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1、英语每日一句每日一句第一句Yellowstones hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America, a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.词汇突破:1. moral disputes 道德争论2.Be keen on 执着于3.Tackle 处理,解决4.Judicial 司法5.quasi-judici

2、al 准司法(quasi-official body 半官方团体)更多例句:Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character.联邦行政机构发布规章制度是一个准立法行为.6.setting 环境 in research settings 在研究环境中主干识别:Yellowstones hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America.“A offers wider lessons to B”黄石公园中隐藏的道德

3、之争给美国提供了更加宽泛的教训。其他成分: ,a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings. 同位语这个是在我们的长难句课上讲过的非常典型的同位语形式。“句子,n+定语从句”微观分析: ,a country /that is increasingly divided/ and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical quest

4、ions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.1) America is a country.2) America is increasingly divided.3) America is unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.刚开始读句子的时候切得细一些是有好处的,无论是对于句子的准确理解 和翻译都是有帮助的。在翻译的时候1)肯定就不用翻了。参考译文: 黄石公园中隐藏的道德之争给美国提供了更为宽泛的教

5、训。美国变得 越来越分化,(或者译为:分歧越来越多)而且美国也异常执著于在司 法或准司法环境下处理复杂的伦理问题。(知识提示: 很多时候道德和伦理问题不能简单的用司法手段来解决的,比如说安乐死,死刑、堕胎、枪支管理或气候变暖,甚至雾霾的治理,这里面都涉及到很多方面。但是美国人很执着于法律是万能的,现在美国人也意识到这个问题了,才有了这个句子。)第二句The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford Uni

6、versity, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.词汇突破:1.environmentalist 环保主义者2.Inevitably 不可避免的3.depletion of the ozone layer 臭氧层破坏(这属于是环保的标配词汇)4.consequences of i

7、ndustrial growth 工业增长的后果5.critics 批评 先驱7. question 质疑8. argue 认为(今天是两句话哦)第一句比较简单就不解析了。The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics.环保主义者们不可避免地对这样的批评做出了回应。第二句:主干识别: argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University,= Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University argues主谓充当的插入语:The true enemies

8、of science are those其他成分:a pioneer of environmental studies, 同位语who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth. 定语从句翻译点拨: 切分之后调整语序(按中文习惯)1.Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University (is)a pioneer of environmental studies,2.P

9、aul Ehrlich of Stanford University argues斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich是环境研究方面的先驱, (这样诡异的不知道读音的人名在考场上一般就直接抄英文)他认为,或者翻译为:环境研究方面的先驱之一,斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich认为,3. The true enemies of science are those科学真正的敌人是这样一些人。4. who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other conseq

10、uences of industrial growth.他们质疑支持全球变暖,臭氧层破坏和其他一些工业增长后果的证据。或者:科学真正的敌人是质疑支持全球变暖,臭氧层破坏和其他一些工业增长后果的证据的那些人。参考译文:环境研究方面的先驱之一,斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich认为,科学真正的敌人是质疑支持全球变暖,臭氧层破坏和其他一些工业增长后果的证据的那些人。第三句在英语中,表述某人的观点时,可以把说话的人和动词作为插入语放到句子的中间或结尾。同时可以调换主语和动词的位置。举例:1.kevin said I am not fat, and I am just strong.I am not

11、fat ,said kevin, and I am just strong.3. Father shouted come here and sit down!come here, shouted father, and sit down!”come here and sit down!” shouted father.The Conservatives main move has been to back away from their own reforms, passed in 2012, which increased competition, gave health officials

12、 more autonomy and handed control over the purchase of care to groups of local doctors.词汇突破:1.Conservatives 保守党2.Move 举动,行动3.Autonomy 自主权4.Control (名词)控制权 Control over A 对于A的控制权5.purchase v.或者n. 购买6. Hand A to B 将A交给B主干识别:The Conservatives main move has been to back away from their own reforms其他成分:p

13、assed in 2012 定语which increased competition, gave health officials more autonomy and handed control over the purchase of care to groups of local doctors. 定语微观分析:which=reformReform发出了三个动作:increased competitiongave health officials more autonomyhanded control over the purchase of care to groups of loc

14、al doctors.参考译文:保守党的主要举动是退出自己2012年通过的改革,这次改革增加了竞争,给卫生官员更多的自主权,并将购买医疗服务的控制权交给了本地的医生团体。第四句America has some of the worlds most impressive manufacturing facilities. But talk of “renaissance” is certainly overblown. Growth is being driven by a small number of industries, which are hiring few new workers.

15、 And even high-tech operations, at which America should excel, are struggling.词汇突破:1. facilities 设备,能力2. impressive令人印象深刻的(一般表语的时候就是形容一个人和事优秀)3. manufacturing 制造业4. renaissance 复兴5. overblown 被夸大的6. industry 工业(产业)7. excel at 擅长 (还有一个搭配是 excel in,是一个意思)8. struggling 挣扎 (通常就是指境遇不好)解析:第一句:America has

16、some of the worlds most impressive manufacturing facilities.美国拥有某些世界上最为优秀的制造设备。第二句:But talk of “renaissance” is certainly overblown.但是“复兴”这种说法确实言过其实了。第三句:Growth is being driven by a small number of industries, which are hiring few new workers.增长是由一小部分产业带来的,这些产业基本没有雇佣新的工人。(注释:是否促进就业人口增加是产业复苏的标志之一)第四句

17、:And even high-tech operations, at which America should excel, are struggling.切分为两句:1. at which America should excel= America should excel at high-tech operations.2. And even high-tech operations are struggling.美国应该擅长高技术含量产业,但这些产业也还在苦苦挣扎。第五句The economy and the labourmarket bear the consequences.Bear

18、 the consequences通常指的就是:遭受了负面的影响。This lack of languageskills also lowers growth.对于发展也不利。In the linguistic gloom,there are a few bright spots.在不好的情况当中也有一些好处。Bright spots = upsides =silver linings =benefits = advantages再来一个句子:Getting children started at a young age is admirable.让孩子早点开始(学语言)是值得赞赏的。He m

19、ade his points withadmirable clarity.他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。(特别注意这里将admirable单独翻译,很棒的翻译技巧)刚才是餐前小甜点,现在才是正餐。THE establishment view is that the public rage aimed at two of Westminsters long-serving and mostrespected MPs, Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw, this week was unwarranted-a case of anti-politics feelin

20、g gone mad.固有的观点认为,本周公众对议会中两位资深的,受人尊敬的议员:Sir Malcolm Rifkind andJack Straw所产生的愤怒是不合理的,这就是一个反政治情绪失控的典型案例。词汇突破:1.establishment view 固有的观点2.public rage 公众的愤怒3.Westminster 威斯敏斯特(伦敦市的一个行政区,英 国议会所在地)所以也代指议会,议会政治4. long-serving 资深的5. MP : member ofparliament 议员6.unwarranted =unjustified 不合理的主干识别:THE establ

21、ishment view isthat其他成分:表语从句的主干:the public rage wasunwarranted这是整个句子理解的关键!(没有找出来的,好好复习主谓隔离!)aimed at two of Westminsters long-servingand most respected MPs, Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw, this week定语修饰rage;a case of anti-politics feeling gone mad.表语从句的同位语参考译文:固有的观点认为,本周公众对议会中两位资深的,受人尊敬的议员:Sir M

22、alcolm Rifkind andJack Straw所产生的愤怒是不合理的,这就是一个反政治情绪失控的典型案例。第六句From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.【词汇突破】 1.democratic:民主的2.populist:平民主义的3.urge: 可以是动词也可以是名词;动词:促使 名词:渴求4.smell of :有(或发出).气味smell

23、s of elitism. 有精英主义气味的,(这样不符合中文说话的习惯,可以改为:带有精英主义色彩的。有同学说,老师我想不 到,不用纠结,想不到很正常,在翻译这个事情上,学会放过自己,考研翻译本来就不是重点,能成什么样子就是什么样子,能学 多少就学多少,重点是别理解出错就好。)【主干识别:】our democratic and populisturges have driven us to reject anything+定语从句【其他成分】says Hofstadter插入语;our democratic and populisturges have driven us to可提炼出sth

24、 has driven sb to do 这个句 型;that smells of elitism定语从句,修饰anything。(注 意smell的介词搭配)【微观解析】若是觉得插入语干扰了正常的理解,可将这个句子变 为Hofstadter says ”From the beginning of ourhistory, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism。”这样的由直接引语构成的宾 语从句会降低句子的难度【难点揭秘】灵活的利用插入语改变句式是这个句

25、子给我们的启示。【译文赏析】Hofstadter说,从我们的历史一开始,我们对于民主化和大众 化的渴求就迫使我们拒绝一切带有精英主义色彩的东西。第七句我们只能选择勇敢一点,之前有发过这样一句话:Be Brave: When something scares you, dont forget: everyone else is just as scared as you are.勇敢一点:当你害怕的时候,不要忘了,其他人也跟你一样害怕。(和大家一起共勉!)句子But this time round a slump would be unlikely to lead to a broader co

26、ntagion, since it would be confined to private markets and a few large firms with strong balance-sheets.词汇突破:1. this time round 这一次(时间状语)2. slump 经济衰退3. contagion 影响4. be confined to 局限于5. strong balance-sheets 优良的资产负债表(财务状况良好)主干识别:aslump would be unlikely to lead to a broader contagion其他成分:since引导的

27、原因状语从句since it would be confined to privatemarkets and a few large firms with strong balance-sheets构成。It指代slump,参考译文:但这一次,经济衰退可能不会有大范围的影响,因为它将只局限于私 人市场和拥有漂亮资产负债表的几个大公司第八句The service, planned for release in mid-2015, will offer a simple installation process in which web operators will apply to receiv

28、e digital certificates that can be used to prevent the interception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server.词汇突破:1. installation 安装2. certificates 证书3. interception 拦截,截取4. web browser 网络浏览器主干识别:The service will offer a simple installation process.其他成分:planned

29、for release in mid-2015 定语in which web operators will apply to receive digital certificates/ that can be used to prevent the interception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server. 定语从句修饰a simple installation process;微观分析:定语从句中的that can be used to prevent the int

30、erception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server.修饰digital certificateswhen it is passing between a web browser and an internet状语从句参考译文:这项服务计划在2015年年中发布;它的安装过程十分简单,在这个过程中,网页运营商可以申请接收数字证书,这些证书可以用来防止信息在网络浏览器和服务器之间传递时被截取。第九句今天的句子非常棒!背!Human history began when the

31、 inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice.词汇突破:1.Inheritancen. 继承;遗传;遗产2.Genetics n.遗传,遗传学例句:Smoking, rather than genetics,was the cause of his early demise.导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传3.dominating 支配4.broken through 打破5. conscious 有意识的6. until then 直到那时;(在句子有时也可以处理为:一直)主干识别:Human history began其他成分:when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by consci

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