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1、定语从句关系代词和关系副词的知识和练习题一、定语:修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语。汉语中常用“的”表 示。定语主要由形容词担任,此外名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语以及动 词不定式(短语)、分词也可以做定语。a beautiful city; a bag full Of money. 注意:汉语的定语无论多长都放在被修饰词的前面 ,而英语中的定语则不然,若是一个词时,放在被修饰词的前面,若是两个以上的词组、短语或从句则放 在被修饰词的后面,thirty women teachers; his father; the girl in red ; the boy from AmeriCaO

2、Ur mon itor is always the first StUde nt to en ter the CIaSSroom.falli ng leaves; falle n leaves; the boy play ing basketball; the book bought by my mother; a reading room; a SWimming poolHe is the man who you are look ing for.二:定义及相关术语1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它 所修饰的先行词之后。2.先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代

3、词叫先行词。3. 关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有 that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等; 关系畐H词有 When, where, why.1.1 have an apple. An apple is red.I have an apple that/WhiCh is red.先行词关系代词2.I like some frie nds. Some friends like sports.I Iike frie nds WhO Iike sports.先行词关系代词3.I like music. The music is

4、quiet.I like music that/WhiCh is quiet.先行词关系代词关系词通常有下列三个作用:A、引导定语从句,连接主从句;B、代替先行词;C、在定语从句中担当一个成分。(1)关系代词引导的定语从句1.who指人,在定语从句中做主语。The boys who are playi ng football are from Class One.Those who Want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morni ng.YeSterday I helped an old man wh

5、o had lost his way.That is the teacher who teaches US physics.2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。Mr. LiU is the PerS on (WhOm) you talked about on the bus.Li Ming is just the boy (WhOm) I Want to see.The PrOfeSSOr (WhOm) you are Wait ing for has come.The girl (WhOm) the teacher often PraiSeS is our monitor.注意

6、:关系代词 WhOm 在口语或非正式文体中常可用 WhO来代替,也可省略。The man (whom / who) you met just now is my old friend.3.WhiCh指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。Football is a game WhiCh is liked by most boys.He likes to read books WhiCh are Writte n by foreig n writers.The house WhiCh is by the lake looks ni ce.ThiS is the Pen (WhiCh)

7、he bought yesterday.The film (WhiCh) they Went to See last ni ght WaS not in terest ing at all. 。4. That既可指人,也可指物。在定语从句中做主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省 略。The nu mber of people that / who come to ViSit this City each year reaches one millio n.Where is the man that / whom I SaW this morning?The PerSon that /whom you i

8、ntroduced to me is Very kind.The SeaS on that / WhiCh comes after SPri ng is summer.YeSterday I received a Ietter that / WhiCh Came from Australia.5.whose既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。I ViSited a SCie ntist whose n ame is known all over the coun try.He has a frie nd whose father is a doctor.I once lived in th

9、e house whose roof has falle n in.注意:指物时,常用下列结构来代替:The ClaSSrOOm whose door is broke n WiIl SOOn be repaired.The CIaSSroom the door of WhiCh is broken will soon be repaired.Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?Do you like the book the cover of WhiCh is yellow?(二)限制性定语从句中只能用that引导定语从句的情况1.当先行词是

10、 everything, anything, nothing (SOmething 除夕卜),all, none,few, little, some 等不定代词时 , 或当先行词受 every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much 等不定代词修饰时。如:HaVe you take n dow n everythi ng that Mr. Li said?There SeemS to be no thi ng that is impossible to him in the world.All that Can be done has bee n done

11、. 。There is little that I Can do for you.He Stayed in the Iibrary and looked UP any information that they needed.注意:当先行词指人时,偶尔也可用关系代词who ,女口:Anyman that / who has a SenSe of duty won t do SUCh a thing.All the guests that / who Were in Vited to her Wedd ing Were importa nt people.2.当先行词被序数词修饰时。女口:The

12、 first place that they ViSited in London WaS the Big Ben.3.当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。女口:ThiS is the best film that I have ever See n.4.当先行词被the very, the only 修饰时。如:ThiS is the Very dictionary that I Want to buy.After the fire in his house, the old Car is the Only thi ng that he owns.注意:当先行词指人时,偶尔也可用关系代词who。女口

13、:Wang Hua is the OnIy PerSOn in Our school who will attend the meeting.5.当先行词前面有who, WhiCh等疑问代词时。女口:Who is the man that is Sta nding by the gate?WhiCh is the T-Shirt that fits me most?6.当先行词为人与物时。女口:They talked about the PerS OnSand thi ngs that they remembered at school.(3)关系副词引导的定语从句1.When指时间,在定语从

14、句中作时间状语。当先行词是表时间的名词,比如 time, day, week, mon th, year 等;且定语从句中缺少时间状语时用 Whe n.若先 行词是表时间的名词,定语从句中缺主语或宾语时,用that/WhiCh引导。I still remember the day When I first Came to this school.The time Whe n We got together fin ally arrived.Do you remember the years When he lived in the countryside With hisgrandparent

15、s ?Do you remember the days (that/WhiCh ) We SPent together last year?I will n ever forget the days Whe n We SPe nt our holidays together.I Will n ever forget the days that / WhiCh We SPe nt together.2. Where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。若先行词是表地点的名词,比 如park, city, farm, place等;且定语从句中缺地点状语时用 where.若先行词是 表地点的名词,定语从

16、句中缺主语或宾语时,用that/WhiCh引导。Shanghai is the City Where I WaS born. 上海是我出生的城市 。The house Where I lived ten years ago has bee n pulled dow n.I ViSited the farm Where a lot of cows Were raised.Shan ghai is the City (WhiCh/that) I Want to visit.I know a place Where We Can have a PiC nic.I know a place WhiCh

17、 / that is famous for its beautiful natural SCenery.3. Why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语。若先行词是reason;且定语从句 中缺少原因状语时,用Why引导。若先行词是reason ,定语从句中缺主语或宾 语,用WhiCh/that引导。PIeaSe tell me the reas on Why you missed the pla ne.I don bknthe reason Why he looks Unhappy today.I didn t believe the reason (that/WhiCh) he explaine

18、d to me注意:关系副词引导的定语从句经常可以用 介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句来表示。如:From the years When / in WhiCh he WaS going to Primary school in theCOUntry he had known What he Wan ted to be Whe n he grew up.Great Cha nges are tak ing place in the City Where / in WhiCh they live.The reason Why / for WhiCh he refused the inVitation

19、 is quite clear.(四)介词+关系代词WhiCh/whom ”引导的定语从句 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,从句常常由 介词+关系代词”引出。The SChOOl(WhiCh / that) he OnCe Studied in is Very famous.The school in WhiCh he OnCe StUdied is Very famous.Tomorrow I ll bring here the magazine (WhiCh / that) you asked for .Tomorrow I ll bring here the magaz infor W

20、hiCh you asked.ThiS is the boy (whom / who / that) I PIayed tennis With yesterday.ThiS is the boy With whom I PIayed tennis With yesterday.We ll go to hear the famous Sin ger (whom / who / that) We have ofte n talked about.We ll go to hear the famous Sin ger about whom We have ofte n talked.The mana

21、ger whose company I work in PayS much attention toimpro Ving our work ing con diti ons.The manager in whose company I work PayS much attention toimpro Ving our work ing con diti ons.注意:1.含有介词的固定短语动词一般不拆开 ,介词仍放在短语动词的后面 。女口:look for, look after, take Care of 等。ThiS is the WatCh (WhiCh / that) I am loo

22、k ing for.( 正)ThiS is the WatCh for WhiCh I am look ing.( 误)The babies (whom / who / that) the nurse is looking after are Very healthy.(正)(误)The babies after WhOm the nurse is IOOk ing are Very healthy.2.若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时,只可用whom ,不可用who, that ;关系代词指物时只可用 WhiCh ,不可用that。The man With whom you talked

23、 just now is my neighbor.( 正)The man With that / who you talked just now is my n eighbor.( 误)The pla ne in WhiCh We flew to Can ada WaS really comfortable.( 正)The pla ne in that We flew to Can ada WaS really comfortable.( 误)3.介词 + 关系代词”前还可有 some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few

24、等代词或者数词。如:He loves his Parents deeply, both of whom are Very kind to him.In the basket there are quite many apples, some of WhiCh have gone bad.There are forty StUdents in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities.UP to now, he has Written ten stories, three of WhiCh are about COUntry life.

25、注意事项:如何判断关系代词和关系副词方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词 。不及物动 词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系副词或者是介词 +关系代词;而及物动词后 接宾语,则要求用关系代词。例女口 : ThiS is the mountain village Where I Stayed last year.Ill never forget the days When I WOrked together With you.判断改错(注:先显示题,再显示答案,横线;用不同的颜色表示出。)(错) ThiS is the mountain VilIage Where I ViSite

26、d IaSt year.(错) I will n ever forget the days Whe n I SPe nt in the COun tryside.(对) ThiS is the mountain village (WhiCh) I ViSited last year.(对) l n ever forget the days (WhiCh) I SPe nt in the coun tryside.方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分 (主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关系副词。例 1. IS this museum you ViSited a few days

27、 ago?A. Where B. that C. on WhiCh D. the one例 2. IS this the museum the exhibition WaS held?A. Where B. that C. on WhiCh D. the one答案:关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分 ,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词 (who, whom, that, which, WhOSe);先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词(Where地点状语,When时间状 语,Why原因状语)。(五)限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句形式上:不用逗号“,与主句隔开。意

28、义上:是先行词不可缺少的定语,如删除,主句则失去意义或意思表达不完 整。译法上:译成先行词的定语的”关系词的使用上:A.作宾语时可省略 B.可用that C.可用 who代替WhOm非限制性定语从句形式上:用逗号“,与主句隔开。意义上:只是对先行词的补充说明,如删除,主句仍能表达完整的意思。译法上:通常译成主句的并列句。关系词的使用上:A.不可省略B.不用that C.不可用who代替whom限制性定语从句举例:The teacher told me that Tom WaS the onIy PerSon that I could dependon.Chi na is a COuntry W

29、hiCh has a long history.In the Street I SaW a man who WaS from AfriCa.HiS mother, who loves him Very much, is StriCt With him.China, WhiCh WaS founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful.LaSt SUmmer I ViSited the People SGreat Hall, in WhiCh many important meeti ngs are held every year.(六)关系

30、代词as和WhiCh引导的定语从句as和WhiCh引导非限制性定语从句时,其用法有相同之处,也有不同之处。 具体情况是:1.as和WhiCh都可以在定语从句中做主语或宾语,代表前面整个句子。女口:He married her, as / WhiCh WaS natural.他跟她结婚了,这是很自然的He is honest, as / WhiCh We Can see. 他很诚实, 这一点我们看得出来。2.as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在主句之前 、主句之后,甚至还可以分割主句。WhiCh引导的非限制性定语从句只可放在主句之后 。另外,as常常有正如、正像”的含义。女口:AS is know

31、n to all, Chi na is a develop ing coun try.He is from the south, as We Can know from his acce nt.Joh n, as you kno w, is a famous writer.Zhang Hua has been to PariS more than ten times, WhiCh I don t注意:当主句和从句之间存在着逻辑上的因果关系时,关系词往往只用 WhiCh。如:Tom WaS late for school again and again, WhiCh made his teacher Veryan gry.TheSe tables are made of metal, WhiCh made them Very heavy.3.当先行词受such, so, the Same 修饰时,关系词常用as。女口:I Ve never heard SUCh StOrieS as he tells.He is not SUCh a fool as he looks.ThiS is the Same dictionary as I lost last week.注意:当先行词受the Same修饰时,偶尔也用that引导定语从句,但与as引 导

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