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1、三怪客泛舟记牛津书虫中英文双版本简介 这本书不是一本不朽的游记:讲的既不是横渡大洋的危险航行,又不是沿着亚马孙河的漂流探险,只不过是次小小的旅行,乘着一只小小的船。但是不管怎么说也算是次经历吧,是你、我,或者随便是谁都会遇到的返航之后,我们便会讲起有趣的故事 谁是这次旅行的主人公呢?有乔治,哈里斯和“杰”,(当然还有“元帅”,它是一只狗)。不论在什么地方,什么时候都能遇到这样的三个年轻人。他们掉进水里,把东西弄丢,吵架,又笑着和好,互相讲故事他们个个有远大的抱负,热情也很高,可就是到了早上谁也起不来。他们都想当伟大的探险家,可事实上,只要一下雨,他们还是愿意呆在暖和的火炉边,坐在舒适的椅子里。

2、 那我们的主人公在河上的经历到底怎么样啊?他们学会在篝火上煎鸡蛋了吗?学会不用启罐器就把罐头打开了吗?这就是他们的故事,三个怪客和一只狗在河上泛舟的故事。 杰罗姆K杰罗姆(18951927),写过许多著名小说和剧本。他非常喜欢划船,也喜欢泰晤士河。他这本最著名和幽默的小说三怪客泛舟记讲的就是他和朋友们的亲身经历。 Chapter 1 We decide to go on holiday There were four of us-George,and William Samuel Harris,and myself,and MontmorencyWe were sit-ting in my r

3、oom,and we were smoking and talking about how bad we were-ill,I mean,of course We were all feeling in poor health,and we were getting quite worried about itHarris said that he felt really bad sometimes,and he did not know what he was doingAnd then George said that he felt bad,too,and that he did not

4、 know what he was do-ing eitherWith me it was my heartI knew it was my heart because I had read something in a magazine about the symp-toms of a bad heartI had all of them It is a most extraordinary thing,but every time I read about an illness,I realize that I have it too-and that my symptoms are ve

5、ry bad!In fact,my health has always been a worry,I remember One day I had a little health problem,and I went to the British Museum Library to read about itI took the book off the library shelf,and I began to readAfter some time,I turned over the page and I began to read about another illnessI dont r

6、emember the name of the illness,but I know it was something really terribleI read about half a page-and then I knew that I had that disease too I sat there for a time,cold with horrorSlowly,I beqan to turn over more pagesI came to a disease which was worse than the last oneI began to read about it a

7、nd,as I expected,I had that disease tooThen I began to get really interested in myself,so went back to the beginning of the bookI started with the letteraand I read from atoz found that there was only one disease which I did not haveThis made me a little unhappyWhy didnt I have that disease too? Whe

8、n I walked into that reading-room,I was a happy,healthy young manWhen I left I was a very sick man,close to death But I was talking about my heart-nobody understood how ill I really wasI had this bad heart when I was a boyIt was with me all the timeI knew that it was my heart because I had all the s

9、ymptoms of a bad heartThe main symptom was that I did not want to workOf course,nobody understood that the problem was my heartDoctors were not so clever thenThey just thought that I was lazy! Why,you lazy boy,you,they used to sayGet up and do some work for once in your life!they did not understand

10、that I was ill And they did not give me medicine for this illness-they hit me on the side of the headIt is very strange,but those blows on my head often made the illness go away for a timeSometimes just one blow made the sickness disappear and made me want to start work immediately Anyway,that eveni

11、ng,George and William Harris and I sat there for half an hour,and described our illnesses to each otherI explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morningWilliam Harris told us how he felt when he went to bedThen George stood in front of the fire,and,with great feeling,h

12、e showed us how he felt in the night George always thinks he is ill,but really,there is never any-thing the matter with him,you know At that monent Mrs Poppets,my housekeeper,knocked on the doorShe wanted to know if we were ready to have supper We smiled sadly at each other,and then we said that per

13、haps we should try to eat somethingHarris said that a little food helped to prevent illnessSo Mrs Poppets brought the supper inWe sat down at the table,and for half an hour we managed to play with some steak and chips-and with a large cake that Mrs Poppets had made When we had made ourselves eat som

14、ething,we filled our glasses,and we lit our pipesThen we began to talk about our health againWe were not quite sure what was the matter with usHowever,we were all quite certain of one thing-we had been doing too much work We need a rest,Harris said A rest and a change,George added I agreed with Geor

15、ge,and I said that perhaps we could go to the countryWe could find a nice,quiet place and we could sit in the warm summer sunWe could go somewhere peaceful,far away from other people Harris said that he thought that would be awfulHe added that he had been to a place like that onceEveryone went to be

16、d at eight oclock,and he had to walk for an hour to buy cigarettes and a newspaper No,Harris saidIf you want a rest and a change,then the sea is best I said that this was a terrible ideaA sea trip is fine if you are going for a month or two-but not for a weekI know what it is like You start out on M

17、onday and you think that you are going to enjoy yourselfYou wave goodbye happily to your friendsYou walk up and down on the ship,like Captain Cook,Sir Francis Drake or Christopher ColumbusOn Tuesday you wish that you had not comeOn Wednesday,Thursday and Friday you wish that you were deadOn Saturday

18、 you are able to drink somethingYou begin to smile a little at the kind people who ask you how you areOn Sunday you start to walk again,and you eat a littleAnd on Monday morning,as you stand and wait to get off the ship-you begin to enjoy yourself I remember that a friend of mine once took a short s

19、ea trip from London to Liverpool for his healthHe bought a return ticket,but,when he got to Liverpool,he sold it and he came back by train So I was against the sea trip-not for myself,you understandI am never seasickBut I was afraid for GeorgeGeorge said he would be fineIn fact,he said he would quit

20、e like it,but he thought that Harris and I would both be illHarris said he was never seasickIn fact,he had often tried to be ill,but he had not succeededIt is very strange,but,when you are on land,you never meet anybody who has ever been seasick! So George said,Well,lets go up the river,thenHe added

21、,Well have fresh air on the riverThe hard work on the boat will make us hungry,so well enjoy our foodWell sleep well,too Harris replied,Well,you never have any trouble sleeping,anywayIn fact,youre always going to sleep! But,in the end,Harris agreed that it was a good ideaI thought that it was a good

22、 idea,tooThe only one who did not like the idea was Montmorency Its different for me,his face saidYou like it,but I dont!Theres nothing for me to doI dont smokeI dont like looking at the trees and the flowers,and when Im asleep youll play about with the boat and Ill fall over the side! Montmorencys

23、idea of a good time is to collect together all the most awful dogs he can find and then go round the town,looking for other awful dogs to fight But we were three to one,so we decided to go anyway 1 决定去渡假 我们一伙是四个乔治,威廉塞缪尔哈里斯,我,还有“元帅”。那天,大伙儿坐在我的房间里,抽烟、聊天,谈到我们的近况有多糟糕当然我指的是病得多糟糕。 大家都感到浑身不舒服,心里直发慌。哈里斯说他常常

24、觉得十分难受,不知道自己在干些什么。乔治说,他也经常发昏,不知道自己在干什么。至于我,是心脏病,因为我在一本杂志上看到过心脏有病的症状,我全都有。 说来真怪,每次看到有关各种疾病的情况,我就意识到自己也有而且还病得很重。坦率地说,我的身体一直令人担心。我还记得 有一次我有点小毛病,就去了大英博物馆查查医书。我从架子上拿下书,翻起来。不一会儿,翻到第二页,又看到另一种病。我记不清叫什么名字,但我知道是种极其凶险的不治之症。半页还没看完,我断定自己也得了这种病。 我坐在那儿,害怕得一阵阵发冷。接着又慢慢翻了几页,看到比前一个更可怕的病。读了症状,不出所料,我也有这个病。于是我开始对自己可能有的病感

25、兴趣了,便翻到开头,从字母“a”一直查到“z”,发现只有一种病我没有,心中还多少有点伤心,我怎么没把那个病也得了呢? 进阅览室的时候我还是快乐而健康的年轻人,可爬出来的时候已经是病魔缠身,离死神不远了。 回头再说说我的心脏没人知道我病得有多重。小时候,心脏就不好,这么多年来,这病一直没有离身。是心脏有病,肯定没错,因为所有病症我都有,主要一条是不愿意干活。当然,他们都不知道这是心脏有病的原因。那时候医生也不大高明。在他们看来,我得了懒病。 “哼!你这个懒家伙,”他们常这么说。“快起来!你就不能干点正经活?!”他们哪里明白我有病啊! 还有,他们不给我吃药,还敲我脑袋。说也奇怪,敲几下的确管用,病

26、就好一会儿,有时敲一下,病就没了,我急着逃开去干我的活。 书归正传,那天晚上我们在屋里坐了半个小时,彼此诉说患病的痛楚。我对乔治和哈里斯讲早晨起床时有多么难受;哈里斯告诉我们他睡觉时有多么难受;而乔治站在火炉边,滔滔不绝地说着他晚上有多么难受。 乔治总以为自己有病,可你知道,其实根本没有那回事。 这时候,管家波贝丝太太敲了敲门,问我们是不是准备吃晚饭。 我们彼此苦笑了一下,说没办法,勉强吃点什么吧。哈里斯说吃点东西可以抵抗疾病。波贝丝太太把饭端进来,我们坐在桌边,足足有半个小时,把牛排,薯条摆弄来,摆弄去,盯着波贝丝太太做的蛋糕看了又看。 好不容易强迫自己吃了点什么,我们又斟满了酒,点上烟斗,

27、继续讨论我们的健康问题。到底得了什么病,我们也不清楚,但有一点大家都同意的是我们都劳累过度。 “我们需要休息,”哈里斯说。 “休息,还要换个环境,”乔治补充道。 我完全同意乔治的建议,我们或许可以去乡下,找一个美丽、幽静的地方,远离尘嚣,享受夏天明媚的阳光。 哈里斯说这主意可不怎么样。他说以前去过这样的地方,可受不了,大家八点钟就得去睡觉,要买香烟和报纸得走一个小时。 “我不同意,”哈里斯说。“要休息、改变环境的话,海上旅行是最好不过了。” 我说海上旅行的主意简直太可怕了,要是去一两个月还可以,如果只有一个星期可没意思。我知道那会是怎么样 星期一出发的时候,你满心想着到海上享受一番,高高兴兴地

28、和岸上的朋友挥手告别,在船上来来去去地走,就象自己成了库克船长,弗兰西斯杜雷克爵士或哥伦布。星期二,你就有点后悔了,希望没来这一趟。星期三、四、五,你觉得生不如死。星期六稍稍能喝点东西;好心的旅客问起你的情况,你也能冲他们笑一下了。星期天,你开始走动走动,吃点东西。又到星期一的早晨,你站在船舷上准备上岸了,这才感到海上旅行有意思。 我记得有次一个朋友休养身体去短期旅行。他买了从伦敦到利物浦的双程船票,可一到利物浦,他立刻卖掉船票,后来自己坐火车回来了。 所以,我坚决反对去海上旅行当然这并不是为我自己,我是从来不晕船的。我是担心乔治。可乔治却说他没事,他倒是很喜欢这个主意,但是他怕哈里斯和我会病

29、倒。可哈里斯说他从来不晕船,坦白说,他倒总想生病,可就是总不成功。真是怪事,在陆地上,你甭想碰到哪个人说自己晕船。 乔治说:“好吧,咱们还是到河上玩玩吧。”他又说:“河上也有新鲜空气,忙忙碌碌的,一会儿就饿了,这样既增进了食欲又能睡得香甜。” 哈里斯答道:“哼!你就没有睡不着的时候。直说了吧,你总昏昏欲睡的。” 不过,哈里斯还是同意这个主意不错,我也认为是个好点子。唯一不喜欢这个想法的是“元帅”。 “你们想得倒挺美,”它摆出一副面孔,“你们喜欢,我可不喜欢!河上我没什么事好干。我又不抽烟,又不喜欢看什么树啊,花啊的。况且,我睡觉的时候你们还一个劲地在船上玩,我会摔到河里去的!” “元帅”脑子里

30、最妙的事不过是把所有的癞皮狗聚齐,在城里瞎转,找另外一群癞皮狗开战。 最后,三比一,我们还是决定出发了。 Chapter 2 We start to make plans We pulled out the maps and we discussed plans We decided to start on the following SaturdayHar-ris and I would go down to Kingston in the morning and take the boat up to Chertsey,but George could not leave the City

31、 until the afternoon(George goes to sleep at a bank from ten oclock until four oclock from Monday to FridayOn Satur-day they wake him up and put him out onto the street at two oclock)So George was going to meet us at Chertsey The next question was where to sleep at night George and I did not want to sleep in hotels at nightWe wanted to sleep outsideHow beautiful,we said,in the country,by the river,with the birds,the flowers and the trees all around us! I can imagine it easily At the end of the d

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