall?5.Where is the bookshelf?6.Do you have your lessons in your classroom?Keys: A 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. TB 1. There are twenty-one. 2. Its our teachers.3.There are five.4.There are two maps. 5. Its beside the win dow.6. Yes, we do.W. Write at least 5 senten

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