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1、故事教学在小学英语课堂中的运用A Thesis for Classification Number:Bachelors Degree Restricted Circulation The Story Teaching in the English Teaching for Primary SchoolSpecialization:EnglishField of Research:LiteratureName of Author:Gao Jie Registration Number: 0925804045Name of Supervisor: Title of Supervisor:Forei

2、gn Languages DepartmentMay 25, 2013 昌吉学院本科毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)分类号: 密 级:无故事教学在小学英语课堂中的运用系 院:外语系学科门类:文 学专 业:英 语学 号:0925804045姓 名:指导教师:教师职称:毕业论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果或作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 年 月 日毕业论文版权使用授权书本毕业论文作者完全了解学院有关保存、使用毕业论文的规定,同意学院保

3、留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权本学院及以上级别优秀毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库以资检索,可以采用复印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。声明人签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日摘 要新课程标准中对小学阶段英语课程的目标做出了如下的描述:“激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。”随着中国新课程改革的步伐,许多教育工作者进行了大量的研究, 并提出了各种各样的教学方法,其中“故事教学”就是众多方法中的有效方法之一。故事教学符合小学生的心理特点,有利于激

4、发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,是小学老师经常使用的一种教学策略。故事教学在老师的正确操作下,能够激发学生学习英语的积极性, 丰富学习内容,提高学生学习效果,实现真正的英语教学目的。 该实证研究的对象是昌吉市第八小学三年级4班和6班的53名学生,年龄均在9-10岁。在实验过程及结束后,采用问卷调查和测试的方法,通过调查结果来分析传统教学和故事教学下小学生英语学习效果的差异。实验研究得出以下结论: 1、学生对故事教学法持支持态度。2、学生通过故事教学法能够增强英语学习的兴趣和热情。3、故事教学法和传统教学法相比,学生的英语成绩有明显提高。关键词:故事教学;有效教学;小学英语教学The Story T

5、eaching in the English Teaching for Primary School AbstractAccording to the primary school curriculum standards, the purpose of primary school English teaching is to arouse the students interest in learning English and enthusiasm, develop students ability of doing things and establish initial confid

6、ence in English learning. With the peace of the new curriculum reform in China, researchers have done a lot of work and introduced many effective English teaching methods, and the “Story Teaching” is one of them. The story teaching fits pupils psychological characteristics and it can stimulate stude

7、nts interest and motivation in English learning. It is a teaching strategy frequently used by teachers in primary schools. Under the correct instruction of the teachers, the story teaching can stimulate students enthusiasm, enrich students learning contents, enhance students learning efficiency, and

8、 thus truly achieve the purpose of English education. The subjects of the study are 106 third- grade students from No.8 Ordinary Primary School in Changji, Xinjiang, with an average age of 9 to 10. During and at the end of the study, questionnaires and test were employed in this experiment and the r

9、esults were analyzed to compare the different learning effect between the traditional teaching and the story teaching.The conclusions are got as follows: 1. Students have a positive attitude toward story teaching. 2. Students can enhance their enthusiasm and interest in studying English through stor

10、y teaching.3. Compared with the teaching activities under the guidance of the traditional teaching method, students can enhance their English grades by story teaching. Key words: Story teaching; Effective teaching; Primary School English teachingContents摘 要 IAbstract IIIntroduction 11. Literature Re

11、view 21.1 Story Teaching 21.1.1 The Definition of Story Teaching 21.1.2 The Characteristics of Story Teaching. 21.1.3 The Function of Story Teaching 31.2 Principles that Story Teaching Should Follow 31.3 Related Studies both at Home and Abroad 42. Methodology 62.1 Statements of Research Questions 62

12、.2 Subjects 62.3 Instruments 72.4 Procedures 73. Results and Analysis 83.1Data Analysis Based on the Questionnaire 83.2 Data Analysis Based on the Test paper 124. Discussion 144.1 Findings 144.2 Implications 14Conclusion 16References 17Acknowledgments 18Appendix 19Appendix 22IntroductionRecently, re

13、searchers begin to pay more and more attention to the importance of story teaching in English learning and teaching, and English elementary education develops unceasingly as well as the teaching methods. The crucial period for language development is during the primary school education period, there

14、fore setting up and having English classes in this period is not only in accordance with the physiological and psychological characteristics of learners, but also in accordance with the rules of language acquisition and may effectively promote the development of the learners mother tongue and the fo

15、reign language proficiency synchronically.The story teaching has been widely used in the primary school English teaching. Listening to stories is a shared social experience. Children share laughter, sadness, excitement and anticipation. This builds confidence and encourages social and emotional deve

16、lopment. The story teaching is not set in stone. It would develop childrens cooperation and coordination ability, stimulate students interest in learning English and enhance the quality of teaching. All the educationalists and practitioners hold a positive attitude towards stories, therefore it is m

17、eaningful to apply stories into English teaching and learning especially for kids. As a young learner, learning or acquisition of a foreign or second language means little difference. The content of learning will be of great importance. Stories can not only satisfy the young learners psychologically

18、 and physiologically, but can also provide contexts for understanding the culture, which will generate positive attitude to the second language and provide the context for memorizing words and phrases and so on, as well as a basis for further learning. Stories contribute a lot to language proficienc

19、y development.This paper intends to find out the effectiveness of adopting story teaching in the primary school English teaching. Specifically, hypotheses are as follows:1. What are students attitudes towards story teaching?2. Can students enhance their enthusiasm and interest by using story teachin

20、g?3. Can students enhance their grades by using story teaching?As a way of experiencing the world, the story teaching can arouse more and more teachers interest and be regarded as one of the most effective ways to be applied into English teaching in the primary schools. 1. Literature ReviewThis chap

21、ter reviews the definitions, characteristics, functions and principles on story teaching. It also includes that research on story teaching at home and abroad. This chapter will conduct a literature review to get an enlightening insight.1.1 Story Teaching1.1.1 The Definition of Story TeachingThe stor

22、y teaching is a mode of English teaching. Through creating a story situation, it can make students complete the story freely, and develop students language ability by repeating the story. Teachers based on the teaching content interspersed with some brief short story in orderthateverystudentmightund

23、erstand and attract students attention and stimulate interest in the students lectures. It is an easy teaching method to understand and study a language. The story teaching method is particularly suitable for low-grade students in the classroom teaching, the story is the portal of the children to un

24、derstand the world, and its charm is endless for children. According to the age characteristics and learning strategies of the pupils, teachers can make up interesting stories out of the new teaching contents to create lively and vivid language environment and stimulate the pupils interest in Englis

25、h.There are two common story teaching ways in primary English teaching. The first way of teaching is to put the story in front of each unit, and then teachers use a small story to present the main teaching content of this unit, after that, all the learning content and learning activities are carried

26、 out by stories. The second way of teaching is to put the story on the back of a unit, take it as a material to review and help students to develop new knowledge points, and cultivate the students interest in English reading and the ability of expression, provide students with a further opportunity

27、to learn English.1.1.2 The Characteristics of Story Teaching.This part, we put forward four features of story teaching on English teaching.First of all, Hendrickson has pointed out that language, pragmatics and cultural features are contained in English story, it could greatly limits for learners to

28、 provide comprehensible input, at the same time can help learners intelligibility output. In short, we create the situations in the story, the character of story, as well as language which could help students better understand the language and the use of language.In addition, stories in English teac

29、hing are more lively, simple and bright. How happened of the hero in the story? He has become the focus in students eyes, and students have desired for further study, under the guidance of teachers, students are self-initiative to learn language by themselves.Next, story teaching also has the charac

30、teristics of the expansibility, as well as language learning, the story teaching is not set in stone, it also can be used as a way of classroom import, while can be used as the final expanding links. While the teacher tells a wonderful English story, students can perform it by using the English voca

31、bulary, sentence patterns that they have learned.Finally, as other forms of activities in English teaching, the ultimate goal of story teaching is to enhance childrens English ability. English stories are playing an important role in childrens sociality, individuality, aesthetic, and many other aspe

32、cts1.1.3 The Function of Story Teaching The story teaching has been widely used in the primary school English teaching. This method can stimulate students interest in learning English and enhance the quality of teaching, and the story teaching in primary school has the following important role in English teaching.Firstly, story teaching can enhance students English learning

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