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天津市一年级快乐英语教案 下册.docx

1、天津市一年级快乐英语教案 下册Unit 1 Toys第一课时教学目标:1.知识目标:熟练掌握单词:A toy car , a toy gun, a doll, a balloon, a teddy bear2能力目标:Teach some sentences about greeting.How are you?I am fine, thank you.Just so so.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强师生之间的交流和感情。过程与方法:利用情景会话、单词卡片制作等各种形式的课内外活动来让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。教学重点:熟练掌握单词A toy car , a toy gun, a

2、doll, a balloon, a teddy bear教学难点:能够在日常生活中用How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 等来表达问候。教学工具:Words cards, recorder, steaker.教学过程:Step1 Greeting :T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.

3、P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:A,B,CChant:One two three four, come in plsase and close the doorFive six seven eight go to school and dont be late.Nine ten nine ten learn English again and again.Step 3 New class presentation:Revision:Arr

4、ange a game. to practiceHow are you?I am fine, thank you.Just so so.(拓展 fantastic!)Show the words cardsRead after the teacherMake a chant: I have a toy car, its a nice toy car.I have a . , its a nice .Practice by themselvesHave a matchLets the children run to the blackboard point the picture. and sa

5、y: I have a its a nice .Sing a song to end the classStep 4. HomeworkTo review the words.板书设计:Unit 1 ToysLesson 1A toy car a toy guna doll a balloona teddy bear教学反思: 第二课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:To review the words Weve learned, and give a chant for students.2能力目标:The students are required to be able to speak an

6、d use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.情感目标:The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English should b

7、e a fun, not a boring job.过程与方法:通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演、单词卡片等形式多样的活动让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。教学重点:熟悉单词:yellow, purple, brown,bounce掌握句子:Lets bounce the ball. Great!教学难点:Its difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.教学工具:Words

8、cards, recorder, steaker.教学过程:Step1 Greeting :T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:Step 3 New cl

9、ass presentation:teach the colour word “yellow”出示一张黄颜色气球的图片T:这是什么颜色的气球啊?Ss:黄色。T:right,这是黄色气球。(出示单词yellow,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音)teach the colour word “purple”出示一张紫色气球的图片T:这是什么颜色的气球啊?Ss:紫色。T:right.,这是紫色的气球。(出示单词purple,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音)出示brown的图片,用相同的方法教学生掌握单词。4. teach the phrases:lets .Lets bounc

10、e the ball.Great!5. lets chant! 有节奏,有感情,幽默的教学生理解并熟唱这一部分。Step 4. HomeworkTo review and remember the words.板书设计:Unit 1Lesson 2YellowBrownPurple教学反思: 第三课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:To review the words Weve learned, and give a chant for students.2能力目标:The students are required to be able to speak and use these new wo

11、rds freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.情感目标:The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English should be a fun, not a bor

12、ing job.过程与方法:通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演、单词卡片等形式多样的活动让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。教学重点:熟悉单词:train, car掌握句子:I have a car, my car is coming!教学难点:Its difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.教学工具:Words cards, recorder, steaker.教学过程:Ste

13、p1 Greeting :T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:Step 3 New class presentation:通过一段交通的Flash来引入本

14、课。teach the word “car”出示一张汽车的图片T:这是什么车啊?Ss:小汽车。T:right,这是小汽车。(出示单词car,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音)teach the word “train”出示一张火车的图片T:这是什么车啊?Ss:火车。T:right,这是火车。(出示单词train,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音)4. teach the sentence:I have a train. My train is coming.5. lets sing!I have a train. My train is coming.I have a ca

15、r. My car is coming.My train is coming. Oh, yeah!My car is coming. Oh, yeah!Step 4. HomeworkTo sing the song for parents.板书设计:Unit 1Lesson 3I have a train. My train is coming.I have a car. My car is coming.My train is coming. Oh, yeah!My car is coming. Oh, yeah!教学反思: 第四课时Unit 1 Toys第四课时教学重点 能听说、认读tr

16、ain、car、bus、teddy bear ball这五个玩具的单词教学难点 train、teddy bear的读音。教学准备教 师:1、课题卡片、车厢形状单词卡片;2、男孩女孩玩具盒;3、自制小汽车、球等玩具小贴画若干;4、五种玩具虚线图。学 生:水彩笔、蜡笔。教学过程(一) 热身1、自由对话教师亲切地和孩子们问候:Hello! How are you? 并通过Whats your name? How old are you? Whats this? What colour is it? Where is it? 等大量的问答逐步引导学生走入英语课堂。2教师点击课件播放歌曲Hello! H

17、ow are you?,让学生随着课件的歌曲声唱着、跳着跟老师和同学打招呼。清晰而优美的歌曲课件,为孩子们营造了轻松而又愉快的英语学习氛围。(二)导入教师神秘地拿出一个盒子让学生猜猜Whats in the box?学生们跃跃欲试,积极性很高,都想知道盒子里会是什么。在摸摸问问答答中,学生从已学的duck、fish等自然而然地引出新单词的学习。这样轻轻松松地导入本课的重难点学习,增强了学生的学习欲望,为新单词的学习打下坚实的基础。(三)新授、趁学生兴趣正浓,教师及时出示课题让学生跟读,紧接着出示car、bus、teddy bear、ball车厢形状的单词卡片,并画出相应的简笔画进行新知识的学习

18、,然后让学生通过车厢形状单词卡片的摆放猜猜Whats it like?引出单词train的学习。2、教师借鉴 PEP教材的lets do节奏结合玩具小汽车、公共汽车的叫声再配上好玩的动作,自编chant:train ,train ,train, choo! choo !choo!课件神奇而又富有动感的画面以及朗朗上口的chant,充分激发学生的学习热情,扫清了学生的学习障碍,使一年级学生在说说唱唱演演中自然而然地进一步掌握所学的新单词。(五)巩固延伸1、转盘游戏问答竞赛(1)教师将全班分成男孩队和女孩队,利用课件进行转盘游戏竞赛,选出两队队长喊出相应的口号激发本队队员的斗志。激烈的转盘游戏竞赛

19、让男孩女孩们情绪高涨,在转转答答赛赛中不断巩固所学的单词。(2)评出优胜队。、找玩具为了让学生在情境中运用所学知识,教师课前将玩具和玩具卡片放在教室不同的地方,通过What toys do you see? I see a Where is it? Its on/in the问答,让学生玩玩找找中将今天所学的单词运用到以前所学的句型中,真正做到学英语、用英语。、描一描、说一说爱涂爱描是小孩的天性,结合孩子们的这一特点以及教材的活动,教师发给每个学生一张玩具的自制的虚线图,要求学生用水彩笔、蜡笔按轮廓描出玩具图形,之后和同桌运用以前学过的Whats this? What colour is it

20、? 进行对话练习。教学反思: Unit 1 Toys第五课时Teaching aims;1. Review the words weve learned. Do the exercise books.2.Do a simple .dialogue using the words3. TO help each other.Teaching method:Let the students sing a English sone words and play a game,act and watch words cards to review the sentences.Teaching main

21、points:Revise the words:a toy car a toy gun a doll a balloon a teddy bearsentence:I have a car, my car is coming!Difficult points:Practise listeningTeaching tools:Words cards, recorder, Teaching procedure:Step 1.Warm up : Sing songs: Greetings :Good morning,Step 2. New class presentation: 1. Watch a

22、 flash to study Revise the wordsa toy car a toy gun a doll a balloon a teddy bear2. 1)Show the pictures2)Use the Led ,show a student answer on the screen The teacher correct the answers.3. teach the sentence:I have a train. My train is coming.4. lets sing! I have a train. My train is coming.I have a

23、 car. My car is coming.My train is coming. Oh, yeah!My car is coming. Oh, yeah! Step 4. Homework To sing the song for parents. Writings:教学反思: 第六课时Unit 1 ToysTeaching aims;2. Review the words weve learned. Do the exercise books.2.Do a simple .dialogue using the words4. TO help each other.Teaching met

24、hod:Let the students watch words cards and pictures to review the sentences.Teaching main points Revise the words:a toy car a toy gun a doll a balloon a teddy bearsentence:I have a car, my car is coming!Difficult points:Practise listeningTeaching tools:Words cards, recorder, computerTeaching procedu

25、res:Step 1.Warm up : Sing songs: Good morning,Step 2. New class presentation: 1.Show thestudents exercises using the led and see which student does the best. Give them some praise.3. Revise the word s1)Show the word pictures and train practice2Use the Led ,show a student answer on the screen The tea

26、cher correct the answers.4. teach the sentence:I have a train. My train is coming.5. lets do! S1: car, car,S2:doll,doll,S3:Step 4. HomeworkTo sing the song for parents.板书设计:Unit 1第六课时a toy cara dolla toy guna teddy beara doll教学反思: Unit 2 food第七课时一、Teaching aims:1 、Study new words:A hamburger, noodle

27、s, rice, 2、Study new sentences and use then freely about food: I like chicken, what about you?3、Sing songs,play games,act to arise the students, interest二、Procedure and method:Teaching main points:A hamburger, noodles, rice,Teaching difficult points:like hamburgers, what about you? Teaching tools:Wo

28、rds cards, recorder. Teaching procedure:Step 1:Warming- up :Sing songs:Dinner timeStep 2: presentation:1. New knowledges:hamburger, noodles, rice,I like hamburgers.I like noodles.I like rice.2.Have students look at the screen. Show students 5 food pictures one by one. They are noodles, vegetables, s

29、ome chickens and so on. But some part of the pictures can not be seen. Have students guess what it is. After they guessed, four kinds of spellings with each picture will appear. Only one kind of word spelling is right. Have them choose the right one. Then read after me twice.Students ActivityLook at

30、 the screen. Guess the food pictures. Choose the correct spelling with each picture. Read after the teacher.3. Sing a song to end the classStep 4. HomeworkTo review and remember the words and the sentences.Writing design:Unit 2 FoodLesson 1教学反思: 第八课时Unit 2 Food一、Teaching aims:1 、Study new words:vegetables

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