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本文(秋东北财经大学《大学英语1》综合练习完形填空100分答案16年秋.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、秋东北财经大学大学英语1综合练习完形填空100分答案16年秋16年东北财经大学大学英语1综合练习-完形填空四、完形填空【153】 Plants are the true fairies_1_are forever working wonders around us. Their roots dig down into the earth and gather its treasures. Their leaves spread their broad surfaces to the air and _2_its riches, and out of what they have thus ga

2、thered they produce the beautiful flowers, the delicious fruits, and the golden grain. Let us study more closely the way_3_which a plant grow. The root pushes itself down into the earth._4_it finds no water, it soon dies. If it finds water, it begins to suck it up and change it into sap._5_the water

3、, it takes up such parts of the soil as are dissolved in the water. Here, then, you see in what ways the food of the plant is different from that of animals.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: asB: whomC: whatD: that答案: D2)A: take upB: take inC: take downD: take off答案: B3)A: atB: byC: inD: with答案

4、: C4)A: becauseB: afterC: asD: If答案: D5)A: ExceptB: BesideC: BesidesD: Except for答案: C【154】 _1_the pudding (or sweets), the table is cleared and the dessert is brought on. This is fruit_2_various kinds, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, figs, etc., and nuts. Port (red wine from Portugal) is passed ro

5、und. _3_the bottle gets to you, you pour some into a little glass on your right and pass the bottle to your neighbor. At this stage the ladies may get up and _4_to the drawing-room, leaving the menfolks a little longer over their wine, smoking and talking. When the ladies rise, the men get up too, _

6、5_ respect, and resume their seats when they have left the room. Soon the men rejoin the ladies.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: BeforeB: WithC: DuringD: After答案: D2)A: ofB: byC: atD: in答案: A3)A: whereB: beforeC: becauseD: when答案: D4)A: hideB: runC: retireD: leave答案: C5)A: out ofB: asC: forD:

7、with答案: A【155】 But yet, Im still struggling,_1_to find and define success. My dream is_2_other alcoholics will find their success with the help of my book. About four years ago, I changed my attitude_3_ sobriety. I went from a program of recovery to a program of discovery._4_I have discovered is tha

8、t achieving success is a lifelong journey. Someday, I hope and pray that I discover my life was a success! Not measured by possessions,_5_measured by trust and honesty and love.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: to tryB: tryingC: triedD: try答案: B2)A: whereB: whichC: whoD: that答案: D3)A: inB: byC:

9、 forD: with答案: D4)A: WhichB: WhatC: whenD: where答案: B5)A: but forB: but ratherC: but justD: but also答案: B【156】 Many nuclear families are “splitting up” more and more_1_ are getting divorced. What will be the result of this “splitting” of a nuclear family? Social scientists now talk_2_two new family

10、forms: the single parent family and the remarried family. Almost 20 percent of all American families are_3_parent families, and in 85 percent of these families the single parent is the mother. Most single parents find_4_very difficult to take care of a family alone, so they soon marry again and form

11、 remarried families. As social scientists study these two new family forms, they will be able_25_us more about the future of the nuclear family in the post-industrial age.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: parentsB: menC: wivesD: women答案: A2)A: ofB: inC: onD: to答案: A3)A: youngB: doubleC: singleD

12、: remarried答案: C4)A: thatB: whichC: itD: this答案: C5)A: tellB: to tellC: of tellingD: telling答案: B【157】 To break the cycle of debt you must have money set_1_in savings for unexpected expenses. Learn about the importance of emergency funds, _2_for retirement and investing._3_you win the lottery or fin

13、d yourself the recipient of some other windfall, changing your financial status will require hard work, sacrifice, determination and a strong desire to improve your situation. Keep in _4_you are limited only by yourself. Regardless of how you ended up in your current situation, you are the only pers

14、on who can change the path your life takes from this point_5_.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: asideB: upC: offD: along答案: A2)A: savedB: saveC: to saveD: saving答案: D3)A: SinceB: UnlessC: TillD: Until答案: B4)A: heartB: headC: brainD: mind答案: D5)A: downwardB: backwardC: upwardD: forward答案: D【158】

15、 Ten years later I find it every now and then, but Im still searching. In 2003, I raised over $1,400 for the fight _1_cancer. That was a success! I was doing something for someone, _2_ looking for a payback. As far as writing a book, that too can be measured _3_ a success. _4_ because I wrote it and

16、 got it published, but because some of the proceeds will go to help others. 10% will go to the University of Nebrask-Omaha Lied Transplant Center, and hopefully Ill sell enough books to change some poems about cancer into music and create a CD, with proceeds_5_to the American Cancer Society.1.( ); 2

17、.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: forB: againstC: andD: to答案: B2)A: andB: butC: orD: for答案: B3)A: forB: orC: atD: as答案: D4)A: YetB: NorC: NotD: And答案: C5)A: wentB: goC: goesD: going答案: D【159】 Many American families pride themselves_1_their cooking, and have deep freezers,_2_they store food they grow in

18、 their gardens or buy in the supermarket. Supermarkets are large self-service stores _3_every kind of foodfresh, canned or frozen. So,_4_the fast-food restaurant, their produce is less expensive and easier_5_. There have been supermarkets in the USA since the 1930s, and they have now spread through

19、a large part of the world.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: inB: atC: forD: on答案: D2)A: whileB: whetherC: whereD: when答案: C3)A: sellingB: sellC: to sellD: sold答案: A4)A: likeB: suchC: forD: as答案: A5)A: to marketingB: to marketC: marketingD: market答案: B【160】 Lets increase experiments with other f

20、orms of energy, and lets not be afraid_1_costs. It is a matter of survival and there will be no time for experimenting when the oil_2_. Meanwhile, lets be thrifty and use oil only_3_necessary. The days of oil galore are over. Lets design engines which are more efficient. Lets use engines _4_small po

21、wer wherever possible. Lets replace liquid fuel by solid fuel wherever possible. For power plants liquid fuel is not essential._5_aeroplanes it is. And there is plenty of coal available.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: forB: ofC: withD: to答案: B2)A: runs upB: runs offC: runs downD: runs out答案:

22、D3)A: whereB: whileC: whenD: than答案: C4)A: atB: byC: withD: in答案: C5)A: ToB: ForC: WithD: Towards答案: B【161】 Although accident, illness, and death are not pleasant subjects, each of us knows we face these possibilities. It is better_1_ we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them t

23、han to just hope that they will somehow go away._2_insurance can be complex, its basic concepts are neither difficult _3_ impossible to learn. Quite the opposite. Insurance fundamentals can be understood by those willing _4_ them. Serious study provides knowledge. The study of insurance is an effect

24、ive, proven method of dealing with the insurance _5_ by many American families.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: whenB: whichC: thatD: for答案: C2)A: AsB: BecauseC: SinceD: Although答案: D3)A: norB: notC: noD: neither答案: A4)A: studyingB: studiedC: to studyD: of studying答案: C5)A: that facedB: facing

25、C: to faceD: faced答案: D【162】 Unfortunately, Mark Twain had_1_business ability at all. He_2_vast profits from writing and lecturing, but time after time, he lost money in bad investments. He finally lost his entire fortune in the publishing business in 1895. He_3_the responsibility for all of his deb

26、ts. He wrote large _4_of stories in order to pay those debts. He made a successful tour around the world. He was finally able _5_. Despite the tremendous effort this had required, he had been able to keep his health.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: littleB: someC: noD: much答案: C2)A: tookB: mad

27、eC: assumedD: did答案: B3)A: tookB: madeC: hadD: gave答案: A4)A: numbersB: numberC: figureD: amount答案: A5)A: of payingB: to payC: to be paidD: pay答案: B【163】 In 1776, the United States became the first nation in the world_1_the word happiness into its basic founding documents. And then we quickly forgot,

28、 the beautiful word, and its been downhill for many of us ever since, trust me, success_2_happiness is worthless. The president of the_3_independent steel company of the 20th Century, Charles Schwab, died bankrupt and lived on borrowed money for five years_4_ his death. The president of the greatest

29、 utility company,_5_Samuel Insull, died a fugitive from the law, penniless in a foreign land.1.( ); 2.( ); 3.( ); 4.( ); 5.( );1)A: incorporateB: incorporatedC: to incorporateD: incorporating答案: C2)A: byB: withC: withoutD: in答案: C3)A: largerB: largelyC: largeD: largest答案: D4)A: afterB: whileC: befor

30、eD: when答案: C5)A: to nameB: nameC: namedD: naming答案: C【164】 _1_the whole, women prefer brighter colors than men do. Almost everyone likes red, but women like yellow and green _2_than men do. Pink is usually considered a feminine color. Blue is usually considered a masculine color. As a _3_, people dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue._4_, it is dangerous to generalize because taste changes. For example, years ago businessmen wor

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