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1、生活大爆炸SEASON412看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory第四季 12集-Howard: Ma, ma, calm down.calm down: 镇定下来妈妈别急Listen to me.听我说I know it says click with the mouse, but on a laptop, the trackpad is the 单击 mouse: 鼠标 laptop: 膝上型轻便电脑 trackpad: 触控板我知道上面说要单击一下鼠标但在笔记本上触控板就是鼠标Now, put your finger on it.finger:

2、 手指现在把你的手指放在上面Doesnt matter which finger.matter: 关系随便哪个手指都行Good choice.choice: 选择选得好Now move it down to your e-mail icon.move: 移动 e-mail: 电子邮件 icon: 图标把箭头移到电子邮件的那个图标上Yeah, the little envelope.envelope: 信封没错就是那个小信封What do you mean, What does it look like?look like: 看起来像什么叫它长得像什么啊?It looks like an env

3、elope!它看上去就是一个信封啊!Fine, you dont like the computer, Dont use it!computer: 电脑好吧既然你不喜欢电脑 那就别用了!Sure, we can exchange it for a salad spinner. Good-bye!exchange: 交换 salad: 沙拉 spinner: 旋转器没错我们还能用它去换一个沙拉搅拌机回来呢再见!-Rajesh: Thats a hanukkah present youre regretting, huh?Hanukkah: 光明节(犹太教节日,等于Chanukah) presen

4、t: 礼物 regret: 后悔送这个光明节礼物(犹太纪念节日之一)给她让你后悔死了吧?-Sheldon: I wont say that all senior citizens who cant master technology should be publicly flogged,senior: 高级的 citizen: 市民 master: 掌握 technology: 技术 publicly: 公然的 flog: 鞭打我不会说那些无法掌握高科技产品的老年人都应该受到公开鞭笞but if we made an example of one or two, it might give t

5、he others incentive to try harder.example: 例子 incentive: 激励的但我们要是给他们做几个示范的话 应该能激励他们更努力地去尝试一下-Leonard: I had a great idea.我有了一个不错的想法You know how were always having to stop and solve differential equations,solve: 解决 differential equation: 数 微分方程 equation: 方程式你看我们经常得停下来解一些微分方程like when youre doing Four

6、ier Analysis, or using the Schrodinger Equation?Fourier analysis: 傅里叶分析 Schrodinger equation: 量子 薛定谔方程比如在做傅里叶变换或者是用到薛定谔方程的时候-Sheldon: Howard doesnt. Hes only an 工程师Howard不会这么做他只是一个工程师-Leonard: I was thinking, we could write a little app that would use handwriting recognition,app:

7、应用(Application) handwriting: 亲手写 recognition: 识别我在想其实我们可以发开一个基于手写识别的应用程序and then run it through a symbolic evaluation 运行 symbolic: 符号的 evaluation: 求值 engine: 工具然后通过符号求值的程序来计算You just use your smartphone, take a picture of the equation and bam!smartphone: 【智能手机】 bam: 发出嘭的一声只需要用你的智能手机拍下方程的

8、照片然后就搞定了!-Rajesh: You know whats a great app? The one that makes fart noises.fart: 放屁 noise: 响声你们知道什么才是一个好的应用程序吗? 那个会发出放屁声音的应用程序-Sheldon: You know, Leonard,Leonard啊thats actually a valid idea.valid: 法律有效的 idea: 想法这的确是一个实用的想法Very good.相当不错-Leonard: Can you say that and not make it sound like Im a cat

9、 who learned how to use the toilet?sound like: 听起来像 toilet: 厕所你能不用那种就像我是一只学会上厕所的猫的腔调说话吗?-Sheldon: No.不行The two achievements are equally surprising and equally admirable,achievement: 成就 equally: 同样的 surprise: 惊讶的 admirable: 值得赞扬的因为这两件事情同样让人惊讶并且同样值得称赞though if pressed, Id have to give a slight edge to

10、 the 逼迫 slight: 轻微的 edge: 优势但如果非得二选一我认为那只猫略胜一筹Ill save you the pain and nervousness of waiting for the answer.pain: 疼痛 nervousness: 神经质为了消除你的痛苦和不安我就不再让你等待答案了I agree to be part of your project. Congratulations.project: 项目 congratulation: 恭贺我同意加入你的这个项目中来恭喜你-Leonard: Oh, yay for me.yay: 哇(因高

11、兴而欢呼)哦我好荣幸啊What about you guys?那你们呢?I cant promise anything, but people do make money off stuff like this.promise: 承诺 make money: 赚钱 虽然我承诺不了什么 但那些做应用程序的人倒是都赚了不少-Howard: A few extra bucks would be nice.a few: 一些 extra: 额外的 buck: (美)钱赚点外快是挺好I could finally move out of my mothers house.finally: 终于 move

12、 out of: 摆脱这样的话我就不用和我妈住在一起了-Rajesh: Where would you go?你准备去哪儿?-Howard: I always dreamed about building a little place of my own over the garage.dream: 梦想 build:建立 place: 地方 garage: 车库我一直梦想着能在车库上面建一个属于我自己的小窝-Rajesh: You know, if I made more money, I could take time off from work and give pretty girls

13、 submarine rides.take time off: 抽出一部分时间 submarine: 潜水艇如果我赚到更多的钱我就能抽出一部分工作时间跟美女们玩潜艇了-Howard: Whats that?那是什么玩意儿?Some weird sex thing?weird: 怪异的 sex: 性行为特殊的性癖好?-Rajesh: No.不是You take pretty girls underwater in your private submarine, and you show them fish.underwater: 水下 private: 私人的 把美女们带到你的水下私人潜艇里赏鱼

14、Why does everything have to be dirty with you?dirty: 肮脏,龌龊你为什么能把每件事都想得这么龌龊呢?-Leonard: I was thinking we could work on this at night,我觉得我们可以在晚上的时候做这件事and then maybe in a couple of weeks, well have ourselves an app to sell.couple: 数个估计只要几个星期我们就能推出自己的应用程序进行销售了-Howard: Sounds like were in business.busin

15、ess: 贸易生意听上去就像我们就开始做生意了-Rajesh: I think we should take a picture to capture this moment.capture: 捕获我觉得我们应该拍张照片记录下这个瞬间-Howard: Yeah.好的-Leonard: Oh!哦!-Rajesh: Was that the best 99 cents I ever spent, or what?cent: 分 ever: 曾经 spent: 花费这是我花得最值的99美分对吧? “Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state.univer

16、se: 宇宙,世界 dense: 稠密的 state: 情形“宇宙一度滚烫稠密,Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait.billion: 十亿 expansion: 膨胀 wait: 等待140亿年前终于爆了炸,等着瞧.The earth began to coolcool: 变凉,冷却地球开始降温,The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed toolsautotrophs: 自养生物 drool: 从嘴淌下,散漫的说 neanderthals: 穴居人 t

17、ool: 工具自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具。We built the wall. We built the pyramidsthe pyramids: 埃及金字塔我们建长城,我们建金字塔。Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery.math: 数学 science: 科学 history: 历史 unravel: 解开,阐明 mystery: 神秘,奥秘数学、自然科学、历史,揭开神秘。That all started with a big bang.”bang: 撞击,砰然巨响一切都开始于大爆炸。Bang!砰!” -Leonard: I ch

18、ecked the App 应用软件application的缩略我查过苹果软件商店了No one is doing handwriting-recognition differential equation solving.recognition: 识别 differential equation:数微分方程 solving: 解决没有人做过识别手写方程的解决方案-Sheldon: Oh, dear lord, shush.shush: 嘘(示意安静下来)哦天呐嘘-Leonard: What?怎么了?-Sheldon: You have so few good ideas

19、, Leonard.Lenard 你难得灵光一现有个好主意And youre just going to spill the beans in front of an outsider?spill the beans: 说漏嘴 spill: 溢出 outsider: 外人你就这么在个外人面前竹筒倒豆子似的全说出来了?-Penny: Who, me?说我吗?-Howard: Sheldon, I dont think Penny cares about handwriting-recognition based differential.Sheldon 我觉得Penny对手写识别微分方程没兴趣.

20、 -Sheldon: “The stars at night are big and bright”bright: 明亮的“德州夜晚的星星”“Deep in the heart of Texas”deep: 深处 Texas: 德克萨斯州“闪烁照亮我的心” -Leonard: Shes not going to steal our idea.steal: 剽窃她不会剽窃我们的创意的-Penny: What idea?什么创意? -Leonard: Were gonna write an application.gonna: (美)将要(等于going to) application: 应用程序

21、我们准备写个程序. -Sheldon: “The prairie sky is wide and high”“德州草原的天空”“Deep in the heart. ”“宽广的让人. ” -Penny: Okay, stop, stop!够了闭嘴别唱了! -Sheldon: “Of Texas”“感动” -Penny: Whatever your secret is,whatever: 无论什么 secret: 秘密不管你们的小秘密是什么Im sure its boring, so Im not interested.boring: 无聊的 interest: 兴趣肯定很无聊我不会有兴趣的-L

22、eonard: Its not boring at all.一点都不无聊You see, in higher order mathematics,higher mathematics: 高等数学你看在高等数学中there are certain sets of equations that.certain: 必然的 equation: 方程式总有些方程能够让.-Penny: Bored.超无聊-Leonard: Satisfied?satisfy: 令人满意满意了吧?-Sheldon: Hardly.hardly: 简直不不满意Consider this unlikely but very p

23、lausible scenario.consider: 考虑 unlikely: 不太可能 plausible: 貌似有理的 scenario: 情节考虑下这个虽然不太可能但是很合理的情况A young woman alone in the big city.繁华大都市中一位形单影只的年轻女性Her ridiculous dream of becoming an actress lies shattered about her.ridiculous: 可笑的 becoming: 发生 actress: 女演员 lie: 谎言 shatter: 粉碎她可笑的演员梦破碎了失败的阴影笼罩在她的身边-

24、Penny: Hey, wait a minute.嘿等下-Howard: Well, hang on. Lets see where hes going.hang on: 等待片刻你先别打断看他下面要怎么说-Sheldon: Then it hits her.hit: 打击深深地打击了她How is she going to survive?survive: 幸存她要再怎么生存下去呢?I mean, she has no prospects, no marketable skills.prospect: 前途 marketable: 有销路的 skill: 技术我是说她没有什么财产也没有什么

25、实质的能力And then one day, she meets a group of geniuses and their friend Howard.genius: 天才之后有一天她遇到了一群天才科学家和他们的朋友Howard-Howard: Hey, I.嘿我.-Penny: Hang on. Lets see where hes going.你先别打断看他下面要怎么说-Sheldon: She befriends them, and then lies in wait until they reveal a marketable idea,befriend: 待人如友 lie in w

26、ait: 埋伏以待 reveal: 透露她成为了他们的朋友潜伏在他们的身边 直到有一天他们泄露了一个绝妙的点子which she steals and sells to the highest bidder.steal: 剽窃 bidder: 出价人然后她就偷走了他们的点子高价卖给了别人-Leonard: That is ridiculous.ridiculous: 荒谬的这也太扯淡了吧-Sheldon: Oh, is it?哦是吗?Lets see you come up with an explanation as to why this woman hangs out with us a

27、ll the e up: 被提出 explanation: 解释 hang out: 常去(某处)那你来解释一下为什么这女人老是跟我们黏在一起?-Penny: Oh, great. You know what?哦好吧好吧那啥Ive already mooched dinner off you guys.mooch: 讨便宜我已经蹭完晚饭了I dont need to listen to this.没必要再听你们瞎扯了-Howard: Theres your answer. free 免费这就是回答了. 免费餐饮-Sheldon: All right, Ive taken

28、the liberty of drafting these workflow chartstake the liberty: 擅自 liberty: 许可 draft: 绘图 workflow: 工作流程 chart: 图标好吧我已经草拟了一份我们新产品的工作结构流程图which outline our various duties and the path we will followoutline: 概述 various: 多方面的 duty: 职务 path: 途径包括了我们要如何完成此项as we develop our ground-breaking new app.develop:

29、 开发 ground-breaking: 开拓性的开拓性产品的具体任务和操作步骤-Rajesh: Hey, why am I in charge of phone support?in charge: 负责 support: 支持嘿为什么我是技术支持人员?Seems a bit racist.a bit: 一点 racist: 种族主义者貌似有点种族歧视-Sheldon: A customer service representative with an Indian accent will create the impressioncustomer service representativ

30、e: 客户服务代表 representative: 代表 accent: 口音 impression: 效果带着印度口音的客服代表会让人们觉得我们是一家大企业were a vast enterprise that uses overseas call centers.vast: 广阔的 enterprise: 企业 oversea: 海外 call center: 客服呼叫中心拥有海外的客服呼叫中心-Rajesh: Oh.哦Very clever.clever: 聪明很明智But still racist.但还是种族歧视-Sheldon: Duly noted, Steve from Wichita.duly: 适当的 note: 纪录您好威奇托(美国城市)的Steve为您服务-Howard: Why am I listed as your executive assistant?list: 列出 executive assistant: 执行助理 executive: 执行者 assistant: 助手为什么我是你的执行助手?-Sheldon: Because the word secretary has fallen into disrepute.secretary: 秘书 fa

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