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1、八年级下英语教案八年级英语学科集体备课电子教案八年级英语学科集体备课电子教案主备课教师: 二次备课教师: 集体备课时间:课时编号1本课课题Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A 1a-2d本课课时Period 1主 备 内 容个性化修改记录教学目标1.Learn some key words: matter ,stomach, throat, neck, cough, toothache, headache.2.Learn some key phrases: have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, take ones t

2、emperature, have a fever, go to a doctor3.Grasp the target language: -Whats the matter?-I have a headache and I cant move my neck. -I think you lie down and rest.4.Developthestudentslisteningability.5.Beabletotalkabouthealth.6.Moral Object: Learn to care for yourself and others.重点难点Thesentencepatter

3、ns.教学方法1.Listeningpracticetotrainthestudentslisteningability.2.Pairwork教具准备或实验器材Somepictures.Ataperecorder教学过程Step 1. Lead-in1.First ask students to go over some words about parts of the body. -Whats this? -Head, mouth, ect.2.The teacher says: Today well learn some parts of the body. (head, mouth, e

4、ye, ear, back, stomach, heart, leg, foot and so on).3.Then the teacher shows some actions to express youre not feeling well. Forexample: headache, toothache, backache, have a cold, have a cough, etc.4.Help the students to ask: -Whats wrong with you? -I have a cold.5.Then ask students: What should I

5、do? Help students to say: You should(ask students to give you advice as much as they can.Step 2. Presentation1.Read the new words by the students first.2.Then check the students if they can read the new words by themselves correctly. If there is a mistake, the teacher must help them to correct it.3.

6、Ask the students to look at the pictures and write the correct letter for each part of the body.4.Then check the answers.Step 3. Practice1.Play the tape, students listen then number the names. Then check the answers.2.Have a student to read the conversation in the box aloud, then ask the students to

7、 work in pairs to make similar conversations. after three minutes, ask several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class.3.Ask the students to look at the pictures in 2a and ask and answer like this: Picture 1. T: Whats the matter with the girl? S1: She has a cough and a sore throat

8、. T: What should she do? S1: She should drink some hot tea with honey.Using the same way to teach the following pictures. The teacher write down the students advice: She/ He should lie down and rest. (see a dentist and get an X-ray) (take your temperature) (put some medicine on it)4.Play the tape tw

9、ice , the first time students listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them. The second time students match the problems with the advice.Check the answers with the whole class.5.Ask the students to make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.Step 4. Consolidation1.Play the tape

10、 for 2d, students listen and try to answer the following questions: a. Whats the matter with Lisa? b. Should she take her temperature? c. What should she do?2.Check the answers with the whole class.3.Explain the following language points in 2d: a.take ones temperature b.sound like+n/ving/clause

11、l weekend the same way e. for too long f. without doing sth g.lie down and rest h.hurt(p)-hurt作业布置1.Dictate the key words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue in 2d.教学反思八年级英语学科集体备课电子教案主备课教师: 二次备课教师: 集体备课时间:课时编号2本课课题Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section A 3a- 3c本课课时Period 2主 备 内 容个性化修改记录教学目标1.Grasp some

12、 key words and phrases: passenger, off, get off, to ones surprise onto, trouble, hit, right away, get into 2.Be able to understand the passage. 3.Developthestudentsreadingability.4.Moral Object: Learn to care for other people who are in trouble.重点难点The language points教学方法1.Readingpracticetotrainthes

13、tudentsreading ability.2.Pairwork3.Groupwork教具准备或实验器材Somepictures.Ataperecorder.教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1.The teacher says: Everybody may fall ill. If we see a sick person on our way to school or work, we should try our best to help them. Today, I will introduce some kind hearted people to you. Lets lear

14、n how to help others in the right way. Questions: T:Did you help others in the past? How did you do that? S: Yes, I did. I called 120 / I sent him in the hospital.Step 2. Presentation1.Have the students go through the passage quickly and have a discussion about the questions in 3a, the teacher encou

15、rages the students to express their own ideas. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know?2.Then ask the students to read the passage carefully and finish 3b.3.Check the answers with the whole class.4.Play the tape, and the students read after it, then work in groups of four t

16、o have a competition to practice their reading ability.5.Let the students work in groups of four to discuss the questions in 3c, after several minutes, the teacher chooses some students to express their own ideas,6.Grasp the following language points: a.go along Zhonghua Road b.see sb doing sth c.on

17、 the side of the road to e.shout for help f.without thinking twice g.get off the bus / get on the bus h.have a heart problem i.act quickly j.expect sb to do sth k.wait for the next bus ones surprise m.agree to do sth n.Thanks to sb time Step 3. Practice 1.Ask the students to fill in

18、 the blanks according to the passage. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without_twice. He got of and asked the woman what_. She said that the man had a heart problem and_go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act_. He told the passenger that he must take the man to the hosp

19、ital. He_most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But _his surprise, they all_ go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man on the bus. _to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “Its said that many people dont want to help others b

20、ecause they dont want any_ says one passenger, “But the driver didnt think about_. He only thought about _a life.”2.Check the answers with the whole class.作业布置1.Read the passage fluently. 2.Dictate the key words and phrases.教学反思八年级英语学科集体备课电子教案主备课教师: 二次备课教师: 集体备课时间:课时编号3本课课题Unit 1 Whats the matter?Gr

21、ammar Focus-4c本课课时Period 3主 备 内 容个性化修改记录教学目标1.Grasp the key phrases: cut herself, have colds, fall down 2.Grasp the use of “should”. 3.Be able to talk about the health problems and give some advice. 4.Practice the writing ability.重点难点1.Grasp the use of “should”.2.Be able to talk about the health pro

22、blems and give some advice.教学方法1.Pair work 2.Group work教具准备或实验器材1.A tape recorder 2.A projector教学过程1.Have the students finish the following exercises: a.I have a stomachache. (写出问句) b.He should see a doctor. (一般疑问句) c.I should put some medicine on it. (划线提问) f.Do you have a fever? (肯定回答) g.Does he h

23、ave a toothache? (否定回答)2.Check the answers with the whole class.Step 2. Presentation1.Play the tape for Grammar Focus, students listen and repeat aloud.2.Play the tape again, students listen and write down what they heard.3.Show the students a form, ask the students work in pairs to give their advic

24、e.NameProblemAdviceLiu Pengfall down Lucyhave a sore throat Mikehave a stomachache Jennycut herself Katehave a toothache Mary and Suehave colds Bobhave a sore back4.Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3. Practice1.Ask the students to fill in the blanks in 4a and practice the conversations in

25、 pairs2.Have the students circle the best advice for the health problems. Then encourage the students to add their own advice by working in groups of four.3.Check the answers with the whole class.4.For 4c, have a student acts a patient, and another student guess what the matter is her or him and giv

26、e some proper advice. Encourage more students to involve in it. For example: A: Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself when playing soccer? B: No, I didnt A: Did you fall down? B: Yes, I did. A: You should go home and get some rest.作业布置1.Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus and dictate them in the

27、 exercise books.2.Finish the exercise books.教学反思八年级英语学科集体备课电子教案主备课教师: 二次备课教师: 集体备课时间:课时编号4本课课题Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B1a - 1d本课课时Period 4主 备 内 容个性化修改记录教学目标1.Grasp the key words and phrases: bandage, sick, knee, nosebleed, put ones head back, put on a clean T-shirt, feel sick, have a noseble

28、ed, get hit on the head2.Be able to understand how to deal with the accidents that happen.3.Practice the listening and speaking abilities.4.Moral Objects: Set up the consciousness of self - protection, cultivate love for others重点难点Be able to understand how to deal with the accidents that happen教学方法

29、1.Listeningpracticetotrainthestudentslisteningability.2.Pairwork教具准备或实验器材Somepictures.Ataperecorder教学过程Step 1. Lead-in1.Teachin the new words using the following way: a.If you cut your finger, you should put a b_on the cut. b.The mother took care of the s_child day and night. c.If you have a n_, you

30、 had better put your head back. d.Be careful! or youll h_yourself. e.Tom got h_on the head when he was playing basketball with his classmates.2.Show the new words on the screen: bandage, sick, nosebleed, hurt, hit.Step 2. Presentation1. Play the game: One student mimes an illnesses, the other students guess the illness and give advice.2. The teacher show the three pictures on the scr

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