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on the english translation of chinese menus from the perspective of the skopos theory菜谱翻译论文.docx

1、on the english translation of chinese menus from the perspective of the skopos theory菜谱翻译论文Statement of AuthorshipExcept where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me for another deg

2、ree or diploma.No other persons work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in my tertiary institution.Signed: Dated: April 28, 2015陇东学院本科生毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是本人在指导老师XX的指导下,独立进行研究

3、工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二O一五年五月十日AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to avail myself of the opportunity to express my gratitude to Yang Jing, my tutor, who has taken her precious time off f

4、rom her tight schedule, reading my thesis carefully and offering me constant encouragement, valuable suggestions and enlightening instructions, which contribute to the completion of my thesis.I would also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to Ji Jianhua and many others who have contributed their ti

5、me, thoughts, skills and encouragement to this thesis.I am also grateful to She Hongjun, Li Xu and all my friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice in the past few years.Finally, I wish to devote this paper to my beloved family, who have given me life and love, and have been supp

6、orting me since 22 years.AbstractThe translation under the guidance of skopos theory regards readers purpose as the theoretical guidance, in the translating process it aims at achieving the intended purpose. The Chinese menu translation focuses on the purpose of translation activity, translation sho

7、uld not only fully consider the understanding ability of the foreign friends, but also achieve the purposes of cross-cultural communication, promoting the Chinese diet, which in turn attracts foreign tourists. However, because the naming of numerous Chinese cuisines is diversiform, single translatio

8、n strategy does not reflect the extensive and profound Chinese catering culture. Therefore, guided by the skopos theory, this paper in detail introduces a variety of translation strategies, such as, domestication, foreignization, image aided and foot notes, for the purpose of widely spreading Chines

9、e food and Chinese food culture around the world.Key words: skopos theory; translation strategies; Chinese menu; culture摘 要目的论指导下的翻译以译文读者的目的为导向,在翻译过程中要求能够实现译文预期的目的的功能。菜谱翻译是一项目的性很强的活动,翻译不仅要充分考虑到外国友人的接受和理解能力,还要达到介绍推广中国饮食,吸引外国游客的跨文化交流的目的。然而由于中国菜系众多,命名方式多样,单一的翻译策略并不能体现出中国餐饮文化的博大精深。因此,本文以目的论为指导,详细地介绍了在目的

10、论指导下采用多种翻译策略,例如:归化、异化、图片辅助以及脚注从而达到向世界既传播中国饮食也兼顾传播中国饮食文化的目的。关键词:目的论;翻译策略;中国菜谱;文化ContentsStatement of Authorshipi诚信声明iiAcknowledgementsiiiAbstractiv摘要v1. Introduction11.1 The Background of the Study1 1.2 The Significance of the Study 1 1.3 The Research Questions12. Literature Review.22.1 Studies on th

11、e Translation of Chinese Menu22.1.1 Overseas Research Situation22.1.2 Domestic Research Situation2 2.2 Skopos Theory22.2.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory22.2.2 Skopos Theory in Chinese Menu43. Research Methodology4 3.1 The Research Instruments4 3.2 Procedures44. Findings and Data Analyses.4 4.1 Err

12、ors Analysis4 4.2 The Characteristics of Food Naming6 4.2.1 The Characteristics of Western Food Naming6 4.2.2 The Characteristics of Chinese Food Naming6 4.3 Translation Principles of Chinese Menu under the Guidance of the Skopos Theory8 5. Discussion .9 5.1 The Translation Strategies of Chinese Men

13、u under the Guidance of the Skopos Theory9 5.2 The Prospect of Chinese Menu Translation116. Conclusion .127. References.13On the English Translation of Chinese Menus from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Longdong University1. Introduction 1.1 The Backg

14、round of the StudyWith the deepening of Chinas reform and opening up, the gradual development of the economy, as well as increasingly frequent foreign exchanges, the translation of Chinese menu becomes especially significant. More and more foreign friends come to China for sightseeing, while appreci

15、ating the beautiful scenery; they also search for tasty food in China. Therefore, the dish name is like a label which attracts and helps diners from all over the world. Therefore, better translation of Chinese menu not only attracts foreign diners, but also plays an important role in disseminating C

16、hinese food culture. 1.2 The Significance of the StudyDishes names are an indispensable part of dishes, and they are loaded with business functions and market value. Chinese dishes names are diverse, in general, they can be divided into “realism dishes” and “freehand brushwork” (白靖宇, 2000) in tradit

17、ional Chinese dishes. Realistic dishes are named according to the dishes of raw material, cooking methods, spices, the way of cutting, taste, and some dishes are named after its birthplace or named after people. Freehand brushwork type is related to the legend allusions or the symbol in the poetry,

18、some dishes are named according to the shape, color and so on, put it another way, by using the method of analogy to name. Therefore, to a great extent, the translation of Chinese dishes helps spread the Chinese culture, and plays a decisive role in the status of Chinese food culture in the world. 1

19、.3 The Research QuestionsThe main research question of this paper is how to apply the skopos theory to the translation of the Chinese recipes. Aiming at this problem, the first thing is to classify the Chinese recipes, then to elaborate on the skopos theory, and finally to translate in the actual ca

20、se by using skopos theory.2. Literature Review 2.1 Studies on the Translation of Chinese Menu 2.1.1 Studies AbroadBased on the purpose of translation behavior, skopos theory is a kind of translation theory put forward by the German functionalist translators, Reiss, Vermeer and Nord. The core princip

21、le of skopos theory is “objective criteria”, and any translation behavior is decided by the purpose of translation.In western recipe, simply listing the name, then marking the main and auxiliary materials and cooking methods can give person a kind of practical sense. For example, roast beef, fish an

22、d chips, these names just reflect their cooking methods.2.1.2 Studies in ChinaIn the context Skopos Theory and Translation Method (Zhang Jinlan, 2004), Zhang lists the literal translation of Lu Xun and Yan Fus liberal translation in the theory of natural selection. She stressed to use the specific m

23、ethod according to the specific purpose, and then she further illustrated that method of translation depends on purpose of translation by using Shakespeares drama translated by Bian Zhilin and Zhu Shenghao.In the article Translation of Chinese Dish Name: A Perspective of Skopos Theory (Wen Yue-e, 20

24、08), she put forward that menu translation should conform to the skopos theory, refer to the characteristics of Chinese menu, use the method of literal translation, liberal translation, literal translation and interpretation methods to translate Chinese recipes.Yuan Shuai, (Yuan Shuai, 2011) in her

25、thesis, On the translation of Chinese menu from the perspective of skopos theory, according to the skopos theory, she used different translation methods to different dishes, and listed the different dishes to illustrate the importance of skopos theory. For example, “麻婆豆腐”, in the beginning, it was t

26、ranslated as “Beancurd made by a pock-marked woman”, but it did not cause customers interest, finally, it was translated as “Mapo Tofu (Tofu of Chilly Flavor)”, this kind of translation not only reach the purpose of translation, but also express the meaning of food. 2.2 Skopos Theory 2.2.1 The Defin

27、ition of Skopos Theory According to Vermeer, “Translation is a form of translational action based on a source text” (Nord, 2001:11). Thus, Skopos is a theory of purposeful action, and ”one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended re

28、ceiver or audience of the target text with their culture-specific world-knowledge, their expectations and their communicative needs”(Nord, 2001:12).In Vermeers Skopos, “statues of the source is clearly much lower”(Nord, 2001:12). And “Vermeer regards it as an offer of information that is partly or w

29、holly turned into an offer of information for the target audience” (Nord, 2001:12). Vermeer breaks through “Equivalence” which focuses on the source language. He sets the purpose of text as the first criterion of translation process and creates Skopos Theory based on activity theory. Skopos Theory h

30、olds that translation is an intercultural communication activity with definite purposes and intentions based on the source text under the effects of translator. Tan thought that any act has a purpose. The main view of this functional approach is that it is not the source text that determines the translation process, but the expected

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