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Unit 7 Seeing a film 教案.docx

1、Unit 7 Seeing a film 教案单元整体分析1.单元整体描述:本单元的话题是邀请别人看电影,并根据提示写一写想看的电影。本单元以Jill 和同学商量去看电影的对话场景为主线,通过谈论影片的内容及特点,理解和体验核心词汇:exciting boring interesting等等,并运用核心句型:Shall we go and see a film this weekend? Sure! Id like to邀请、征求意见并作出回应。 2.全套教材中与本单元相关的教学内容分析:功能:邀请、建议、接受与拒绝 话题:邀请别人看电影语言知识:3BUnit5 ToysWhat do you

2、 like? I like robots.Unit6 Food and drinkWhat do you have?I have some bread and banana.4AUnit8 At the shopWhat would you like?Id like some tomatoes.5BUnit8 Buying clothesWhich dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?6AUnit6 E-friendWould you like to have a E-friend in other countries? 本单元通过复

3、习“what would you like to eat? Id like to”询问别人喜欢吃什么,引伸到学习关于征求意见的句型,Shall we? 以及不同的回答方式,Sure./Sorry.3.本册教材与此相关的内容分析:Unit6 E-friend 意愿与打算 Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?学 情分析1.本单元以seeing a film为主题展开教学活动,虽然孩子们都很喜欢看电影,但由于平时学习任务较为繁重,看电影的机会也不是很多,所以对于电影方面的知识了解的不多,这就需要老师一步步的启发和引导,运用各种方式来

4、增加学习的趣味性。2.创设不同的教学情景,介绍电影院和热门电影等展开新知识的学习与操练,在学习过程中适度扩展各种电影的类型和电影文化,十分贴近学生的生活与学习经历。单元总目标知识与技能:能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇能用句型Shall we?邀请别人参加活动或征求意见,同时能对别人的邀请做出适当的反应,用Id like to表达自己的意愿。能根据辅音字母s, c, z和ts, ds的发音规律,拼出简单的单词。过程与方法:以对话方式推动对语言的感知和理解。以阅读教学为主线,在创设日常活动情景中运用本单元的目标谈论有关电影的一些知识,以及如何回应别人的请求,并且会用简单的语言描述自己看过的电影

5、以及看完电影的感受。情感态度价值观:在seeing a film的主题中体验电影给我们的生活带来的乐趣,并且在现实生活中能够礼貌的向别人发出邀请或提出建议。教学方法与手段1.采用听说法,通过听录音,回答问题的方法感知和理解Listen and say这一核心板块。2.利用多媒体课件,通过观看各类电影海报,理解Ask and answer这一核心板块。3.采用交际教学法,通过谈论电影给人类带来的乐趣,能够写出一些自己爱看的电影并且和别人进行讨论。课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境第一课时Lookand learnListen and say单词shall polic

6、e exciting boring next timeinteresting boredexcited初步感知和运用目标词汇和目标语。1. 能用 Shall we? 句型征询他人的意见并能作出合理应答。2. 能用This film is about对电影做出简单的表述,感受电影带来的乐趣。3. 能用Id like to 表达自己喜欢做的事情。Seeing a film句型Shall we go and see a film this weekend?Sure!What would you like to see?第二课时Read a story单词kill asleep once up on

7、a timefall asleep a.m. magicp.m.wall通过Snow white故事巩固运用核心句型谈论故事特点、内容并拓展续写。. 能简单表达Snow White故事不同角色的喜好,感悟与人为善的道理。The film I like句型Shall we?What is it about?How is it?第三课时Learn the soundsAsk and answerThink and write单词学习辅音字母 s, c, z, ts, ds的发音,能区分s, c在不同单词中的发音。在语境中复习运用Shall we ? 句型表达邀请同伴看电影的对话。做一些适当的知识迁

8、移,询问自己的朋友周末的计划。My plan at the weekend.句型What is it about?语音s c z ts ds听音,全出与发音相关的字母组合。作业设计第第一课时1. Recite the dialogue on Students Book page 46.2. Act out the dialogue.3. Make four sentences that start with “Shall we .?”4. Finish Workbook pages 38 and 39.第二课时1. Complete Think and write on Students Bo

9、ok page 51.2. Listen to and read Students Book pages 46 to 49.3. Retell the story Snow White.4. Talk about a film that you like.5. Finish Workbook pages 39 and 41. 第第三课时1. Complete the dialogue in Ask and answer on Students Book page 50.2. Think of an activity to do this weekend. Make an invitation

10、to a friend.3. Finish Workbook pages 42 and 43.教学设计续页课题Period1 Seeing a film课型新授课时第1课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点 词汇:shall police exciting boring 句型:Shall we go and see a film this weekend? Sure.日常用语:What would you like to see? What is it about?板书设计Unit7 Seeing a filmPeriod1 Seeing a filmThey are films, Sno

11、w White and Police Story S1: Shall we see a film this weekend? S2: Sure. / Sorry. S1: What would you like to see? S2: Id like to see Its exciting/boring.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-taskreparations1Think and talkT: What do you like doing at the weekend?Ss: I like.Elicit: T: Do you like seeing films? S: Yes. I

12、 like seeing films.2、What do you need when you see the films?While-taskprocedures1、 Think and talkShow different kinds of films.What would you like to see?Id like to What do you think of this film? Its a/an film.Elicit: boring touching exciting interesting funny引导学生用I think the movie(电影名) is a/an (形

13、容词) film.2、 Free talkS1: What would you like to see?S2: Id like to see. its a/anfilm. How about you?S1: Id like to see. Because I think its a/anfilm.3、 Listen and sayWatch the video and answer the questions What are they going to do this weekend? What film would Kitty like to see? What does Kitty th

14、ink of the film? What would Peter like to see?4、 Think and report5、 Listen an fill in the blanks6. Ben is asking Kitty about her plan at the weekend. Complete the sentences.7.讲解Shall we.?( Invite somebody in a very polite way) 肯定回答:Sure./Certainly./My pleasure. 否定回答:Im sorry.8.Read the dialogue in g

15、roups9.Act out the dialogue. Post-taskactivities1.Think and talk.Show the poster of films.What would you like to see?Whats it about?Why do you want to see it?2.Make a dialogue and act.e.g. 1)A: Shall we see a film together? B: Sure. What would you like to see? A:Id like to see B: Me too. Lets go.2)

16、A: Shall we see a film together? B: Sure. Shall we see? A:Id like to see Its Shall we seenext time? B: OK.教学设计续页课题Period2 The film I like课型新授课时第2课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点 句型: Shall we.?词汇: kill asleep once upon a time fall asleep 板书设计Unit7 Seeing a filmPeriod 2 The film I likeSnow white教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pr

17、e-taskPreparations:Jill, Kitty and Peter are talking about the film they like.Show pictures of the movie.S: Snow WhiteWhile-taskprocedures:1.Talk about a movie Elicit: Snow whiteIntroduce important characters and information.a bad queen a magic mirror seven little men2. Watch the story and answer th

18、e questions What did the queen have? What could it do? Who was the fairest of all? What did the queen want to do? Did Snow white die? Then what did the queen do?3. Read the story a queen a magic mirror talk the fairest of all Snow White angry kill afraid ran away seven little friends stayed the fair

19、est of all snow white angry gave Snow White an apple6 tasted fell asleep4.Let act 5.Retell the story according to the pictures 6.故事续编What happened next? See the film and find out.Post-taskactivities1. Talk about the story.What do you think of this story? Why?Its a/an.story. Because.2. Think and talk

20、1) Show some film posters.What would you like to see?Whats it about?2)Watch two videos, choose your favourite film and answer the following questions.Whats the name of the film?Whats it about?3 What do you think of it?3) Writing教学设计续页课题Period3 My plan at the weekend课型新授课时第3课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点 语音:

21、s c z ts ds日常用语:What is it about?板书设计Unit7 Seeing a filmPeriod 3 My plan at the weekendhave a picnic fly a kite see a filmMy plan for the weekend_and I would like to_.Shall we.?We would like to_. _will_We are going to have a good time.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-taskPreparations:1. Think and sayWhats on at t

22、he cinemas?Shall we see a film on Saturday? SureWhile-taskprocedures:1.Read and findWhats its name? How long is it? Where is it on?Whats it about? When is it on?2. Ask and answer about Monkey King3.Pair workInvite your friend to see a film.4.Make a dialogue5.Think and report and I are going to see a

23、 film at The name of the film is Its about Its a/an film.6.Learn the soundss-see busc-cinema policez-zoo sizes-visit pleasets-lights partsds-cards cloudsPost-task activities1. My plan at the weekendWhat would you like to do with your friend this weekend? (知识迁移)2.Make a dialoguee.g.1) Shall we this w

24、eekend? Sure./Certainly./Yes, my pleasure Where shall we ?/ When shall we ?/ Who else will go with us?/ How ? Great! Lets go together!2) Shall we ? Im sorry, I at that time. Thats all right.3.Think and reportMy plan for the weekend _and I would like to_.We would like to_. _will_We are going to have a good time.

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