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1、中考零距离阅读专项训练第一部分回归教材篇Exercise 1AjtMmmt the words or expressions to complete the passageEvery day in all kinds of weather,many thousands of men and women jog (慢跑)Vhy has jogging become so 1 ? Because jogging makes the heart stronger andhelps people lose weight. It can also help them feel better about

2、2 . Donald Robbins,a forty-two office worker,began jogging a few years ago 3 hefelt he was too fat. At first he could only run about 100 yards. But two years later,he ran in a Marathon race. 4 joggers, like Donald Robbins,feel that if they can succeed in can succeed in other things too.Should you jo

3、g? If you do,be sure to ask your doctor for 5 Does jogging cost much? No,it costs almost nothing. 6 it is very important to have a good pair of shoes that were made especially for jogging.How fast should you go? Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run. If you have difficulty in 7 ,you ar

4、e going too fast.How far should you go? You should walk,not run,the first few times. Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do comfortably. After that,increase your distance a quarter or half mile every two weeks or so. ( )1. A. necessaryB. popularC. difficultD. enjoyable ( ) 2. A. t

5、hemselvesB. ourselvesC. itselfD. himself ( ) 3. A. thoughB. ifC. untilD. because ( ) 4- A. SeveralB. ManyC. AnyD. Few ( )5. A. adviceB. newsC. noticesD. practice ( ) 6. A-SoB. AndC. ButD. Also ( )7_ A. climbingB. movingC. talkingD. thinkinginformation and processpassage and fill in the blanks with p

6、roper words What Are Computers?CBfinteiliill i Thi; CoBpoteiare wonderful machines. They can s 1s means they can work out problems, ers come in all s 2 Some are small enough to fit into our pockets;so big that they fill a huge room.4 . Human beings giveSbe people say that computers can think. This i

7、s not s_ their information and tell them what to do.Bat computers can do things that human beings can,t do. They can store huge i of information and n 5 forget it. They work out difficult problems very,more quickly than any human being can.You may have used a computer at some timeperhaps a pocket ca

8、lculator, a video game machine or a 1 7 computer. If not,you should learn how to use them.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Answer the following questionsAll over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people keep healtfhy and happy and live longer. Some people take part in sports and some like to watch o

9、thers play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather,but skating is good in winter.Games and sports of

10、ten grow out of peoples work and everyday life. People use horses in much of their everyday life. They use them in their sports,too.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football,for example 9 has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the

11、sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running and jumping. Chinese Wushu,for example9has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are new. Neitherone is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. People f

12、rom different countries may not be able to understand each other,but after a game together they often become good friends.1. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?2. In what ways do people like sports?Some take part in sports,while 3. Do sports change with the seasons?4. What about swimming

13、and skating?Swimming is fun but skating is good5. What do sports and games grow out of?6. How old are some sports and games,like running and jumping?Whats your favorite sport? Why do you like it most?Whats the Matter? a river. Suddenly,So he went up to her(One hot evening at about seven,Jack was tak

14、ing a walk _ he saw an old lady sitting on one of her bags. She looked 2 and talked with her.)Jack:Excuse me,but what,s the matter? Can I help you?9 and I am tooLady:I want to 3 my daughter. But I have lost her 5 to go on walking now.Jack:Do you remember any shops,buildings or bus stops near her hom

15、e?Lady;There is a hotel near her home. Yes,Its the Garden Hotel.Jack:I?ve got an 6 . You can go to a policeman for help. Would you like me tohelp you 7 a policeman?Lady:Thats very kind of you. Thank you very much indeed.Jack:Not at all.)1. A. alongB. acrossC. aroundD. among)2. A. happyB.

16、terestedD. upset)3. A. visitB. showC. findD. watch)4. A. houseB. homeC. addressD. telephone)5. A. excitedB. sadC. sickD. tired)6. A. informationB. newsC. ideaD. opinion)7. A. look forB. searchC. find outD. findB. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words“Fire is a good servant but a

17、bad master., This is an old English saying. What does it mean?After people learned how to make fire,they learnt how to use it. They used it to keep warm and d 1 away animals. They also learnt how to cook food with it. Fires 2 people well and it is still serving them well.But sometimes a building cat

18、ches fire. Sometimes a building is destroyed and peoplelose their homes. Sometimes people e 3 lose their lives. Fire is not the servantthen. It has become the m 4 .Why do fires begin? What starts them? There are many causes of fire. Perhaps an old electric heater is k 5 over. Sometimes a heater is p

19、laced too near some their parents. Can youYour children are sometimes allowed to play with m_ think of any other causes of fire?When a fire begins,we must telephone the firemen. Do you know how to do this? Go to the n 7 telephone and dial the number 119. The firemen will arrive quickly. P

20、eople who fail to get out of the house will be saved by them. If some people are hurt, they6C. Answer the following questionsChristmas was only a few days away and the two children in the Robinson family were very excited. By December 23rd,Mrs. Robinson had got almost everything ready for Christmas.

21、 She had made them a very large and rich Christmas cake. She had bought a big Christmas tree and shown the children how to decorate it with Christmas lights. She had also bought them new clothes for Christmas. Mr. Robinson gave them some money last week. The children had already bought themselves lo

22、ts of balloons. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson had bought some presents for their children and the children had presents for their parents,too. They made the presents themselves. The parents as well as the children kept their presents until Christmas Day. The parents had also told the children t

23、hat each of them shoyld put a stocking at the foot of his or her bed on Christmas Eve. They also told them that Father Christmas would put the presents into each of the stockings and then leave quickly and softly.Though the children knew who “Father Christmas” really was, they still put their stocki

24、ngs at the foot of their beds.1. Why were the Robinson children excited?2. When did Mr. Robinson make a large Christmas cake?3. What did the underlined word “them” in the first paragraph refer to?4. What did the children decorate the Christmas tree with?5. What did the children buy with the money fr

25、om their father?6. The children didnt know who “Father Christmas” really was,did they?7_ Do you like Christmas? How do you celebrate it?Tim,s Future(A teacher,Mr. Evens,is talking to Mrs. Brown about her son,Tim.)Mr. Evens:Well,Mrs. Brown,I think you want to talk about Tims future.Mrs. Brown: Yes, w

26、e,re very 1 his school work.Mr. Evens; Well, I dont think you need to worry very much. He has got some bad 2 in some subjects. Hes got a C in French and a C in German :and his history and geography arent very good,but he has got an A in maths.Mrs. Brown; Yes,but his father and I want him 3 good mark

27、s in order to get a good job,an engineer or a teacher or 4 like that. But Tim onlywants to be a professional 5 .Mr. Evens: Well,he,s very good at football,Mrs. Brown.Mrs. Brown: But football isnt a job, is it? He can play football now, 6 he cant play football all his life.Mr. Evans: Well,I?m 7 I don

28、t quite agree with you,Mrs. Brown. Could you, your husband and Tim all come along to see me together? Maybe we can work out a solution.()1. A.proud ofB.interested inC. pleased withD. worried about()2. A.workB. jobsC. studyD, marks()3. getB. to succeedC. to findD. to take()4. A.somethingB. anyth

29、ingC. everythingD. nothing()5. playerB. footballerC_baseball playerD. artist()6. A.andB. butC. orD. so()7. A.worriedB. excitedC. interestedD. afraidB.Read the passage and fill inthe blanks with proper wordsSteve was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not kno

30、w how to find his s 1 ,so he went up to the air hostess and asked,“Could you help me? I can,t find my seat. ” The lady s 2 him the seat and told him to sit down and fasten his s 3 belt. She told Steve not to m 4 about when the plane was going up,and that Steves ears might f 5 a little funny, but he

31、did not need to worryabout it because many people felt like that. She also said w 6 the plane was flyingvery high,Steve could stand up and walk round. He could read magazines,books and newspapers or see films. She would bring food and drinks and she was sure Steve would enjoy the f 7 and arrived home soon.C. Aasvrer the following questionsYou may think there is no water in the desert,but this is not true. There is a little rain in the desert, but it is not enough for most plants to grow. Still we can see some plants and animals i

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