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1、临沂师范学院外国语学院商务英语教案临沂师范学院外国语学院商务英语教案贾永青Unit 1 A Brief Introduction of International Trade. Aim and requirements of teaching:Students should understand the general framework, definitions of international trade and the reasons of having international trade for different countries. Key and difficult poin

2、ts:1. Reasons of having international trade.2. Problems concerning international trade: cultures, monetary conversation, trade barriers and so forth. Process of teaching: 1. Preparation for the unit:The appearance of international trade arises for many reasons1) The different distribution of the wor

3、lds resources determines the patterns of world trade.2) Climate and terrain affect the cultivation of some agricultural products a nation can produce and trade internationally.3) The skilled workers and capital resources help determine what a nation is able to produce and trade with other nations.4)

4、 With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose another motivation, economic benefit, for nations to trade.2. Information related to the unit:International trade, also called foreign trade, world trade or overseas trade, in essence, is the fair and deliberate exchange of commodity

5、 and service across national boundaries. It includes import and export trade operations.The forms of international trade can be listed as followings:Exporting, importing, trading companies, licensing, contract manufacturing, joint ventures and direct investment.3. Detailed explanation of the words a

6、nd passage:wordstangible, innovation, maritime, specialize in, monetary conversion, trade barrier, ethnocentric, natural resources, remittance, immigrant, paradox, domestic trade, exchange rate, fluctuation, commercial credit, depreciate, quota, be confronted with, principal, discount, facility, nat

7、ionalization, compensate, warehouse, exclusive license, patent, trade mark, royalty, wholesaler, trading company, contract manufacturingTerminology practice:Comparative advantage: situation that exists when a country can produce a product or provide a certain service at much lower cost than any othe

8、r country.Absolute advantage: situation that exists when only one country can produce a certain item, or can produce it much more efficiently than any other country.Balance trade: the difference between the value of merchandise exports and the value of merchandise imports for a nation during a given

9、 period of time.Exchange rate: the amount of one countrys currency that must be paid in order to obtain one unit of another countrys currency.Royalty: a payment made for the right to use the property of another person for gain. This many be an intellectual property, such as a book or an invention.Ad

10、 valorem tariff: a custom duty charged as a percentage of the value of goods rather than on a weight or quantity basis.4. Explanation of the article:1. Reasons of having international trade.1) The different distribution of the worlds resources determines the patterns of world trade.2) Climate and te

11、rrain affect the cultivation of some agricultural products a nation can produce and trade internationally.3) The skilled workers and capital resources help determine what a nation is able to produce and trade with other nations.4) With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose ano

12、ther motivation, economic benefit, for nations to trade.2. Problems concerning international trade: cultures, monetary conversation, trade barriers and so forth.3. The forms of international trade can be listed as followings:Exporting, importing, trading companies, licensing, contract manufacturing,

13、 joint ventures and direct investment. Self-study instructions:Self-study guideRead Part C Terminology Practice carefully and remember some of the key ones.Some useful sentences on establishing business relations1. In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples under separate

14、 cover for your reference.2. We thank you for your letter of. offering your services and should be glad to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.3. We very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with . direct, as we are already represented by Messrs. . for the sales of

15、 this commodity in your district. We would advise you to approach them direct for your requirements.4. In compliance with your requests, we are sending you some samples of our products, we hope that they should be sent to you in time and be found to your satisfaction. Assignment:Read Part D on page

16、9 and summarize the general idea of the part.Unit 2 General Procedures of Export and Import Transaction. Aim and requirements of teaching:Students should learn the main procedures of having export and import transactions. Key and difficult points:1. Procedures of export and import transaction2. Orga

17、nizations involved in export and import transaction3. Specialists involved in export and import transaction4. Documents needed in export and import transaction. Process of teaching: 1. Preparation for the unit:For most nations exports and imports are the most important international activities. Each

18、 country has to import the articles and commodities it does not itself produce, and it has to earn foreign exchanges to pay for them. It does this by exporting its own manufactured articles and surplus raw materials. Thus the import and export trades are two sides of the same coin, and both can have

19、 beneficial effects on the home market. The factors mean that importing and exporting are subject to a lot of formalities, such as customs entry and exchange control approval, from which the home retail and wholesale trades are free. They also mean that the procedure of foreign trade is much more co

20、mplicated that that of domestic trade, the latter involves specialized knowledge and highly trained personnel.2. Information related to the unit:General procedures of export transaction2.1 preparation for exportingResearch on the countries or regionsResearch on the market2.2 business negotiationenqu

21、iryoffer and counter-offeracceptanceconclusion of the sales contract2.3 settlement of disputes3. Detailed explanation of the words and passage:wordsfirm offer, credit information, reference, sales literature, point of sale advertising, sponsorship, publicity, counter-offer, sample, modification, alt

22、eration, counterpart, sales contract, expedite, discrepancy, chartering, booking space, bill of lading, consignment, default, prospective, formulate, embargo, cash with order, open account, confirmed irrevocable L/C. natural resources, remittance, immigrant, paradox, domestic trade, exchange rate, f

23、luctuation, commercial credit, depreciate, quota, be confronted with, principal, discount, facility, nationalization, compensate, warehouse, exclusive licenseTerminology practice:Unit cost: the cost of a single, mass-produced article. In general, the greater the quantity produced of an article, the

24、lower will be its unit costs.Foreign exchange: the currencies of foreign countries. Foreign exchange is bought and sold in foreign exchange markets. Firms or organizations require foreign exchange to purchase goods from abroad or for the purpose of investment or speculation.VAT: type of national sal

25、es tax paid by manufacturers and merchants on the value contributed to a product at each stage of its production and distributionCertificate of origin: a document in which certification is made as to the country of origin of the merchandise.Consular invoice: a customs invoice which is certified, in

26、the exporting country, by the consulate of the country to which the goods are destined. The invoice is usually designed and issued by the consulate, and a fee is charged for certification.4. Explanation of the article:1. Organizations involved in export and import transaction1.1 the exporters1.2 the

27、 shipping agents at the port or airport of loading1.3 the port authority1.4 the shipping company1.5 the insurance company or brokers1.6 the exporters bank1.7 the importers bank1.8 the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge1.9 the importers2. Specialists involved in export and import tran

28、saction2.1 shipping agents will take responsibility for the documentation and arrange for the goods to be shipped by air, sea, rail or road.2.2 airlines, shipping lines, railway companies or haulage contractors will actually transport the goods.2.3 both the importers and exporters banks will be invo

29、lved in arranging payments.2.4 an insurance company insures goods in transit.2.5 a lawyer if a special contract has to be drawn up.3. Documents needed in export and import transactionBill of lading, commercial invoice, proforma invoice, consular invoice, packing list, weight memo, certificate of ins

30、pection, certificate of origin, insurance policy, sales contract, sales confirmation. Self-study instructions:Self-study guideRead Part C Terminology Practice carefully and learn how to make some important documents. HomeworkRead Part D on page 27 and retell the export trade procedure.Unit 3 Prepara

31、tion for Export Transaction. Aim and requirements of teaching:Besides mastering the knowledge of unit 2, students learn the procedures of export especially. Key and difficult points:1. Marketing and promotion2. Market research3. Investigation of credit-worthiness of customers. Process of teaching: 1

32、. Preparation for the unit:When a company starts to export or sell goods in a new market, they often do some market researches or a preliminary study to see if the project is feasible. They investigate the potential market or do a feasibility study to see if they will make money by selling in the new market. This stage usually includes market research, marketing and promotion and investigation of credit-worthiness of customers.2.

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